quantum materials and devices, nanoscale thermodynamics, molecular electronics, solid-state nanopores, quantum sensing, atomically precise engineering
The overarching theme of my research is to engineer materials at the atomic and molecular level with the aim of harnessing their properties for emerging quantum and nanotechnologies. Throughout my career I have worked at the cutting edge of physics, materials science, and chemistry, with a view towards translating fundamental science into real-world technology.
Research Interests:
The overarching theme of my research is to engineer quantum effects in atomic- and molecular-scale devices. During my PhD I developed novel scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to investigate the properties of individual dopant atoms in silicon that hold a significant promise for quantum computation. In particular, I mapped out the quantum mechanical wavefunction of atoms that where placed with atomic precision in the silicon substrate. Following my PhD, I started to apply his expertise in quantum transport to molecular-scale devices as an independent researcher. My research now covers a broad range of research topics from fundamental studies of electron transfer in individual molecules, and nanoscale thermodynamics, to applications including solid-state nanopores for DNA sequencing and molecular data storage, and single-molecule biosensors for rapid pathogen detection.
Research highlights from my independent career include the observation of nuclear tunnelling in a graphene-based single-molecule transistor and direct entropy measurement in a nanoscale quantum system. Most recently, I have begun developing atomically precise materials for energy harvesting applications. The scope and impact of my work is reflected by the patents that I have filed on devices for quantum computing, DNA sequencing, neuromorphic computing, and nanoscale manufacturing.
A summary of the work conducted under my supervision is given below.
Quantum interference: Dirac considered the superposition principle by which every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states to be the most fundamental principle in quantum mechanics. I study the quantum superposition – and the resulting quantum interference – of electrons in low-dimensional nanostructures, including nanowires that are only about silicon 30 atoms in diameter and atomically-thin graphene nanoconstrictions. A telling illustration of the quantum, wave-like, nature of electrons on the atomic and molecular scale is the observation of Fano resonances. First observed by Majorana in atomic excitation spectra, a Fano resonance is wave phenomenon that results from the inference between a continuum of states and a discrete state. Quantum inference in nanometre wide graphene constrictions leads to asymmetric electrical conductance peaks that have a characteristic Fano lineshape and have no classical counterpart. The ability to harness quantum interference in atomic- and molecular-scale systems make them into attractive components in designing functional circuits. Of particular interest in this respect is the question of how much ‘quantumness’ these systems should have for optimal performance. My research shows that electrical conductance in molecular systems is most efficient when it is at the boundary between wave-like quantum transport and particle-like classical transport.
Single-molecule devices: Electron transfer is a ubiquitous chemical process, playing a role in everything from battery technology to our sense of smell. My research on charge transport in single-molecule transistors established the connection between the well-known Marcus theory for electron transfer in chemistry and the orthodox theory of sequential electron tunnelling in physics. Building on my previous work on fabricating and characterising graphene-based single-molecule transistors, and studying the interaction between electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom in these systems, I was able to pinpoint the contribution of nuclear tunnelling (the motion of nuclei through a classically forbidden region) upon reduction or oxidation of an individual molecule. The experimental verification of the theoretical framework to describe charge transport in the presence of electron-vibrational interactions has made a significant contribution in the field of single-molecule electronics. However, the success in contacting individual molecules using graphene nanoelectrodes has not only enabled new science, but also lead to a patent on their use for single-molecule DNA sequencing which is currently licensed to a world-leading biotechnology company based in the UK.
Nanoscale thermodynamics: Heat engines are one of the central tenets of thermodynamics. In cyclical heat engines, a working gas moves through a reversible cycle to transfer heat between a hot and a cold reservoir and perform useful work. The steam engine and the internal combustion engine are two well-known examples of cyclical heat engines. Particle-exchange heat engines also convert thermal energy into useful work, however heat is transferred from a hot to a cold reservoir via the exchange of particles, for example electrons, in a finite energy range. I have created single-electron heat engines where a molecule or quantum dot is placed between a hot and a cold reservoir and the useful work is done by electrons moving against the applied electric field to generate power. Using these single-electron heat engines I was not only able to demonstrate the fundamental limits of the Seebeck coefficient that relates the net charge flow to the temperature difference, but also the effect of level-degeneracy and electron-vibrational interactions.Interestingly, the heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency in these spin-degenerate systems is direct measure for the entropy difference ∆S = kBln2 between one and two micro-states.
