Prof Yang Hao

Yang Hao

Professor of Antennas and Electromagnetics
Deputy VP for Strategic Research

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Antenna Engineering, Transformation Optics, Material Discovery, Bioengineering, Metamaterials, Communication Engineering


Professor Yang Hao (FREng, FIEEE, FIET) received the Ph.D. degree from the Centre for Communications Research (CCR) at the University of Bristol, U.K. in 1998. From 1998 to 2000, he was a postdoc research fellow at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Birmingham, U.K. In May 2000, he joined the Antenna and Electromagnetics Group, Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K. first as a lecturer and was promoted to Reader in 2005 and to Professor in 2007. Currently he is the holder of the QinetiQ/Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Research Chair. He also serves as the Deputy Vice Principal for Strategic Research, an elected University Council Member and Governance Committee Member, Queen Mary University of London.

Professor Hao's early work in metamaterials and transformation optics has been instrumental in reshaping the possibilities of electromagnetic devices. his research laid the foundation for discovering unconventional properties in materials through AI/Machine Learning and robotic controlled research lab automation, which enable the design of novel devices capable of precise wave control. Beyond theoretical advancements, Prof. Hao has delved into wireless communication and wearable electronics, with a focus on in-body radio channels and wireless implants. This work demonstrated his dedication to advancing communication technologies for medical applications, showcasing the broader societal impact of his research. His work has been featured by Daily Mail, CNN, Telegraph, New Statesman, Financial Times and IEEE Spectrum
The breadth of Professor's expertise is reflected in his research interests, spanning wireless connectivity, metamaterials, antennas, terahertz technology, and intelligent systems. He has led research projects of approximate £60M from UKRI, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, ERC and EU. He currently leads several research programmes including an EPSRC prosperity partnership project of £2.6m . Professor Hao's research impact is not confined to the academic realm; he has been a driving force in fostering collaboration between academia and industry. His role as the QinetiQ/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair underscores his influence in shaping the future of wireless technologies through coommunication material innovation. He co-founded "Isotropic Systems (All.Space)", a successful satellite communication company creating more than 100 engineer jobs in Reading, exemplifies his commitment to bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications. Professor Hao was the PI and the director of a £4.6M EPSRC QUEST programme grant on transformation electromagnetics and microwave metamaterials. He is a management board member of Cambridge Graphene Center, which has attracted over £25M funding from UK EPSRC, and the ASG (AI for Science and Government) programme of Alan Turing Institute. Professor Hao was a strategic advisory board member for EPSRC, where he is committed to championing RF/microwave engineering for reshaping the future of UK manufacturing and electronics.

Professor Hao has contributed extensively to patent applications and scientific journals including Physics Review Letters, Nature Communications, Advanced Science, Proceedings of IEEE, NPJ Computational Materials etc. He was a co-editor and co-author of the books Antennas and Radio Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications (Boston, MA, USA: Artech House, 2006, 2012), and FDTD Modelling of Metamaterials: Theory and Applications (Boston, MA, USA: Artech House, 2008), respectively.

From 2018, he serves as a publication committee chair for IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. Prof. Hao was an Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS during 2014 and 2017. He founded a new open access journal for metamaterial research and he is now an editor-in-chief for EPJ Applied Metamaterials. He was an Associate Editor for the IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION during 2008-2013, and also a Co-Guest Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION in 2009. He was a Vice Chairman of the Executive Team of IET Antennas and Propagation Professional Network. He is currently a member of Board of the European School of Antenna Excellence, a member of EU VISTA Cost Action and the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials, Metamorphose VI AISBL. He was a conference General Chair of Metamaterials’09, and EuCAP’18.

Since 2000, Professor Hao has supervised more than 70 Postdocs and PhD students. They are now working in global industries and universities including Samsung Electronics, Airbus, Cobham, Cadence Design Systems, Isotropic Systems (All.Space), Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, QMUL, KTH, Dublin, and Penn State University. Three of them have set up spinout companies. Four of them winning Royal Society Research Fellowships.

In addition to his prolific research career, Professor Hao has excelled in academic leadership roles. He went through the training via the Oxford Executive Leadership Programme, Saïd Business School at University of Oxford. As the Deputy Vice Principal for Strategic Research at Queen Mary, University of London, and the Dean for Research at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, he has played a pivotal role in REF 2021 submission (ranked joint 7th in the UK for the quality of its research), setting up university research institutes and steering institutional research agendas.

Professor Hao was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2020, Fellow of the IEEE in 2013, Fellow of the IET in 2010 and Fellow of the ERA Foundation in 2007. He was a holder of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award between 2013 and 2018. He also won IET AF Harvey Research Prize and BAE Chairman's Silver Award.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


bullet iconOmidvar M, Zhang H, Ihalage AA, Graves Saunders T, Giddens H, Forrester M, Haq S and Hao Y (2024). Accelerated Discovery of Perovskite Solid Solutions through Automated Materials Synthesis and Characterization. Nature Communications, Nature Research 
bullet iconKolb JF and Hao Y (2024). Software Defined Metasurface with Wireless Controlled Unit-cells for Space Applications. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and INC/USNC‐URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/INC-USNC-URSI)
bullet iconHenderson JR, Saunders TG, Yuan H, Briscoe J and Hao Y (2024). Joule-Heated Vanadium Dioxide Switch Design for Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Antenna Arrays. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 23 (11), 3729-3733.  
bullet iconCui TJ, Zhang S, Alù A, Wegener M, Pendry J, Luo J, Lai Y, Wang Z, Lin X, Chen H, Chen P, Wu R-X, Yin Y, Zhao P, , Li Y, Zhou Z, Engheta N, Asadchy V, Simovski C, et al. (2024). Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces. Journal of Physics Photonics, IOP Publishing vol. 6 (3) 
bullet iconChristogeorgos O, Okon E, Hao Y and Christogeorgos O (2024). An Ultra-Wideband (35:1) Shared-Aperture Antenna Array with Multihyperuniform Disorder. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconCicchetti V and Hao Y (2024). Wideband Dual-Polarized Lens Antenna for Future mm- Wave Applications. 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconChristogeorgos O, Okon E and Hao Y (2024). A Wideband Free Space Material Characterization Method for Extracting Dielectric Permittivity. 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconDutta R, Castles F and Hao Y (2024). Broadening the Spectrum: Extending the Finite Crystal Method to Characterize Static Multi-Atomic Active Metamaterial Systems. 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconChristogeorgos O, Okon E and Hao Y (2024). A Computational Model for Generating Multihyperuniform Distributions for Realistic Antenna Array and Metasurface Designs. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, EDP Open 
bullet iconZhang H, Krynski M, Fortes AD, Saunders TG, Palma M, Hao Y, Krok F, Yan H and Abrahams I (2024). Origin of Polarization in Bismuth Sodium Titanate-Based Ceramics. Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society vol. 146 (8), 5569-5579.  


bullet iconZhang H, Giddens H, Saunders TG, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2023). Microwave tunability in tin substituted barium titanate. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier 
bullet iconChristogeorgos O and Hao Y (2023). Multihyperuniform Shared Aperture Antenna Arrays for Multiband Unidirectional Emission Applications. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI)
bullet iconCha Y-O, Ihalage AA and Hao Y (2023). Antennas and Propagation Research From Large-Scale Unstructured Data With Machine Learning: A review and predictions. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 65 (5), 10-24.  
bullet iconVial B, Guenneau S and Hao Y (2023). Topology optimization of a thermal cloak in the frequency domain. AIP Advances, AIP Publishing vol. 13 (8) 
bullet iconKolb JF and Hao Y (2023). Reconfigurable Microstructure Designs for Future Software Defined Materials. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI)
bullet iconKolb JF and Hao Y (2023). Exploring the Potential of Wireless Controlled Unit-Cells in Metamaterials: A New Concept in Multiple Degree of Freedom. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI)
bullet iconRuan H, Saunders TG, Giddens H, Zhang H, Ihalage AA, Kolb JF, Blunt M, Haq S, Yan H and Hao Y (2023). Microwave characterization of two Ba 0.6 Sr 0.4 TiO 3 dielectric thin films with out-of-plane and in-plane electrode structures. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, SpringerOpen, 1-12.  
bullet iconChittur Subramanianprasad P, Ma Y, Ihalage AA and Hao Y (2023). Active Learning Optimisation of Binary Coded Metasurface Consisting of Wideband Meta-Atoms. Sensors, MDPI vol. 23 (12) 
bullet iconChristogeorgos O, Okon E and Hao Y (2023). Multihyperuniform Disorder and Its Application on Shared-Aperture Phased Antenna Arrays. 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconHenderson JR and Hao Y (2023). A Reconfigurable Feed Network Splitter to Apply Progressive Phase for Steerable Antenna Arrays. 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconYang R, Wang C-X, Huang J, Aggoune E-HM and Hao Y (2023). A Novel 6G ISAC Channel Model Combining Forward and Backward Scattering. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 22 (11), 8050-8065.  
bullet iconMa Y, Kolb JF, Ihalage AA, Andy AS and Hao Y (2023). Incorporating Meta‐Atom Interactions in Rapid Optimization of Large‐Scale Disordered Metasurfaces Based on Deep Interactive Learning. Advanced Photonics Research, Wiley vol. 4 (4) 
bullet iconHe Y, Wang C-X, Chang H, Feng R, Sun J, Zhang W, Hao Y and Aggoune E-HM (2023). A Novel 3-D Beam Domain Channel Model for Maritime Massive MIMO Communication Systems Using Uniform Circular Arrays. IEEE Transactions on Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 71 (4), 2487-2502.  
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2023). Auto-differentiable Computational Photonics and its application to optimization. 


bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Khan AN and Hao Y (2022). On-Body NLoS Radio Channel at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 71 (2), 1783-1792.  
bullet iconZhang H, Fortes AD, Giddens H, Saunders TG, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2022). Antiferroelectric-like Behavior in a Lead-Free Perovskite Layered Structure Ceramic. Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society vol. 61 (50), 20316-20325.  
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2022). Open-Source Computational Photonics with Auto Differentiable Topology Optimization. Mathematics, MDPI vol. 10 (20) 
bullet iconKhalily M, Yurduseven O, Cui TJ, Hao Y and Eleftheriades GV (2022). Engineered Electromagnetic Metasurfaces in Wireless Communications: Applications, Research Frontiers and Future Directions. IEEE Communications Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 60 (10), 88-94.  
bullet iconKhan AN, Ermakov A, Saunders T, Giddens H, Gould D, Sukhorukov G and Hao Y (2022). Electrical characterization of micron sized chambers used as a depot for drug delivery. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconTeoh L, Ihalage AA, Harp S, Al-Khateeb ZF, Michael-Titus AT, Tremoleda JL and Hao Y (2022). Deep learning for behaviour classification in a preclinical brain injury model. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 17 (6) 
bullet iconWang C-X, Lv Z, Gao X, You X, Hao Y and Haas H (2022). Pervasive Wireless Channel Modeling Theory and Applications to 6G GBSMs for All Frequency Bands and All Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 71 (9), 9159-9173.  
bullet iconMeng X, Liu R, Chu H, Peng R, Wang M, Hao Y and Lai Y (2022). Through-Wall Wireless Communication Enabled by a Metalens. Physical Review Applied, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 17 (6) 
bullet iconVial B, Giddens H and Hao Y (2022). Multi-material additive manufacturing of microwave devices. 2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconIhalage A and Hao Y (2022). Formula Graph Self‐Attention Network for Representation‐Domain Independent Materials Discovery. Advanced Science, Wiley vol. 9 (18) 
bullet iconCha Y and Hao Y (2022). The Dawn of Metamaterial Engineering Predicted via Hyperdimensional Keyword Pool and Memory Learning (Advanced Optical Materials 8/2022). Advanced Optical Materials, Wiley vol. 10 (8) 
bullet iconCha Y and Hao Y (2022). The Dawn of Metamaterial Engineering Predicted via Hyperdimensional Keyword Pool and Memory Learning. Advanced Optical Materials, Wiley vol. 10 (8) 
bullet iconVial B, Whittaker T, Zhang S, Whittow WG and Hao Y (2022). Optimization and experimental validation of a bi-focal lens in the microwave domain. AIP Advances, AIP Publishing vol. 12 (2) 
bullet iconCheng Q, Hao Y, McGhee J, Whittow WG, Vardaxoglou JC, Mittra R and Zhang S (2022). Dual Circularly Polarized 3-D Printed Broadband Dielectric Reflectarray With a Linearly Polarized Feed. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 70 (7), 5393-5403.  
bullet iconKhan AN, Cha YO, Giddens H and Hao Y (2022). Recent Advances in Organ Specific Wireless Bioelectronic Devices: Perspective on Biotelemetry and Power Transfer Using Antenna Systems. Engineering, Elsevier vol. 11, 27-41.  


bullet iconLiu Y, Mu X, Xu J, Schober R, Hao Y, Poor HV and Hanzo L (2021). STAR: Simultaneous Transmission and Reflection for 360° Coverage by Intelligent Surfaces. IEEE Wireless Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 28 (6), 102-109.  
bullet iconWang Y, Ge Y, Chen Z, Liu X, Pu J, Liu K, Chen H and Hao Y (2021). Broadband High-Efficiency Ultrathin Metasurfaces With Simultaneous Independent Control of Transmission and Reflection Amplitudes and Phases. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 70 (1), 254-263.  
bullet iconWang J, Wang C-X, Huang J, Wang H, Gao X, You X and Hao Y (2021). A Novel 3D Non-Stationary GBSM for 6G THz Ultra-Massive MIMO Wireless Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 70 (12), 12312-12324.  
bullet iconGiddens H, Andy AS and Hao Y (2021). Multimaterial 3-D Printed Compressed Luneburg Lens for mm-Wave Beam Steering. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 20 (11), 2166-2170.  
bullet iconChu H, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Peng R, Wang M, Hao Y and Lai Y (2021). Invisible surfaces enabled by the coalescence of anti-reflection and wavefront controllability in ultrathin metasurfaces. Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
bullet iconPan C, Ren H, Wang K, Kolb JF, Elkashlan M, Chen M, Di Renzo M, Hao Y, Wang J, Swindlehurst AL, You X and Hanzo L (2021). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Systems: Principles, Applications, and Research Directions. IEEE Communications Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 59 (6), 14-20.  
bullet iconIhalage A and Hao Y (2021). Analogical discovery of disordered perovskite oxides by crystal structure information hidden in unsupervised material fingerprints. npj Computational Materials, Nature Research (part of Springer Nature) vol. 7 (1) 
bullet iconSnowden C and Hao Y (2021). Peter John Bell Clarricoats. 6 April 193217 January 2020. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, The Royal Society vol. 71, 103-122.  
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2021). High frequency meta-ferroelectrics by inverse design. Optical Materials Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 11 (5) 
bullet iconHao Y, Khan AN, Ermakov A and Sukhorukov G (2021). Wireless Drug Delivery Devices. Antenna and Sensor Technologies in Modern Medical Applications  319-344.  
bullet iconZhang H, Cheng Q, Chu H, Christogeorgos O, Wu W and Hao Y (2021). Hyperuniform disordered distribution metasurface for scattering reduction. Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing vol. 118 (10) 
bullet iconKhan AN, Ihalage AA, Ma Y, Liu B, Liu Y and Hao Y (2021). Deep learning framework for subject-independent emotion detection using wireless signals. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 16 (2) 
bullet iconChristogeorgos O, Zhang H, Cheng Q and Hao Y (2021). Extraordinary Directive Emission and Scanning from an Array of Radiation Sources with Hyperuniform Disorder. Physical Review Applied vol. 15 (1) 


