Dr Khalid Rajab

Khalid Rajab


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Millimetrewave radar, Sensing for health & wellbeing, IoT sensors, Ambient sensing, Machine learning & AI


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems


bullet iconDogu E, Paredes J, Alomainy A, Jones J and Rajab K (2024). A Falls Risk Screening Tool Based on Millimetre-Wave Radar. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
bullet iconParedes JA, Hansard M, Rajab KZ and Álvarez FJ (2024). Spatial Calibration of Millimeter-Wave Radar for Close-Range Object Location. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 24 (12), 19407-19416.  


bullet iconYu Z, Taha A, Taylor W, Zahid A, Rajab K, Heidari H, Imran MA and Abbasi QH (2022). A Radar-Based Human Activity Recognition Using a Novel 3-D Point Cloud Classifier. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 22 (19), 18218-18227.  


bullet iconRajab KZ, Wu B, Alizadeh P and Alomainy A (2021). Multi-target tracking and activity classification with millimeter-wave radar. Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing vol. 119 (3) 
bullet iconParedes JA, Álvarez FJ, Hansard M and Rajab KZ (2021). A Gaussian Process model for UAV localization using millimetre wave radar. Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier vol. 185 
bullet iconParedes JA, Hansard M, Rajab KZ, Álvarez FJ and Aguilera T (2021). Drone Positioning From Combined mmWave Radar and Depth Camera Data. 


bullet iconMishra S, Rammohan S, Rajab KZ, Dhillon G, Lambiase P, Hunter R and Chew E (2019). Atrial Fibrillation Stratification Via Super-Resolution Analysis of Fibrillatory Waves. 2019 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC)
bullet iconFarooq H, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2019). Noise figure of electromagnetic systems with parity and time-reversal symmetry. Optics Express vol. 27 (22), 31363-31375.  
bullet iconMishra S, Rammohan S, Rajab KZ, Dhillon G, Lambiase P, Hunter R and Chew E (2019). Atrial Fibrillation Stratification Via Super-Resolution Analysis of Fibrillatory Waves. 
bullet iconFarooq H, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2019). Noise Figure of a Unidirectional Cloaking Circuit Based on Parity-Time Symmetry. 


bullet iconFALADE OP, JILANI SFJ, RAJAB S, Ahmed AY, Wildsmith T, Reip P and ALOMAINY AHM (2018). Design and characterisation of a screen-printed millimetre-wave flexible metasurface using copper ink for communication applications. Flexible and Printed Electronics, IOP Publishing 
bullet iconAziz AK, Zhang L, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2018). Ultrashort pulse synthesis for energy concentration control in nanostructures. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 26 (19), 25188-25198.  
bullet iconAziz AK, Jilani SF, Alomainy A and Rajab KZ (2018). High Sensitivity Inkjet-Printed Terahertz Metallic Hole Array Sensor. 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018)


bullet iconYang L, Tian J, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). FDTD Modeling of Nonlinear Phenomena in Wave Transmission through Graphene. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 
bullet iconAlizadeh P, Parini CG and Rajab KZ (2017). Optically reconfigurable unit cell for Ka‐band reflectarray antennas. Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 53 (23), 1526-1528.  
bullet iconTian J, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). High-Impedance Surface Loaded With Graphene Non-Foster Circuits for Low-Profile Antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16, 2655-2658.  
bullet iconYANG L, Rajab SAYID-KHALID and Chew E (2017). Filter Diagonalisation Method for Music Signal Analysis: Frame-wise Vibrato Detection and Estimation. Journal of Mathematics and Music, Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles 
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). Non-Foster Impedance Design Techniques for High Performance Small Antenna. 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)


bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Jiang WX, Cheng Q, Liao Z and Cui TJ (2016). Experimental demonstration of compact spoof localized surface plasmons. Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group vol. 41 (23), 5418-5421.  
bullet iconLi W, Rajab KZ, Alhoefer K, Zupancic B and Barras J (2016). Broadband Matching of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Detector Using Non-Foster Circuits. 2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC)
bullet iconAlizadeh P, Parini C and Rajab KZ (2016). A Ka-Band Reflectarray with Variable Amplitude Unit Cells. 2016 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
bullet iconYANG L, Rajab SAYID-KHALID and Chew E (2016). AVA: A Graphical User Interface for Automatic Vibrato and Portamento Detection and Analysis. the 42nd International Computer Music Conference Utrecht, The Netherlands 12 Sep 2016 - 16 Sep 2016
bullet iconYANG L, Rajab SAYID-KHALID and Chew E (2016). AVA: An Interactive System for Visual and Quantitative Analyses of Vibrato and Portamento Performance Styles. the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference New York City, USA 7 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016
bullet iconTian J, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2016). Graphene-based tunable non-foster circuit for VHF applications. AIP Advances, AIP Publishing: Open Access Journals vol. 6 (6), 065202-065202.  
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Signal to Noise Ratio Improvement with Non-Foster Antenna Matching. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Radiation-Q Bound of a Small Non-Foster Antenna. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconFan Y, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Zhang HC and Cui TJ (2016). Wave propagation in reconfigurable broadband gain metamaterials at microwave frequencies. Journal of Applied Physics vol. 119 (19) 
bullet iconANDY A, Alizadeh P, Rajab KZ, Kreouzis T and Donnan (2016). An Optically-Switched Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications. 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Davos,Switzerland 10 Apr 2016 - 15 Apr 2016
bullet iconAlizadeh P, Andy AS, Parini C and Rajab KZ (2016). A Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antenna in Ka-Band Using Optically Excited Silicon. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Q-Bandwidth Enhancement of an Antenna Using Non-Foster Circuit Based on Negative Differential Resistance Devices. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)


bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y, Steenson DP, Li L, Linfield EH and Rajab KZ (2015). Design of Broadband Non-Foster Circuits Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters vol. 15, 1398-1401.  
bullet iconAlizadeh P, Parini C and Rajab KZ (2015). A Low-cost FMCW Radar Front End for Imaging at 24 GHz 33 GHz. 2015 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2015). Noise measurements of a non-Foster circuit for matching of a receiver antenna. 
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Alizadeh P, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2015). Stability Analysis of Resonant Tunnelling Diode for Resistive Matching of an Electrically Small Antenna. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconYang L, Chew E and Rajab KZ (2015). Logistic Modeling of Note Transitions. 


bullet iconRajab K (2014). Nanoplasmonics for Ultrafast Coherent Control of Optical Fields. 
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2014). Design and Stability of Negative Impedance Circuits for Non-Foster Matching of a Monopole Antenna. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)


bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise power in active broadband metamaterials. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1178-1179.  
bullet iconYANG L, Chew E and Rajab SAYID-KHALID (2013). Vibrato Performance Style: A Case Study Comparing Erhu and Violin. the 10th International Conference on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research Marseille, France 15 Oct 2013 - 18 Oct 2013
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y and Hao Y (2013). Recent Advances in Practical Metamaterial Engineering. Additional Conferences (Device Packaging HiTEC HiTEN & CICMT), IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society vol. 2013 (CICMT), 000094-000098.  
bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise analysis of broadband active metamaterials with non-Foster loads. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS vol. 113 (23) 
bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise figure of broadband active metamaterials. 
bullet iconBao D, Mitchell-Thomas RC, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Quantitative Study of Two Experimental Demonstrations of a Carpet Cloak. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 12, 206-209.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y and Hao Y (2013). Recent advances in practical metamaterial engineering. 


bullet iconRajab KZ, Munoz M, Fan Y, Bao D and Hao Y (2012). Recent advances in practical metamaterial engineering. 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Munoz M, Fan Y, Bao D and Hao Y (2012). Recent Advances in Practical Metamaterial Engineering. Additional Conferences (Device Packaging HiTEC HiTEN & CICMT), IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society vol. 2012 (CICMT), 000113-000116.  
bullet iconFan Y, Raiab KZ, Munoz M and Hao Y (2012). Electrically Small Half-Loop Antenna Design with Non-Foster Matching Networks. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang W and Hao Y (2012). Experimental Demonstration of Carpet Cloak Realized with BaTiO3-loaded Polyurethane Foam. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Mann M, Naftaly M, Rajab K, HAO Y and Milne WI (2012). Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy characterisation of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films. Carbon, Elsevier Ltd vol. 50 (3), 939-942.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan YF and Hao Y (2012). Characterization of active metamaterials based on negative impedance converters. JOURNAL OF OPTICS vol. 14 (11) 


bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). Microwave characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotube arrays. 
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Kallos E, Tang WX, Argyropoulos C, Piao YZ and Yang SF (2011). All-dielectric invisibility cloaks made of BaTiO3-loaded polyurethane foam. New Journal of Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 13 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). X-band Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang W and Hao Y (2011). Broadband extraordinary transmission device realized with dielectrics. 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). Microwave characterization of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube arrays. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 98 (20) 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y, Bao D, Rahman A and Hao Y (2011). Active Circuits for Improved Metamaterial Performance. 2011 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)


bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang WX and Haob Y (2010). Experimental demonstration of broadband transmission through subwavelength aperture. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 97 (13) 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Hao Y, Bao D, Parini CG, Vazquez J and Philippakis M (2010). Stability of active magnetoinductive metamaterials. J APPL PHYS vol. 108 (5) 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Hao Y, Bao D, Parini C, Vazquez J, Philippakis M, Wilmot S and Pearson R (2010). Broadband Active Magnetic Materials. 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hou K, Mann M, Naftaly M, Collings N, Crossland WA and Hao Y (2010). Refractive Index Evaluation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays. 