Examples of research funding:
Current funding:
£1.4M UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (January 2020 – December 2023): Molecular Network Heat Engines (PI)
£1.5M EPSRC Platform Grant (August 2018 – July 2023): From Nanoscale Structure to Nanoscale Function (Co-I)
Previous funding:
£5.2M EPSRC Programme Grant (January 2016 – December 2021): Quantum Effects in Electronic Nanodevices (Co-I)
£625k RAEng Research Fellowship (August 2018 – July 2021): Single-molecule electronics (PI)
£1.5 EPSRC Quantum Technology Capital (April 2016 – March 2019): An extensible simulation and test platform for quantum and quantum enabled technologies (Co-I)
£304k Dstl PhD Scholarship (February 2015 – August 2018): Fast, precise electric field sensing using quantum single-electron devices (PI)
£99k Royal Society Newton Fellowship (January 2014 – December 2015): Quantum readout of an electron-spin-resonance transistor (PI)

Publications of specific relevance to the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Thermoelectric Limitations of Graphene Nanodevices at Ultrahigh Current DensitiesEvangeli C, Swett J, Spiece J, McCann E, Fried J, Harzheim A, Lupini AR, Briggs GAD, Gehring P, Jesse S, Kolosov OV,
Mol JA and Dyck O
Acs Nano,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 18 (17), 11153-11164.
Quantum interference enhances the performance of single-molecule transistorsChen Z, Grace IM, Woltering SL, Chen L, Gee A, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Bogani L,
Mol JA, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL and
Thomas JO Nature Nanotechnology,
Springer Nature vol. 19 (7), 986-992.
Connections to the Electrodes Control the Transport Mechanism in Single‐Molecule TransistorsChen Z, Woltering SL, Limburg B, Tsang M, Baugh J, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA, Anderson HL and
Thomas JO Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
Wiley vol. 63 (16)
DNA Linked Mixed-Dimensional Heterostructures: The Designing, Nanoscale Control and Device Applications of Tmdc-Quantum Dot NanohybridsChen K, Talha-Dean T, Zheng T, Dimitrov S,
Mol J and Palma M
Ecs Meeting Abstracts,
The Electrochemical Society vol. MA2023-01 (13), 1309-1309.
Phase-Coherent Charge Transport through a Porphyrin NanoribbonChen Z, Deng J-R, Hou S, Bian X, Swett JL, Wu Q, Baugh J, Bogani L, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL and
Thomas JO Journal of The American Chemical Society,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 145 (28), 15265-15274.
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics in a single-molecule quantum systemPyurbeeva E,
Thomas JO and
Mol JA Materials For Quantum Technology,
Iop Publishing vol. 3 (2)
Exceptionally clean single-electron transistors from solutions of molecular graphene nanoribbonsNiu W, Sopp S, Lodi A, Gee A, Kong F, Pei T, Gehring P, Nägele J, Lau CS, Ma J, Liu J, Narita A,
Mol J, Burghard M, Müllen K, Mai Y, Feng X and Bogani L
Nature Materials,
Springer Nature vol. 22 (2), 180-185.
Nanoscale Control of DNA-Linked MoS2-Quantum Dot HeterostructuresTalha-Dean T, Chen K, Mastroianni G, Gesuele F,
Mol J and
Palma M Bioconjugate Chemistry 18-01-2023
Ordered arrays of gold nanoparticles crosslinked by dithioacetate linkers for molecular devicesAsaad M, Vezzoli A, Daaoub A, Borowiec J, Pyurbeeva E, Sadeghi H, Sangtarash S, Higgins SJ and
Mol JA Journal of Materials Chemistry C,
Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (16), 5431-5437.
One hour road to high-quality arrays of gold nanoparticles coated with organic ligandsDegousée T, Neal WG, Edwards Z, Singh S, Selvarajah J, Talha-Dean T,
Palma M, Schroeder BC and
Mol JA Journal of Materials Chemistry C,
Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (47), 16518-16526.
Electronic measurements of entropy in meso- and nanoscale systemsPyurbeeva E,
Mol JA and Gehring P
Chemical Physics Reviews vol. 3 (4), 041308-041308.