bullet iconWang C-X, Huang J, Wang H, Gao X, You X and Hao Y (2020). 6G Wireless Channel Measurements and Models. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 15 (4), 22-32.  
bullet iconCheng Q, Ihalage AA, Liu Y and Hao Y (2020). Compressive Sensing Radar Imaging with Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 8, 212917-212926.  
bullet iconZhang H, Gidden H, Saunders TG, Liu N, Aurallo-Peters V, Xu X, Palma M, Reece MJ, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2020). High Tunability and Low Loss in Layered Perovskite Dielectrics through Intrinsic Elimination of Oxygen Vacancies. Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (ACS) 
bullet iconLiu Y (2020). Low-Profile Beam Steerable Patch Array with SIW Feeding Network. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
bullet iconKandwal A, Nie Z, Igbe T, Li J, Liu Y, Liu LWY and Hao Y (2020). Surface Plasmonic Feature Microwave Sensor with Highly Confined fields for Aqueous-Glucose and Blood-Glucose Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconKhan AN, Liu Y and Hao Y (2020). Conformal loop antenna for an active drug delivery device operating at 900 MHz. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLiu Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Hao Y (2020). Artificial Magnetic Material for Array Antenna Application. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconKandwal A, Zedong N and Hao Y (2020). Using Highly Confined Fields to Develop Biosensors for Glucose Measurements. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLiu N, Ihalage A, Zhang H, Giddens H, Yan H and Hao Y (2020). Interactive human–machine learning framework for modelling of ferroelectric–dielectric composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconMa Y and Hao Y (2020). Antenna Classification using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and Machine Learning. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconJiang Z, Liang Q, Li Z, Chen T, Li D and Hao Y (2020). A 3D Carpet Cloak with Non-Euclidean Metasurfaces. Advanced Optical Materials, Wiley 
bullet iconXu L, Li J, Hao Y, Zhang P, Ciuti G, Dario P and Huang Q (2020). Depth Estimation for Local Colon Structure in Monocular Capsule Endoscopy Based on Brightness and Camera Motion. Robotica, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 39 (2), 334-345.  
bullet iconGiddens H and Hao Y (2020). Multi-Beam Graded Dielectric Lens Antenna from Multi-Material 3D Printing. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconHao Y, Li J, Bianchi F, Zhang P, Ciuti G, Dario P and Huang Q (2020). Analytical Magnetic Model Towards Compact Design of Magnetically-Driven Capsule Robots. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 2 (2), 188-195.  
bullet iconZhang H, Giddens H, Yue Y, Xu X, Araullo-Peters V, Koval V, Palma M, Abrahams I, Yan H and Hao Y (2020). Polar nano-clusters in nominally paraelectric ceramics demonstrating high microwave tunability for wireless communication. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier 
bullet iconHao Y and Snowden CM (2020). Remembering Peter Clarricoats. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 62 (2), 126-126.  
bullet iconWang C, Huang J, Wang H, Gao X, You X and Hao Y (2020). 6G oriented wireless communication channel characteristics analysis and modeling. Chinese Journal on Internet of Things vol. 4 (1), 19-32.  
bullet iconCheng Q, Liu Y, Zhang H and Hao Y (2020). A Generic Spiral MIMO Array Design Method for Short-Range UWB Imaging. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 19 (5), 851-855.  
bullet iconKhan AN, Wen D, Liu Y, Sukhorukov G and Hao Y (2020). An Ultrawideband Conformal Antenna for Implantable Drug Delivery Device. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconLiu Y, Khan AN, Cheng Q, Torrico MM and Hao Y (2020). An Ultra-thin Wide-Angle Scanned Planar Array Antenna For Satellite Communication. 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconLiu B, Giddens H, Li Y, He Y, Wong SW and Hao Y (2020). Design and experimental demonstration of Doppler cloak from spatiotemporally modulated metamaterials based on rotational Doppler effect. Optics Express, Optical Society of America (OSA) vol. 28 (3), 3748-3755.  
bullet iconKandwal A, Li J, Igbe T, Liu Y, Li S, Wang L, Hao Y and Nie Z (2020). Broadband Frequency Scanning Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Design with Highly Confined Endfire Radiations. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 10 (1) 


bullet iconLiu Y, Beal P, Giddens H and Hao Y (2019). U-slot patch antenna with low RCS based on a metaferrite substrate. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, EDP Open vol. 6, 20-20.  
bullet iconFarooq H, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2019). Noise figure of electromagnetic systems with parity and time-reversal symmetry. Optics Express vol. 27 (22), 31363-31375.  
bullet iconKhan AN, Ermakov A, Sukhorukov G and Hao Y (2019). Radio frequency controlled wireless drug delivery devices. Applied Physics Reviews, AIP Publishing vol. 6 (4) 
bullet iconCheng Q, Zhang H and Hao Y (2019). Three-dimensional Hyperuniform Disordered Luneburg Lens with Plasmonic Nanoparticles. 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - China (ACES)
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Zhong Z, Hao Y and Shi G (2019). On 3D Cluster-Based Channel Modeling for Large-Scale Array Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 18 (10), 4902-4914.  
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2019). Enhanced tunability in ferroelectric composites through local field enhancement and the effect of disorder. Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Publishing vol. 126 (4) 
bullet iconHao Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Sukhorukov G (2019). Characterization of Microchamber Arrays for Targeted Drug Delivery. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconZhang H and Hao Y (2019). Metasurface from Hyperuniform Disordered Distribution. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLiu B, Chu H, Giddens H, Hao Y and Li R (2019). Rotational Doppler Effect of Spinning Metasurface in Radar System. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLiu Y and Mary YHQ (2019). One Dual-Polarization 10-40 GHz Planar Array Antenna For Sattellite Communication. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLiu B, Chu H, Giddens H, Li R and Hao Y (2019). Experimental Observation of Linear and Rotational Doppler Shifts from Several Designer Surfaces. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 9 (1) 
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Zhong Z and Hao Y (2019). A Cluster-Based Channel Model for Massive MIMO Communications in Indoor Hotspot Scenarios. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, IEEE vol. 18 (8), 3856-3870.  
bullet iconCheng Q, Naeem M and Hao Y (2019). Composite Luneburg lens based on dielectric or plasmonic scatterers. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 27 (8), 10946-10960.  
bullet iconShi H, Giddens H and Hao Y (2019). Field transformation-based multifunctional and wide-angle polariser for antenna polarisation characteristics manipulation. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Institution of Engineering and Technology vol. 13 (9), 1450-1456.  
bullet iconShi H and Hao Y (2019). Applications of the Field Transformation for Artificial Magnetic Conductors. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM)
bullet iconAndy AS and Hao Y (2019). Flat Luneburg Lens at 0.24 THz for Antenna Beam Steering Applications. 
bullet iconFarooq H, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2019). Noise Figure of a Unidirectional Cloaking Circuit Based on Parity-Time Symmetry. 
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2019). Coupled model for the study of effective parameters of ferroelectric metamaterials. 
bullet iconLa Spada L, Spooner C, Haq S and Hao Y (2019). Curvilinear MetaSurfaces for Surface Wave Manipulation. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 9 (1) 
bullet iconZhang H, Chu H, Giddens H, Wu W and Hao Y (2019). Experimental demonstration of Luneburg lens based on hyperuniform disordered media. Applied Physics Letters vol. 114 (5) 
bullet iconZhang H, Cheng Q and Hao Y (2019). Composite Luneburg lenses designed with Hyperuniform disordered structure. 2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
bullet iconYilmaz T, Foster R and Hao Y (2019). Radio-Frequency and Microwave Techniques for Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Levels. Diagnostics, MDPI vol. 9 (1) 
bullet iconBelem-Goncalves C, Sarker A, Giddens H, Biurrun C, Boccio CD-R, Luxey C, Hao Y, Basu R, Paoloni C and Ducournau G (2019). THz links using tube amplifiers and steerable beams for indoor applications. 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)
bullet iconHao Y, Khan AN, Giddens H and Sukhorukov G (2019). Characterization of Microchamber Arrays for Targeted Drug Delivery. 


bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2018). Design of a MIMO Antenna With High Isolation for Smartwatch Applications Using the Theory of Characteristic Modes. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 67 (3), 1437-1447.  
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2018). Design of a wideband antenna by manipulating characteristic modes of a metallic loop. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Wiley vol. 61 (2), 513-518.  
bullet iconHao Y, Zhang P, Bianchi F, Wu L, Li J, Ciuti G, Huang Q and Dario P (2018). Analytical Magnetic Model towards Compact Design of Magnetically-driven Capsule Robot. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS)
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Zhong Z, Hao Y and Shi G (2018). The 3D Spatial Non-Stationarity and Spherical Wavefront in Massive MIMO Channel Measurement. 2018 10th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP)
bullet iconBradley PJ, Torrico MOM, Brennan C and Hao Y (2018). Printable all-dielectric water-based absorber. Sci Rep vol. 8 (1), 14490-14490.  
bullet iconLi G, Ai B, Guan K, He D, Zhong Z and Hao Y (2018). Connected Vehicle Channels: On the Consideration of Electromagnetic Scattering From Local Scatterers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 67 (9), 7910-7923.  
bullet iconWu B-Y, Hao Y and Sheng X-Q (2018). A Finite Element Model Order Reduction Technique for Multiscale Electromagnetic Problems. IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 3, 140-148.  
bullet iconAziz AK, Zhang L, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2018). Ultrashort pulse synthesis for energy concentration control in nanostructures. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 26 (19), 25188-25198.  
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Zhang Y, Liu X, Zhong Z and Hao Y (2018). Directional Analysis of Massive MIMO Channels at 11 GHz in Theater Environment. 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Wang Q, Zhang B, Zhong Z and Hao Y (2018). Channel Characterization for Massive MIMO in Subway Station Environment at 6 GHz and 11 GHz. 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)
bullet iconAlavi SA, Mehran K, Hao Y, Rahimian A, Mirsaeedi H and Vahidinasab V (2018). A Distributed Event-Triggered Control Strategy for DC Microgrids Based on Publish-Subscribe Model Over Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 
bullet iconLi J, Ai B, He R, Yang M, Zhong Z and Hao Y (2018). Measurement-Based Massive MIMO Channel Characterization in Lobby Environment at 11 GHz. 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)
bullet iconCheng Q and Hao Y (2018). Phased Array Imaging with Compressive Sensing. 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - China (ACES)
bullet iconShi H and Hao Y (2018). Wide-angle optical half-wave plate from the field transformation approach and form-birefringence theory. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 26 (16), 20132-20144.  
bullet iconLi J, Nie Z, Liu Y, Wang L and Hao Y (2018). An Investigation on Propagation Characteristics of In-body Radio Channels for Wireless Implants. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconZhang H, Wu W and Hao Y (2018). Luneburg Lens from Hyperuniform Disordered Composite Materials. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2018). Design of a Triple-Mode Wideband Antenna Using Theory of Characteristic Modes. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconAhopelto J, Benini A, Bilotti F, Casali B, Chazelas J, Gerini G, Hao Y, Herbertz K, Maci S, Massa A, Pierantoni L, Torres CMS, Treyakov S, Tripon-Canseliet C, Vardaxoglou Y, Vecchi G and Zayats A (2018). The Electromagnetic framework of “Nanoarchitectronics”. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2018). Corrections to “Design of a Wideband Antenna With Stable Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern Using the Theory of Characteristic Modes”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 
bullet iconHe D, Ai B, Schmieder M, Zhong Z, Kim J, Hui B, Chung H, Kim I and Hao Y (2018). Influence Analysis of Typical Objects in Rural Railway Environments at 28 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 68 (3), 2066-2076.  
bullet iconMcCall M, Pendry JB, Galdi V, Lai Y, Horsley SAR, Li J, Zhu J, Mitchell-Thomas RC, Quevedo-Teruel O, Tassin P, Ginis V, Martini E, Minatti G, Maci S, Ebrahimpouri M, Hao Y, Kinsler P, Gratus J, Lukens JM, Weiner AM, et al. (2018). Roadmap on transformation optics. JOURNAL OF OPTICS vol. 20 (6) 
bullet iconGiddens H, Yang L, Tian J and Hao Y (2018). Mid-Infrared Reflect-Array Antenna with Beam Switching Enabled by Continuous Graphene Layer. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 30 (8), 748-751.  
bullet iconYang L, Tian J, Giddens H, Poumirol JM, Wu J, Kuzmenko AB and Hao Y (2018). Magnetically tunable graphene-based reflector under linear polarized incidence at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters vol. 112 (15) 
bullet iconLi J, Barjuei ES, Ciuti G, Hao Y, Zhang P, Menciassi A, Huang Q and Dario P (2018). Magnetically-driven medical robots: An analytical magnetic model for endoscopic capsules design. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Elsevier vol. 452, 278-287.  
bullet iconZhang P, Li J, Hao Y, Bianchi F, Ciuti G, Arai T, Huang Q and Dario P (2018). The role of computed tomography data in the design of a robotic magnetically-guided endoscopic platform. Advanced Robotics, Taylor & Francis vol. 32 (8), 443-456.  
bullet iconLei J, Yang J, Chen X, Zhang Z, Fu G and Hao Y (2018). Experimental demonstration of conformal phased array antenna via transformation optics. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 8 (1) 
bullet iconGao J, Wang C, Zhang K, Hao Y and Wu Q (2018). Beam steering performance of compressed Luneburg lens based on transformation optics. Results in Physics vol. 9, 570-575.  
bullet iconCheng Q and Hao Y (2018). Study on Sparse MIMO Array for Compressive Sensing Imaging. 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA)
bullet iconLi J, Igbe T, Liu Y, Nie Z, Qin W, Wang L and Hao Y (2018). An Approach for Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Based on Bioimpedance Difference Considering Blood Volume Pulsation. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 6, 51119-51129.  
bullet iconGiddens H, Zhang H, Yu C and Hao Y (2018). Bulk ferroelectric materials for reconfigurable antenna applications. 
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2018). Design of a compact and low-profile wearable MIMO antenna for wireless personal area networks. 
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2018). Comparative study of compressive sensing imaging in different array configurations. 
bullet iconVial B and Yang Hao (2018). Tailoring near and Far Electromagnetic Fields Through Optimization. 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018)
bullet iconLi Y, Wang Z and Hao Y (2018). A Hierarchical Visualization Analysis Model of Power Big Data. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing vol. 108 (5) 


bullet iconLi J, Nie Z, Liu Y, Wang L and Hao Y (2017). Evaluation of Propagation Characteristics Using the Human Body as an Antenna. Sensors (Basel), MDPI vol. 17 (12), 2878-2878.  
bullet iconYang L, Tian J, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). FDTD Modeling of Nonlinear Phenomena in Wave Transmission through Graphene. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 
bullet iconLi Y, Shao Q and Hao Y (2017). Plan System and Emergency Disposal of Videoconference System. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing vol. 274 (1) 
bullet iconWu B-Y, Sheng X-Q, Fabregas R and Hao Y (2017). Full-wave modeling of broadband near field scanning microwave microscopy. Sci Rep, Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. vol. 7 (1), 16064-16064.  
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Munoz MO, Wang H and Zhou H (2017). A Compact and Low-Profile MIMO Antenna Using a Miniature Circular High-Impedance Surface for Wearable Applications. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2017). Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Phased Array Imaging With Compressive Sensin. IEEE ACCESS vol. 5 
bullet iconWu B-Y, Sheng X-Q and Hao Y (2017). Effective media properties of hyperuniform disordered composite materials. PLoS One vol. 12 (10), e0185921-e0185921.  
bullet iconShah SA, Zhang Z, Ren A, Zhao N, Yang X, Zhao W, Yang J, Zhao J, Sun W and Hao Y (2017). Buried Object Sensing Considering Curved Pipeline. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16, 2771-2775.  
bullet iconLiu Y, Horsley S, Philbin T, Vial B and Hao Y (2017). Controlling Electromagnetic Waves in a Class of Invisible Materials. 2017 7th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies (MAPE)
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2017). Luneburg Lens Imaging with Compressive Sensing. 2017 Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP)
bullet iconZhang P, Li J, Hao Y, Ciuti G, Arai T, Huang Q and Dario P (2017). A Compensation Strategy for Accurate Orientation of a Tethered Robotic Capsule Endoscope. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS)
bullet iconShi H, Giddens H and Hao Y (2017). Dual-Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Using Field Transformation Medium. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 16, 2869-2872.  
bullet iconLa Spada L, Haq S and Hao Y (2017). Modeling and design for electromagnetic surface wave devices. Radio Science, American Geophysical Union (AGU) vol. 52 (9), 1049-1057.  
bullet iconTian J, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). High-Impedance Surface Loaded With Graphene Non-Foster Circuits for Low-Profile Antennas. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16, 2655-2658.  
bullet iconFoster R, Nagarkoti D, Gao J, Vial B, Nicholls F, Spooner C, Haq S and Hao Y (2017). Beam-Steering Performance of Flat Luneburg Lens at 60 GHz for Future Wireless Communications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, Hindawi 
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2017). Electromagnetic Wave Control by Metasurfaces: From Design to Manufacturing. 2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS)
bullet iconLiu Y, Vial B, Horsley SAR, Philbin TG and Hao Y (2017). Direct manipulation of wave amplitude and phase through inverse design of isotropic media. New Journal of Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (7) 
bullet iconLi J, Nie Z, Liu Y, Wang L and Hao Y (2017). An Investigation on In-Body Radio Channels Based on Inhomogeneous Model. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLeelatien P, Ito K, Saito K, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Sharma M (2017). Wireless Telemetry Performance of Transplanted Organ Monitoring at Ultra Wideband Range Considering Respiration-Induced Organ Movement. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconVial B, Torrico MM and Hao Y (2017). Optimized microwave illusion device. Sci Rep vol. 7 (1), 3929-3929.  
bullet iconFang M, Ren A, Zhang Z, Yang X, Abbasi Q, Qaraqe K, Mehran K, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2017). Reverse Recognition of Body Postures Using On-body Radio Channel Characteristics. IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical Engineers 
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2017). Design of a Wideband Antenna With Stable Omnidirectional Radiation Pattern Using the Theory of Characteristic Modes. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 65 (5), 2671-2676.  
bullet iconViall B, Liu Y, Horsley SAR, Philbin TG and Hao Y (2017). Scattering Free Graded Index Profiles and the Control of Electromagnetic Fields. 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2017). Non-Foster Impedance Design Techniques for High Performance Small Antenna. 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2017). Tailoring of Electromagnetic Waves by Metasurfaces. 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconLeelatien P, Ito K, Saito K, Alomainy A, Sharma M and Hao Y (2017). Radio Telemetry Performance of Liver Implanted Ultra Wideband Antenna. 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconHao Y (2017). Editorial Pathway to Impact With AWPL Publications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16, 1-3.  
bullet iconLi J, Nie Z, Liu Y, Wang L and Hao Y (2017). Characterization of In-Body Radio Channels for Wireless Implants. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 17 (5), 1528-1537.  
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2017). Compressive Millimeter-Wave Phased Array Imaging. IEEE Access vol. 4, 9580-9588.  
bullet iconWen D, Hao Y, Wang H and Zhou H (2017). A Wearable Antenna Design Using a High Impedance Surface for All-Metal Smartwatch Applications. 2017 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas, Innovative Structures, and Applications (iWAT)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2017). Electromagnetic Waves Control for Antennas Applications. 2017 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2017). Modeling and Manufacturing for Surface Wave Control. 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)


