Prof Isabelle Mareschal

Isabelle Mareschal

Professor of Visual Cognition
Director of Research

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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emotion, gaze, social interaction, adversity, global health


In my lab research falls into two streams. Firstly, we examine how controlled measurements of visual perception (psychophysics) can be extended to realistic stimuli and situations. This research investigates how humans detect simple or basic visual features (such as edges) as well as more complex image categories and how factors such as attention can modulate perception. We use a combination of behavioural, psychophysical and eye tracking tools.

A second research stream addresses basic issues of social neuroscience and person perception. We investigate how precise people are at making judgments about other people, such as judging their direction of attention, or their facial expressions. This work is carried out in healthy adult populations and in populations who have experienced adversity.