Professor Shaogang Gong

Shaogang Gong
FREng, FIEE, DPhil (Oxon)

Professor of Visual Computation
Head of Computer Vision Group

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn


Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Multimodal Artificial intelligence, Object Recognition, Action Recognition, Video Analysis


Multimodal learning, Self-supervised learning, Representation learning, Zero-shot learning, Imbalanced data learning, Federated learning, Human-in-the-loop learning, Generative distribution expansion, Uncertainty quantification, Semantic instance segmentation, Video segmentation, Object localisation


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


Relevant PublicationCheng Z, Pu Y, Gong S, Kordjamshidi P and Kong Y (2024). SHINE: Saliency-Aware Hierarchical Negative Ranking for Compositional Temporal Grounding. Computer Vision – ECCV 2024  398-416.  
Relevant PublicationCao Y and Gong S (2024). Few-Shot Image Generation by Conditional Relaxing Diffusion Inversion. Computer Vision – ECCV 2024  20-37.  
bullet iconSun S, Si C, Wu G and Gong S (2024). Federated zero-shot learning with mid-level semantic knowledge transfer. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 156, 110824-110824.  
bullet iconCai W, Huang J, Hu J, Gong S, Jin H and Liu Y (2024). Semantic Video Moment Retrieval by Temporal Feature Perturbation and Refinement. 2024 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS)
Relevant PublicationZhao Z, Cao Y, Gong S and Patras I (2024). Enhancing Zero-Shot Facial Expression Recognition by LLM Knowledge Transfer. 
bullet iconLi Q, Huang J, Hu J and Gong S (2024). Feature-Distribution Perturbation and Calibration for Generalized Reid. ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Relevant PublicationWang G, Huang X, Gong S, Zhang J and Gao W (2024). Faster Person Re-Identification: One-Shot-Filter and Coarse-to-Fine Search. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 46 (5), 3013-3030.  
bullet iconHu J, Lin J, Gong S and Cai W (2024). Relax Image-Specific Prompt Requirement in SAM: A Single Generic Prompt for Segmenting Camouflaged Objects. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Relevant PublicationZheng M, Gong S, Jin H, Peng Y and Liu Y (2024). Generating Structured Pseudo Labels for Noise-resistant Zero-shot Video Sentence Localization. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
bullet iconLuo D, Huang J, Gong S, Jin H and Liu Y (2024). Zero-Shot Video Moment Retrieval from Frozen Vision-Language Models. 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
bullet iconLi Q and Gong S (2024). Mitigate Domain Shift by Primary-Auxiliary Objectives Association for Generalizing Person ReID. 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)


Relevant PublicationLuo D, Huang J, Gong S, Jin H and Liu Y (2023). Towards Generalisable Video Moment Retrieval: Visual-Dynamic Injection to Image-Text Pre-Training. 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Relevant PublicationLi W, Gong S and Zhu X (2023). Neural operator search. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 136, 109215-109215.  
Relevant PublicationHan K, Huang Y, Gong S, Wang L and Tan T (2023). 3D Shape Temporal Aggregation for Video-Based Clothing-Change Person Re-identification. Computer Vision – ACCV 2022  71-88.  


Relevant PublicationHuang J, Jin H, Gong S and Liu Y (2022). Video Activity Localisation with Uncertainties in Temporal Boundary. Computer Vision – ECCV 2022  724-740.  
Relevant PublicationYin Q, Wang G, Ding G, Li Q, Gong S and Tang Z (2022). Rapid Person Re-Identification via Sub-space Consistency Regularization. Neural Processing Letters, Springer 
Relevant PublicationLi P, Gong S, Wang C and Fu Y (2022). Ranking Distance Calibration for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
bullet iconHuang J, Liu Y, Gong S and Jin H (2022). Cross-Sentence Temporal and Semantic Relations in Video Activity Localisation. 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
bullet iconLi P, Li D, Li W, Gong S, Fu Y and Hospedales TM (2022). A Simple Feature Augmentation for Domain Generalization. 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
bullet iconWu G and Gong S (2022). Collaborative Optimization and Aggregation for Decentralized Domain Generalization and Adaptation. 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Relevant PublicationLan X, Zhu X and Gong S (2022). Unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification by instance and distribution alignment. Pattern Recognition vol. 124 
Relevant PublicationHu J, Zhong H, Yang F, Gong S, Wu G and Yan J (2022). Learning Unbiased Transferability for Domain Adaptation by Uncertainty Modeling. Computer Vision – ECCV 2022  223-241.  
Relevant PublicationCai W, Huang J and Gong S (2022). Hybrid-Learning Video Moment Retrieval across Multi-Domain Labels. 
Relevant PublicationHuang J and Gong S (2022). Deep Clustering by Semantic Contrastive Learning. 


