Dr Christopher Duffy

Christopher Duffy

Senior Lecturer in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Director of Admissions (SBBS)

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting, Open Quantum Systems, Astrobiology, Bioenergetics


I have a background in Theoretical Physics and a deep interest in Photosynthesis and, more generally, how light and biology interact. I use a variety of theoretical and computational methods to try and understand how photosynthetic organisms harvest energy efficiently yet safely. More recently, I have become interested in the limits of possibility for photosynthesis, collaborating with astronomers and astrophysicists in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences to try and understand if photosynthesis is possible around very different stars to our own Sun. It is interesting and fun to apply the principles of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics to understand whether photosynthesis would work around, say, a red dwarf star, how such organisms might be different from Earth's plants and algae, and whether we could detect it remotely.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology


Relevant PublicationReassessing the role and lifetime of Q x in the energy transfer dynamics of chlorophyll a
Keil E, Kumar A, Bäuml L, Reiter S, Thyrhaug E, Moser S, Duffy CDP, de Vivie-Riedle R and Hauer J
Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) (Immediate Access) 
Relevant PublicationOptimizing photosynthetic light-harvesting under stars: simple and general antenna models
Chitnavis S, Gray C, Rousouli I, Gillen E, Mullineaux CW, Haworth TJ and Duffy CDP
Photosynthesis Research, Springer Nature vol. 162 (1), 75-92.  


Relevant PublicationPhotosynthesis under a red Sun: predicting the absorption characteristics of an extraterrestrial light-harvesting antenna
Duffy CDP, Canchon G, Haworth TJ, Gillen E, Chitnavis S and Mullineaux CW
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 526 (2), 2265-2277.  
Relevant PublicationUnravelling the fluorescence kinetics of light-harvesting proteins with simulated measurements
Gray C, Kailas L, Adams PG and Duffy CDP
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba) - Bioenergetics, Elsevier vol. 1865 (1) 


bullet iconUnderstanding Carotenoid Dynamics via the Vibronic Energy Relaxation Approach
Šebelík V, Duffy CDP, Keil E, Polívka T and Hauer J
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), American Chemical Society vol. 126 (22), 3985-3994.  
bullet iconTrivial Excitation Energy Transfer to Carotenoids Is an Unlikely Mechanism for Non-photochemical Quenching in LHCII
Gray C, Wei T, Polívka T, Daskalakis V and Duffy CDP
Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers vol. 12 


bullet iconUltrafast energy transfer between lipid-linked chromophores and plant light-harvesting complex II
Hancock AM, Son M, Nairat M, Wei T, Jeuken LJC, Duffy CDP, Schlau-Cohen GS and Adams PG
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 23 (35), 19511-19524.  


bullet iconA Protein Environment-Modulated Energy Dissipation Channel in LHCII Antenna Complex
Saccon F, Durchan M, Bína D, Duffy CDP, Ruban AV and Polívka T
Iscience, Elsevier vol. 23 (9) 
bullet iconThe simplicity of robust light harvesting
Duffy CDP
Science, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 368 (6498), 1427-1428.  
bullet iconMultimeric and monomeric photosystem II supercomplexes represent structural adaptations to low- and high-light conditions
Kim E, Watanabe A, Duffy CDP, Ruban AV and Minagawa J
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 295 (43), 14537-14545.  
bullet iconPhotosynthetic light harvesting: Insights from multidisciplinary approaches
Gelin MF, Abramavicius D, Duffy C and Mančal T
Chemical Physics, Elsevier vol. 533 
bullet iconExcitation quenching in chlorophyll–carotenoid antenna systems: ‘coherent’ or ‘incoherent’
Balevičius V and Duffy CDP
Photosynthesis Research, Springer Verlag 


bullet iconStructural Basis for Allosteric Regulation in the Major Antenna Trimer of Photosystem II.
Daskalakis V, Maity S, Hart CL, Stergiannakos T, Duffy CDP and Kleinekathöfer U
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconHow carotenoid distortions may determine optical properties: lessons from the Orange Carotenoid Protein.
Wei T, Balevičius V, Polívka T, Ruban AV and Duffy CDP
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconThe full dynamics of energy relaxation in large organic molecules: from photo-excitation to solvent heating
Balevičius Jr V, Wei T, Di Tommaso D, Abramavicius D, Hauer J, Polívka T and Duffy CDP
Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) 


bullet iconA possible molecular basis for photoprotection in the minor antenna proteins of plants
Fox KF, Ünlü C, Balevičius V, Ramdour BN, Kern C, Pan X, Li M, van Amerongen H and Duffy CDP
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba) - Bioenergetics, Elsevier vol. 1859 (7), 471-481.  


bullet iconFine control of chlorophyll-carotenoid interactions defines the functionality of light-harvesting proteins in plants
Balevicius V, Fox K, Bricker WP, Jurinovich S, Prandi IG, Mennucci B and DUFFY CDP
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 7 
bullet iconThe Carotenoid pathway: What is important for excitation quenching in plant antenna complexes?
Fox K, Balevicius V, Chmeliov J, Valkunas L, Ruban A and DUFFY CDP
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry 


bullet iconThe nature of self-regulation in photosynthetic light-harvesting antenna
Chmeliov J, Gelzinis A, Songaila E, Augulis R, Duffy CDP, Ruban AV and Valkunas L
Nature Plants, Nature Publishing Group vol. 2 (5), 16045-16045.  


