Prof Richard Pickersgill

Richard Pickersgill

Professor of Structural Biology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology


bullet iconGu S, Bradley-Clarke J, Rose R-S, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2024). Enzyme-cargo encapsulation peptides bind between tessellating tiles of the bacterial microcompartment shell. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 300 (6) 


Relevant PublicationZhang S, Gu S, Rycroft P, Ruaudel F, Delolme F, Robert X, Ballut L, Pickersgill RW and Shevchik VE (2022). Scaffolding Protein GspB/OutB Facilitates Assembly of the Dickeya dadantii Type 2 Secretion System by Anchoring the Outer Membrane Secretin Pore to the Inner Membrane and to the Peptidoglycan Cell Wall. mBio, American Society for Microbiology, e0025322-e0025322.  


Relevant PublicationRobledo Retana T, Bradley-Clarke J, Croll T, Rose R, Stagg AJ, Villalba M, Honti I and Pickersgill RW (2020). Lig v 1 structure and the inflammatory response to the Ole e 1 protein family. Allergy 


Relevant PublicationConti D, Gul P, Islam A, Martín-Durán JM, Pickersgill RW and Draviam VM (2019). Kinetochores attached to microtubule-ends are stabilised by astrin bound pp1 to ensure proper chromosome segregation. eLife, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd vol. 8 
Relevant PublicationUDDIN I, PICKERSGILL R and Gosal W (2019). Structure of Nanotubes Formed From Bacterial Microcompartment Shell Proteins. 


Relevant PublicationLee MJ, Mantell J, Brown IR, Fletcher JM, Verkade P, Pickersgill RW, Woolfson DN, Frank S and Warren MJ (2018). De novo targeting to the cytoplasmic and luminal side of bacterial microcompartments. Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
Relevant PublicationPluta P, Roversi P, Bernardo-Seisdedos G, Rojas AL, Cooper JB, Gu S, Pickersgill RW and Millet O (2018). Structural basis of pyrrole polymerization in human porphobilinogen deaminase. Biochim Biophys Acta 
Relevant PublicationUddin I, Frank S, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2018). A Generic Self-Assembly Process in Microcompartments and Synthetic Protein Nanotubes. Small vol. 14 (19) 
Relevant PublicationUddin I, Frank S, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2018). Synthetic Protein Nanotubes: A Generic Self‐Assembly Process in Microcompartments and Synthetic Protein Nanotubes (Small 19/2018). Small, Wiley vol. 14 (19) 


bullet iconAbbott W, Alber O, Bayer E, Berrin J-G, Boraston A, Brumer H, Brzezinski R, Clarke A, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Cockburn D, Coutinho P, Czjzek M, Dassa B, Davies GJ, Eijsink V, Eklof J, Felice A, Ficko-Blean E, Pincher G, Fontaine T, et al. (2017). Ten years of CAZypedia: a living encyclopedia of carbohydrate-active enzymes. GLYCOBIOLOGY vol. 28 (1), 3-8.  
bullet iconTabaee Damavandi P, Dove MT and Pickersgill RW (2017). A review of drug therapy for sporadic fatal insomnia. Prion vol. 11 (5), 293-299.  
bullet iconGu S, Vladimir VE, Shaw R, Pickersgill and Garnett JA (2017). The role of intrinsic disorder and dynamics in the assembly and function of the type II secretion system. BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, Elsevier 
bullet iconQui J, Zeng Y, Pickersgill R, Donnan R, Sushko O and Yang B (2017). Introducing Quasi-Optical Terahertz Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. 2017 XI International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT)


bullet iconGu S, Sushko O, Deery E, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2015). Crystal structure of CobK reveals strand-swapping between Rossmann-fold domains and molecular basis of the reduced precorrin product trap. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 5 (1) 
bullet iconAli S, Søndergaard CR, Teixeira S and Pickersgill RW (2015). Structural insights into the loss of catalytic competence in pectate lyase activity at low pH. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 589 (21), 3242-3246.  
bullet iconSushko O, Qiu J, Dubrovka R, Pickersgill RW and Donnan RS (2015). Sub-Terahertz Spectroscopy as a Probe for Protein Stability in an Ionic Environment. 2015 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz)