bullet iconZheng WS, Hong J, Jiao J, Wu A, Zhu X, Gong S, Qin J and Lai J (2021). Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification. International Journal of Computer Vision 
bullet iconWu G, Gong S and Queen PL (2021). Striking a Balance between Stability and Plasticity for Class-Incremental Learning. 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
bullet iconWu G, Zhu X and Gong S (2021). Learning hybrid ranking representation for person re-identification. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 121 
bullet iconLi P, Fu Y and Gong S (2021). Regularising Knowledge Transfer by Meta Functional Learning. Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
bullet iconLi P, Wu G, Gong S and Lan X (2021). Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning with Pseudo Label Refinement. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
bullet iconYin Q, Wang G, Ding G, Gong S and Tang Z (2021). Multi-View Label Prediction for Unsupervised Learning Person Re-Identification. IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 28, 1390-1394.  
bullet iconZhu X, Li M, Morerio P, Murino V and Gong S (2021). Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification. International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 129 (5), 1580-1595.  
bullet iconSpagnolo P, Aghajan H, Bebis G, Gong S, Loutfi A, Sigal L and Zheng WS (2021). Guest editorial introduction to the special issue on large-scale visual sensor networks: Architectures and applications. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 31 (4), 1249-1252.  
bullet iconSu H, Gong S and Zhu X (2021). Multi-perspective cross-class domain adaptation for open logo detection. Computer Vision and Image Understanding vol. 204 
bullet iconLi W, Gong S and Zhu X (2021). Hierarchical distillation learning for scalable person search. Pattern Recognition vol. 114 
bullet iconWu G, Gong S and Intelligence AAA (2021). Peer Collaborative Learning for Online Knowledge Distillation. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconWu G, Gong S and Intelligence AAA (2021). Decentralised Learning from Independent Multi-Domain Labels for Person Re-Identification. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconWu G, Gong S and Intelligence AAA (2021). Generalising without Forgetting for Lifelong Person Re-Identification. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconSun S, Wu G and Gong S (2021). Decentralised Person Re-Identification with Selective Knowledge Aggregation. 
bullet iconLi Q, Huang J and Gong S (2021). Local-Global Associative Frame Assemble in Video Re-ID. 


bullet iconCheng Z, Zhu X and Gong S (2020). Face re-identification challenge: Are face recognition models good enough? Pattern Recognition vol. 107 
bullet iconChen Y, Gong S and Bazzani L (2020). Image Search with Text Feedback by Visiolinguistic Attention Learning. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconHuang J, Gong S and Zhu X (2020). Deep Semantic Clustering by Partition Confidence Maximisation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconCheng Z, Dong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2020). Inter-task association critic for cross-resolution person re-identification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconLi M, Zhu X and Gong S (2020). Unsupervised Tracklet Person Re-Identification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol. 42 (7), 1770-1782.  
bullet iconCheng Z, Zhu X and Gong S (2020). Characteristic regularisation for super-resolving face images. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
bullet iconWu A, Zheng WS, Gong S and Lai J (2020). RGB-IR Person Re-identification by Cross-Modality Similarity Preservation. International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Verlag 
bullet iconWu G, Zhu X and Gong S (2020). Spatio-temporal associative representation for video person re-identification. 
bullet iconWang G, Gong S, Cheng J and Hou Z (2020). Faster Person Re-identification. Computer Vision – ECCV 2020  275-292.  
bullet iconChen Y, Zhu X, Li W and Gong S (2020). Semi-supervised learning under class distribution mismatch. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconWu G, Zhu X and Gong S (2020). Tracklet self-supervised learning for unsupervised person re-identification. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconLi W, Gong S and Zhu X (2020). Neural graph embedding for neural architecture search. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
bullet iconHuang J, Dong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2020). Unsupervised deep learning via affinity diffusion. AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE


