Dr Henry Giddens

Henry Giddens


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Antennas, Additive Manufacturing, Software Defined Radios, Antenna Measurement Techniques, EM Materials


My research interests include active antennas, antenna arrays and beam shaping through active and passive materials from microwaves to mm-waves. I have developed antenna structures through multi-material 3D printing. I also have an interest in Software Defined Radios and their applications in sensing, classifying and localising sources of RF emission. My current work is looking at comnining SDRs with novel RF front end and antenna arrays to provide new capabilities in these applications.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Electronics


bullet iconOmidvar M, Zhang H, Ihalage AA, Graves Saunders T, Giddens H, Forrester M, Haq S and Hao Y (2024). Accelerated Discovery of Perovskite Solid Solutions through Automated Materials Synthesis and Characterization. Nature Communications, Nature Research 


Relevant PublicationZhang H, Giddens H, Saunders TG, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2023). Microwave tunability in tin substituted barium titanate. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationRuan H, Saunders TG, Giddens H, Zhang H, Ihalage AA, Kolb JF, Blunt M, Haq S, Yan H and Hao Y (2023). Microwave characterization of two Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 dielectric thin films with out-of-plane and in-plane electrode structures. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, SpringerOpen, 1-12.  


Relevant PublicationZhang H, Fortes AD, Giddens H, Saunders TG, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2022). Antiferroelectric-like Behavior in a Lead-Free Perovskite Layered Structure Ceramic. Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society vol. 61 (50), 20316-20325.  
Relevant PublicationKhan AN, Ermakov A, Saunders T, Giddens H, Gould D, Sukhorukov G and Hao Y (2022). Electrical characterization of micron sized chambers used as a depot for drug delivery. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationVial B, Giddens H and Hao Y (2022). Multi-material additive manufacturing of microwave devices. 2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
Relevant PublicationKhan AN, Cha YO, Giddens H and Hao Y (2022). Recent Advances in Organ Specific Wireless Bioelectronic Devices: Perspective on Biotelemetry and Power Transfer Using Antenna Systems. Engineering, Elsevier vol. 11, 27-41.  


Relevant PublicationGiddens H, Andy AS and Hao Y (2021). Multimaterial 3-D Printed Compressed Luneburg Lens for mm-Wave Beam Steering. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 20 (11), 2166-2170.  


Relevant PublicationLiu Y (2020). Low-Profile Beam Steerable Patch Array with SIW Feeding Network. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
Relevant PublicationLiu Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Hao Y (2020). Artificial Magnetic Material for Array Antenna Application. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
Relevant PublicationLiu N, Ihalage A, Zhang H, Giddens H, Yan H and Hao Y (2020). Interactive human–machine learning framework for modelling of ferroelectric–dielectric composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry 
Relevant PublicationGiddens H and Hao Y (2020). Multi-Beam Graded Dielectric Lens Antenna from Multi-Material 3D Printing. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationZhang H, Giddens H, Yue Y, Xu X, Araullo-Peters V, Koval V, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2020). Polar nano-clusters in nominally paraelectric ceramics demonstrating high microwave tunability for wireless communication. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationLiu B, Giddens H, Li Y, He Y, Wong SW and Hao Y (2020). Design and experimental demonstration of Doppler cloak from spatiotemporally modulated metamaterials based on rotational Doppler effect. Optics Express, Optical Society of America (OSA) vol. 28 (3), 3748-3755.  


Relevant PublicationLiu Y, Beal P, Giddens H and Hao Y (2019). U-slot patch antenna with low RCS based on a metaferrite substrate. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, EDP Open vol. 6, 20-20.  
Relevant PublicationHao Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Sukhorukov G (2019). Characterization of Microchamber Arrays for Targeted Drug Delivery. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
Relevant PublicationLiu B, Chu H, Giddens H, Hao Y and Li R (2019). Rotational Doppler Effect of Spinning Metasurface in Radar System. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
Relevant PublicationLiu B, Chu H, Giddens H, Li R and Hao Y (2019). Experimental Observation of Linear and Rotational Doppler Shifts from Several Designer Surfaces. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 9 (1) 
Relevant PublicationShi H, Giddens H and Hao Y (2019). Field transformation-based multifunctional and wide-angle polariser for antenna polarisation characteristics manipulation. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Institution of Engineering and Technology vol. 13 (9), 1450-1456.  
Relevant PublicationZhang H, Chu H, Giddens H, Wu W and Hao Y (2019). Experimental demonstration of Luneburg lens based on hyperuniform disordered media. Applied Physics Letters vol. 114 (5) 
Relevant PublicationBelem-Goncalves C, Sarker A, Giddens H, Biurrun C, Boccio CD-R, Luxey C, Hao Y, Basu R, Paoloni C and Ducournau G (2019). THz links using tube amplifiers and steerable beams for indoor applications. 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)
Relevant PublicationHao Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Sukhorukov G (2019). Characterization of Microchamber Arrays for Targeted Drug Delivery. 


Relevant PublicationGiddens H, Yang L, Tian J and Hao Y (2018). Mid-Infrared Reflect-Array Antenna with Beam Switching Enabled by Continuous Graphene Layer. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 30 (8), 748-751.  
Relevant PublicationYang L, Tian J, Giddens H, Poumirol JM, Wu J, Kuzmenko AB and Hao Y (2018). Magnetically tunable graphene-based reflector under linear polarized incidence at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters vol. 112 (15) 
Relevant PublicationGiddens H, Zhang H, Yu C and Hao Y (2018). Bulk ferroelectric materials for reconfigurable antenna applications. 


Relevant PublicationShi H, Giddens H and Hao Y (2017). Dual-Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Using Field Transformation Medium. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 16, 2869-2872.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Electronics
solid heart iconGradient Index Spatial Lens Antenna (SpaNiel)
Yang Hao and Henry Giddens
£164,451 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-01-2022 - 31-03-2024)