bullet iconPang A, Frank S, Brown I, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2014). Structural insights into higher order assembly and function of the bacterial microcompartment protein PduA. J Biol Chem vol. 289 (32), 22377-22384.  
bullet iconLawrence AD, Taylor SL, Scott A, Rowe ML, Johnson CM, Rigby SEJ, Geeves MA, Pickersgill RW, Howard MJ and Warren MJ (2014). FAD binding, cobinamide binding and active site communication in the corrin reductase (CobR). Biosci Rep vol. 34 (4) 
bullet iconPalmer DJ, Schroeder S, Lawrence AD, Deery E, Lobo SA, Saraiva LM, McLean KJ, Munro AW, Ferguson SJ, Pickersgill RW, Brown DG and Warren MJ (2014). The structure, function and properties of sirohaem decarboxylase - an enzyme with structural homology to a transcription factor family that is part of the alternative haem biosynthesis pathway. MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY vol. 93 (2), 247-261.  


bullet iconTerali K, Beavil RL, Pickersgill RW and van der Giezen M (2013). The effect of the adaptor protein Isd11 on the quaternary structure of the eukaryotic cysteine desulphurase Nfs1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun vol. 440 (2), 235-240.  
bullet iconGu S, Rehman S and Pickersgill RW (2013). Crystal structure of the bacterial type II secretion system secretin/pilotin complex. 
bullet iconRehman S, Gu S, Shevchik VE and Pickersgill RW (2013). Anatomy of secretin binding to the Dickeya dadantii type II secretion system pilotin. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 69 (Pt 8), 1381-1386.  
bullet iconDONNAN RS, Pickersgill R, Krauss N, Yang B and Sushko O (2013). Lagrangian dynamics analysis of sub-THz skeletal absorption spectra of amino acids acquired by vector network analysis. Chemical Physics Letters, Elsevier vol. 558, 104-108.  


bullet iconPang A, Liang M, Prentice MB and Pickersgill RW (2012). Substrate channels revealed in the trimeric Lactobacillus reuteri bacterial microcompartment shell protein PduB. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 68 (Pt 12), 1642-1652.  
bullet iconAli S, Blakeley M, Søndergaard CR, Pellegrini E, Teixeira SCM and Pickersgill RW (2012). A joint neutron/X-ray crystallographic study on the mechanism of pectate lyase. 
bullet iconGu S, Kelly G, Wang X, Frenkiel T, Shevchik VE and Pickersgill RW (2012). Solution structure of homology region (HR) domain of type II secretion system. J Biol Chem vol. 287 (12), 9072-9080.  
bullet iconGu S, Rehman S, Wang X, Shevchik VE and Pickersgill RW (2012). Structural and functional insights into the pilotin-secretin complex of the type II secretion system. PLoS Pathog vol. 8 (2) 
bullet iconPickersgill RW (2012). Pathology: A Structural Biologist's View. 
bullet iconMartin JE, Chowdhury ATMD, McElwaine S, Fikree A, Minassian B, Broad J, Knowles CH, Allen L, Bevan S, Burt E, Hymas AJ, Rahman MM, Rowburrey PJ, Sanger G, Thomas AA, Yiannakou Y, Cooper SC, Evagora CA, Levey PM, Cotter FE, et al. (2012). Intestinal Glycogen Storage Disease, and the Molecular Basis of Pseudo-obstruction with Polyglucosan Bodies. 
bullet iconWang X, Pineau C, Gu S, Guschinskaya N, Pickersgill RW and Shevchik VE (2012). Cysteine Scanning Mutagenesis and Disulfide Mapping Analysis of Arrangement of GspC and GspD Protomers within the Type 2 Secretion System. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY vol. 287 (23), 19082-19093.  
bullet iconDeery E, Schroeder S, Lawrence AD, Taylor SL, Seyedarabi A, Waterman J, Wilson KS, Brown D, Geeves MA, Howard MJ, Pickersgill RW and Warren MJ (2012). An enzyme-trap approach allows isolation of intermediates in cobalamin biosynthesis. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY vol. 8 (11), 933-940.  