bullet iconLi W, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Scalable Person Re-Identification by Harmonious Attention. International Journal of Computer Vision 
bullet iconLin H, Fu Y, Lu P, Gong S, Xue X and Jiang Y-G (2019). TC-Net for iSBIR. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
bullet iconDong Q, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Person search by text attribute query as zero-shot learning. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconLiu Z, Wang J, Gong S, Tao D and Lu H (2019). Deep reinforcement active learning for human-in-the-loop person re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconChen Y, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Instance-guided context rendering for cross-domain person re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconZhu X, Li M, Murino V and Gong S (2019). Intra-camera supervised person re-identification: A new benchmark. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops
bullet iconWu G, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Person Re-Identification by Ranking Ensemble Representations. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
bullet iconSu H, Gong S and Zhu X (2019). Scalable logo detection by self co-learning. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 97 
bullet iconDong Q, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Single-Label Multi-Class Image Classification by Deep Logistic Regression. 
bullet iconLan X, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Self-Referenced Deep Learning. Asian Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconYu HX, Zheng WS, Wu A, Guo X, Gong S and Lai JH (2019). Unsupervised person re-identification by soft multilabel learning. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconRajamanoharan G, Kanacı A, Li M and Gong S (2019). Multi-task mutual learning for vehicle re-identification. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconLi M, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Unsupervised Tracklet Person Re-Identification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1-1.  
bullet iconKanacı A, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Vehicle Re-identification in Context. German Conference on Pattern Recognition
bullet iconCheng Z, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Low-Resolution Face Recognition. Asian Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconChen Y, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Deep Association Learning for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification. 
bullet iconSu H, Zhu X and Gong S (2019). Open logo detection challenge. 
bullet iconHuang J, Dong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2019). Unsupervised deep learning by neighbourhood discovery. International Conference on Machine Learning


bullet iconWang J, Zhu X, Gong S and Li W (2018). Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconChen Y, Zhu X and Gong S (2018). Semi-supervised Deep Learning with Memory. European Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconLan X, Zhu X and Gong S (2018). Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching. European Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconLi M, Zhu X and Gong S (2018). Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association. European Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconWang H, Zhu X, Gong S and Xiang T (2018). Person Re-identification in Identity Regression Space. International Journal of Computer Vision 
bullet iconGONG SS (2018). Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-Identification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconDong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2018). Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 
bullet iconJiao J, Zheng W-S, Wu A, Zhu X and Gong S (2018). Deep Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification. 
bullet iconFu Y, Xiang T, Jiang YG, Xue X, Sigal L and Gong S (2018). Recent Advances in Zero-Shot Recognition: Toward Data-Efficient Understanding of Visual Content. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 35 (1), 112-125.  
bullet iconLan X, Zhu X and Gong S (2018). Knowledge distillation by on-the-fly native ensemble. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems


bullet iconWang J, Zhu X, Gong S and Li W (2017). Attribute Recognition by Joint Recurrent Learning of Context and Correlation. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconDong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2017). Class Rectification Hard Mining for Imbalanced Deep Learning. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconWu A, Zheng WS, Yu HX, Gong S and Lai J (2017). RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconSu H, Gong S and Zhu X (2017). WebLogo-2M: Scalable Logo Detection by Deep Learning from the Web. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops
bullet iconChen Y, Zhu X and Gong S (2017). Person re-identification by deep learning multi-scale representations. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops
bullet iconLi W, Zhu X and Gong S (2017). Person re-identification by deep joint learning of multi-loss classification. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
bullet iconFu Z, XIANG T, Kodirov E and Gong S (2017). Zero-Shot Learning on Semantic Class Prototype Graph. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconZhang L, Xiang T, Gong S and IEEE (2017). Learning a Deep Embedding Model for Zero-Shot Learning. IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION
bullet iconKodirov E, Xiang T, Gong S and IEEE (2017). Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning. IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION
bullet iconZhang L, Sung F, Liu F, Xiang T, Gong S, Yang Y and Hospedales TM (2017). Actor-Critic Sequence Training for Image Captioning. CoRR vol. abs/1706.09601 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2017). Discovery of Shared Semantic Spaces for Multiscene Video Query and Summarization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 27 (6), 1353-1367.  
bullet iconWang J, Zhu X and Gong S (2017). Discovering visual concept structure with sparse and incomplete tags. Artificial Intelligence vol. 250, 16-36.  
bullet iconDong Q, Gong S and Zhu X (2017). Multi-Task curriculum transfer deep learning of clothing attributes. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
bullet iconSu H, Zhu X and Gong S (2017). Deep learning logo detection with data expansion by synthesising context. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
bullet iconMa X, Zhu X, Gong S, Xie X, Hu J, Lam KM and Zhong Y (2017). Person re-identification by unsupervised video matching. Pattern Recognition vol. 65, 197-210.  
bullet iconMurino V, Gong S, Loy CC and Bazzani L (2017). Image and Video Understanding in Big Data. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier vol. 156, 1-3.  
bullet iconSchumann A, Gong S and Schuchert T (2017). Deep learning prototype domains for person re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales T and Gong S (2017). Transductive Zero-Shot Action Recognition by Word-Vector Embedding. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-25.  
bullet iconXu X, Gong S and Hospedales TM (2017). Zero-Shot Crowd Behavior Recognition. Group and Crowd Behavior for Computer Vision  341-369.  
bullet iconLAN X, Wang H, Gong S and Zhu X (2017). Deep Reinforcement Learning Attention Selection For Person Re-Identification. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2017
bullet icon (2017). Deep reinforcement learning attention selection for person re-identification. 
bullet iconXu X, Gong S and Hospedales TM (2017). Chapter 15 Zero-Shot Crowd Behavior Recognition. Group and Crowd Behavior for Computer Vision  341-369.  


