Dr Salvatore Grasso

Salvatore Grasso
PhD, MSc, FHEA, MIMMM, Editor of European Ceramic Society

Senior Lecturer

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Ultra-fast high temperature sintering, Spark Plasma Sintering, Cold Sintering, intense magnetic field assisted processing, Solid state battery


His current research is around the use of intense Electric (voltages up to 10kV and current up to 0.6 MA) and Magnetic fields (15 Tesla) to develop novel processing techniques to design unprecedented materials properties. Multi fields assisted processing is a key component of his current research vision. The focus is on ceramic materials, including textured ceramics, battery materials, thermoelectrics and transparent oxides. Low energy processing and sustainability are key aspects of his research vision. He is currently Editor of the European Ceramic Society, Associate Editor of both the American ceramic society and International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.

Functional ceramics for energy: Fuel cells and solid state batteries
Sustainable manufacturing: Ultra-fast high temperature sintering and Cold sintering
Advanced material processing: Strong magnetic field alignment, Field Assisted Processing, Thermal shock synthesis