bullet iconAli S, Texeira S and Pickersgill RW (2011). Joint neutron/X-ray crystallographic study on the mechanism of pectate lyase. 
bullet iconMartin JE, Chowdhury AH, McElwaine S, Fikree A, Broad J, Knowles CH, Allen L, Bevan S, Burt E, Hymas AJ, Rowburrey PJ, Sanger GJ, Rahman MM, Thomas AA, Yiannakou Y, Cooper SC, Evagora CA, Levey PM, Cotter FE, Aziz Q, et al. (2011). A Novel Phenotype of Glycogen Storage Disease Presenting as Gastrointestinal Neuromuscular Disease. Gastroenterology, Elsevier vol. 140 (5), s-705.  
bullet iconPang A, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2011). Structure of PduT, a trimeric bacterial microcompartment protein with a 4Fe-4S cluster-binding site. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 67 (Pt 2), 91-96.  
bullet iconRomao CV, Ladakis D, Lobo SAL, Carrondo MA, Brindley AA, Deery E, Matias PM, Pickersgill RW, Saraiva LM and Warren MJ (2011). Evolution in a family of chelatases facilitated by the introduction of active site asymmetry and protein oligomerization. P NATL ACAD SCI USA vol. 108 (1), 97-102.  
bullet iconMartin JE, Chowdhury AH, McElwaine S, Fikree A, Broad J, Knowles CH, Allen L, Bevan S, Burt E, Hymas AJ, Rowburrey PJ, Sanger GJ, Rahman MM, Thomas AA, Yiannakou Y, Cooper SC, Evagora CA, Levey PM, Cotter FE, Ariz Q, et al. (2011). A Novel Phenotype of Glycogen Storage Disease Presenting as Gastrointestinal Neuromuscular Disease. 


bullet iconSeyedarabi A, Hutchison T, To TT, Deery E, Brindley A, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2010). Cloning, purification and preliminary crystallographic analysis of cobalamin methyltransferases from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun vol. 66 (Pt 12), 1652-1656.  
bullet iconSeyedarabi A, Sullivan JA, Sasakawa C and Pickersgill RW (2010). A disulfide driven domain swap switches off the activity of Shigella IpaH9.8 E3 ligase. FEBS Lett vol. 584 (19), 4163-4168.  
bullet iconShala K, Yang B, TT T, Pickersgill RW, Krauss N and Donnan RS (2010). Millimeter wave spectroscopy of glucose and a calcium-binding protein using a vector network analyser. 35th IRMMW-THZ Internation Conference, 2010 Rome, Italy 5 Sep 2010 - 10 Sep 2010
bullet iconLogin FH, Fries M, Wang XH, Pickersgill RW and Shevchik VE (2010). A 20-residue peptide of the inner membrane protein OutC mediates interaction with two distinct sites of the outer membrane secretin OutD and is essential for the functional type II secretion system in Erwinia chrysanthemi. Molecular Microbiology, Blackwell Publishing Ltd vol. 76 (4), 944-955.  
bullet iconSeyedarabi A, To TT, Ali S, Hussain S, Fries M, Madsen R, Clausen MH, Teixteira S, Brocklehurst K and Pickersgill RW (2010). Structural insights into substrate specificity and the anti beta-elimination mechanism of pectate lyase. Biochemistry vol. 49 (3), 539-546.  


bullet iconHeldt D, Frank S, Seyedarabi A, Ladikis D, Parsons JB, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2009). Structure of a trimeric bacterial microcompartment shell protein, EtuB, associated with ethanol utilization in Clostridium kluyveri. BIOCHEM J vol. 423, 199-207.  
bullet iconBrocklehurst K, Gul S and Pickersgill RW (2009). Substrate Recognition. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry  473-504.  


bullet iconBrindley AA, Pickersgill RW, Partridge JC, Dunstan DJ, Hunt DM and Warren MJ (2008). Enzyme sequence and its relationship to hyperbaric stability of artificial and natural fish lactate dehydrogenases. PLoS One vol. 3 (4) 
bullet iconLawrence AD, Deery E, McLean KJ, Munro AW, Pickersgill RW, Rigby SEJ and Warren MJ (2008). Identification, characterization, and structure/function analysis of a corrin reductase involved in adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis. J BIOL CHEM vol. 283 (16), 10813-10821.  


