Dr Ying He

Ying He

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Cyber Security, Decision Making, Risk Assessment, Health Information Systems


Ying He is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science in the School of EECS at Queen Mary University London, UK. Dr. Ying He obtained PhD in Computer Science from Glasgow University, UK. Ying’s research focuses on cyber threat intelligence, security incident response, security risk assessment, decision-making, and human’s aspects of security. She also looks at how security management frameworks and security mechanism can be applied in industry such as finance and healthcare organisations.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


Relevant PublicationHe Y, Zamani E, Yevseyeva I and Luo C (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Based Ethical Hacking for Health Information Systems: Simulation Study. JMIR, Journal of Medical Internet Research vol. 25, e41748-e41748.  


Relevant PublicationLoft P, He Y, Yevseyeva I and Wagner I (2022). CAESAR8: An agile enterprise architecture approach to managing information security risks. Computers & Security, Elsevier vol. 122 


bullet iconHe Y, Zamani ED, Lloyd S and Luo C (2021). Agile incident response (AIR): Improving the incident response process in healthcare. International Journal of Information Management, Elsevier vol. 62, 102435-102435.  
bullet iconSmith R, Janicke H, He Y, Ferra F and Albakri A (2021). The Agile Incident Response for Industrial Control Systems (AIR4ICS) framework. Computers and Security, Elsevier vol. 109, 102398-102398.  
bullet iconHe Y, Aliyu A, Evans M and Luo C (2021). Health Care Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions Under the Climate of COVID-19: Scoping Review. JMIR, Journal of Medical Internet Research vol. 23 (4), e21747-e21747.  
bullet iconHe Y, Camacho RS, Soygazi H and Luo C (2021). Attacking and defence pathways for Intelligent Medical Diagnosis System (IMDS). International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier vol. 148, 104415-104415.  


bullet iconVitunskaite M, He Y, Brandstetter T and Janicke H (2019). Smart cities and cyber security: Are we there yet?A comparative study on the role of standards, third party risk management and security ownership. Computers & Security, Elsevier vol. 83, 313-331.  
bullet iconEvans M, He Y, Maglaras L, Yevseyeva I and Janicke H (2019). Evaluating information security core human error causes (IS-CHEC) technique in public sector and comparison with the private sector. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier vol. 127, 109-119.  
bullet iconLoft P, He Y, Janicke H and Wagner I (2019). Dying of a hundred good symptoms: why good security can still fail - a literature review and analysis. Enterprise Information Systems, Taylor and Francis Group vol. 15 (4), 448-473.  
bullet iconEvans M, He Y, Maglaras L and Janicke H (2019). HEART-IS: A novel technique for evaluating human error-related information security incidents. Computers & Security, Elsevier vol. 80, 74-89.  


bullet iconZamani E, He Y and Phillips M (2018). On the Security Risks of the Blockchain. Journal of Computer Information Systems, Taylor & Francis vol. 60 (6), 495-506.  
bullet iconAl-Barnawi A, He Y, Maglaras LA and Janicke H (2018). Electronic medical records and risk management in hospitals of Saudi Arabia. Informatics for Health and Social Care, Taylor & Francis vol. 44 (2), 189-203.  


bullet iconHe Y and Johnson C (2017). Challenges of information security incident learning: An industrial case study in a Chinese healthcare organization. Informatics for Health and Social Care, Taylor & Francis vol. 42 (4), 393-408.  


bullet iconHe Y and Johnson C (2015). Improving the redistribution of the security lessons in healthcare: An evaluation of the Generic Security Template. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier vol. 84 (11), 941-949.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI
solid heart iconReturn on cyber security investment (ROCSI)-GRANT TRANSFER
Ying He
£190,869 ESRC Economic and Social Research Council (01-10-2023 - 30-06-2025)