Charge-State Dependent Vibrational Relaxation in a Single-Molecule JunctionBian X, Chen Z, Sowa JK, Evangeli C, Limburg B, Swett JL, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Anderson HL,
Mol JA and
Thomas JO Physical Review Letters,
American Physical Society vol. 129 (20)
Localised solid-state nanopore fabrication via controlled breakdown using on-chip electrodesFried JP, Swett JL, Nadappuram BP, Fedosyuk A, Gee A, Dyck OE, Yates JR, Ivanov AP, Edel JB and
Mol JA Nano Research vol. 15 (11), 9881-9889.
Contrast Mechanisms in Secondary Electron e-Beam-Induced Current (SEEBIC) ImagingDyck O, Swett JL, Evangeli C, Lupini AR,
Mol J and Jesse S
Microscopy and Microanalysis vol. 28 (5), 1567-1583.
Statistical signature of electrobreakdown in graphene nanojunctionsEvangeli C, Tewari S, Kruip JM, Bian X, Swett JL, Cully J,
Thomas J, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America vol. 119 (27)
Mapping Conductance and Switching Behavior of Graphene Devices In Situ (Small Methods 3/2022)Dyck O, Swett JL, Evangeli C, Lupini AR,
Mol JA and Jesse S
Small Methods vol. 6 (3), 2270020-2270020.
Mapping Conductance and Switching Behavior of Graphene Devices In SituDyck O, Swett JL, Evangeli C, Lupini AR,
Mol JA and Jesse S
Small Methods,
Wiley-Blackwell 15-12-2021
Exploiting rotational asymmetry for sub-50 nm mechanical nanocalligraphyFarmakidis N, Swett JL, Youngblood N, Li X, Evangeli C, Aggarwal S,
Mol JA and Bhaskaran H
Microsystems and Nanoengineering,
Springer Nature [Academic Journals on Nature.Com] vol. 7 (1)
Controlling the Entropy of a Single-Molecule JunctionPyurbeeva E, Hsu C, Vogel D, Wegeberg C, Mayor M, Van Der Zant H,
Mol JA and Gehring P
Nano Letters: a Journal Dedicated to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
American Chemical Society 12-11-2021
Bias-driven conductance switching in encapsulated graphene nanogapsPyurbeeva E, Swett JL, Ye Q, Kennedy OW and
Mol JA Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 119 (13)
Understanding Electrical Conduction and Nanopore Formation During Controlled BreakdownFried JP, Swett JL, Nadappuram BP, Fedosyuk A, Sousa PM, Briggs DP, Ivanov AP, Edel JB,
Mol JA and Yates JR
Small vol. 17 (37)
Experimental evidence of disorder enhanced electron-phonon scattering in graphene devicesEvangeli C, McCann E, Swett JL, Tewari S, Bian X,
Thomas JO, Briggs GAD, Kolosov OV and
Mol JA Carbon vol. 178, 632-639.
A Thermodynamic Approach to Measuring Entropy in a Few-Electron NanodevicePyurbeeva E and
Mol JA Entropy,
Mdpi vol. 23 (6)
In situ solid-state nanopore fabrication.Fried JP, Swett JL, Nadappuram BP,
Mol JA, Edel JB, Ivanov AP and Yates JR
Chem Soc Rev vol. 50 (8), 4974-4992.
Roadmap on quantum nanotechnologiesLaucht A, Hohls F, Ubbelohde N, Gonzalez-Zalba MF, Reilly DJ, Stobbe S, Schröder T, Scarlino P, Koski JV, Dzurak A, Yang CH, Yoneda J, Kuemmeth F, Bluhm H, Pla J, Hill C, Salfi J, Oiwa A, Muhonen JT, Verhagen E,
et al. Nanotechnology vol. 32 (16)
Graphene nanogaps for the directed assembly of single-nanoparticle devicesCully JJ, Swett JL, Willick K, Baugh J and
Mol JA Nanoscale vol. 13 (13), 6513-6520.
