Dr Silvia Liverani

Silvia Liverani

Reader in Statistics
Head of The Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


Bayesian modelling, Clustering, Computational statistics, Mixture models, Spatio-temporal modelling, Causal methods


Dr Silvia Liverani is a Reader in Statistics and Head of the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science in the School of Mathematical Sciences.

Her research focuses on Bayesian modelling and clustering methods. In particular she works on Dirichlet process mixture models, Bayesian spatio-temporal models and survival response models. She has worked in very diverse areas of application including genetics, epidemiology, road traffic accidents, football and environmental health.

She is keen to collaborate with external organisations, including industry and the charity sector.

She is supervising PhD projects on Bayesian modelling of epidemiological and biodiversity data.