bullet iconVial B, Liu Y, Horsley SAR, Philbin TG and Hao Y (2016). A class of invisible inhomogeneous media and the control of electromagnetic waves. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 94 (24) 
bullet iconHao Y, Xiao L, Ye Y and Hua P (2016). High index contrast subwavelength-scale optofluidic waveguide in MOFs. 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)
bullet iconYe Y, Xiao L and Hao Y (2016). Properties of subwavelength-core Silicon Optical Fibers. 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)
bullet iconLei J and Hao Y (2016). Conformal Phased Array Antenna with Low SLL Based on QCTO. 2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC)
bullet iconCheng Y, Xue Q, Hao Y, Jin Y and Bozzi M (2016). Message from the Technical Program chairs. 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2016). A coupling model for quasi-normal modes of photonic resonators. JOURNAL OF OPTICS vol. 18 (11) 
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2016). Surface Wave Manipulation based on Transformation Optics: from Design to Manufacturing. 
bullet iconZhao Y-T, Wu B, Zhang Y and Hao Y (2016). Transparent electromagnetic shielding enclosure with CVD graphene. Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing vol. 109 (10) 
bullet iconMunoz MO and Hao Y (2016). Exploring Physiological Features from on‐Body Radio Channels. Electromagnetics of Body Area Networks  447-470.  
bullet iconJilani SF, Greinke B, Hao Y and Alomainy A (2016). Flexible Millimetre-Wave Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Wearable Applications in 5G Networks. 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2016). Microwave Devices for Controlling Surface Waves. 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS)
bullet iconLi J, Barjuei ES, Ciuti G, Hao Y, Zhang P, Shi Q, Menciassi A, Huang Q and Dario P (2016). Analytical Magnetic Model Applied to Endoscopic Robots Design: A Ready-to-Use Implementation and a Case of Study. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA)
bullet iconLa Spada L, McManus TM, Dyke A, Haq S, Zhang L, Cheng Q and Hao Y (2016). Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites. Scientific Reports, Nature Publications vol. 6 
bullet iconTian J, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2016). Graphene-based tunable non-foster circuit for VHF applications. AIP Advances, AIP Publishing: Open Access Journals vol. 6 (6), 065202-065202.  
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2016). Resolution Analysis of Compressed Sensing Based Methods for Single Frequency Radar Imaging. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconWen D-L and Hao Y (2016). A Wideband T-Shaped Slot Antenna and its MIMO Application. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Signal to Noise Ratio Improvement with Non-Foster Antenna Matching. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Radiation-Q Bound of a Small Non-Foster Antenna. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconLehtomäki J, Hassan M and Hao Y (2016). Electromagnetic Communication in Nano-scale. Nano Communication Networks, Elsevier vol. 8 
bullet iconLi J, Ciuti G, Hao Y, Zhang P, Shi Q, Menciassi A, Huang Q and Dario P (2016). Analytical Magnetic Model for Medical Endoscopic Robots: A Ready-to-Use Implementation with Permanent Magnets. 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
bullet iconFan Y, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Zhang HC and Cui TJ (2016). Wave propagation in reconfigurable broadband gain metamaterials at microwave frequencies. Journal of Applied Physics vol. 119 (19) 
bullet iconAkay M, Coatrieux G, Hao Y, Fotiadis DI, Laine A, Lo B, Nikita KS, Noury N, Rodrigues J and Wang MD (2016). Guest Editorial: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 20 (3), 731-732.  
bullet iconMcManus TM, Spada LL and Hao Y (2016). Isotropic and anisotropic surface wave cloaking techniques. Journal of Optics, IOP Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 18 (4), 044005-044005.  
bullet iconTian J, Katsounaros A, Smith D and Hao Y (2016). Accurate Modelling of Graphene Field Effect Transistor for Wireless Communications. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2016). A Generic Design Approach for Metasurfaces to Manipulate Surface Waves. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconYang K, Hao Y, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH and Qaraqe K (2016). Channel Modelling of Human Tissues at Terahertz Band. 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2016). Q-Bandwidth Enhancement of an Antenna Using Non-Foster Circuit Based on Negative Differential Resistance Devices. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Sallabi HE, Serpedin E, Qaraqe K, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2016). Ellipticity Statistics of Ultra Wideband MIMO Channels for Body Centric Wireless Communication. 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2016). On the performance of compressed sensing-based methods for millimeter-wave holographic imaging. Applied Optics, Optica Publishing Group vol. 55 (4), 728-738.  
bullet iconFan Y, Zhang HC, Yin JY, Xu L, Nagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Cui TJ (2016). An Active Wideband and Wide-Angle Electromagnetic Absorber at Microwave Frequencies. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 15, 1913-1916.  
bullet iconTian J, Katsounaros A, Smith D and Hao Y (2016). Accurate Modelling of Graphene Field Effect Transistor for Wireless Communications. 
bullet iconHao Y (2016). What's New About AWPL? IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 15, 1-3.  
bullet iconNaeem M and Hao Y (2016). Homogenization of composites using full-wave point-dipole model. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, EDP Sciences vol. 3 


bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y, Steenson DP, Li L, Linfield EH and Rajab KZ (2015). Design of Broadband Non-Foster Circuits Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters vol. 15, 1398-1401.  
bullet iconShao L, Foster R, Coleman M, Irvine K, Lemon M and Hao Y (2015). Wireless Energy Behaviour monitoring (Wi-be) for office buildings. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 12 (2), 181-188.  
bullet iconZhao J, Zhang L, Li J, Feng Y, Dyke A, Haq S and Hao Y (2015). A Wide-angle Multi-Octave Broadband Waveplate Based on Field Transformation Approach. Scientific Reports, Nature Publications vol. 5, 17532-17532.  
bullet iconYang K, Abbasi QH, Chopra N, Munoz M, Hao Y and Alomainy A (2015). Effects of non-flat interfaces in human skin tissues on the in-vivo Tera-Hertz communication channel. Nano Communication Networks vol. 8, 16-24.  
bullet iconAli K, Keshmiri F, Brizzi A, Hao Y and Craeye C (2015). Body area networks at radio frequencies: Creeping waves and antenna analysis. Comptes Rendus Physique, Cellule MathDoc/Centre Mersenne vol. 16 (9), 789-801.  
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A and Hao Y (2015). An investigation on the surface wave characteristics at 2.4 and 60 GHz for on-body communications. 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium)
bullet iconLa Spada L and Hao Y (2015). Surface wave cloaking using transformation optics. 2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC)
bullet iconAbdelaziz AF, Abbasi QH, Yang K, Qaraqe K, Hao Y and Alomainy A (2015). Terahertz Signal Propagation Analysis Inside the Human Skin. 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
bullet iconTian J, Katsounaros A, Smith D and Hao Y (2015). Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Model With Improved Carrier Mobility Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 62 (10), 3433-3440.  
bullet iconFoster R, Grant P, Hao Y, Hibbins A, Philbin T and Sambles R (2015). Spatial transformations: from fundamentals to applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 373 (2049) 
bullet iconVial B and Hao Y (2015). Topology optimized all-dielectric cloak: design, performances and modal picture of the invisibility effect. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 23 (18), 23551-23560.  
bullet iconZhao J, Feng Y and Hao Y (2015). A wide-angle broadband waveplate through field transformation. 
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2015). Noise measurements of a non-Foster circuit for matching of a receiver antenna. 
bullet iconLei J, Fu G and Hao Y (2015). Wideband printed tapering quadrifilar helical antenna for GNSS. 
bullet iconZhao J, Zhang L, Hao Y and Feng Y (2015). A Broadband Wide-Angle Polarizer Through Field Transformation. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Alizadeh P, Hao Y and Rajab KZ (2015). Stability Analysis of Resonant Tunnelling Diode for Resistive Matching of an Electrically Small Antenna. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconYang K, Chopra N, Upton J, Hao Y, Philpott M, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH and Qaraqe K (2015). Characterising Skin-Based Nano-Networks for Healthcare Monitoring Applications at THz. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconLei J, Zhao J, Fu G and Hao Y (2015). QCTO Lens Design for Conformal Phased Array Antenna. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Serpedin IE, Qaraqe K, Alomainy IA and Rao Y (2015). Multiband-OFDM Based Ultra Wideband System Modelling of On/Off-Body Antenna Diversity. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
bullet iconZhao J, Feng Y and Hao Y (2015). A Reflective Wide-Angle Broadband Polarizer Based on Field Transformation. 2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP)
bullet iconYang K, Pellegrini A, Munoz MO, Brizzi A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2015). Numerical analysis and characterization of THz propagation channel for body-centric nano-communications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology vol. 5 (3), 419-426.  
bullet iconYang K, Pellegrini A, Munoz MO, Brizzi A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2015). Numerical Analysis and Characterization of THz Propagation Channel for Body-Centric Nano-Communications. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 5 (3), 419-426.  
bullet iconPoon CCY, Lo BPL, Yuce MR, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2015). Body Sensor Networks: In the Era of Big Data and Beyond. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. PP (99) 
bullet iconLi Y, Zhao J, Lin H, Milne W and Hao Y (2015). Tunable circular polarization selective surfaces for low-THz applications using patterned graphene. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 23 (6), 7227-7236.  
bullet iconHao Y (2015). AWPL Status Update. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 14, 1-3.  
bullet iconHao Y, Alomainy A, Vardaxoglou Y and Foster R (2015). Report on IEEE MTT-S IMWS-Bio 2014 [Conference Report]. IEEE Microwave Magazine vol. 16 (6), 70-73.  
bullet iconYANG K, ALOMAINY A and HAO Y (2015). Numerical Study of the Influence of within Human Skin Interfaces on THz Wave Propagation. Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies"
bullet iconCheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2015). Effect of Antenna Directivity on the Accuracy of Fingerprint-based Localisation. Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies"


bullet iconBrizzi A, Pellegrini A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2014). Accuracy of Asymptotic Techniques for On-Body Channel Characterization at W Band. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014)
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Numerical Investigation on the Dependence of on-Body Channel Characteristics on Anthropomorphic Variation of Human Body. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014)
bullet iconCheng Q, Munoz M, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Compressive Sensing Applied to Fingerprint-based Localisation. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014)
bullet iconChopra N, Yang K, Upton J, Alomainy A, Philpott M and Hao Y (2014). Understanding and Characterizing Nanonetworks for Healthcare Monitoring Applications. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014)
bullet iconHao Y and Lazzi G (2014). Conference General Chairs Message. 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014)
bullet iconYilmaz T, Foster R and Hao Y (2014). Towards Accurate Dielectric Property Retrieval of Biological Tissues for Blood Glucose Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 62 (12), 3193-3204.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Rehman MU, Chattha HT, Qaraqe K, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Parini C (2014). Ultra wideband antenna diversity characterisation for off‐body communications in an indoor environment. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 8 (14), 1161-1169.  
bullet iconNikita K, Bourbakis N, Lo B, Fotiadis D, Hao Y and Kiourti A (2014). 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare – Mobihealth 2014. 
bullet iconMunoz M, Yang K, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Modelling of skin tissue for body-centric communications at terahertz frequencies. 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS)
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Lee S-L, Yang G-Z, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Quantitative Analysis of the Subject-Specific On-Body Propagation Channel Based on Statistically Created Models. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 14, 398-401.  
bullet iconMunoz MO, Foster R and Hao Y (2014). Exploring physiological parameters in dynamic WBAN channels. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 62 (10), 5268-5281.  
bullet iconMcManus TM, Valiente-Kroon JA, Horsley SAR and Hao Y (2014). Illusions and cloaks for surface waves. Sci Rep vol. 4 
bullet iconYang X, Zhang Q, Yang S, Ren A, Zhang Z, von Deneen KM and Hao Y (2014). Risks posed by obesity to body-surface narrowband wireless communication. Chinese Science Bulletin vol. 59 (29-30), 3949-3954.  
bullet iconYilmaz T, Brizzi A, Foster R, Munoz M and Hao Y (2014). A Patch Resonator for Sensing Blood Glucose Changes. 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS)
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC and Hao Y (2014). Transformation Optics for Surface Wave Devices. 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS)
bullet iconTao Z, Bin C, Yiqing L, Hongxiang W, Kai H, Yan J, Hao Y, Tan F, Yanping H, Yingfa H, Yixin W and Yiran H (2014). Test and correlation analysis of seminal Leptin, sperm parameters and apoptosis in Leukocytospermia patients. Chinese Journal of Andrology vol. 28 (7), 35-39.  
bullet iconHao Y and Foster R (2014). Wearable Health Care System Paradigm. Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry  505-524.  
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A, Lee S-L, Yang G-Z and Hao Y (2014). Impact of Body Shape on BAN Communication Channel at 5.8 GHz. 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium)
bullet iconBrizzi A, Ali K, Pellegrini A and Hao Y (2014). Shadowing Effect of Upper Limbs in Body-Centric Communication at W Band. 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium)
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, McManus TM, Hao Y and Quevedo-Teruel O (2014). 2D Optical Transformations for Surfaces. 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI)
bullet iconWu B and Hao Y (2014). Phase Variation of Multilayer CVD Graphene. 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI)
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Lee S-L, Pellegrini A, Yang G-Z and Hao Y (2014). FDTD Characterisation of On-Body Propagation Channels Adopting Statistically Shaped Subjects. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, Quevedo-Teruel O, McManus TM, Horsley SAR and Hao Y (2014). Conformal surface lenses from a bed of nails. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, Quevedo-Teruel O, McManus TM, Horsley SAR and Hao Y (2014). The Anti-Fish Eye Cloak for Surface Wave Antennas. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconNagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2014). Design and Stability of Negative Impedance Circuits for Non-Foster Matching of a Monopole Antenna. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconMateo-Segura C, Lorente-Crespo M and Hao Y (2014). All Dielectric Conformal Luneburg Lens Based Antenna. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconWu B and Hao Y (2014). Material Region Division and Antenna Application of Monolayer and Multilayer Graphene. The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014)
bullet iconYang K, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Body-centric nano-networks: Em channel characterisation in water at the terahertz band. 
bullet iconWu B, Tuncer HM, Naeem M, Yang B, Cole MT, Milne WI and Hao Y (2014). Experimental demonstration of a transparent graphene millimetre wave absorber with 28% fractional bandwidth at 140 GHz. Sci Rep, Nature Publications vol. 4 
bullet iconHao Y (2014). Introduction to the New AWPL Editorial Board. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 13, 1-2.  
bullet iconYang R, Lei Z, Chen L, Wang Z and Hao Y (2014). Surface Wave Transformation Lens Antennas. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 62 (2), 973-977.  
bullet iconMateo-Segura C, Dyke A, Dyke H, Haq S and Hao Y (2014). Flat Luneburg Lens via Transformation Optics for Directive Antenna Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 62 (4), 1945-1953.  
bullet iconTang W, Yang R and Hao Y (2014). Compression of a pyramidal absorber using multiple discrete coordinate transformation. OPTICS EXPRESS vol. 22 (8), 9033-9047.  
bullet iconYilmaz T, Foster R and Hao Y (2014). Broadband tissue mimicking phantoms and a patch resonator for evaluating noninvasive monitoring of blood glucose levels. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 62 (6), 3064-3075.  
bullet iconYang X, Zhang Q, Yang S, Ren A, Zhang Z, von Deneen KM and Hao Y (2014). Risks posed by obesity to body-surface narrowband wireless communication. Chinese Science Bulletin 
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, Quevedo-Teruel O, McManus TM, Horsley SAR and Hao Y (2014). Lenses on curved surfaces. OPTICS LETTERS vol. 39 (12), 3551-3554.  
bullet iconWu B, Tuncer HM, Katsounaros A, Wu W, Cole MT, Ying K, Zhang L, Milne WI and Hao Y (2014). Microwave absorption and radiation from large-area multilayer CVD graphene. CARBON vol. 77, 814-822.  
bullet iconZhang J and Hao Y (2014). Characterization of Vertically Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Arrays Based on Multiconductor Transmission Line Model. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 13, 1353-1356.  
bullet iconYang K, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2014). Body-centric nano-networks: Em channel characterisation in water at the terahertz band. 
bullet iconNaeem M, McManus TM and Hao Y (2014). A generalized dipole moment based approach for modelling of nanoparticles. 
bullet iconHao Y, Argyropoulos C and Tang WX (2014). FDTD modelling of transformation electromagnetics based devices. Computational Electromagnetics: Recent Advances and Engineering Applications  487-515.  
bullet iconLeon G, Herran LF, Munoz MO, Las-Heras F and Hao Y (2014). MILLIMETER-WAVE OFFSET FRESNEL ZONE PLATE LENSES CHARACTERIZATION. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, The Electromagnetics Academy vol. 54, 125-131.  