bullet iconRajab KZ, Dougherty JP and Lanagan MT (2009). Dielectric Properties at Millimeter‐Wave and THz Bands. Advanced Millimeter‐Wave Technologies  49-69.  


bullet iconFeteira A, Sinclair DC, Rajab KZ and Lanagan MT (2008). Crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of alkaline-earth hafnates, AHfO(3) (A = Ba, Sr, Ca). J AM CERAM SOC vol. 91 (3), 893-901.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Naftaly M, Linfield EH, Nino JC, Arenas D, Tanner D, Mittra R and Lanagan M (2008). Broadband Dielectric Characterization of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3). Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society vol. 5 (1), 2-7.  
bullet iconLanagan MT, Rajab K, Kwon DK, Semouchkin G, Semouchkina E and Iwasaki M (2008). Ceramic Dielectric Materials for Microwave Resonator Arrays. 


bullet iconRajab KZ, Naftaly M, Linfield EH, Nino JC, Arenas D, Tanner D, Mittra R and Lanagan M (2007). Broadband dielectric characterization of aluminum oxide (Al 2O3). 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Mittra R, Naftaly M, Linfield EH and Lanagan MT (2007). Terahertz transmission through periodic arrays of dielectric and conducting spheres. 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconRajab KZ, Mittra R and Lanagan MT (2007). Size reduction of microstrip patch antennas with left-handed transmission line loading. IET MICROW ANTENNA P vol. 1 (1), 39-44.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Mittra R, Naftaly M, Linfield EH and Lanagan MT (2007). Terahertz transmission through periodic arrays of dielectric and conducting sphere. 


bullet iconRajab KZ, Perini S, Dougherty J, Iwasaki M and Lanagan M (2006). Dielectric characterization of dielectric ceramic materials using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Mittra R and Lanagan M (2006). Phase verification of compact multilayered low temperature co-fired ceramic composite right-/left-handed transmission line. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 48 (9), 1792-1795.  
bullet iconIwasaki M, Semouchkina EA, Semouchkin GB, Rajab KZ, Randall CA and Lanagan MT (2006). Symmetry matching of hybrid modes for dielectric metamaterials. JPN J APPL PHYS 1 vol. 45 (4A), 2835-2841.  
bullet iconBringuier J, Mittra R, Rajab K, Gonzalez JI and Lanagan MT (2006). Size reduction of Microstrip Patch Antennas via Artificial Dielectric Loading. 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconMittra P, Bringuier J, Abdel-Mageed M, Rajab K and Gonzalez JI (2006). Some novel techniques for size reduction of microstrip patch antennas. 


bullet iconHaney L, Lanagan M, Perini S, Rajab K and Semouchkina E (2005). Characterization of dielectrics and conductors for ceramic microsystems at microwave frequency. 
bullet iconBaker A, Lanagan M, Randall C, Seniouchkina E, Semouchkin G, Rajab KZ, Mittra R, Eitel R, Rliee S, Geggier P and Fulir G (2005). Integration concepts for the fabrication of LTCC structures. 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fuh KF, Mittra R and Lanagan M (2005). Dielectric property measurement using a resonant nonradiative-dielectric waveguide structure. IEEE MICROW WIREL CO vol. 15 (2), 104-106.  
bullet iconBaker A, Lanagan M, Randall C, Semouchkina E, Semouchkin G, Rajah KZ, Eitel R, Rajab KZ, Mittra R, Rhee S, Geggier P, Duschl C and Fuhr G (2005). Integration concepts for the fabrication of LTCC structures. INT J APPL CERAM TEC vol. 2 (6), 514-520.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Mittra R and Lanagan MT (2005). Size Reduction of Microstrip Antennas using Metamaterials. 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconMittra R, Bringuier J, Abdel-Mageed M, Rajab K and Gonzalez JI (2005). Some novel techniques for size reduction of microstrip patch antennas., Editors: Hong W, Cui TJ and Fang D. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems
bullet iconSmart sensors for a wearable-free and contactless virtual ward at home
Khalid Rajab, Akram Alomainy and Janelle Jones
£396,049 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2022 - 25-07-2025)