bullet iconFries M, Ihrig J, Brocklehurst K, Shevchik VE and Pickersgill RW (2007). Molecular basis of the activity of the phytopathogen pectin methylesterase. EMBO J vol. 26 (17), 3879-3887.  
bullet iconFrank S, Deery E, Brindley AA, Leech HK, Lawrence A, Heathcote P, Schubert HL, Brocklehurst K, Rigby SEJ, Warren MJ and Pickersgill RW (2007). Elucidation of substrate specificity in the cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthetic methyltransferases. Structure and function of the C20 methyltransferase (CbiL) from Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus. J Biol Chem vol. 282 (33), 23957-23969.  


bullet iconOoi A, Hussain S, Seyedarabi A and Pickersgill RW (2006). Structure of internalin C from Listeria monocytogenes. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 62 (Pt 11), 1287-1293.  
bullet iconOpaleye O, Rose R-S, Whittaker MM, Woo E-J, Whittaker JW and Pickersgill RW (2006). Structural and spectroscopic studies shed light on the mechanism of oxalate oxidase. J Biol Chem vol. 281 (10), 6428-6433.  
bullet iconGraham CE, Brocklehurst K, Pickersgill RW and Warren MJ (2006). Characterization of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 3. Biochem J vol. 394 (Pt 1), 67-75.  


bullet iconFrank S, Brindley AA, Deery E, Heathcote P, Lawrence AD, Leech HK, Pickersgill RW and Warren MJ (2005). Anaerobic synthesis of vitamin B12: characterization of the early steps in the pathway. Biochem Soc Trans vol. 33 (Pt 4), 811-814.  
bullet iconOkuda J, Toyotome T, Kataoka N, Ohno M, Abe H, Shimura Y, Seyedarabi A, Pickersgill R and Sasakawa C (2005). Shigella effector IpaH9.8 binds to a splicing factor U2AF(35) to modulate host immune responses. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO vol. 333 (2), 531-539.  


bullet iconJenkins J, Shevchik VE, Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat N and Pickersgill RW (2004). The crystal structure of pectate lyase Pel9A from Erwinia chrysanthemi. J BIOL CHEM vol. 279 (10), 9139-9145.  


bullet iconPickersgill RW (2003). A primordial structure underlying amyloid. STRUCTURE vol. 11 (2), 137-138.  
bullet iconPICKERSGILL RW and Jenkins JA (2003). The structures and active sites of pectinases., Editors: Voragen AGJ, Voragen F, Schols H and Visser R. International symposium on pectins and pectinases (2nd) Rotterdam, The Netherlands 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconPickersgill RW (2002). Complex cell signaling molecules from ancient molecular glue. STRUCTURE vol. 10 (10), 1287-1288.  
bullet iconWoo EJ, Marshall J, Bauly J, Chen JG, Venis M, Napier RM and Pickersgill RW (2002). Crystal structure of auxin-binding protein 1 in complex with auxin. EMBO J vol. 21 (12), 2877-2885.  
bullet iconPalomäki T, Pickersgill R, Riekki R, Romantschuk M and Saarilahti HT (2002). A putative three-dimensional targeting motif of polygalacturonase (PehA), a protein secreted through the type II (GSP) pathway in Erwinia carotovora. Mol Microbiol vol. 43 (3), 585-596.  


bullet iconLo Leggio L, Kalogiannis S, Eckert K, Teixeira SC, Bhat MK, Andrei C, Pickersgill RW and Larsen S (2001). Substrate specificity and subsite mobility in T. aurantiacus xylanase 10A. FEBS Lett vol. 509 (2), 303-308.  
bullet iconJenkins J and Pickersgill R (2001). The architecture of parallel beta-helices and related folds. PROG BIOPHYS MOL BIO vol. 77 (2), 111-175.  
bullet iconHogg D, Woo EJ, Bolam DN, McKie VA, Gilbert HJ and Pickersgill RW (2001). Crystal structure of mannanase 26A from Pseudomonas cellulosa and analysis of residues involved in substrate binding. J Biol Chem vol. 276 (33), 31186-31192.  
bullet iconTeixeira S, Lo Leggio L, Pickersgill R and Cardin C (2001). Anisotropic refinement of the structure of Thermoascus aurantiacus xylanase I. ACTA CRYSTALLOGR D vol. 57, 385-392.  
bullet iconJenkins J, Mayans O, Smith D, Worboys K and Pickersgill RW (2001). Three-dimensional structure of Erwinia chrysanthemi pectin methylesterase reveals a novel esterase active site. J Mol Biol vol. 305 (4), 951-960.  