bullet iconLi Y, Song YZ, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2016). Free-Hand Sketch Synthesis with Deformable Stroke Models. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-22.  
bullet iconLi Y, SONG Y, Hospedales T and Gong S (2016). Free-hand sketch synthesis with deformable stroke models. International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
bullet iconWang H, Zhu X, Xiang T and Gong S (2016). Towards unsupervised open-set person re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
bullet iconAlexiou I, Xiang T and Gong S (2016). Exploring synonyms as context in zero-shot action recognition. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
bullet iconZhu X, Loy CC and Gong S (2016). Constrained Clustering With Imperfect Oracles. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 27 (6), 1345-1357.  
bullet iconZhang L, Xiang T and Gong S (2016). Learning a discriminative null space for person re-identification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconPeng P, Xiang T, Wang Y, Pontil M, Gong S, Huang T and Tian Y (2016). Unsupervised cross-dataset transfer learning for person re-identification. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconHu JF, Zheng WS, Lai J, Gong S and Xiang T (2016). Exemplar-Based Recognition of Human-Object Interactions. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 26 (4), 647-660.  
bullet iconWang J, Zhu X and Gong S (2016). Video Semantic Clustering with Sparse and Incomplete Tags. 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2016). Discovery of Shared Semantic Spaces for Multiscene Video Query and Summarization. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. vol. 27, 1353-1367.  
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T, Xiong J, Gong S, Wang Y and Yao Y (2016). Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction from Crowdsourced Pairwise Labels. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 38 (3), 563-577.  
bullet iconWang T, Gong S, Zhu X and Wang S (2016). Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell vol. 38 (12), 2501-2514.  
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T, Xiong J, Gong S, Wang Y and Yao Y (2016). Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction from Crowdsourced Pairwise Labels. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. vol. 38, 563-577.  
bullet iconWang H, Gong S, Zhu X and Xiang T (2016). Human-in-the-Loop Person Re-identification. 
bullet iconKodirov E, Xiang T, Fu Z and Gong S (2016). Person Re-Identification by Unsupervised ℓ1 Graph Learning. 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2016). Multi-Task Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Prioritised Data Augmentation. 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2016). Multi-Task Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Prioritised Data Augmentation. CoRR vol. abs/1611.08663 
bullet iconWang H, Gong S and Xiang T (2016). Highly Efficient Regression for Scalable Person Re-Identification. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016
bullet iconKodirov E, Xiang T, Fu Z and Gong S (2016). Learning Robust Graph Regularisation for Subspace Clustering. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016


