Dr Haibao Liu

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London


Tüfekci M, Sun Y, Yuan J, Maharaj C, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 577

Ding Z, Attar HR, Wang H, Liu H and Li N
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 241

Brooks RA, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Liu H, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 31 (6), 1869-1888.

Mou H, Chen Y, Feng Z and Liu H
Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 197

Wang H, Ding Z, Chen X, Liu H and Li N
Composites Part a Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 179

Zhang D, Zhang C, Qi J, Zhou J, Zheng X and Liu H
Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier vol. 417

Tüfekci M, Baytak T, Bulut O, Pir İ, Arat SA, Özkal B, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis vol. 52 (9), 6858-6888.

Zhang D, Zhang W, Zhou J, Zheng X, Wang J and Liu H
Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 142

Zhang W, Zhang D, Zhou J, Qi J, Zhao W, Yang S, Dear JP and Liu H
Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 191

Ding Y, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Brooks RA, Liu H, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 321

Kong X, Zhou H, Zheng C, Zhu Z, Wu W, Guan Z, Dear JP and Liu H
Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 187, 110760-110760.

Hall ZEC, Liu J, Brooks RA, Liu H and Dear JP
Applied Mechanics, Mdpi vol. 4 (2), 421-444.

Zhou J, Liu H, Dear JP, Falzon BG and Kazancı Z
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier vol. 244

Tüfekci M, Özkal B, Maharaj C, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 233

Liu H, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Brooks RA, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 233, 109917-109917.

Liu H, Zhou J, Zhang D, Li S and Giannopoulos I
Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 182, 110214-110214.

Liu H, Brooks RA, Hall ZEC, Liu J, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 380 (2232), 20210340-20210340.

Weizhou WU, Shipeng LI, Xuda QIN, Wentao LIU, Xin CUI, Hao LI, Mengrui SHI and Haibao LIU
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Elsevier vol. 36 (5), 549-565.

Liu H, Zhou J, Kong X and Li S
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 6 (1), 108-116.

Hall ZEC, Liu J, Brooks RA, Liu H, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 270, 108570-108570.

Liu J, Tang X, Li S, Qin X, Li H, Wu W, Srijana Y, Liu W and Liu H
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer vol. 121 (1-2), 1235-1251.

Brooks RA, Wang H, Ding Z, Xu J, Song Q, Liu H, Dear JP and Li N
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 5 (3), 411-430.

Zhang D, Zheng X, Zhou J, Song X, Jia P, Liu H and Liu X
Polymers, Mdpi vol. 14 (9)

Li Y, Chen X, Zhou J, Liu X, Zhang D, Du F, He W, Jia P and Liu H
International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, Wiley Open Access vol. 2 (1), 50-64.

Zheng J, Maharaj C, Liu J, Chai H, Liu H and Dear JP
Mechanics of Composite Materials, Springer vol. 58 (1), 125-140.

Liu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Zhou J, Kong X, Li S, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 259, 108121-108121.

Wang H, Liu H, Ding Z and Li N
Polymer, Mdpi vol. 228, 123939-123939.

Hu P, Yang S, Zheng F, Yuan Y, Wang T, Li S, Liu H and Dear JP
Measurement Science and Technology, Iop Publishing vol. 32 (7)

Kaboglu C, Liu J, Liu H, Russo P, Simeoli G, Lopresto V, Dear JP and Maharaj C
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Asme International vol. 143 (3)

Zhang P, Kong X, Wang Z, Zheng C, Liu H, Shi G, Dear JP and Wu W
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 4 (1), 1-8.

Zheng C, Wang Y, Kong X, Zhou H, Liu H and Wu W
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Mdpi vol. 8 (12)

Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zheng J, Luo L, Kong X, Zhou J, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 3 (4), 403-415.

Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Hall ZE, Kong X, Zhou J, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 201

Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zheng J, Kong X, Zhou J, Harper L, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Journal of Materials Science, Springer Nature vol. 55 (33), 15741-15768.

Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zhou J, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ, Falzon BG and Dear JP
Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 27 (5), 533-553.

Zhang R, Han D, Yu G, Wang H, Liu H, Yu H and Li J
Simulation, Sage Publications vol. 96 (9), 713-723.

Liu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Chai H, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 3 (2), 77-87.

Liu Y, Li S, Li H, Qin X, Xing Y and Liu H
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Nature vol. 108 (5-6), 1297-1308.

Zhang X, Liu H, Maharaj C, Zheng M, Mohagheghian I, Zhang G, Yan Y and Dear JP
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 139

Liu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Zhou J, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Engineering Failure Analysis. vol. 111

Liu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zhou J, Kong X, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Falzon BG and Dear JP
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 236

Xiang N, Zhang X, Zheng M, Ge Y, Wang T, Liu H, Maharaj C, Dear JP and Yan Y
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley vol. 137 (29)

Kong X, Zhou H, Zheng C, Liu H, Wu W, Guan Z and Dear JP
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 134

Liu H, Falzon BG and Dear JP
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier vol. 164

Liu J, Liu H, Kaboglu C, Kong X, Ding Y, Chai H, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 26 (5-6), 1389-1410.

Liu H, Falzon BG, Li S, Tan W, Liu J, Chai H, Blackman BRK and Dear JP
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 213, 108-117.

Liu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Chai H, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP
Procedia Structural Integrity. vol. 17, 992-1001.

Liu H, Falzon BG, Catalanotti G and Tan W
The Aeronautical Journal, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 122 (1255), 1352-1370.

Rolfe E, Quinn R, Sancho A, Kaboglu C, Johnson A, Liu H, Hooper PA, Dear JP and Arora H
Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, Springer Nature vol. 1 (3), 197-210.

Liu H, Falzon BG and Tan W
Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 136, 101-118.

Liu H, Falzon BG and Tan W
Composites Part a Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 105, 189-202.

Falzon BG, Liu H and Tan W
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 176, 877-882.

Haibao Liu
£11,980 Royal Society
01-01-2025 - 31-12-2026

Haibao Liu
£143,184 Royal Society
13-12-2024 - 12-12-2027

Haibao Liu
£13,846 Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
01-05-2024 - 30-09-2026