bullet iconWoo EJ, Bauly J, Chen JG, Marshall J, Macdonald H, Lazarus C, Goodenough P, Venis M, Napier R and Pickersgill R (2000). Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray analysis of the auxin receptor ABP1. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 56 (11), 1476-1478.  
bullet iconWoo E-J, Dunwell JM, Goodenough PW, Marvier AC and Pickersgill RW (2000). Germin is a manganese containing homohexamer with oxalate oxidase and superoxide dismutase activities. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 7 (11), 1036-1040.  
bullet iconLeggio LL, Jenkins J, Harris GW and Pickersgill RW (2000). X‐ray crystallographic study of xylopentaose binding to Pseudomonas fluorescens xylanase A. Proteins Structure Function and Bioinformatics, Wiley vol. 41 (3), 362-373.  


bullet iconLeggio LL and Pickersgill RW (1999). Xylanase–oligosaccharide interactions studied by a competitive enzyme assay. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Elsevier vol. 25 (8-9), 701-709.  
bullet iconLeggio LL, Kalogiannis S, Bhat MK and Pickersgill RW (1999). High resolution structure and sequence of T. aurantiacus Xylanase I: Implications for the evolution of thermostability in family 10 xylanases and enzymes with βα‐barrel architecture. Proteins Structure Function and Bioinformatics, Wiley vol. 36 (3), 295-306.  
bullet iconAliwan FO, Kroon PA, Faulds CB, Pickersgill R and Williamson G (1999). Ferulic acid esterase‐III from Aspergillus niger does not exhibit lipase activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Wiley vol. 79 (3), 457-459.  
bullet iconScott M, Pickersgill RW, Hazlewood GP, Gilbert HJ and Harris GW (1999). Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray analysis of arabinanase A from Pseudomonas fluorescens subspecies cellulosa. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 55 (2), 544-546.  
bullet iconPickersgill R, Scott M, Smith D, Worboys K and Jenkins J (1999). Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the endo‐polygalacturonase from Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 55 (1), 320-322.  


bullet iconWoo E-J, Dunwell JM, Goodenough PW and Pickersgill RW (1998). Barley oxalate oxidase is a hexameric protein related to seed storage proteins: evidence from X‐ray crystallography. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 437 (1-2), 87-90.  
bullet iconPickersgill R, Smith D, Worboys K and Jenkins J (1998). Crystal Structure of Polygalacturonase from Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora *. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 273 (38), 24660-24664.  
bullet iconPickersgill R, Harris G, Leggio LL, Mayans O and Jenkins J (1998). Superfamilies: the 4/7 superfamily of βα-barrel glycosidases and the right-handed parallel β-helix superfamily. 
bullet iconFaulds CB, Aliwan FO, de Vries RP, Pickersgill RW, Visser J and Williamson G (1998). Chemical and thermal stability of ferulic acid (feruloyl) esterases from Aspergillus. Progress in Biotechnology, Elsevier vol. 15, 41-46.  
bullet iconScott M, Pickersgill RW, Hazlewood GP, Bolam D, Gilbert HJ and Harris GW (1998). Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray diffraction studies of a family 26 endo‐β‐1,4 mannanase (ManA) from Pseudomonas fluorescens subspecies cellulosa. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 54 (1), 129-131.  
bullet iconJenkins J, Mayans O and Pickersgill R (1998). Structure and Evolution of Parallel β-Helix Proteins. Journal of Structural Biology, Elsevier vol. 122 (1-2), 236-246.  