bullet iconSong W, Yang Z, Sheng XQ and Hao Y (2013). Accurate modeling of high order spatial dispersion of wire medium. Optics Express vol. 21 (24), 29836-29846.  
bullet iconYang Z, Song W, Sheng XQ and Hao Y (2013). Impact of grid resolution in FDTD for effective wire medium with strong spatial dispersion. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition) vol. 22 (SUPPL.1), 30-34.  
bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise power in active broadband metamaterials. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1178-1179.  
bullet iconZhang J and Hao Y (2013). Novel technique of signal propagation analysis for arbitrary MWCNT bundles. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 1596-1597.  
bullet iconZhang J and Hao Y (2013). A general technique for THz modeling of vertically aligned CNT arrays. 
bullet iconYang K, Pellegrini A, Brizzi A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2013). Numerical Analysis of the Communication Channel Path Loss at the THz Band inside the Fat Tissue. 2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-BIO)
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, McManus TM, Quevedo-Teruel O, Horsley SAR and Hao Y (2013). Perfect surface wave cloaks. Phys Rev Lett vol. 111 (21) 
bullet iconPellegrini A, Brizzi A, Zhang L, Ali K, Hao Y, Wu X, Constantinou CC, Nechayev Y, Hall PS, Chahat N, Zhadobov M and Sauleau R (2013). Antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communications at millimeter-wave frequencies: A review. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine vol. 55 (4), 262-287.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2013). Antenna Diversity Techniques for Enhanced Ultra-Wideband Body-Centric Wireless Networks in Healthcare. Ultra-Wideband and 60 GHz Communications for Biomedical Applications  153-175.  
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). Excitation of antennas by using surface plasmon technology. 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y and Hao Y (2013). Recent Advances in Practical Metamaterial Engineering. Additional Conferences (Device Packaging HiTEC HiTEN & CICMT), IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society vol. 2013 (CICMT), 000094-000098.  
bullet iconAli K, Pellegrini A, Brizzi A and Hao Y (2013). Full wave and ray-Based analysis of a body-centric scenario at v band. 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, 780-783.  
bullet iconMcManus T, Yang R, Quevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). Asymmetric flat reflector from transformation optics. 
bullet iconTang W and Hao Y (2013). Transformation Electromagnetics Design of All-Dielectric Antennas. Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials  191-219.  
bullet iconDe Gregorio M, Usai P, Tiberi G, Monorchio A, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A and Hao Y (2013). Hybridizing CBFM and Ray Tracing for On-body Propagation. 
bullet iconBrizzi A, Pellegrini A and Hao Y (2013). Experimental Characterization of the Propagation on the Human Torso at W Band. 
bullet iconYang K, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2013). In-vivo Characterisation and Numerical Analysis of the THz Radio Channel for Nanoscale Body-Centric Wireless Networks. 2013 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium)
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). Transformation Optics and its Application to the Design of Broadband Antennas: Experimental Demonstration. 2013 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium)
bullet iconHao Y, Argyropoulos C and Tang WX (2013). FDTD Modelling of Transformation Electromagnetics Based Devices. Computational Electromagnetics  487-515.  
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O, Tang W, Mitchell-Thomas RC, Dyke A, Dyke H, Zhang L, Haq S and Hao Y (2013). Transformation optics for antennas: why limit the bandwidth with metamaterials? Sci Rep, Nature Publications vol. 3, 1903-1903.  
bullet iconTang W, Hao Y and Mittra R (2013). Corrections to “Design of a Carpet Cloak to Conceal an Antenna Located Underneath”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 61 (5), 2884-2884.  
bullet iconBrizzi A and Hao Y (2013). Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Clothes on the Propagation of Millimeter Waves over the Human Trunk. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). Directive radiation from a diffuse Luneburg lens. Opt Lett vol. 38 (4), 392-394.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Liaqat S, Kamran M, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2013). EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF ULTRA WIDEBAND DIVERSITY TECHNIQUES FOR ON-BODY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, The Electromagnetics Academy vol. 34, 165-181.  
bullet iconDi Bari R, Abbasi QH, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2013). An advanced UWB channel model for body-centric wireless networks. Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER), 79-99.  
bullet iconBao D, Mitchell-Thomas RC, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Quantitative Study of Two Experimental Demonstrations of a Carpet Cloak. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 12, 206-209.  
bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise analysis of broadband active metamaterials with non-Foster loads. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS vol. 113 (23) 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Cole MT, Tuncer HM, Milne WI and Hao Y (2013). Near-field characterization of chemical vapor deposition graphene in the microwave regime. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS vol. 102 (23) 
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Parini C (2013). Experimental characterisation of ultra-wideband off-body radio channels considering antenna effects. IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION vol. 7 (5), 370-380.  
bullet iconYilmaz T, Munoz M, Foster RN and Hao Y (2013). Wearable Wireless Sensors for Healthcare Applications. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). A Comparative Study of Directive Antennas from Two Different Approaches. 
bullet iconPellegrini A, Brizzi A, Zhang L, Ali K and Hao Y (2013). Path Loss Characterization in a Body-Centric Scenario at 94 GHz. 
bullet iconBrizzi A, Pellegrini A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2013). Statistical Path-Loss Model for On-Body Communications at 94 GHz. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 61 (11), 5744-5753.  
bullet iconMitchell-Thomas RC, Quevedo-Teruel O, Yang R and Hao Y (2013). Surface wave Maxwell fish eye lens. 
bullet iconFan Y, Rajab KZ and Hao Y (2013). Noise figure of broadband active metamaterials. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2013). Excitation of Antennas by Using Surface Plasmon TechnologyExcitation of Antennas by Using Surface Plasmon Technology. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O, Tang W, Haq S and Hao Y (2013). On the Discretisation Effect of Electromagnetically Transformed Dielectric Lenses. 
bullet iconWu Q, Jiang ZH, Quevedo-Teruel O, Turpin JP, Tang W, Hao Y and Werner DH (2013). Transformation Optics Inspired Multibeam Lens Antennas for Broadband Directive Radiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 61 (12), 5910-5922.  
bullet iconPellegrini A, Brizzi A, Zhang L, Ali K and Hao Y (2013). Path loss characterization in a body-centric scenario at 94 GHz. IEICE Transactions on Communications vol. E96-B (10), 2448-2454.  
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A and Hao Y (2013). Numerical investigation on a body-centric scenario at W band. ISAP 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation vol. 1, 614-616.  
bullet iconKatsounaros A and Hao Y (2013). Surface Conductivity evaluation of CVD graphene up to 2.5 THz. 
bullet iconMunoz Torrico M, Foster R and Hao Y (2013). Identifying Physiological Features from the Radio Propagation Signal of Low-Power Wireless Sensors. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 61, 341-350.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y and Hao Y (2013). Recent advances in practical metamaterial engineering. 
bullet iconDi Bari R, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2013). Cooperative and Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network for Efficient Body-Centric Communications in Healthcare Applications. 


bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O, Tang W and Hao Y (2012). Isotropic and nondispersive planar fed Luneburg lens from Hamiltonian transformation optics. Opt Lett vol. 37 (23), 4850-4852.  
bullet iconPellegrini A, Brizzi A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2012). Body-centric wireless communications at 94GHz. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 219-222.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Munoz M, Fan Y, Bao D and Hao Y (2012). Recent advances in practical metamaterial engineering. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2012). On the use of surface plasmons for the design of WB leaky ave antennas. 2012 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)
bullet iconRajab KZ, Munoz M, Fan Y, Bao D and Hao Y (2012). Recent Advances in Practical Metamaterial Engineering. Additional Conferences (Device Packaging HiTEC HiTEN & CICMT), IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society vol. 2012 (CICMT), 000113-000116.  
bullet iconWu XY, Nechayev YI, Constantinou CC, Hall PS, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A, Hao Y and Parini CG (2012). Preliminary Estimate for Observability of 60 GHz Wireless Body Area Networks. 
bullet iconTang W, Hao Y and Mittra R (2012). Design of a Carpet Cloak to Conceal an Antenna Located Underneath. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 60 (9), 4444-4449.  
bullet iconUsai P, Monorchio A, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2012). Analysis of On-Body Propagation at W Band by Using Ray Tracing Model and Measurements. 
bullet iconFontana N, Monorchio A, Torrico MOM and Hao Y (2012). A Numerical Assesment of the Effect of MRI Surface Coils on Implanted Pacemakers. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation
bullet iconBrizzi A, Pellegrini A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2012). Woodpile EBG-based Antennas for Body Area Networks at 60GHz. 
bullet iconMunoz MO, Foster R and Hao Y (2012). Physiological Features from an On-Body Radio Propagation Channel. 
bullet iconYang R and Hao Y (2012). An accurate control of the surface wave using transformation optics. Opt Express vol. 20 (9), 9341-9350.  
bullet iconZheng M, Wang H and Hao Y (2012). Internal Hexa-Band Folded Monopole/Dipole/Loop Antenna with Four Resonances for Mobile Device. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 60 (6), 2880-2885.  
bullet iconPellegrini A, Brizzi A, Zhang L and Hao Y (2012). Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the On-Body Propagation Channel At W Band. 
bullet iconBrizzi A, Pellegrini A and Hao Y (2012). Design of a Cylindrical Resonant Cavity Antenna for BAN Applications at V Band. 
bullet iconFan Y, Raiab KZ, Munoz M and Hao Y (2012). Electrically Small Half-Loop Antenna Design with Non-Foster Matching Networks. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Zhang J and Hao Y (2012). Microwave Modeling of Single Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconWu Q, Turpin JP, Werner DH, Werner PL, Tang W and Hao Y (2012). Flat Collimating Lenses Based on Quasi-conformal Transformation Electromagnetics. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang W and Hao Y (2012). Experimental Demonstration of Carpet Cloak Realized with BaTiO3-loaded Polyurethane Foam. 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2012). Ultra Wideband Antenna Diversity Techniques for On/Off-Body Radio Channel Characterisation. 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Mann M, Naftaly M, Rajab K, HAO Y and Milne WI (2012). Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy characterisation of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films. Carbon, Elsevier Ltd vol. 50 (3), 939-942.  
bullet iconTurati P and Hao Y (2012). A FDTD Solution to the Maxwell-Schrodinger Coupled Model at the Microwave Range. 
bullet iconMunoz MO, Foster R and Hao Y (2012). On-Body Channel Measurement Using Wireless Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 60 (7), 3397-3406.  
bullet iconZhang L, Parini CG and Hao Y (2012). Millimetre-wave-imaging system at 95 GHz - quantitative performance evaluation. IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION vol. 6 (8), 869-879.  
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2012). Performance of Ultrawideband Wireless Tags for On-Body Radio Channel Characterisation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION vol. 2012 
bullet iconHao Y, Brizzi A, Foster R, Munoz M, Pellegrini A and Yilmaz T (2012). Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications: Current Status, Applications and Future Trend. 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Zhang J and Hao Y (2012). Microwave Characterization of a Single Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube. 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O and Hao Y (2012). Leaky Wave Antennas Based on Spoof Surface Plasmons Transmission Waveguides. 
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan YF and Hao Y (2012). Characterization of active metamaterials based on negative impedance converters. JOURNAL OF OPTICS vol. 14 (11) 
bullet iconQuevedo-Teruel O, Mitchell-Thomas RC and Hao Y (2012). Frequency dependence and passive drains in fish-eye lenses. PHYSICAL REVIEW A vol. 86 (5) 
bullet iconYilmaz T, Foster R and Hao Y (2012). Patch Resonator for Non-invasive Detection of Dielectric Property Changes in Biological Tissues. 
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Parini C (2012). Second Order Statistics of Ultra Wideband On-Body Radio Channels. 
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Parini C (2012). Ultra Wideband Off-Body Radio Channel Characterisation and Modelling for Healthcare Applications. 
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Liaqat S, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2012). Ultra Wideband Off-Body Radio Channel Characterisation for Different Environments. 
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Pellegrini A, Hao Y and Alomainy A (2012). Investigation of the Effect of Fabric in On-Body Communication Using Finite Difference Time Domain Technique At 60GHz. 
bullet iconFoster R, Yilmaz T, Munoz M and Hao Y (2012). Wearable Sensors. Autonomous Sensor Networks  95-125.  