Imaging Secondary Electron Emission from a Single Atomic LayerDyck O, Swett JL, Lupini AR,
Mol JA and Jesse S
Small Methods vol. 5 (4)
Charge transport through extended molecular wires with strongly correlated electronsThomas JO, Sowa JK, Limburg B, Bian X, Evangeli C, Swett JL, Tewari S, Baugh J, Schatz GC, Briggs GAD, Anderson HL and
Mol JA Chemical Science,
Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (33), 11121-11129.
Graphene-Based Single-Electron TransistorsHarzheim A and
Mol J In
21st Century Nanoscience – a Handbook,
Taylor & Francis 22-04-2020
Erratum: Beyond Marcus theory and the Landauer-Büttiker approach in molecular junctions: A unified framework (Journal of Chemical Physics (2018)(149) (154112) DOI: 10.1063/1.5049537)Sowa JK,
Mol JA, Briggs GAD and Gauger EM
Journal of Chemical Physics,
Aip Publishing vol. 152 (9)
Role of metallic leads and electronic degeneracies in thermoelectric power generation in quantum dotsHarzheim A, Sowa JK, Swett JL, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA and Gehring P
Physical Review Research,
American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (1)
Large amplitude charge noise and random telegraph fluctuations in room-temperature graphene single-electron transistorsFried JP, Bian X, Swett JL, Kravchenko II, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Nanoscale,
Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 12 (2), 871-876.
Understanding resonant charge transport through weakly coupled single-molecule junctionsThomas JO, Limburg B, Sowa JK, Willick K, Baugh J, Briggs GAD, Gauger EM, Anderson HL and
Mol JA Nature Communications,
Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1)
Charge-state assignment of nanoscale single-electron transistors from their current-voltage characteristicsLimburg B,
Thomas JO, Sowa JK, Willick K, Baugh J, Gauger EM, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA and Anderson HL
Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 11 (31), 14820-14827.
A Versatile Common Platform for Quantum Transport Measurements in Fluidic, Cryogenic, and In Situ Electron Microscopy EnvironmentsSwett JL, Kravchenko II, Dyck OE, Jesse S and
Mol JA Microscopy and Microanalysis,
Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 25 (S2), 972-973.
Marcus Theory of Thermoelectricity in Molecular JunctionsSowa JK,
Mol JA and Gauger EM
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 123 (7), 4103-4108.
Quantum interference in silicon one-dimensional junctionless nanowire field-effect transistorsSchupp FJ, Mirza MM, MacLaren DA, Briggs GAD, Paul DJ and
Mol JA Physical Review B vol. 98 (23)
Geometrically Enhanced Thermoelectric Effects in Graphene NanoconstrictionsHarzheim A, Spiece J, Evangeli C, McCann E, Falko V, Sheng Y, Warner JH, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA, Gehring P and Kolosov OV
Nano Letters vol. 18 (12), 7719-7725.
Engineering Interface-Dependent Photoconductivity in Ge2Sb2Te5 Nanoscale DevicesSarwat SG, Youngblood N, Au Y-Y,
Mol JA, Wright CD and Bhaskaran H
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 10 (51), 44906-44914.
Beyond Marcus theory and the Landauer-Büttiker approach in molecular junctions: A unified framework.Sowa JK,
Mol JA, Briggs GAD and Gauger EM
J Chem Phys vol. 149 (15), 154112-154112.
Low-Frequency Noise in Graphene Tunnel JunctionsPuczkarski P, Wu Q, Sadeghi H, Hou S, Karimi A, Sheng Y, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Acs Nano vol. 12 (9), 9451-9460.
Anchor Groups for Graphene-Porphyrin Single-Molecule TransistorsLimburg B,
Thomas JO, Holloway G, Sadeghi H, Sangtarash S, Hou ICY, Cremers J, Narita A, Müllen K, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA and Anderson HL
Advanced Functional Materials vol. 28 (45)
Challenges in fabricating graphene nanodevices for electronic DNA sequencingFried JP, Swett JL, Bian X and
Mol JA Mrs Communications vol. 8 (3), 703-711.
Spiro-Conjugated Molecular Junctions: Between Jahn-Teller Distortion and Destructive Quantum InterferenceSowa JK,
Mol JA, Briggs GAD and Gauger EM
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters vol. 9 (8), 1859-1865.