bullet iconZheng W, Li X, XIANG T, Liao S, Lai J and Gong S (2015). Partial Person Re-identification. International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconLi X, Zheng W, XIANG T and Gong S (2015). Multi-scale Person Re-identification. International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconLi X, Zheng W-S, Wang X, Xiang T and Gong S (2015). Multi-Scale Learning for Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
bullet iconZhu X, Loy CC and Gong S (2015). Learning from Multiple Sources for Video Summarisation. International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Nature vol. 117 (3), 247-268.  
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2015). Transductive Multi-View Zero-Shot Learning. 
bullet iconAlexiou I, XIANG T and Gong S (2015). Learning A Joint Discriminative-Generative Model for Action Recognition. International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
bullet iconKodirov E, XIANG T and Gong S (2015). Dictionary Learning with Iterative Laplacian Regularisation for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification. British Machine Vision Conference
bullet iconLi Y, Hospedales TM, Song Y-Z and Gong S (2015). Free-hand sketch recognition by multi-kernel feature learning. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier vol. 137, 1-11.  
bullet iconZheng W-S, Gong S and Xiang T (2015). Towards Open-World Person Re-Identification by One-Shot Group-Based Verification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 38 (3), 591-606.  
bullet iconFu Z, XIANG T, Kodirov E and Gong S (2015). Zero-Shot Object Recognition by Semantic Manifold Distance. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales T, XIANG T and Gong S (2015). Transductive Multi-view Zero-Shot Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 37 (11), 2332-2345.  
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2015). Investigating Open-World Person Re-identification Using a Drone. 
bullet iconKodirov E, XIANG T and Gong S (2015). Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Zero-Shot Learning. International Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconFu Y, Yang Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2015). Transductive Multi-class and Multi-label Zero-shot Learning. CoRR vol. abs/1503.07884 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales T and Gong S (2015). Semantic Embedding Space for Zero-Shot Action Recognition. 
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2015). Transductive Multi-View Zero-Shot Learning. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. vol. 37, 2332-2345.  
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2015). Zero-Shot Action Recognition by Word-Vector Embedding. CoRR vol. abs/1511.04458 
bullet iconXu X, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2015). Semantic embedding space for zero-shot action recognition. 
bullet iconGu L and Kanade T (2015). Face Alignment. Encyclopedia of Biometrics  435-439.  
bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2015). Face Sample Quality. Encyclopedia of Biometrics  522-526.  


bullet iconFU Y, Hospedales T, XIANG T, Gong S and Yao Y (2014). Interestingness Prediction by Robust Learning to Rank. European Conference on Computer Vision
bullet iconZhu X, Loy CC and Gang S (2014). Constructing Robust Affinity Graphs for Spectral Clustering. 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2014). Learning multimodal latent attributes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence vol. 36 (2), 303-316.  
bullet iconLiu C, Gong S and Loy CC (2014). On-the-fly feature importance mining for person re-identification. Pattern Recognition vol. 47 (4), 1602-1615.  
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T, Fu Z and Gong S (2014). Transductive multi-view embedding for zero-shot recognition and annotation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8690 LNCS (PART 2), 584-599.  
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T, Gong S and Yao Y (2014). Interestingness prediction by robust learning to rank. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8690 LNCS (PART 2), 488-503.  
bullet iconWang T, Gong S, Zhu X and Wang S (2014). Person re-identification by video ranking. 
bullet iconCancela B, Hospedales T and Gong S (2014). Open-world Person Re-Identification by Multi-Label Assignment Inference. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales T and Gong S (2014). Re-id: Hunting Attributes in the Wild. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
bullet iconWang H, Gong S and Xiang T (2014). Unsupervised Learning of Generative Topic Saliency for Person Re-identification. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
bullet iconLi Y, Hospedales TM, Song YZ and Gong S (2014). Fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval by matching deformable part models. 
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2014). Attributes-Based Re-identification. Person Re-Identification  93-117.  
bullet iconGong S, Cristani M, Loy CC and Hospedales TM (2014). The Re-identification Challenge. Person Re-Identification  1-20.  
bullet iconLi Y, Hospedales T, Song Y-Z and Gong S (2014). Intra-category sketch-based image retrieval by matching deformable part models. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
bullet iconFu Y, Yang Y, Hospedales T, Xiang T and Gong S (2014). Transductive Multi-label Zero-shot Learning. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2014
bullet iconLiu C, Gong S, Loy CC and Lin X (2014). Evaluating Feature Importance for Re-identification. Person Re-Identification  203-228.  
bullet iconRaja Y and Gong S (2014). Scalable Multi-camera Tracking in a Metropolis. Person Re-Identification  413-438.  
bullet iconGong S, Cristani M, Yan S and Loy CC (2014). Preface. 
bullet iconZheng W-S, Gong S and Xiang T (2014). Group Association: Assisting Re-identification by Visual Context. Person Re-Identification  183-201.  
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2014). Re-id: Hunting attributes in the wild. 
bullet iconWang H, Gong S and Xiang T (2014). Unsupervised learning of generative topic saliency for person re-identification. 