bullet iconLee SL, Ali K, Brizzi A, Keegan J, Hao Y and Yang GZ (2011). A whole body statistical shape model for radio frequency simulation. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 7143-7146.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Characterisation of ultra wideband body-centric radio channel dependency on angular and spatial variations. 
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Ultra wideband wireless tags for off-body radio channel characterisation with varying subject postures. 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). Microwave characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotube arrays. 
bullet iconAli K, Brizzi A, Lee S-L, Hao Y, Alomainy A and Yang G-Z (2011). Numerical Analysis of On-Body Channel for Statistically-Generated Body Shapes. 
bullet iconFoster RN, Munoz M and Hao Y (2011). RF Positioning using Body-Centric Wireless Systems. 
bullet iconYilmaz T and Hao Y (2011). Sensing of Dielectric Property Alterations in Biological Tissues at Microwave Frequencies. 2011 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Kallos E, Tang WX, Argyropoulos C, Piao YZ and Yang SF (2011). All-dielectric invisibility cloaks made of BaTiO3-loaded polyurethane foam. New Journal of Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 13 
bullet iconDemetriadou A and Hao Y (2011). Slim Luneburg lens for antenna applications. OPT EXPRESS vol. 19 (21), 19925-19934.  
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Investigation of Body Shape Variations Effect on the Ultra-Wideband On-Body Radio Propagation Channel. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). X-band Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films. 2011 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). Diversity Antenna Techniques for Enhanced Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Communications. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS 2011) Spokane, Washington, USA 3 Jul 2011 - 8 Jul 2011
bullet iconDi Bari R, Abbasi QH, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). Statistical Analysis of Small-Scale Channel Parameters for Ultra Wideband Radio Channels in Body-Centric Wireless Networks. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS 2011) Spokane, Washington, USA 3 Jul 2011 - 8 Jul 2011
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Sani A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). Experimental Characterisation and Statistical Analysis of the Pseudo-Dynamic Ultra Wideband On-Body Radio Channel. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter, IEEE vol. 10, 748-751.  
bullet iconHao Y (2011). Transformation Electromagnetics in Antenna Engineering: Theory and Implementation. 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
bullet iconYilmaz T and Hao Y (2011). Compact Resonators for Permittivity Reconstruction of Biological Tissues. 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2011). Study of an optical nanolens with the parallel finite difference time domain technique. RADIO SCI vol. 46 
bullet iconKallos E, Argyropoulos C, Hao Y and Alu A (2011). Comparison of frequency responses of cloaking devices under nonmonochromatic illumination. PHYS REV B vol. 84 (4) 
bullet iconMuñoz M, Foster R and Hao Y (2011). On-body performance of wireless sensor nodes using IEEE 802.15.4. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2011, 3783-3786.  
bullet iconDave Waddoup W, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Effects of using a low-cost COTS antenna in close proximity to the body. 
bullet iconYilmaz T and Hao Y (2011). Electrical property characterization of blood glucose for on-body sensors. 
bullet iconTang W and Hao Y (2011). Cloak an Underground Antenna Using Transformation Electromagnetics. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconBao D, Tang W, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2011). Experimental Verification of Carpet Cloak Realized with Dielectric Cylinders. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)
bullet iconYang R, Tang W and Hao Y (2011). Broadband dielectric zone plate antenna from transformation electromagnetics. 
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2011). A Subject-Specificity Analysis of Radio Channels in Wireless Body Area Networks. Engineering Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University vol. 15 (3), 39-48.  
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang W and Hao Y (2011). Broadband extraordinary transmission device realized with dielectrics. 
bullet iconTang W, Hao Y and Mittra R (2011). Cloaking a reflector antenna using coordinate transformation approach. 
bullet iconKeshmiri F, Yilmaz T, Hao Y and Craeye C (2011). MOM analysis of antenna devoted to BAN. 
bullet iconYang R, Tang WX and Hao Y (2011). A broadband zone plate lens from transformation optics. OPT EXPRESS vol. 19 (13), 12348-12355.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2011). Bandwidth evaluation of dispersive transformation electromagnetics based devices. APPL PHYS A-MATER vol. 103 (3), 715-719.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). Sectorial Radio Channel Characterisation for Ultra Wideband Body-centric Wireless Communications. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP Rome, Italy 11 Apr 2011 - 15 Apr 2011
bullet iconSagor MH, Abbasi QH, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2011). Compact and Conformal Ultra Wideband Antenna for Wearable Applications. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP Rome, Italy 11 Apr 2011 - 15 Apr 2011
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). Study of Line-of-Sight (LoS) and Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) Ultra Wideband Off-Body Radio Propagation for Body Centric Wireless Communications in Indoor. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP Rome, Italy 11 Apr 2011 - 15 Apr 2011
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Mann M and Milne WI (2011). Microwave characterization of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotube arrays. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 98 (20) 
bullet iconYang R, Rodriguez-Berral R, Medina F and Hao Y (2011). Analytical model for the transmission of electromagnetic waves through arrays of slits in perfect conductors and lossy metal screens. 
bullet iconRahman A, Kosulnikov SY, Hao Y, Parini C and Belov PA (2011). Subwavelength optical imaging with an array of silver nanorods. J NANOPHOTONICS vol. 5 
bullet iconZhang L, Hao Y and Parini CG (2011). Millimetre wave imaging system parameters at 95 GHz. IET MICROW ANTENNA P vol. 5 (5), 528-534.  
bullet iconYang X, Abbasi QH, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2011). K-Weight Based Spatial Autocorrelation Model for On-body Communication. the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP Rome, Italy 11 Apr 2011 - 15 Apr 2011
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Characterization and Modelling Of Ultra Wideband Radio Links For Optimum Performance Of Body Area Network In Health Care Applications. 2011 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
bullet iconRajab KZ, Fan Y, Bao D, Rahman A and Hao Y (2011). Active Circuits for Improved Metamaterial Performance. 2011 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Radio Propagation Channel Characterisation Using Ultra Wideband Wireless Tags for Body-Centric Wireless Networks in Indoor Environment. 2011 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Sani A, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2011). Numerical Characterisation and Modelling of Subject-Specific Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Radio Channels and Systems for Healthcare Applications. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE vol. PP (99) 
bullet iconYang XD, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Spatial Correlation Analysis of On-Body Radio Channels Considering Statistical Significance. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 10, 780-783.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2011). Radio Channel Characterisation and OFDM-based Ultra Wideband System Modelling for Body-Centric Wireless Networks. 2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2011) Dallas, Texas, USA 7 Jun 2011 - 9 Jun 2011
bullet iconYang R, Tang WX, Hao Y and Youngs I (2011). A Coordinate Transformation-Based Broadband Flat Lens via Microstrip Array. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 10, 99-102.  
bullet iconYang R, Tang W and Hao Y (2011). Wideband Beam-Steerable Flat Reflectors via Transformation Optics. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 10, 1290-1294.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Characterization of MB-OFDM-Based Ultrawideband Systems for Body-Centric Wireless Communications. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 10, 1401-1404.  
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Khan MM, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2011). Diversity Antenna Techniques for Enhanced Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Communications. 
bullet iconTang W and Hao Y (2011). Cloak an Underground Antenna Using Transformation Electromagnetics. 
bullet iconDemetriadou A and Hao Y (2011). A Grounded Slim Luneburg Lens Antenna Based on Transformation Electromagnetics. IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS vol. 10, 1590-1593.  
bullet iconBao D, Tang W, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2011). Experimental Verification of Carpet Cloak Realized with Dielectric Cylinders. 
bullet iconKhan MM, Abbasi QH, Alomainy A, Parini C and Hao Y (2011). Dual Band and Dual Mode Antenna for Power Efficient Body-Centric Wireless Communications. 
bullet iconSakthibalan S, MORRISSEY D, Twycross-Lewis R, Woledge R and Hao Y (2011). Low-density, high surface area electromyography of the hamstring muscles during running and kicking. Br J Sports Med vol. e1 (2) 
bullet iconLee S-L, Ali K, Brizzi A, Keegan J, Hao Y and Yang G-Z (2011). A Whole Body Statistical Shape Model for Radio Frequency Simulation. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 1, 7143-7146.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C and Hao Y (2011). Parallel FDTD modeling of the spherical optical black hole. IET 8th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2011)
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Sani A, Alomainy A and Yang Hao (2011). Numerical analysis of posture variation effect on the ultra wideband on-body radio propagation channels using advanced modelling techniques. IET 8th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2011)


bullet iconYilmaz T, Foster R and Hao Y (2010). Detecting Vital Signs with Wearable Wireless Sensors. SENSORS-BASEL vol. 10 (12), 10837-10862.  
bullet iconTang WX, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E, Song W and Hao Y (2010). Discrete Coordinate Transformation for Designing All-Dielectric Flat Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 58 (12), 3795-3804.  
bullet iconBelov PA, Palikaras GK, Zhao Y, Rahman A, Simovski CR, Hao Y and Parini C (2010). Experimental demonstration of multiwire endoscopes capable of manipulating near-fields with subwavelength resolution. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 97 (19) 
bullet iconKhan MM, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2010). Characterisation of Dynamic Radio Propagation Channels in Body-Centric Wireless Networks Using Ultra-Wideband Wireless Tags. 2010 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2010). Effect of Human Body Movements on Performance of Multiband OFDM based Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication System. 2010 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconZhao Y, Palikaras G, Belov PA, Dubrovka RF, Simovski CR, Hao Y and Parini CG (2010). Magnification of subwavelength field distributions using a tapered array of metallic wires with planar interfaces and an embedded dielectric phase compensator. NEW J PHYS vol. 12 
bullet iconRahman A, Hao Y and Parini C (2010). Subwavelength image splitter with a metallic wire array. PHYS REV B vol. 82 (15) 
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2010). FDTD analysis of the optical black hole. J OPT SOC AM B vol. 27 (10), 2020-2025.  
bullet iconLee Y, Lu X, Hao Y, Yang S, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2010). Narrow-beam azimuthally omni-directional millimetre-wave antenna using freeformed cylindrical woodpile cavity. 
bullet iconBao D, Rajab KZ, Tang WX and Haob Y (2010). Experimental demonstration of broadband transmission through subwavelength aperture. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 97 (13) 
bullet iconRahman A, Belov PA and Hao Y (2010). Tailoring silver nanorod arrays for subwavelength imaging of arbitrary coherent sources. PHYS REV B vol. 82 (11) 
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2010). Recent Development of Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Wireless Communications. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband
bullet iconHall PS, Hao Y and Cotton SL (2010). PROGRESS IN ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION FOR BODY AREA NETWORKS. 2010 International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics vol. 1, 1-7.  
bullet iconBao D, Kallos E, Tang WX, Argyropoulos C, Hao Y and Cui TJ (2010). A broadband simplified free space cloak realized by nonmagnetic dielectric cylinders. FRONT PHYS CHINA vol. 5 (3), 319-323.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Hao Y, Bao D, Parini CG, Vazquez J and Philippakis M (2010). Stability of active magnetoinductive metamaterials. J APPL PHYS vol. 108 (5) 
bullet iconSani A, Rajab M, Foster R and Hao Y (2010). Antennas and Propagation of Implanted RFIDs for Pervasive Healthcare Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE European Test Workshop vol. 98 (9), 1648-1655.  
bullet iconHall PS, Hao Y and Cotton SL (2010). Advances in antennas and propagation for body centric wireless communications. 
bullet iconTang W, Hao Y and Medina F (2010). Broadband extraordinary transmission in a single sub-wavelength aperture. Opt Express vol. 18 (16), 16946-16954.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E, Rahman A, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2010). Parallel FDTD modeling of metallic nanolens. 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
bullet iconALOMAINY A, Sani A, Hao Y, Pettitt G and Cushnaghan P (2010). Parametric Study of Ground Reflections and Diversity Techniques Effect on Body-Worn VHF/UHF Antenna Performance. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation Barcelona, Spain 12 Apr 2010 - 16 Apr 2010
bullet iconLee S-L, Lerotic M, Sani A, Zhao Y, Keegan J, Hao Y and Yang G-Z (2010). Articulated Postures for Subject-Specific RF Simulation. 2010 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks
bullet iconMorrissey D, Sakthibalan S, Douglas J, Bader D, Hao Y, Foster R, Twycross-Lewis R and Woledge R (2010). T-20 Multichannel EMG of the Hamstring and Calf Muscles – What New Information Can It Tell Us? Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier vol. 43, s67-s68.  
bullet iconTang W, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2010). DISCRETE TRANSFORMATION ELECTROMAGNETICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN ANTENNA DESIGN. 2010 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)
bullet iconALOMAINY A, Abbasi QH, Sani A and Hao Y (2010). System-Level Modelling of Optimal Ultra Wideband Body-Centric Wireless Network. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Singapore 7 Dec 2009 - 10 Dec 2009
bullet iconRahman A, Belov PA, Hao Y and Parini C (2010). Periscope-like endoscope for transmission of a near field in the infrared range. Opt Lett vol. 35 (2), 142-144.  
bullet iconRajab KZ, Hao Y, Bao D, Parini C, Vazquez J, Philippakis M, Wilmot S and Pearson R (2010). Broadband Active Magnetic Materials. 
bullet iconTang WX, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E, Bao D, Song W and Hao Y (2010). Flat devices design for antenna systems using coordinate transformation. 
bullet iconAbbasi QH, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2010). Antenna Diversity Techniques for Enhanced Ultra Wideband Radio Performance in Body-Centric Wireless Networks. European Microwave Conference (EuMW 2010) Paris, France 26 Sep 2010 - 1 Oct 2010
bullet iconSani A, Hao Y, Zhao Y, Lee S-L and Yang G-Z (2010). Subject-Specific Analysis of the On-Body Radio Propagation Channel Adopting a Parallel FDTD Code. 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Rajab KZ, Hou K, Mann M, Naftaly M, Collings N, Crossland WA and Hao Y (2010). Refractive Index Evaluation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays. 
bullet iconSani A, Hao Y, Zhao Y, Lee S-L and Yang G-Z (2010). A Subject-Specific Numerical Study in UWB Body-Centric Wireless Communications. 
bullet iconBao D, Kallos E, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2010). Bandwidth Performance of a Simplified Cloak Realized by Non-Magnetic Dielectric Cylinders. 
bullet iconHAO Y and HAll PS (2010). Wearable antennas for body area networks. Microstrip and printed antennas: new trends, techniques and applications , Editors: Guha D and Antar Y. 
bullet iconLu XS, Lee Y, Yang SF, Hao Y, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2010). Solvent-based paste extrusion solid freeforming. J EUR CERAM SOC vol. 30 (1), 1-10.  
bullet iconSani A, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2010). Experimental Characterization of UWB On-Body Radio Channel in Indoor Environment Considering Different Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE vol. 58 (1), 238-241.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Zhao Y, Kallos E and Hao Y (2010). Finite-difference time-domain modeling of electromagnetic cloaks. Metamaterials: theory, design, and applications , Editors: Cui TJ, Smith DR and Liu R. 
bullet iconKhan MM, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2010). Off-Body Radio Channel Characterisation Using Ultra Wideband Wireless Tags. 2010 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks Singapore 7 Jun 2010 - 9 Jun 2010
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2010). Dispersive cylindrical cloaks under nonmonochromatic illumination. PHYS REV E vol. 81 (1) 
bullet iconALOMAINY AHM, Sani A, Hao Y, Pettitt G and Cushnaghan P (2010). Parametric Study of Ground Reflections and Diversity Techniques Effect on Body-Worn VHF/UHF Antenna Performance. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010) Barcelona 12 Apr 2010 - 16 Apr 2010
bullet iconAbbasi QH, Sani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2010). On-Body Radio Channel Characterization and System-Level Modeling for Multiband OFDM Ultra-Wideband Body-Centric Wireless Network. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE vol. 58 (12), 3485-3492.  