Revealing Strain-Induced Effects in Ultrathin Heterostructures at the NanoscaleSarwat SG, Tweedie M, Porter BF, Zhou Y, Sheng Y,
Mol J, Warner J and Bhaskaran H
Nano Letters,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 18 (4), 2467-2474.
Field-Effect Control of Graphene-Fullerene Thermoelectric NanodevicesGehring P, Harzheim A, Spièce J, Sheng Y, Rogers G, Evangeli C, Mishra A, Robinson BJ, Porfyrakis K, Warner JH, Kolosov OV, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Nano Letters vol. 17 (11), 7055-7061.
Environment-assisted quantum transport through single-molecule junctionsSowa JK,
Mol JA, Briggs GAD and Gauger EM
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 19 (43), 29534-29539.
Double quantum dot memristorLi Y, Holloway GW, Benjamin SC, Briggs GAD, Baugh J and
Mol JA Physical Review B vol. 96 (7)
Graphene nanoelectrodes for biomolecular sensingPuczkarski P, Swett JL and
Mol JA Journal of Materials Research,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 32 (15), 3002-3010.
Scaling Limits of Graphene Nanoelectrodes.Sarwat SG, Gehring P, Rodriguez Hernandez G, Warner JH, Briggs GAD,
Mol JA and Bhaskaran H
Nano Lett vol. 17 (6), 3688-3693.
One dimensional transport in silicon nanowire junction-less field effect transistorsMirza MM, Schupp FJ,
Mol JA, MacLaren DA, Briggs GAD and Paul DJ
Scientific Reports,
Springer Nature vol. 7 (1)
Distinguishing Lead and Molecule States in Graphene-Based Single-Electron Transistors.Gehring P, Sowa JK, Cremers J, Wu Q, Sadeghi H, Sheng Y, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Acs Nano vol. 11 (6), 5325-5331.
Vibrational effects in charge transport through a molecular double quantum dotSowa JK,
Mol JA, Briggs GAD and Gauger EM
Physical Review B vol. 95 (8)
Interference-based molecular transistorsLi Y,
Mol JA, Benjamin SC and Briggs GAD
Scientific Reports,
Springer Nature vol. 6 (1)
Quantum Interference in Graphene NanoconstrictionsGehring P, Sadeghi H, Sangtarash S, Lau CS,
Liu J, Ardavan A, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Nano Letters vol. 16 (7), 4210-4216.
Charge-Insensitive Single-Atom Spin-Orbit Qubit in Silicon.Salfi J,
Mol JA, Culcer D and Rogge S
Phys Rev Lett vol. 116 (24), 246801-246801.
Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model with dopant atoms in siliconSalfi J,
Mol JA, Rahman R, Klimeck G, Simmons MY, Hollenberg LCL and Rogge S
Nature Communications,
Springer Nature vol. 7 (1)
Redox-Dependent Franck–Condon Blockade and Avalanche Transport in a Graphene–Fullerene Single-Molecule TransistorLau CS, Sadeghi H, Rogers G, Sangtarash S, Dallas P, Porfyrakis K, Warner J, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Nano Letters,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 16 (1), 170-176.
Three-terminal graphene single-electron transistor fabricated using feedback-controlled electroburningPuczkarski P, Gehring P, Lau CS,
Liu J, Ardavan A, Warner JH, Briggs GAD and
Mol JA Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 107 (13)
Interface-induced heavy-hole/light-hole splitting of acceptors in siliconMol JA, Salfi J, Rahman R, Hsueh Y, Miwa JA, Klimeck G, Simmons MY and Rogge S
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 106 (20)
Conductance enlargement in picoscale electroburnt graphene nanojunctionsSadeghi H,
Mol JA, Lau CS, Briggs GAD, Warner J and Lambert CJ
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America,
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 112 (9), 2658-2663.
Graphene-porphyrin single-molecule transistorsMol JA, Lau CS, Lewis WJM, Sadeghi H, Roche C, Cnossen A, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL and Briggs GAD
Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 7 (31), 13181-13185.
Probing a Single Acceptor in a Silicon Nanotransistorvan der Heijde J, Salfi J,
Mol JA, Verduijn J, Tettamanzi GC, Hamilton AR, Collaert N and Rogge S
2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW)., 1-2.