bullet iconHarris GW, Pickersgill RW, Connerton I, Debeire P, Touzel J, Breton C and Pérez S (1997). Structural basis of the properties of an industrially relevant thermophilic xylanase. Proteins Structure Function and Bioinformatics, Wiley vol. 29 (1), 77-86.  
bullet iconLo Leggio L, Parry NJ, Van Beeumen J, Claeyssens M, Bhat MK and Pickersgill RW (1997). Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray analysis of the major endoglucanase from Thermoascus aurantiacus. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 53 (5), 599-604.  
bullet iconSpurway TD, Morland C, Cooper A, Sumner I, Hazlewood GP, O'Donnell AG, Pickersgill RW and Gilbert HJ (1997). Calcium Protects a Mesophilic Xylanase from Proteinase Inactivation and Thermal Unfolding*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 272 (28), 17523-17530.  
bullet iconMayans O, Scott M, Connerton I, Gravesen T, Benen J, Visser J, Pickersgill R and Jenkins J (1997). Two crystal structures of pectin lyase A from Aspergillus reveal a pH driven conformational change and striking divergence in the substrate-binding clefts of pectin and pectate lyases. Structure, Elsevier vol. 5 (5), 677-689.  
bullet iconCharnock SJ, Lakey JH, Virden R, Hughes N, Sinnott ML, Hazlewood GP, Pickersgill R and Gilbert HJ (1997). Key Residues in Subsite F Play a Critical Role in the Activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens Subspecies cellulosa Xylanase A Against Xylooligosaccharides but Not Against Highly Polymeric Substrates such as Xylan*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 272 (5), 2942-2951.  


bullet iconGroves MR, Taylor MA, Scott M, Cummings NJ, Pickersgill RW and Jenkins JA (1996). The prosequence of procaricain forms an α-helical domain that prevents access to the substrate-binding cleft. Structure, Elsevier vol. 4 (10), 1193-1203.  
bullet iconKaterelos NA, Taylor MAJ, Scott M, Goodenough PW and Pickersgill RW (1996). Crystal structure of a caricain D158E mutant in complex with E‐64. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 392 (1), 35-39.  
bullet iconJenkins J, Scott M, Mayans O, Pickersgill R, Harris G, Connerton I and Gravesen T (1996). Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray analysis of pectin lyase A from Aspergillus niger. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 52 (2), 402-404.  
bullet iconHarris GW, Jenkins JA, Connerton I and Pickersgill RW (1996). Refined Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Xylanase A from Pseudomonas fluorescens at 1.8 Å Resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Structural Biology, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 52 (2), 393-401.  


bullet iconJenkins J, Leggio LL, Harris G and Pickersgill R (1995). β‐Glucosidase, β‐galactosidase, family A cellulases, family F xylanases and two barley glycanases form a superfamily of enzymes wit 8‐fold β/α architecture and with two conserved glutamates near the carboxy‐terminal ends of β‐strands four and seven. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 362 (3), 281-285.  
bullet iconSmyth MG, Pickersgill RW and Lax AJ (1995). The potent mitogen Pasteurella multocida toxin is highly resistant to proteolysis but becomes susceptible at lysosomal pH. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 360 (1), 62-66.  


bullet iconHarris GW, Jenkins JA, Connerton I, Cummings N, Leggio LL, Scott M, Hazlewood GP, Laurie JI, Gilbert HJ and Pickersgill RW (1994). Structure of the catalytic core of the family F xylanase from Pseudomonas fluorescens and identification of the xylopentaose-binding sites. Structure, Elsevier vol. 2 (11), 1107-1116.  
bullet iconPickersgill R, Jenkins J, Harris G, Nasser W and Robert-Baudouy J (1994). The structure of Bacillus subtilis pectate lyase in complex with calcium. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 1 (10), 717-723.  
bullet iconPickersgill R, Varvill K, Jones S, Perry B, Fischer B, Henderson I, Garrard S, Sumner I and Goodenough P (1994). Making a small enzyme smaller; removing the conserved loop structure of hen lysozyme. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 347 (2-3), 199-202.  
bullet iconTaylor MAJ, Baker KC, Connerton IF, Cummings NJ, Harris GW, Henderson IMJ, Jones ST, Pickersgill RW, Sumner IG, Warwicker J and Goodenough PW (1994). An unequivocal example of cysteine proteinase activity affected by multiple electrostatic interactions. Protein Engineering Design and Selection, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 7 (10), 1267-1276.  