bullet iconLee Y, Lu X, Hao Y, Yang S, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Low-profile directive millimeter-wave antennas using free-formed three-dimensional (3-d) electromagnetic bandgap structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 57 (10 PART 1), 2893-2903.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Sani A, Hao Y, Lee SL and Yang GZ (2009). A simulation environment for subject-specific radio channel modeling in wireless body sensor networks. 
bullet iconZhao Y, Sani A, Hao Y, Lee S-L and Yang G-Z (2009). A Subject-Specific Radio Propagation Study in Wireless Body Area Networks. 2009 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconAbbasi QH, sani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2009). Arm Movements Effect on Ultra Wideband On-Body Propagation Channels and Radio Systems. 2009 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconBao D, Argyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2009). Properties and Applications of Periodic Dielectric Particles as Tunable-Index Materials. 2009 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2009). Full-wave parallel dispersive finite-difference time-domain modeling of three-dimensional electromagnetic cloaking structures. J COMPUT PHYS vol. 228 (19), 7300-7312.  
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Hao Y, Colhngs N and Crossland WA (2009). Optically transparent antenna for ultra wide-band applications. 
bullet iconSani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2009). Numerical characterization of the radiation from implanted wireless sources considering different digital body phantoms. 
bullet iconSani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2009). Effect of the indoor environment on the UWB on-body radio propagation channel. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2009). High-gain omni-directional antenna using a freeformed cylindrical cavity for high data-rate short range communications at millimetre-wave bands. 
bullet iconSani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2009). Numerical Characterization and Link Budget Evaluation of Wireless Implants Considering Different Digital Human Phantoms. IEEE T MICROW THEORY vol. 57 (10), 2605-2613.  
bullet iconLee Y, Lu XS, Hao Y, Yang SF, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Low-Profile Directive Millimeter-Wave Antennas Using Free-Formed Three-Dimensional (3-D) Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 57 (10), 2893-2903.  
bullet iconSani A and Hao Y (2009). Modeling of Path Loss for Ultrawide Band Body-Centric Wireless Communications. 2009 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
bullet iconSani A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2009). The Effect of Various Human Body Tissue Models on Radiowave Propagation from a Bladder Implanted Wireless Source. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting Charleston, North Carolina, USA 1 Jun 2009 - 5 Jun 2009
bullet iconLu XS, Lee Y, Yang SF, Hao Y, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Fabrication and evaluation of solid freeformed electromagnetic bandgap structures. J PHYS D APPL PHYS vol. 42 (14) 
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Hao Y, Collings N and Crossland WA (2009). Optically transparent ultra-wideband antenna. ELECTRON LETT vol. 45 (14), 722-723.  
bullet iconYu GX, Cui TJ, Jiang WX, Yang XM, Cheng Q and Hao Y (2009). Transformation of different kinds of electromagnetic waves using metamaterials. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications vol. 23 (5), 583-592.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov P and Hao Y (2009). Subwavelength internal imaging by means of a wire medium. J OPT A-PURE APPL OP vol. 11 (7) 
bullet iconKallos E, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2009). Ground-plane quasicloaking for free space. Physics Review A, American Physical Society vol. 79 (6), 063825-1-063825-5.  
bullet iconLu X, Lee Y, Yang S, Hao Y, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Extrusion freeforming of millimeter-wave electromagnetic bandgap (ebg) photonic crystals. Tsinghua Science & Technology, Tsinghua University Press vol. 14 (S1), 168-174.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Sani A, Hao Y, Lee S-L and Yang G-Z (2009). A Simulation Environment for Subject-Specific Radio Channel Modeling in Wireless Body Sensor Networks. 2009 Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks
bullet iconLu XS, Lee Y, Yang SF, Hao Y, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Fine lattice structures fabricated by extrusion freeforming: Process variables. J MATER PROCESS TECH vol. 209 (10), 4654-4661.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2009). A Radially-Dependent Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Cloaks. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 57 (5), 1432-1441.  
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2009). Manipulating the loss in electromagnetic cloaks for perfect wave absorption. Opt Express, Optical Society of America vol. 17 (10), 8467-8475.  
bullet iconAlomainy A and Hao Y (2009). Modeling and Characterization of Biotelemetric Radio Channel From Ingested Implants Considering Organ Contents. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 57 (4), 999-1005.  
bullet iconAlomainy A, Sani A, Rahman A, Santas JG and Hao Y (2009). Transient Characteristics of Wearable Antennas and Radio Propagation Channels for Ultrawideband Body-Centric Wireless Communications. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 57 (4), 875-884.  
bullet iconZongnan Z, Qinghua H, Mingli H, Hao Y and Haiying Z (2009). Design of a 24–40 GHz balanced low noise amplifier using Lange couplers. Journal of Semiconductors, IOP Publishing vol. 30 (4) 
bullet iconHall P, Hao Y and Ito K (2009). Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Antennas and Propagation on Body-Centric Wireless Communications. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 57 (4), 834-836.  
bullet iconSani A, Zhao Y, Hao Y, Alomainy A and Parini C (2009). An Efficient FDTD Algorithm Based on the Equivalence Principle for Analyzing Onbody Antenna Performance. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 57 (4), 1006-1014.  
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2009). Enhancement of evanescent spatial harmonics inside media with extreme optical anisotropy. Opt Lett vol. 34 (4), 527-529.  
bullet iconLu XS, Lee Y, Yang SF, Hao Y, Ubic R, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2009). Fabrication of Millimeter-Wave Electromagnetic Bandgap Crystals Using Microwave Dielectric Powders. J AM CERAM SOC vol. 92 (2), 371-378.  
bullet iconLee Y, Lu X, Hao Y, Yang S, Parini CG and Evans JRG (2009). Cylindrical EBG antenna for short range gigabit wireless communications at millimetre-wave bands. ELECTRON LETT vol. 45 (3), 136-138.  
bullet iconRahman A, Belov PA, Silveirinha MG, Simovski CR, Hao Y and Parini C (2009). The importance of Fabry-Perot resonance and the role of shielding in subwavelength imaging performance of multiwire endoscopes. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 94 (3) 
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2009). Characterization of Microwave Absorber based on Transformation Electromagnetics. 
bullet iconHAO Y and Mittra R (2009). FDTD modeling of metamaterials: theory and applications. 
bullet iconLu XS, Lee Y, Yang SF, Hao Y, Evans J and Parini C (2009). Extrusion freeforming of millimeter wave electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures. RAPID PROTOTYPING J vol. 15 (1), 42-51.  
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov PA, Silveirinha MG and Simovski CR (2009). Subwavelength imaging by arrays of metallic rods. Applications of Metamaterials; Metamaterials Handbook , Editors: Capolino F. 
bullet iconSani A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2009). Effect of the Indoor Environment on the UWB On-Body Radio Propagation Channel. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009) Berlin, Germany 23 Mar 2009 - 27 Mar 2009
bullet iconSani A, Yan Zhao , Alomainy A, Yang Hao and Parini C (2009). Modelling of propagation and interaction between body-mounted antennas, and the modelling of body-centric, context aware application scenarios. IET Conference Publications
bullet iconZhang L, Lee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2009). Woodpile EBG Structure for Millimeter Wave Imaging Enhancement. 
bullet iconRahman A, Hao Y and Parini CG (2009). Cross-polar component suppression of interdigital-capacitor and stub-inductor-based leaky-wave antenna. ELECTRON LETT vol. 45 (1), 4-5.  
bullet iconSani A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2009). Numerical Characterization of the Radiation from Implanted Wireless Sources Considering Different Digital Body Phantoms. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation Berlin, Germany 23 Mar 2009 - 27 Mar 2009
bullet iconKatsounaros A, Hao Y, Collings N and Crossland WA (2009). Optically Transparent Antenna for Ultra Wide-Band Applications. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2009). High-Gain Omni-Directional Antenna Using A Freeformed Cylindrical Cavity For High Data-Rate Short Range Communications At Millimetre-Wave Bands. 
bullet iconKallos E, Song W, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2009). Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations of Approximate Ground-Plane Cloaks. 
bullet iconArgyropoulos C, Kallos E and Hao Y (2009). Examining the Limitations of Ideal Cylindrical Cloaks through Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulations. 
bullet iconKallos E, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2009). Simplified Directional Ground-Plane Cloaks. 
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2009). Parallel Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Modeling of Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Cloaking Structures. 
bullet iconSani A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2009). Time Domain UWB Radio Channel Characterisation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications in Indoor Environment. IET seminar on wideband and ultrawide band systems and technologies London, UK 20 Apr 2009


bullet iconHao Y and Foster R (2008). Wireless body sensor networks for health-monitoring applications. Physiol Meas vol. 29 (11), R27-R56.  
bullet iconHao Y, Junliang C, Ying Z and Xiangwu M (2008). Optimized Query Terms Creation based on Meta-search and Clustering. 2008 Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery
bullet iconLee Y and Hao Y (2008). Characterization of microstrip patch antennas on metamaterial substrates loaded with complementary split-ring resonators. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 50 (8), 2131-2135.  
bullet iconWang X and Hao Y (2008). A Perfect Matching Layer for Haar Wavelet Based Multi-Resolution Time-Domain Technique. 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconLugo K, Gomez RA, Lee Y, Farahat N, Mittra R and Hao Y (2008). FDTD Analysis of an Antenna Covered by a Dielectric Woodpile EBG Superstrate. 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconChuang CH, Liu CP, Ismail T, Wang XJ, Hao Y, Parini C, Huggard PG, Krysa AB, Roberts JS and Seeds AJ (2008). IEEE 802.11a Data Over Fiber Transmission Using Electromagnetic Bandgap Photonic Antenna With Integrated Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Modulator/Detector. J LIGHTWAVE TECHNOL vol. 26 (13-16), 2671-2678.  
bullet iconRahman A, Hao Y, Lee Y and Parini CG (2008). Effect of unit-cell size on performance of composite right/left-handed transmission line based leaky-wave antenna. ELECTRON LETT vol. 44 (13), 788-U23.  
bullet iconHao Y and Hall PS (2008). On-body antennas and propagation: Recent development. 
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Tse S, Ikonen P, Silveirinha MG, Simovski CR, Tretyakov S, Hao Y and Parini C (2008). Transmission of images with subwavelength resolution to distances of several wavelengths in the microwave range. 
bullet iconLu X, Lee Y, Yang S, Hao Y, Ubic R, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2008). Fabrication of electromagnetic crystals by extrusion freeforming. Metamaterials, Elsevier vol. 2 (1), 36-44.  
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Tse S, Ikonen P, Silveirinha MG, Simovski CR, Tretyakov S, Hao Y and Parini C (2008). Transmission of images with subwavelength resolution to distances of several wavelengths in the microwave range. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 77 (19), 193108-1-193108-4.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2008). Full-wave finite-difference time-domain simulation of electromagnetic cloaking structures. Optics Express, Optical Society of America: Open Access Journals vol. 16 (9), 6717-6730.  
bullet iconZhang L, Hao Y, Parini CG and Dupuy J (2008). AN EXPERIMENTAL MILLIMETRE WAVE IMAGING SYSTEM. 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2008). Millimetrewave Metamaterials with Controlled Defects and Their Applications. 2008 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials
bullet iconZhao Y, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2008). DISPERSIVE FINITE-DIFFERENCE TIME-DOMAIN SIMULATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC CLOAKING DEVICES. 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconLee DH, Lee Y, Hao Y, Vardaxoglou Y and Park WS (2008). Perturbation Input Impedance Matching Technique for Fabry-Perot High Gain Antenna. 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconSani A, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2008). Analysis of on-body propagation channel using a hybrid technique combining the equivalence principle and FDTD. 2008 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials
bullet iconAhmed Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2008). A 31.5 GHz Patch Antenna Design for Medical Implants. INT J ANTENN PROPAG 
bullet iconLee Y and Hao Y (2008). Figure-of-merit analysis of resonant particles for construction of practical metamaterials. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 7, 167-170.  
bullet iconBelov PA, Ikonen P, Simovski CR, Hao Y and Tretyakov SA (2008). Magnification of Subwavelength Field Distributions Using a Tapered Array of Wires Operating in the Canalization Regime. 
bullet iconSantas J, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y (2008). Textile Antennas for On-Body Communications: Techniques and Properties. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007) Edinborough, UK 11 Nov 2007 - 16 Nov 2007
bullet iconXiaojing Wang , Yang Hao and Cho-Ho Chu (2008). Perfect matching layer for Haar wavelet based multi-resolution time-domain technique. IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2008)
bullet iconSani A, Zhao Y and Hao Y (2008). Analysis of on-body propagation channel using a hybrid technique combining the equivalence principle and FDTD. 
bullet iconHao Y (2008). FDTD Modeling of Electromagnetic Cloaks., Editors: Cui TJ and Smith DR. 
bullet iconSani A, Alomainy A, Santas J and Hao Y (2008). Time Domain Characterisation of Ultra Wideband Wearable Antennas and Radio Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Networks in Healthcare Applications. 
bullet icon (2008). Welcome message. 2008 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconLee Y, Lu XS, Hao Y, Yang SF, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2008). Directive Millimetrewave Antennas using Freeformed Ceramic Metamaterials in Planar and Cylindrical Forms. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2008). Millimetrewave metamaterials with controlled defects and their applications. 
bullet iconSani A, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2008). Characterisation of Ultra Wideband Wearable Antennas and Body-Centric Wireless-Networks in Indoor Environment. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2008). Cylindrical Woodpile Antenna for Millimeter-wave Short Range Gigabit Communications. 
bullet iconZhao Y, Argyropoulos C and Hao Y (2008). Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Cloaking Structures. 


bullet iconALOMAINY A, Hao Y and Pasveer WF (2007). Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of a Compact Sensor Antenna Performance for Healthcase Devices. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 242-249.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Lee Y and Rahman A (2007). Limitations in Bandwidth and Unit Cell Sizeof Composite Right-Left Handed Transmission Line Based Leaky-Wave Antenna. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 2007
bullet iconHAO Y, Lee Y, Mosig J and Zumoberhaus S (2007). Figure-of-Merit (FOM) Analysis of Resonant Particles for Construction of Practical Metamaterials. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 2007
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2007). Finite-difference time-domain study of guided modes in nano-plasmonic waveguides. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 55 (11), 3070-3077.  
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov PA and Zhao Y (2007). Transmission of Images into Far-Field-Zone with Subwavelength Resolution. First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Metamaterials'2007, October 22-26, 2007, Rome, Italy
bullet iconWang XJ and Hao Y (2007). Dual-band operation of an electromagnetic band-gap patch antenna. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 49 (10), 2454-2458.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Rahman A and Lee Y (2007). Effects of Homogeneity and Design Complexity of CRLH-TL Based Leaky-Wave Antennas. Metamaterial Congress, Rome, Italy, October 2007
bullet iconIkonen P, Simovski C, Tretyakov S, Belov P and Hao Y (2007). Magnification of subwavelength field distributions at microwave frequencies using a wire medium slab operating in the canalization regime. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 91 (10) 
bullet iconBelov PA, Simovski CR, Ikonen P, Silveirinha MG and Hao Y (2007). Image transmission with the subwavelength resolution in microwave, terahertz, and optical frequency bands. 
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov P and Hao Y (2007). Accurate modelling of left-handed metamaterials using a finite-difference time-domain method with spatial averaging at the boundaries. 
bullet iconLee YJ, Lu XS, Hao Y, Yang SF, Ubic R, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2007). Rapid prototyping of ceramic millimeterwave metamaterials: Simulations and experiments. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 49 (9), 2090-2093.  
bullet iconHAO Y and Zhao Y (2007). Conformal Dispersive Finite-Dofference Time-Domain Simulations of Plasmonic Waveguides. 2007 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, August 20-24, 2007, Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Lee Y (2007). A Low Profile Directive Millimetrewave Antenna Using Freeformed Metamaterial. Metamorphose Workshop, Belfast, UK, August 2007
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov PA and Hao Y (2007). Modelling of wave propagation in wire media using spatially dispersive finite-difference time-domain method: Numerical aspects. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 55 (6), 1506-1513.  
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2007). A conformal dispersive FDTD method for modelling of nano-plasmonic waveguides. 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Sudhakaran S and Hao Y (2007). Sub-wavelength imaging by a wire medium slab: experiment. 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconLee Y, Tse S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). A compact microstrip antenna with improved bandwidth using Complementary Split-Ring Resonator (CSRR) loading. 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Song W, Owadally AS, Alomainy A, Constantinou CC, Dubrovka R, Hee DTM, Nechayev YI, Hall PS, Salim TZ and Kamarudin MR (2007). Antennas and propagation for on-body communication systems. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, June 2007 vol. 49 (3), 41-58.  
bullet iconTse S, Hao Y and Parini C (2007). Mushroom-like high-impedance surface (his) with slanted vias. 2007 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconZhao X, Dong Y, Yang H, Zhao J and Wang H (2007). Svm-Based Speaker Verification by Location in the Space of Reference Speakers. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - ICASSP '07
bullet iconHao Y, Zhao Y, Lee YJ and Youngs IJ (2007). Electrically Small Antennas with Dielectric, Magneto-Dielectric and Metamaterial Loading. 2007 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference
bullet iconHAO Y, Lee Y, Harmer S and Ren G (2007). Measurement of Complex Permittivity of Textile Materials for Body- Centric Wireless Communications. iET Seminar on Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications, London, April 2007
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov P and Zhao Y (2007). On the Effects of Numerical Material Parameters and Switching Time in FDTD Modelling of Left-Handed Metamaterials. 2007 ACES Conference on Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Veron, Italy, 19-23 March 2007
bullet iconZhao Y, HAO Y and Belov P (2007). Stability and Numerical Dispersion Analysis for a Spatially Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. 2007 ACES Conference on Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Verona, Italy, 19-23 March 2007
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Rieckmann C (2007). A New Approach for Deembedding Active Devices from Active Grids. 2007 ACES Conference on Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Verona, Italy, 19-23 March 2007
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov P and Hao Y (2007). Accurate modeling of the optical properties of left-handed media using a finite-difference time-domain method. PHYS REV E vol. 75 (3) 
bullet iconHAO Y (2007). Antennas for Wearable Devices. Antennas for Portable Devices , Editors: Chen Z. 
bullet iconLee Y, Lu X, Hao Y, Yang S, Ubic R, Evans JRG and Parini CG (2007). Directive millimetre-wave antenna based on freeformed woodpile EBG structure. ELECTRON LETT vol. 43 (4), 195-196.  
bullet iconCory H, Lee YJ, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). Use of conjugate dielectric and metarnaterial slabs as radomes. IET MICROW ANTENNA P vol. 1 (1), 137-143.  
bullet iconHAO Y, Zhao Y and Belov PA (2007). Accurate Modeling of Left-Handed Media using FDTD Method and Finite-Size Effects of a Left-Handed Medium Slab on the Image Quality Revisited. Proc. of 1st European Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials,Nanmeta-2007, on CD-ROM, Tue4f62, Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, 8-11 January 2007
bullet iconHu ZH, Nechayev YI, Hall PS, Constantinou CC and Hao Y (2007). Measurements and statistical analysis of on-body channel fading at 2.45 GHz. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 6, 612-615.  
bullet iconPARINI CG, HAO Y and LEE Y (2007). Rapid Prototyping of Cermic Millimeterwave Metamaterials: Simulations and Experiments. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 
bullet iconZhao Y, BELOV P and Hao Y (2007). Accurate modelling of left-handed metamaterials using finite-difference time-domain method with spatial averaging at the boundaries. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied vol. 9, S468-S475.  
bullet iconBELOV P, Simovski C, Ikonen P, Silveirinha M and Hao Y (2007). Image transmission with the subwavelength resolution in microwave, terahertz, and optical frequency bands. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics vol. 52 (9), 1009-1022.  
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2007). Accurate modelling of the optical properties of left-handed media using a finite-difference time-domain method. 
bullet iconZhang L, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). Natural resonant frequency extraction for concealed weapon detection at millimetre wave frequencies. 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007)
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y and Pasveer F (2007). Modelling and characterisation of a compact sensor antenna for healthcare applications., Editors: Leonhardt S, Falck T and Mahonen P. 
bullet iconBELOV P and Zhao Y (2007). Accurate Modeling of the Optical Properties of Left-handed Media Using a Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Physical Review E, Vol. 75, pp. 037602 (1-4), 2007 vol. 75, 1-4.  
bullet iconTse S, Hao Y and Parini C (2007). Mushroom-like high-impedance surface (HIS) with slanted vias. 
bullet iconZhao Y and Hao Y (2007). A conformal dispersive FDTD method for modelling of nano-plasmonic waveguides. 
bullet iconXiaojing Wang XW, Tse S, Yang Hao YH, Parini C, Chin-Pang Liu C-PL, Chin-Hsiu Chuang C-HC, Ismail T, Seeds A and Huggard P (2007). An EBG antenna with integrated optical transducer. 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007)
bullet iconAhmed Y and Hao Y (2007). Finding the incidence angle for rays refracted through multiple dielectric layers. 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007)
bullet iconRahman A and Hao Y (2007). A novel tapered slot CPW-fed antenna for ultra-wideband applications and its on/off-body performance. 
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, Owadally A, Parini CG, Nechayev Y, Constantinou CC and Hall PS (2007). Statistical analysis and performance evaluation for on-body radio propagation with microstrip patch antennas. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 55 (1), 245-248.  
bullet iconRahman A, ALOMAINY A and Hao Y (2007). Compact Body-Worn Coplanar Waveguide Fed Antenna for UWB Body-Centric Wireless Communications. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007) Edinborough, UK 11 Nov 2007 - 16 Nov 2007
bullet iconZhao Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2007). FDTD characterization of UWB indoor radio channel including frequency dependent antenna directivities. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 6, 191-194.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov PA and Hao Y (2007). Amplification of evanescent spatial harmonics and subwavelength imaging inside of a wire medium slab. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). Low profile high directivity millimetrewave antenna using freeformed metamaterial. 
bullet iconHao Y, Zhao Y, Lee YJ and Youngs IJ (2007). Electrically small antennas with dielectric, magneto-dielectric and metamaterial loading. 
bullet iconGe YH, Esselle KP and Hao Y (2007). Design of low-profile high-gain EBG resonator antennas using a genetic algorithm. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 6, 480-483.  
bullet iconChuang CH, Liu CP, Ismail T, Wang X, Tse SWH, Hao Y, Parini C, Huggard PG, Krysa AB, Roberts JS and Seeds AJ (2007). Integrated photonic Electromagnetic Band Gap antenna with InGaAs/AlInGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Modulator. 
bullet iconTse S, Wang XJ, Hao Y, Parini C, Liu CP, Chuang CH, Ismail T, Seeds A and Huggard P (2007). An EBG enhancement to patch array antenna with integrated optical transducer., Editors: Bonefacic D. 
bullet iconParini CG, Lee Y and Hao Y (2007). New technology millimetrewave antennas. 
bullet iconHAO Y, Alomainy A and Davenport DM (2007). Parametric Study of Wearable Antennas with Varying Distances from the Body and Different On-Body Position. IET Seminar on Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communication
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Sudhakaran S and Hao Y (2007). Sub-wavelength imaging by a wire medium slab: Experiment. 
bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2007). Experimental study of the subwavelength imaging by a wire medium slab. 
bullet iconHAO Y and WANG X (2007). Dual-band Operation of an EBG Path Antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 
bullet iconLee Y, Tse S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). A compact microstrip antenna with improved bandwidth using complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) loading. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2007). Solid freeforming of millimetrewave metamaterials and its applications. 
bullet iconHAO Y, Lee Y, Zhao Y and Youngs I (2007). Small Antennas with Dielectric, Magneto-dielectric and Metamaterial Loadings. Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, 2007, UK
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov PA and Hao Y (2007). Spatially dispersive finite-difference time-domain modelling of the wire medium for subwavelength imaging. 