Spatially resolving valley quantum interference of a donor in siliconSalfi J,
Mol JA, Rahman R, Klimeck G, Simmons MY, Hollenberg LCL and Rogge S
Nature Materials,
Springer Nature vol. 13 (6), 605-610.
Comparative study of tight-binding and ab initio electronic structure calculations focused on magnetic anisotropy in ordered CoPt alloyZemen J, Mašek J, Kučera J,
Mol JA, Motloch P and Jungwirth T
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,
Elsevier vol. 356, 87-94.
Probing the Spin States of a Single Acceptor Atomvan der Heijden J, Salfi J,
Mol JA, Verduijn J, Tettamanzi GC, Hamilton AR, Collaert N and Rogge S
Nano Letters,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 14 (3), 1492-1496.
Nanoscale control of graphene electrodesLau CS,
Mol JA, Warner JH and Briggs GAD
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 16 (38), 20398-20401.
Transport through a single donor in p-type siliconMiwa JA,
Mol JA, Salfi J, Rogge S and Simmons MY
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 103 (4)
Interplay between quantum confinement and dielectric mismatch for ultrashallow dopantsMol JA, Salfi J, Miwa JA, Simmons MY and Rogge S
Physical Review B,
American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 87 (24)
Circuits with Single-Atom DevicesMol JA and Rogge S
Single-Atom Nanoelectronics,
Taylor & Francis 341-356.
Circuits with Single-Atom DevicesMol JA and Rogge S
Single-Atom Nanoelectronics 329-343.
Querying a quasi-classical Oracle: One-bit function identification problem implemented in a single atom transistorFresch B, Verduijn J,
Mol JA, Rogge S and Remacle F
Epl (Europhysics Letters),
Iop Publishing vol. 99 (2)
Balanced ternary addition using a gated silicon nanowireMol JA, van der Heijden J, Verduijn J, Klein M, Remacle F and Rogge S
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 99 (26)
Integrated logic circuits using single-atom transistorsMol JA, Verduijn J, Levine RD, Remacle F and Rogge S
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America,
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 108 (34), 13969-13972.
Single Ion Implantation into Si-Based DevicesJohnson BC, Tettamanzi G, Yang C, Alves A, Van Donkelaar J, Thompson S, Verduijn A,
Mol JA, Wacquez R, Vinet M, Dzurak A, Sanquer M, Rogge S and Jamieson D
ECS Transactions. vol. 33 (11), 179-189.
Electrically Addressing a Molecule-Like Donor Pair in Silicon: An Atomic Scale Cyclable Full Adder LogicYan Y,
Mol JA, Verduijn J, Rogge S, Levine RD and Remacle F
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 114 (48), 20380-20386.
Single Dopant Implantation into a Nanoscale MOSFET DevicesJohnson BC, Alves A, Van Donkelaar J, Thompson S, Yang C, Jamieson D, Verduijn A,
Mol J, Tettamanzi G, Rogge S, Wacquez R, Vinet M and Dzurak A
Ecs Meeting Abstracts,
The Electrochemical Society vol. MA2010-02 (23), 1570-1570.
Drain current modulation in a nanoscale field-effect-transistor channel by single dopant implantationJohnson BC, Tettamanzi GC, Alves ADC, Thompson S, Yang C, Verduijn J,
Mol JA, Wacquez R, Vinet M, Sanquer M, Rogge S and Jamieson DN
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 96 (26)
A low temperature surface preparation method for STM nano-lithography on Si(100)Mol JA, Beentjes SPC and Rogge S
Applied Surface Science,
Elsevier vol. 256 (16), 5042-5045.
Ternary logic implemented on a single dopant atom field effect silicon transistorKlein M,
Mol JA, Verduijn J, Lansbergen GP, Rogge S, Levine RD and Remacle F
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 96 (4)
Reconfigurable Logic Devices on a Single Dopant Atom—Operation up to a Full Adder by Using Electrical SpectroscopyKlein M, Lansbergen GP,
Mol JA, Rogge S, Levine RD and Remacle F
Wiley vol. 10 (1), 162-173.
Pulsed field induced magnetization switching in (Ga,Mn)AsLi Z,
Mol JA, Lagae L, Borghs G, Mertens R and Van Roy W
Applied Physics Letters,
Aip Publishing vol. 92 (11)