bullet iconZhu X, Loy CC and Gong S (2013). Constrained clustering: Effective constraint propagation with imperfect oracles. 
bullet iconChen K, Gong S, Xiang T and Loy CC (2013). Cumulative attribute space for age and crowd density estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2467-2474.  
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2013). Re-identification by Relative Distance Comparison. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE vol. 35 (3), 653-668.  
bullet iconHospedales TM, Gong S and Xiang T (2013). Finding Rare Classes: Active Learning with Generative and Discriminative Models. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 25 (2), 374-386.  
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2013). Domain transfer for person re-identification. ARTEMIS 2013 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Stream, 25-32.  
bullet iconXu X, Gong S and Hospedales T (2013). Cross-domain traffic scene understanding by motion model transfer. ARTEMIS 2013 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Stream, 77-85.  
bullet iconLiu C, Gong S and Loy CC (2013). On-the-fly feature importance mining for person re-identification. Pattern Recognition 
bullet iconLoy CC, Liu C and Gong S (2013). Person re-identification by manifold ranking. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013 - Proceedings, 3567-3571.  
bullet iconZhu X, Loy CC and Gong S (2013). Video synopsis by heterogeneous multi-source correlation. 
bullet iconLoy CC, Gong S and Xiang T (2013). From semi-supervised to transfer counting of crowds. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2256-2263.  
bullet iconHu JF, Zheng WS, Lai J, Gong S and Xiang T (2013). Recognising human-object interaction via exemplar based modelling. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 3144-3151.  
bullet iconLiu C, Loy CC, Gong S and Wang G (2013). POP: Person re-identification post-rank optimisation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 441-448.  
bullet iconLi Y, Song YZ and Gong S (2013). Sketch recognition by ensemble matching of structured features. 
bullet iconLoy CC, Chen K, Gong S and Xiang T (2013). Crowd Counting and Profiling: Methodology and Evaluation. Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds  347-382.  


bullet iconHospedales TM and Gong S (2012). Real-time dictionary based super-resolution of surveillance video streams and targets. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 8546 
bullet iconFu Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2012). Attribute learning for understanding unstructured social activity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 7575 LNCS (PART 4), 530-543.  
bullet iconLoy CC, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Gong S (2012). Stream-based joint exploration-exploitation active learning. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1560-1567.  
bullet iconZheng WS, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Transfer re-identification: From person to set-based verification. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2650-2657.  
bullet iconLoy CC, Xiang T and Gong S (2012). Incremental activity modeling in multiple disjoint cameras. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell vol. 34 (9), 1799-1813.  
bullet iconLoy CC, Xiang T and Gong S (2012). Salient motion detection in crowded scenes. 5th International Symposium on Communications Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012 
bullet iconHospedales TM, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Video Behaviour Mining Using a Dynamic Topic Model. International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer LInk vol. 98 (3), 303-323.  
bullet iconZheng WS, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Re-identification by Relative Distance Comparison. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Explore vol. 35 (3), 653-668.  
bullet iconZheng W-S, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Quantifying and transferring contextual information in object detection. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell vol. 34 (4), 762-777.  
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Learning Behavioural Context. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION vol. 97 (3), 276-304.  
bullet iconHOSPEDALES T, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). A Unifying Theory of Active Discovery and Learning., Editors: Fitzgibbon A, Lazebnik S, Perona P, Sato Y and Schmid C. European Conference on Computer Vision Firenze, Italy
bullet iconLiu C, Gong S, Loy CC and Lin X (2012). Person re-identification: What features are important? Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 7583 LNCS (PART 1), 391-401.  
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales TM and Gong S (2012). Towards person identification and re-identification with attributes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 7583 LNCS (PART 1), 402-412.  
bullet iconRaja Y and Gong S (2012). Scaling up multi-camera tracking for real-world deployment. 
bullet iconChen K, Loy CC, Gong S and Xiang T (2012). Feature mining for localised crowd counting. BMVC 2012 - Electronic Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2012 
bullet iconLayne R, Hospedales T and Gong S (2012). Person re-identification by attributes. BMVC 2012 - Electronic Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2012 
bullet iconZhu X, Gong S and Loy CC (2012). Comparing visual feature coding for learning disjoint camera dependencies. 


