Dr Natalia Bulgakova
Lecturer in Genetics, Genomics and Fundamental Cell Biology
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
cell adhesion, cytoskeleton, intracellular trafficking, image analysis, Drosophila
My research focuses on the roles and regulation of intercellular adhesion during the development of an
organism. In the lab, we combine Drosophila melanogaster as a model and human cell lines to understand how the dynamics of the E-cadherin protein, the major component of intercellular adhesion, is controlled through intracellular trafficking and transcriptional regulation. In parallel, we investigate how the changes in this dynamics impacts cell behaviours such as proliferation, survival and signalling activities in normal development and pathology. We combine classical Drosophila genetics with human cell culture; state-of-the-art microscopy (quantitative confocal imaging, live imaging, Airyscan, STORM); and genomic and epigenomic data (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq). As these techniques produce complex datasets, we develop our own pipelines and scripts for automated imaging and next-generation sequencing data analyses. Such analyses enable reliable and reproducible information to be extracted from these datasets.
Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology
Deciphering the roles of cell shape and Fat and Dachsous planar polarity in arranging the Drosophila apical microtubule network through quantitative image analysisRamírez-Moreno M, Hunton R, Strutt D and
Bulgakova NA Molecular Biology of The Cell,
American Society For Cell Biology (Ascb) vol. 34 (6), ar55-ar55.
Multifaceted control of E-cadherin dynamics by Adaptor Protein Complex 1 during epithelial morphogenesisMoreno MR, Boswell K, Casbolt HL and
Bulgakova NA Molecular Biology of The Cell,
American Society For Cell Biology (Ascb) vol. 33 (9), ar80-ar80.
The Cross-Talk Between EGFR and E-CadherinMoreno MR and
Bulgakova NA Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,
Frontiers vol. 9
Interactions and Feedbacks in E-Cadherin Transcriptional RegulationMoreno MR, Stempor PA and
Bulgakova NA Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology,
Frontiers vol. 9
Robustness of the microtubule network self-organization in epitheliaPłochocka AZ, Moreno MR, Davie AM,
Bulgakova NA and Chumakova L
Elife vol. 10
Interplay between actomyosin and E-cadherin dynamics regulates cell shape in the Drosophila embryonic epidermisGreig J and
Bulgakova NA Journal of Cell Science,
The Company of Biologists vol. 133 (15)