bullet iconLoris R, Steyaert J, Maes D, Lisgarten J, Pickersgill R and Wyns L (1993). Crystal structure determination and refinement at 2.3-A resolution of the lentil lectin. Biochemistry, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 32 (51) 
bullet iconBhat MK, Pickersgill RW, Perry BN, Brown RA, Jones ST, Mueller-Harvey I, Sumner IG and Goodenough PW (1993). Modification of the head-group selectivity of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 by protein engineering. Biochemistry, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 32 (45), 12203-12208.  
bullet iconSumner IG, Vaughan A, Eisenthal R, Pickersgill RW, Owen AJ and Goodenough PW (1993). Kinetic analysis of papaya proteinase Ω. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Elsevier vol. 1164 (3), 243-251.  
bullet iconSUMNER IG, HARRIS GW, TAYLOR MAJ, PICKERSGILL RW, OWEN AJ and GOODENOUGH PW (1993). Factors effecting the thermostability of cysteine proteinases from Carica papaya. The FEBS Journal, Wiley vol. 214 (1), 129-134.  
bullet iconReveil DF, Cummings NJ, Baker KC, Collins ME, Taylor MAJ, Sumner IG, Pickersgill RW, Connerton IF and Goodenough PW (1993). Nucleotide sequence and expression in Eschericia coli of cDNAs encoding papaya proteinase omega from Carica papaya. Gene, Elsevier vol. 127 (2), 221-225.  
bullet iconGolubev AM, Kilimnik AY, Neustroev KN and Pickersgill RW (1993). Crystals of β-Xylanase from Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 230 (2), 661-663.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW, Debeire P, Debeire-Gosselin M and Jenkins JA (1993). Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of a Thermophilic Bacillus Xylanase. Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 230 (2), 664-666.  
bullet iconJones ST, Ahlström P, Berendsen HJC and Pickersgill RW (1993). Molecular dynamics simulation of a phospholipase A2-substrate complex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Elsevier vol. 1162 (1-2), 135-142.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW, Jenkins JA, Scott M, Connerton I, Hazlewood GP and Gilbert HJ (1993). Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of the Catalytic Domain of Xylanase A from Pseudomonas fluorescens subspecies cellulosa. Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 229 (1), 246-248.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW (1993). Design and engineering of hydrolytic enzymes for enhanced performance in the agricultural and food industries. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, Wiley vol. 57 (3), 290-291.  
bullet iconLoris R, Steyaert J, Maes D, Lisgarten J, Pickersgill R and Wyns L (1993). Corrections: Crystal Structure Determination and Refinement at 2.3-Å Resolution of the Lentil Lectin (Biochemistry (1993) 32(34) (8772–8781) (10.1021/bi00085a007)). Biochemistry vol. 32 (51) 


bullet iconJenkins J, Nasser W, Scott M, Pickersgill R, Vignon J-C and Robert-Baudouy J (1992). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of the pectate lyase from Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 228 (4), 1255-1258.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW, Harris GW and Garman E (1992). Structure of monoclinic papain at 1.60 Å resolution. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 48 (1), 59-67.  
bullet iconHarris GW, Pickersgill RW, Howlin B and Moss DS (1992). The segmented anisotropic refinement of monoclinic papain by the application of the rigid‐body TLS model and comparison to bovine ribonuclease A. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 48 (1), 67-75.  
bullet iconLoris R, Lisgarten J, Maes D, Pickersgill R, Körber F, Reynolds C and Wyns L (1992). Two crystal forms of the lentil lectin diffract to high resolution. Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 223 (2), 579-581.  


bullet iconPickersgill RW, Rizkallah P, Harris GW and Goodenough PW (1991). Determination of the structure of papaya protease omega. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 47 (5), 766-771.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW, Sumner IG, Collins ME, Warwicker J, Perry B, Bhat KM and Goodenough PW (1991). Modification of the stability of phospholipase A2 by charge engineering. FEBS Letters, Wiley vol. 281 (1-2), 219-222.  
bullet iconBhat KM, Sumner IG, Perry BN, Collins ME, Pickersgill RW and Goodenough PW (1991). A novel method for the purification of porcine phospholipase A2 expressed in E.coli. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Elsevier vol. 176 (1), 371-377.  
bullet iconGoodenough PW, Bhat KM, Collins ME, Perry BN, Pickersgill RW, Sumner IG, Warwicker J, de Haas GH and Verheij HM (1991). Changes in activity of porcine phospholipase A2 brought about by charge engineering of a major structural element to alter stability. Protein Engineering Design and Selection, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 4 (8), 929-934.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW and Goodenough PW (1991). Enzyme engineering. Trends in Food Science & Technology, Elsevier vol. 2, 122-126.  