bullet iconBelov PA, Zhao Y, Sudhakaran S, Alomainy A and Hao Y (2006). Experimental study of the subwavelength imaging by a wire medium slab. APPL PHYS LETT vol. 89 (26) 
bullet iconXianyu Z, Yuan D, Jun L, Hao Y and Haila W (2006). Multigrained model adaptation with MAP and reference speaker weighting for text independent speaker verification. 
bullet iconSee TSP, Alomainy A, Hao Y and Chen ZN (2006). On-Body Characterisation of a Compact Planar UWB Antenna. 2006 First European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Song W (2006). Comparison of Nonorthogonal FDTD and Yee's Algorithm in Modelling Photonic Bandgap Structures. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2006), Singapore, November 2006
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Lee Y (2006). A Free-Formed EBG Resonator Antenna at Millimeter Frequencies. EuCAP, Nice, France, November 2006
bullet iconHall PS and Hao Y (2006). Antennas and Propagation for Body Centric Communications. 2006 First European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
bullet iconDubrovka R, Alomainy A, Parini C, Hao Y, Hall P, Constantinou C and Nechaev Y (2006). Comparison of antennas for onbody propagation using the method of equivalent currents. 
bullet iconHao Y, BELOV P and Simovski CR (2006). Sub-Wavelength Imaging without Negative Refraction and Amplification of Evanescent Waves. Proc. of Bianisotropics 2006 - International Conference on Complex Media and Metamaterials, Samarkand [Uzbekistan]
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov P and Simovski CR (2006). Sub-Wavelength Imaging without Negative Refraction and Amplification of Evanescent. International Conference on Complex Media and Metamaterials, pp 6-7, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 25-28, 2006
bullet iconHao Y and BELOV P (2006). Microwave and Optical Sub-Wavelength Imaging without Negative Refraction and Amplification of Evanescent Waves. Proc. of IET Seminar on Metamaterials for Microwave and (Sub)Millimetrewave Applications, London, UK September 19, 2006
bullet iconHao Y, BELOV P and Zhao Y (2006). Improvement of Numerical Accuracy in FDTD Modelling of Left-Handed Metamaterials. Proc. of IET Seminar on Metamaterials for Microwave and (Sub)Millimetrewave Applications, London, UK. September 19, 2006
bullet iconParini CG, Hao Y, BELOV P, Song W, Zhao Y and Lee Y (2006). Numerical Modelling of Metamaterials and their Applications. Proc. of IET Seminar on Metamaterials for Microwave and (Sub)Millimetrewave Application, London, Uk, September 19, 2006
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov P, Zhao Y, Giannakis NA and Inglesfield JE (2006). Dispersion Properties of Subwavelength Waveguide Formed by Silver Nano-Rods. Photon 06, 4-7 September 2006
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Zhao Y and Lee Y (2006). On the Design of Millimetrewave EBG Resonator Antenna Based on Woodpile Structure. IET Seminar on Metamaterials for Microwave and (Sub) Millimetrewave Applications, London, UK September 2006
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Song W (2006). Calculating the Dispersion Diagram Using the Nonorthognal FDTD Method. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on Metamaterials for Microwave and (Sub) Milimetrewave Applications: Electromagnetic Bandgap and Double Negative Designs, Structures, Device and Experimental Validation, September 2006
bullet iconBelov PA, Hao Y and Sudhakaran S (2006). Sub-wavelength Microwave Imaging by a Slab of Wire Medium. 2006 European Microwave Conference
bullet iconHAO Y, Belov P and Zhao Y (2006). Spatially Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Modelling of Sub-Wavelength Imaging by Wire Media. 2006 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 9-14, 2006
bullet iconHAO Y and Alomainy A (2006). Radio Channel Models for UWB Body-Centric Networks with Compact Planar Antenna. 2006 IEEE AP-S International Sympopsium on Antennas and Propagation, Albuquerque, New mexico, USA, July 9-14,2006
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y, Alomainy A, Constantinou CC, Zhao Y, Hall P and Nechayev Y (2006). Statistical and Deterministic Modelling of Radio Propagation Channels in WBAN at 2.45GHz. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation (IEEE AP-S) and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 9-14 July 2006
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y, Alomainy A, Dubrovka R, Constantinou CC, Salim T, Hall P and Nechayev Y (2006). Distance Dependence of On-Body Path Loss. Proceedings of the URSI UK National Symposium 2006, Abingdon, UK - 3-4 July 2006
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Lee Y (2006). Characterisation of Dielectric-Left Handed Material (LHM) Composite Material and their Application to Antennas. URSI-UK National Symposium, Abingdon, UK, July 2006
bullet iconHAO Y and Wang X (2006). Multi-Layer Uni-Planar EBG Antenna and Its Dual-Band Realization. Teh Proceedings of UK National URSI Symposium 2006
bullet iconZhao Y, Belov PA and Hao Y (2006). Spatially dispersive finite-difference time-domain analysis of sub-wavelength imaging by the wire medium slabs. OPT EXPRESS vol. 14 (12), 5154-5167.  
bullet iconHao Y and BELOV P (2006). Sub-Wavelength Imaging at Optical Frequencies Using a Periodic Layered Metal-Dielectric Structure Operating in the Canalization Regime. Proc. of Photonic Metamaterials: From Random to Periodic, OSA Topical Meeting, on CD-ROM, TuB6, Grand Bahama Island (Bahamas) June 5-8, 2006
bullet iconHao Y, BELOV P and Zhao Y (2006). Spatially Dispersive FDTD Method for Numerical Verification of Sub-Wavelength Imaging by Wire Medium. International Seminar "Days on Diffraction'2006", Book of Abstracts, St. Petersburg (Russia), May 30 - June 2, 2006
bullet iconHAO Y and Douvalis Y (2006). A Monolithic Active Concial Horn Antenna Array for Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Wave Applications. IEEE Trans on Antennas and Propagations vol. 54 Issue 5, 1393-1398.  
bullet iconDouvalis V, Hao Y and Parini CG (2006). A monolithic active conical horn antenna array for millimeter and submillimeter wave applications. IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG vol. 54 (5), 1393-1398.  
bullet iconDubrovka R, Parini C, Hao Y, Alomainy A, Hall P, Constantinou C and Nechayev Y (2006). On-body propagation loss estimation using method of equivalent sources. ELECTRON LETT vol. 42 (9), 506-508.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Zhao Y and Alomainy A (2006). UWB Body-Centric Network: Radio Channel Characteristics and Deterministic Propagation Modelling. IEE Seminar on Ultra-Widebad Systems, Technologies and Appliations, London, UK, 20 April 2006 London 20 Apr 2006
bullet iconHao Y and BELOV P (2006). Sub-Wavelength Imaging Using a Lens Formed by an Array of Conducting Wires. Proc. Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference 2006, Loughborough, UK, April 11-12, 2006
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y, Constantinou CC, Dubrovka R, Nechayev Y and Hall PS (2006). Approximate Method for On-Body Propagation Channel Loss Estimation. Proceedings of the Loughborough Antenna and Propagation Conference, Loughborough, UK, April 2006
bullet iconPARINI CG, HAO Y, ALOMAINY A and ZHAO Y (2006). UWB On-body Radio Channel Modeling Using Ray Theory and Sub-band FDTD Method. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques vol. 54 (4), 1827-1835.  
bullet iconZhao Y, Hao Y, Alomainy A and Parini C (2006). UWB on-body radio channel modeling using ray theory and subband FDTD method. IEEE T MICROW THEORY vol. 54 (4), 1827-1835.  
bullet iconCory H, Hao Y and Parini CG (2006). A metamaterial-scanning near-field optical microscope. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 48 (3), 587-590.  
bullet iconHao Y and BELOV P (2006). Subwavelength imaging at optical frequencies using a transmission device formed by a periodic layered metal-dielectric structure operating in the canalization regime. Physical Review B vol. 73, 113110-1-113110-4.  
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, Hu X, Parini CG and Hall PS (2006). UWB on-body radio propagation and system modelling for wireless body-centric networks. IEE P-COMMUN vol. 153 (1), 107-114.  
bullet iconHAO Y (2006). Antenna Design & Propagation Measurements and Modelling for UWB Wireless BAN. Ultra Wideband: Antenas and Propagation for Communiations, Radar and Imaging  
bullet iconHAO Y (2006). From Electromagnetic Bandgap to Left-handed Metamaterials: Modelling and Applications (invited). Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A vol. 7 (1), 34-40.  
bullet iconHao Y, ALOMAINY A, Belov P, Sudhakaran S and Zhao Y (2006). Experimental study of the sub-wavelength imaging in by a wire medium slab. Applied Physics Letters vol. 89 
bullet iconBelov PA, Hao Y and Sudhakaran S (2006). Subwavelength microwave imaging using an array of parallel conducting wires as a lens. PHYS REV B vol. 73 (3) 
bullet iconPARINI CG, HAO Y, LEE Y and CORY H (2006). On the Use of Conjugate Dielectric and Metamaterial Slabs as Radomes. IEE Proc. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation 
bullet iconHao Y, BELOV P and Zhao Y (2006). Spatially Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Analysis of Sub-Wavelength Imaging by thge Wire Medium Slabs. Optics Express vol. 14, 5154-5167.  
bullet iconBelov PA, Hao Y and Sudhakaran S (2006). Sub-Wavelength Imaging by a Slab of Wire Medium. 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2006). Applications of Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures for Novel Communication Antenna Designs. 2006 European Microwave Conference
bullet iconHAO Y, SUDHAKARAN S, ALOMAINY A, ZHAO Y and BELOV P (2006). Experimental study of the sub-wavelength imaging by a wire medium slab. Physics Letters vol. 89, 262109-262109.  
bullet iconSudhakaran S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2006). Focusing of waves at low microwave frequencies using metallic wire media. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 48 (1), 133-138.  
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, Yuan Y and Liu Y (2006). Modelling and characterisation of radio propagation from wireless implants at different frequencies. 
bullet iconZhao Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2006). FDTD characterisation of UWB indoor radio channel including frequency dependent antenna directivities. 
bullet iconHAO Y and HALL PS (2006). Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Networks. 
bullet iconBelov PA, Hao Y and Sudhakaran S (2006). Sub-wavelength microwave imaging by a slab of wire medium. 
bullet iconLee Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2006). Applications of electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures for novel communication antenna designs. 


bullet iconALOMAINY A, Hao Y, Parini CG and Hall PS (2005). On-Body Propagation Channel Characterisation for UWB Wireless Body-Centric Networks. 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting Washington DC, USA 3 Jul 2005 - 8 Jul 2005
bullet iconSong W, Hao Y and Parini CG (2005). ADI-FDTD algorithm in curvilinear co-ordinates. Electronics Letters vol. 41 (23), 5-6.  
bullet iconParini CG, Hao Y, ALOMAINY A and Hall PS (2005). Comparison between Two Different Antennas for UWB On-Body Propagation Measurements. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters vol. 4 Issue 1, 31-34.  
bullet iconSong W, Hao Y and Parini CG (2005). ADI plus FDTD algorithm in curvilinear co-ordinates. ELECTRON LETT vol. 41 (23), 1259-1261.  
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, PARINI CG and Hall P (2005). Characterisation of Printed UWB Antennas for On-Body Communications. Proceedings of the IEE Seminar No 2005/11059 Wideband & Multiband Antennas and Arrays, 7 September 2005 1 Jan 1970 - 7 Sep 2005
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Sudhakaran S, Cory H and Nyberg D (2005). Metamaterial Realisation and its Applications to Antennas. PIERS 2005, Progres in Electromagenetics Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 August 2005
bullet iconHAO Y, Aomainy A, Parini CG, Nechayev YI, Constatntinou CC and Hall PS (2005). Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Body-Centric Networks. PIERS 2005, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 August 2005
bullet iconHAO Y (2005). From electromagnetic Bandgap to Left Handed Metamaterials: Modelling and Applications (Invited Talk). International Workshop on Meta-materials and Negative Refraction, Hangzhou, China, August 27-29, 2005
bullet iconDouvalis V, Hao Y and Parini CG (2005). Fast array analysis using a combination of FDTD and matrix manipulation techniques. IEE P-MICROW ANTEN P vol. 152 (4), 260-266.  
bullet iconNechayev YI, Hall PS, Constantinou CC, HAO Y, Alomainy A, Dubrovka R and Parini CG (2005). On-Body Path Gain Variation with Changing Posture and Antenna Position. The 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington DC, USA, July 3-8, 2005
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Alomainy A and Hall PS (2005). On-Body Propagation Channel Characteristation for UWB Wireless Body-Centric Networks. The 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington DC, USA, July 3-8, 2005
bullet iconSudhakaran S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2005). Negative-refraction phenomenon at multiple frequency bands from electromagnetic crystals. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 45 (6), 465-469.  
bullet iconHAO Y (2005). Antennas and Propagation for On-Body Communication Systems (Keynote Speech). The 11th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Apply Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2005), France, June 15-17, 2005
bullet iconHall PS, Nechayev YI, Hao Y, Alomainy A, PARINI CG, Dubrovka R and Constantinou CC (2005). Antennas and Propagation for On-Body Communication Systems. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Apply Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2005), France, June 15-17, 2005
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Dubrovka R, Alomainy A, Nechayev YI, Hall PS, Kamarudin MR and Constantinou CC (2005). Radio Channel Characterisation and Antennas for On-Body Communications. Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC2005), 4-6 April 2005
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Zhao Y (2005). Comparison of Sub-Band FDTD and Ray Tracing Methods for UWB Indoor Propagation Modelling. Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC2005), 4-6 April 2005
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Sudhakaran S (2005). Experimental Verification of Wave Focussing from Metallis Wire Media. Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC2005), 4-6 April 2005
bullet iconZhao Y, Hao Y and Parini CG (2005). Radiation properties of PIFA on electromagnetic bandgap substrates. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 44 (1), 21-24.  
bullet iconHao Y, Alomainy A, Hall PS, Nechayev YI, Parini CG and Constantinou CC (2005). Antennas and propagation for body centric wireless communications. 
bullet iconSong W, Hao Y and Parini C (2005). An ADI-FDTD algorithm in curvilinear coordinates., Editors: Hong W, Cui TJ and Fang D. 
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, Parini CG and Hall PS (2005). Comparison between two different antennas for UWB on-body propagation measurements. IEEE ANTENN WIREL PR vol. 4, 31-34.  
bullet iconBelov P, Hao Y and Simovski C (2005). Subwavelength Imaging using Wire Medium. Frontiers in Optics
bullet iconZhao Y, Hao Y and Parini C (2005). Two novel FDTD based UWB indoor propagation models. 
bullet iconWang XJ, Hao Y and Hall PS (2005). Dual-band resonances of a patch antenna on UC-EBG substrate., Editors: Hong W, Cui TJ and Fang D. 
bullet iconAlomainy A, Hao Y, Dubrovka R, PARINI CG, Nechayev YI, Kamarudin MR, Hall PS and Constantinou CC (2005). Narrowband and Wideband Radio Channel Characterisation and Antennas for On Body Communication Systems. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Imperial College, London 2005