bullet iconDistortions of the Xanthophylls Caused by Interactions with Neighboring Pigments and the LHCII Protein Are Crucial for Studying Energy Transfer Pathways within the Complex
Fox KF, Bricker WP, Lo C and Duffy CDP
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 119 (51), 15550-15560.  
bullet iconDissipative pathways in the photosystem-II antenna in plants
Duffy CDP and Ruban AV
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B Biology, Elsevier vol. 152 (Pt B), 215-226.  
bullet iconAn ‘all pigment’ model of excitation quenching in LHCII
Chmeliov J, Bricker WP, Lo C, Jouin E, Valkunas L, Ruban AV and Duffy CDP
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 17 (24), 15857-15867.  


bullet iconEconomic photoprotection in photosystem II that retains a complete light-harvesting system with slow energy traps.
Belgio E, Kapitonova E, Chmeliov J, Duffy CDP, Ungerer P, Valkunas L and Ruban AV
Nat Commun vol. 5 
bullet iconModeling the NMR signatures associated with the functional conformational switch in the major light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II in higher plants.
Duffy CDP, Pandit A and Ruban AV
Phys Chem Chem Phys vol. 16 (12), 5571-5580.  


bullet iconLight-harvesting processes in the dynamic photosynthetic antenna.
Duffy CDP, Valkunas L and Ruban AV
Phys Chem Chem Phys vol. 15 (43), 18752-18770.  
bullet iconModeling of fluorescence quenching by lutein in the plant light-harvesting complex LHCII.
Duffy CDP, Chmeliov J, Macernis M, Sulskus J, Valkunas L and Ruban AV
J Phys Chem B vol. 117 (38), 10974-10986.  
bullet iconSwitching light harvesting complex II into photoprotective state involves the lumen-facing apoprotein loop.
Belgio E, Duffy CDP and Ruban AV
Phys Chem Chem Phys vol. 15 (29), 12253-12261.  
bullet iconQuantum mechanical calculations of xanthophyll-chlorophyll electronic coupling in the light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II of higher plants.
Duffy CDP, Valkunas L and Ruban AV
J Phys Chem B vol. 117 (25), 7605-7614.  
bullet iconChanges in the Energy Transfer Pathways within Photosystem II Antenna Induced by Xanthophyll Cycle Activity
Ilioaia C, Duffy CDP, Johnson MP and Ruban AV
Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 117 (19), 5841-5847.  


bullet iconA theoretical investigation of xanthophyll-protein hydrogen bonding in the photosystem II antenna.
Duffy CDP and Ruban AV
J Phys Chem B vol. 116 (14), 4310-4318.  
bullet iconThe photoprotective molecular switch in the photosystem II antenna.
Ruban AV, Johnson MP and Duffy CDP
Biochim Biophys Acta vol. 1817 (1), 167-181.  
Relevant PublicationLight-harvesting antenna composition controls the macrostructure and dynamics of thylakoid membranes in Arabidopsis.
Goral TK, Johnson MP, Duffy CDP, Brain APR, Ruban AV and Mullineaux CW
Plant J vol. 69 (2), 289-301.  
bullet iconElectronic Spectra of Structurally Deformed Lutein
Macernis M, Sulskus J, Duffy CDP, Ruban AV and Valkunas L
Journal of Physical Chemistry A vol. 116 (40), 9843-9853.  


bullet iconExcitation Migration, Quenching and Regulation of Photosynthetic Light Harvesting in Photosystem II.
Valkunas L, Chmeliov E, Trinkunas G, Duffy CDP, van Grondelle R and Ruban AV
J. Phys. Chem. B, American Chemical Society vol. 115 (29), 9252-9260.  
bullet iconNatural light harvesting: principles and environmental trends
Ruban AV, Johnson MP and Duffy CDP
Energ Environ Sci vol. 4 (5), 1643-1650.  
Relevant PublicationPhotoprotective energy dissipation involves the reorganization of photosystem II light-harvesting complexes in the grana membranes of spinach chloroplasts.
Johnson MP, Goral TK, Duffy CDP, Brain APR, Mullineaux CW and Ruban AV
Plant Cell vol. 23 (4), 1468-1479.  
bullet iconOrigin of Absorption Changes Associated with Photoprotective Energy Dissipation in the Absence of Zeaxanthin
Ilioaia C, Johnson MP, Duffy CDP, Pascal AA, van Grondelle R, Robert B and Ruban AV
J Biol Chem vol. 286 (1), 91-98.  


bullet iconA theoretical investigation of the photophysical consequences of major plant light-harvesting complex aggregation within the photosynthetic membrane.
Duffy CDP, Johnson MP, Macernis M, Valkunas L, Barford W and Ruban AV
J Phys Chem B vol. 114 (46), 15244-15253.  


bullet iconTheoretical investigation of the role of strongly coupled chlorophyll dimers in photoprotection of LHCII
Duffy CDP, Ruban AV and Barford W
J Phys Chem B vol. 112 (39), 12508-12515.  


bullet iconRole of quantum coherence and energetic disorder in exciton transport in polymer films
Barford W and Duffy CDP
Phys Rev B vol. 74 (7) 


bullet iconLimits on WIMP cross-sections from the NAIAD experiment at the boulby underground laboratory
Alner GJ, Araujo HM, Arnison GJ, Barton JC, Bewick A, Bungau C, Camanzi B, Carson MJ, Davidge D, Davies GJ, Davies JC, Daw E, Dawson JV, Duffy C, Durkin TJ, Gamble T, Hart SP, Hollingworth R, Homer GJ, Howard AS, et al.
Phys Lett B vol. 616 (1-2), 17-24.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Molecular Cell Biology
solid heart iconPhotosynthesis on Alien Worlds: What might it look like, and can it be detected?
Christopher Duffy, Edward Gillen, Conrad Mullineaux and Thomas Haworth
£161,373 Leverhulme Trust
01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026