bullet iconPICKERSGILL RW, SUMNER IG and GOODENOUGH PW (1990). Preliminary crystallographic data for protease Ω. The FEBS Journal, Wiley vol. 190 (2), 443-444.  


bullet iconPickersgill RW, Sumner IG, Collins ME and Goodenough PW (1989). Structural and electrostatic differences between actinidin and papain account for differences in activity. Biochemical Journal, Portland Press vol. 257 (1), 310-312.  


bullet iconPickersgill RW, Goodenough PW, Sumner IG and Collins ME (1988). The electrostatic fields in the active-site clefts of actinidin and papain. Biochemical Journal, Portland Press vol. 254 (1), 235-238.  
bullet iconPickersgill RW (1988). A rapid method of calculating charge–charge interaction energies in proteins. Protein Engineering Design and Selection, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2 (3), 247-248.  


bullet iconPickersgill RW (1987). One‐dimensional disorder in spinach ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase crystals. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and advances, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) vol. 43 (4), 502-506.  


bullet iconADAMS MJ, GOVER S, PICKERSGILL RW and HELLIWELL JR (1983). Structure-function relationships of NAD+- and NADP+-dependent dehydrogenases with particular reference to the three-dimensional structure of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press vol. 11 (4), 429-435.  
bullet iconAdams MJ, Archibald IG, Bugg CE, Carne A, Gover S, Helliwell JR, Pickersgill RW and White SW (1983). The three dimensional structure of sheep liver 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase at 2.6 A resolution. The EMBO Journal, Springer Nature vol. 2 (6), 1009-1014.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology
solid heart iconBBSRC AIDD CTP CASE Award: Yu-Yuan Yang
Richard Pickersgill and Arianna Fornili
£8,600 Evotec EVOTEC (UK) LIMITED (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2027)
solid heart iconVitamin scavenging in the gut: Structure/function of the tight-binding B12 foraging machinery in Bacteroides - and its biotechnological applications
Richard Pickersgill
£283,203 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-04-2023 - 31-03-2026)
solid heart iconStructure of the assembly platform of the type II secretion system
Richard Pickersgill, Vidya Chandran Darbari and Arianna Fornili
£579,168 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (28-10-2022 - 27-10-2025)

solid heart iconHighthroughput Light Sheet Microscopy: Imaging Across Scales
Viji Draviam Sastry, Caroline Brennan, Vidya Chandran Darbari, Chema Martin Duran, Ivan Kadurin, Isabel M Palacios, Richard Pickersgill, Sarah McClelland, Tyson Sharp and Martin Knight
£386,205 MRC Medical Research Council (01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023)
solid heart iconSuper-Resolution Microscopy of live cells in 3D
Viji Draviam Sastry, Conrad Mullineaux, Vidya Chandran Darbari, Lakxmi Subramanian, Fabrice Caudron, Richard Pickersgill, Guy Hanke, Alexander Ruban, Peter Thorpe, Christopher Duffy, Chema Martin Duran, John Connelly, Peter McCormick, James Chapple, Vardhman Rakyan, Tyson Sharp, Susana Alves Godinho and David Lee
£369,201 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-12-2020 - 31-03-2022)
solid heart iconCryo-electron micrscope
Richard Pickersgill
£302,000 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (08-08-2017 - 07-07-2018)
solid heart iconBBSRC DTP 2016 (LIDO)`
Richard Pickersgill
£104,696 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2016 - 30-09-2020)
solid heart iconBacterial Microcompartments
Richard Pickersgill
£17,100 Isogenica Ltd (01-10-2014 - 30-09-2018)
solid heart iconBacterial Microcompartments
Richard Pickersgill
£102,126 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2014 - 30-09-2018)
solid heart iconDevelopment of Supramolecular Assemblies
Richard Pickersgill
£601,234 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-10-2014 - 19-10-2020)