Dr Christoph Engl

Christoph Engl

Senior Lecturer in Microbiology
Deputy Head of Biochemistry Department and Director of MSc Molecular Cell Biology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus


Molecular Cell Biology of Bacteria, Cellular Adaptation, Single-cell Biology, RNA Processing and Repair


Dr Engl is an elected Member of the Royal Society of Biology and an internationally recognised expert in the molecular cell biology of bacteria.

He has dissected the cellular adaptation of a variety of bacteria from stimulus perception via signalling cascades and differential gene expression to physiological output. He combines experimental techniques from molecular cell biology and systems biology with state-of-the-art microscopy and computational modelling to analyse bacterial physiology and behaviour down to the single-cell and single-molecule level.

Dr Engl currently focusses his research on RNA processing and repair as well as the biology of single cells including the causes and consequences of cell-to-cell heterogeneity. He also develops novel experimental approaches to determine phenotypic variation within bacterial populations.