bullet iconLu L, Hao Y and Parini CG (2004). Dispersive FDTD characterisation of no phase-delay radio transmission over layered left-handed meta-materials structure. 
bullet iconHao Y, Alomainy AH and Parini CG (2004). Antenna-beam shaping from offset defects in UC-EBG cavities. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 43 (2), 108-112.  
bullet iconParini CG, Hao Y and ALOMAINY A (2004). Antenna Beam Shaping from Offset Defects in UC-EBG. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters vol. 42 No 2, 108-112.  
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y and Alomainy AH (2004). Antenna Beam Shaping from Offsets Defects in UC-EBG Casvities. IEEE MOTL, October 20, 2004 Issue (Accepted) 
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Owadally AS, Nechayev YI, Hall PS and Constantinou CC (2004). Path Loss Measurements of On-Body Propagation Channels. 2004 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, August 17-21, 2004, Sendai, Japan, Sendai International Center
bullet iconDouvalis V, Hao Y and Parini CG (2004). Stable non-orthogonal FDTD method. ELECTRON LETT vol. 40 (14), 850-851.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Owadally AS, Nechayev YI, Hall PS and Constantinou CC (2004). Characterisation of On-Body Communication Channels. The 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meetig, Monterey, California, USA, June 20-26, 2004
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Owadally A, Alomainy A, Constantinou C, Nechayev YI and Hall PS (2004). On-Body Communications Channel Characterisation for Wearable Computer Systems. Joint COST 273/284 Workshop on Antennas and Related System Aspects in Wireless Communications, 7-10 June 2004
bullet iconSudhakaran S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2004). An enhanced prediction of negative refraction from EBG-like structures. MICROW OPT TECHN LET vol. 41 (4), 258-261.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2004). Large Antenna Array Simulation using FDTD with Enhanced Matrix Manipulation Techniques. Fifth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2004) 19-22 April 2004, Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Owadally AS, Alomainy A, Hall PS, Constantinou CC and Nechayev YI (2004). Body-Centric WLANs for Future Wearable Computers. International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Network, Imperial College London, April 2004
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Alomainy A and Garcia Zuazola IJ (2004). Small Antennas on Electromagnetic BandGap Structures. PIERS 2004, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 28-31 March 2004, Pisa, Italy
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y, Sudhakaran S and Lu L (2004). Numerical Techniques in Left-Handed Materials Modelling. PIERS 2004, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 28-31 March 2004, Pisa, Italy
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Sudhakaran S (2004). Measurement Verification of Negative Refraction in Generalised Electromagnetic Periodic Structures. The 27th ESA Antenna Technology Workshop on Innovative Periodic Antennas, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 9-11 March 2004
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Alomainy A (2004). EBG Structure for Indoor WLAN Antenna with Beam Shaping. The 27th ESA Antenna Technology Workshop on Innovative Periodic Antennas, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 9-11 March 2004
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2004). Modelling of a Hard Conical Horn Antenna Using Local Distorted Nonorthogonal FDTD Method. The 27th ESA Antenna Technology Workshop on Innovative Periodic Antennas, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 9-11 March 2004
bullet iconDouvalis V and Hao Y (2004). A monolithic active conical horn antenna arrays for millimeter and sub-millimiter wave applications. 
bullet iconSudhakaran S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2004). An experimental verification of spatial harmonics effects on negative refraction. 
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y and Lu L (2004). Dispersive FDTD characterisation of no phase delay radio transmission over layered left handed meta materials structure. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 


bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y, Sudhakaran S and Lu L (2003). From Electromagnetic BandGap Structure to Left-Handed Metamaterials: Modeling and Applications. IEE Seminar on Metamaterials for Micowave and (Sub) Millimeter Wave Applications: Photonic Bandgap and Double Negative Designs, Components and Experiments
bullet iconPARINI CG and Hao Y (2003). Small Antennas on Electromagnetic BandGap Structures. Wireless Broadband Forum, Cambridge, Uk, November 2003
bullet iconHao Y and Hou C-P (2003). Scheduling and policing in GPRS based on the minimum laxity threshold algorithm. Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2003). Antenna Design and Radio Propagation Modelling for Wireless Wearable Computers. The 1st UK-UbiNet Workshop, 25-26 March 2003, Imperial College, London, UK
bullet iconHao Y and Parini CG (2003). Microstrip antennas on various UC-PBG substrates. 
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Lu L (2003). Dispersive FDTD Modelling on Multi-Layer Left-Handed Meta-Materials for Near/Far Field Imaging at Microwave Frequencies. The 2003 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 22-27, 2003
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2003). Novel WLAN Antenna Technology for Potential Onboard Spacecraft Applications (Invited Talk). Wireless Data Communications Onboard Spacecraft - Technology and Applications Workshop, Organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), 14-16 April 2003, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y and Lu L (2003). Time-domain Modelling on Wave Propagation through Single/Multilayer left-handed Meta-Materials Slabs. ICAP2003, University of Exeter, 31 March - 2 April 2003
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y and Sudhakaran S (2003). Spatial Harmonics Effects on Characterisaton of Left-handed Metamaterials. Proceedings of the 2003 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC '03), Korea (South)
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2003). Antenna Array Analysis Using Matrix Manipulation in Conformal FDTD Scheme. ICAP 2003, UK
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2003). Microstrip Antennas on Various UC-PGB Substrates. IEICE Trans. on Electronics vol. E86-C, 1536-1541.  
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2003). Emerging Technologies in Antennas Design for Wireless Networking (Invited Talk). Wireless Broadband Forum, Cambridge
bullet iconLu L, Hao Y and Parini CG (2003). Dispersive FDTD modeling on near field imaging in multi-layer left-handed meta-materials at microwave frequencies. 
bullet iconSudhakaran S, Hao Y and Parini CG (2003). Characterisation of negative meta materials based on generalised periodic structure concept. 


bullet iconPARINI CG and Hao Y (2002). Emerging Technologies in Antennas Design for Wireless Networking. Wireless Broadband Forum, Cambridge, 27 November 2002
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2002). Modelling Conical Horn Antennas Using Local-Distorted Nonoethogonal FDTD Method. 12mes Journes Internationales de Nice sur les Antennes, 12-14 November 2002, Nice, France
bullet iconHAO Y, Alomainy A, Patel R, Grigg AE and Cheng M (2002). A Low-Cost PC-Based IF Software Radio Demonstrator. European Microwave Week 2002, Milan, Italy, September 2002
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2002). A Novel Embedded UC-PBG Structure for Microstrip Antennas. URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, August 2002
bullet iconPARINI CG, Hao Y and Douvalis V (2002). Reduction of late time instabilities of the local-distorted nonorthogonal finite difference time domain method. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Texas, USA, June 2002 - Volume 3
bullet iconPARINI CG, Douvalis V and Hao Y (2002). Reduction of late time instabilities of the finite difference time domain method in curvilinear coordinates. IEE 4th International Conferenceon Computation in Electromagnetics, Bournemouth, UK, 8-11 April 2002
bullet iconParini CG, Hao Y and Douvalis V (2002). Reduction of late time instabilities of the finite difference time domain method in curvilinear coordinates. IEE Proceedings-Science, Measurement and Technology. vol. 149 (5), 267-272.  
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2002). Isolation enhancement of anisotropic UC-PBG microstrip diplexer patch antenna. Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE. vol. 1, 135-137.  
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2002). Reduction of Late Time Instabilities of the Finite Difference Time Domain Method in Curcilinear Coordinates. Fourth International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Bournemouth, UK, 2002
bullet iconParini CG, HAO Y and Douvalis V (2002). Reduction of Late Time Instabilities of the Local-Distorted Nonorthogonal Finite Difference Time Domain Method. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2002, IEEE, volume 3, 2002


bullet iconHAO Y, Chen Q, Zheng M, Hall PS, Fusco V and Gardner P (2001). Cavity-controlled Active Patch Antenna. IEE Proceedings, Part H. 
bullet iconParini CG and HAO Y (2001). A 30GHz Dual Linear Polarised Microstrip Antenna Array and its Charateristics on PBG Substrate. 31st European Microwave Conference, London, 2001
bullet iconHao Y and Parini CG (2001). Isolation enhancement of PBG microstrip diplexer patch antenna. 
bullet iconZheng M, Gardener P, Hall PS, Hao Y, Chen Q and Fusco VF (2001). Cavity control of active integrated antenna oscillators. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 148 (1) 
bullet iconHAO Y, Fusco VF, Zheng M, Chen Q, Gardener P and Hall PS (2001). Cavity control of active integrated antenna oscillators. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. IEE Proceedings. vol. 148, 15-20.  


bullet iconHAO Y (1998). Efficient determination of Q factor by structured nonorthogonal FDTD method. Electronics Letters, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) vol. 34 (19), 1834-1836.  
bullet iconHAO Y and RAILTON CJ (1998). Analyzing electromagnetic structures with curved boundaries on Cartesian FDTD meshes. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 46 (1), 82-88.  


bullet iconHAO Y and RAILTON CJ (1997). An efficient and accurate FDTD algorithm for the treatment of curved material boundaries. IEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation vol. 144 (5), 382-388.  
bullet iconHao Y and Railton CJ (1997). A Modified Nonorthogonal FDTD Algorithm for the Analysis of 3D Inhomogenous Resonant Cavities. 27th European Microwave Conference, 1997
bullet iconHao Y and Railton CJ (1997). A new FDTD model in the study of hollow conducting elliptical waveguides and cylindrical cavity resonator. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1997. Digest


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI
bullet iconSpectrum Sandbox
Yang Hao, Arumugam Nallanathan and Yuanwei Liu
£400,000 DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (25-03-2024 - 24-03-2025)
bullet iconCo-Development of EM wave tilting control technology
Yang Hao
£185,000 AGC Inc. (01-07-2023 - 31-05-2025)
bullet iconDigital Transformation of Electromagnetic Material Design and Manufacturing for Future Wireless Connectivity (DREAM)
Yang Hao, Kaspar Althoefer, Arumugam Nallanathan and Anthony Phillips
£2,579,837 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2028)
bullet iconTransmission Channels Measurements and Communication System Design for Future MM-wave Communications
Yang Hao
£491,425 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-12-2022 - 31-05-2026)
bullet iconEECS: PhD studentship from Qinetiq
Yang Hao
£82,500 Qinetiq (01-10-2022 - 31-12-2026)
bullet iconMetrology for Emerging Wireless Standards - PI: Akram Alomainy
Akram Alomainy and Yang Hao
£94,798 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2025)
bullet iconHarmonised IAA grant - Improve and accelerate the impact of QMUL research EPSRC
David Lee and Yang Hao
£882,583 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2022 - 31-03-2026)
bullet iconQinetiQ/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair: Software Defined Materials
Yang Hao
£225,000 Royal Academy of Engineering (01-03-2022 - 28-02-2027)
bullet iconANIMATE- Qinetiq Funding
Yang Hao
£300,000 Qinetiq (01-10-2019 - 30-06-2025)

bullet iconVR/AR Antenna Design for Cross-body Link
Yang Hao
£81,751 Meta Platforms Inc (01-11-2022 - 29-02-2024)
bullet iconQinetiq RFQ RCloud 2
Yang Hao
£26,000 Qinetiq (21-03-2022 - 14-04-2023)
bullet iconGradient Index Spatial Lens Antenna (SpaNiel)
Yang Hao and Henry Giddens
£164,451 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-01-2022 - 31-03-2024)
bullet iconAntenna Design Studies
Yang Hao
£50,000 Qinetiq (17-09-2021 - 16-03-2022)
bullet iconRcloud antennas project
Yang Hao
£10,000 Qinetiq (29-01-2021 - 28-02-2022)
bullet iconMetasurface design for HBF antennas
Yang Hao
£30,000 Qinetiq (01-09-2020 - 31-08-2022)
bullet iconMillimeter-wave and THz Antennas for Future Mobile Communication and Measurement Facilities: Guangwei Yang
Yang Hao
£101,158 Royal Society (01-08-2020 - 31-07-2022)
bullet iconDevelopment of EM wave tilting control technology for automotive glass antennas
Yang Hao
£130,000 AGC Inc. (01-07-2020 - 30-09-2021)
bullet iconGraphene Flagship Core Project 3
James Busfield, Nicola Pugno and Yang Hao
£376,501 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-04-2020 - 30-09-2023)
bullet iconReconfigurable Frequency Agile Antennas for Software Defined Radio
Yang Hao
£299,981 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-10-2019 - 31-03-2022)
bullet iconSmall Antenna and Array Synthesis on Installed Platforms (Animate)
Yang Hao
£30,000 Thales UK Limited (01-10-2019 - 30-09-2023)
bullet iconSoftware Defined Materials for Antenna Applications
Yang Hao
£89,601 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-10-2019 - 30-09-2023)
bullet iconMaximising Graphene Potentials for Multi-functional Sensing at THz Frequencies (Phase II)
Yang Hao
£100,000 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (02-09-2019 - 15-03-2021)
bullet iconGraphene Based Sensors
Yang Hao
£10,000 Defence Science and Technology Lab.-GOV UK (01-04-2019 - 30-06-2019)
bullet iconNewton Advanced Fellowship (Bo Ai)
Yang Hao
£107,000 Royal Society (31-03-2019 - 31-03-2024)
Yang Hao, Flynn Castles, Haixue Yan, Michael Reece and Martin Dove
£1,331,529 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-12-2018 - 31-05-2023)
bullet iconThz antEnna fabRication and measuRement fAcilities (TERRA) resubmission
Yang Hao
£1,234,496 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-12-2018 - 01-03-2022)
bullet iconHigh Impedance Surfaces for Millimeter Wave Frequencies and 5G
Yang Hao
£104,999 Huawei Technologies (01-10-2018 - 30-06-2024)
bullet iconMiniaturisation of Rotman Lens for Base Station Antennas
Yang Hao
£89,999 Huawei Technologies (01-10-2018 - 30-06-2019)
bullet iconGraphene Flagship Core Project 2
Yang Hao
£77,191 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-04-2018 - 31-03-2020)
bullet iconACTI Research by Queen Mary University of London
Yang Hao
£304,321 Plextek (01-10-2017 - 30-09-2019)
bullet iconMDVSN - Via Southampton
Yang Hao
£31,451 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2017 - 31-12-2018)
bullet iconTerahertz High Power LINKS Using Photonic Devices
Yang Hao
£189,206 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2017 - 30-09-2019)
bullet iconElectromagnetics & Materials Modelling
Yang Hao
£362,555 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-12-2016 - 30-11-2019)
bullet iconSynthesizing 3D METAmaterials (SYMETA)
Yang Hao
£494,539 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-03-2016 - 28-02-2021)
bullet iconTailoring Microwave Antennas
Yang Hao
£298,576 Institution of Engineering & Technology (01-01-2016 - 01-07-2022)
bullet iconStudentship: Antennas for Wearable Devices
Yang Hao
£90,000 Huawei Technologies (01-10-2015 - 30-09-2018)
bullet iconEPSRC Industrial CASE Award 2013
Yang Hao
£68,648 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2013 - 30-09-2018)
bullet iconIndustrial CASE Award
Yang Hao
£68,648 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2013 - 30-06-2018)