bullet iconHospedales TM, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Learning tags from unsegmented videos of multiple human actions. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 251-259.  
bullet iconChen K, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Human pose estimation using structural support vector machines. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 846-851.  
bullet iconBregonzio M, XIANG T and Gong S (2011). Fusing appearance and distribution information of interest points for action recognition. Pattern Recognition, Science Direct 
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Learning Behavioural Context. International Journal of Computer Vision 
bullet iconGong S and XIANG T (2011). Visual Analysis of Behaviour: From Pixels to Semantics. 
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and XIANG T (2011). Person Re-identification by Probabilistic Relative Distance Comparison. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconGong S and Xiang T (2011). Visual Analysis of Behaviour: From Pixels to Semantics. 
bullet iconHospedales TM, Li J, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Identifying Rare and Subtle Behaviours: A Weakly Supervised Joint Topic Model. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Explore vol. 33 (12), 2451-2464.  
bullet iconHospedales T, Gong S and XIANG T (2011). Finding Rare Classes: Adapting Generative and Discriminative Models in Active Learning. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 24 May 2011 1 Jan 1970 - 27 May 2011
bullet iconZhang J and Gong S (2011). Fusion of motion and appearance for robust people detection in cluttered scenes. Studies in Computational Intelligence vol. 332, 111-124.  
bullet iconLi J, Hospedales TM, Gong SG and Xiang T (2011). Learning Rare Behaviours., Editors: Kimmel R, Klette R and Sugimoto A. 
bullet iconZheng WS, Gong SG and Xiang T (2011). Unsupervised Selective Transfer Learning for Object Recognition., Editors: Kimmel R, Klette R and Sugimoto A. 
bullet iconZheng W-S, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Person Re-identification by Probabilistic Relative Distance Comparison. 
bullet iconHospedales TM, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Finding rare classes: Adapting generative and discriminative models in active learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 6635 LNAI (PART 2), 296-308.  
bullet iconHospedales T, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Video Behaviour Mining Using a Dynamic Topic Model. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-21.  
bullet iconLoy CC, Xiang T and Gong S (2011). Stream-Based Active Unusual Event Detection. 
bullet iconChen K, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). Human Pose Estimation Using Structural Support Vector Machines. 
bullet iconRaja Y, Gong S and Xiang T (2011). User-assisted visual search and tracking across distributed multi-camera networks. 
bullet iconGong S, Loy CC and Xiang T (2011). Security and Surveillance. Visual Analysis of Humans  455-472.  
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2011). Detecting and Discriminating Behavioural Anomalies. Pattern Recognition, Science Direct vol. 44 (1), 117-132.  


bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2010). Unsupervised Selective Transfer Learning for Object Recognition. 
bullet iconLi J, Hospedales T, Gong S and Xiang T (2010). Learning Rare Behaviours. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2010). Stream-based Active Anomaly Detection. 
bullet iconLoy CC, Xiang T and Gong SG (2010). Time-Delayed Correlation Analysis for Multi-Camera Activity Understanding. International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 90 (1), 106-129.  
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2010). Gait Recognition without Subject Cooperation. Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 31 (13), 2052-2060.  
bullet iconGong S, Xiang T and Hongeng S (2010). Learning Human Pose in Crowd. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2010). Cross-View Gait Recognition Using Correlation Strength. 
bullet iconProsser B, Zheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2010). Person Re-Identification by Support Vector Ranking. 
bullet iconBregonzio M, Li J, Gong S and Xiang T (2010). Discriminative Topics Modelling for Action Feature Selection and Recognition. 
bullet iconZhang JG and Gong SG (2010). Action categorization by structural probabilistic latent semantic analysis. COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND vol. 114 (8), 857-864.  
bullet iconZhang JG and Gong SG (2010). Action categorization with modified hidden conditional random field. PATTERN RECOGN vol. 43 (1), 197-203.  


bullet iconBregonzio M, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Action Recognition with Cascaded Feature Selection and Classification. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Gait Recognition Using Gait Entropy Image. 
bullet iconLoy CC, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Surveillance video behaviour profiling and anomaly detection. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 7486 
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Quantifying Contextual Information for Object Detection. 
bullet iconHospedales T, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). A Markov Clustering Topic Model for Mining Behaviour in Video. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Modelling Activity Global Temporal Dependencies using Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model. 
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Discovering Multi-Camera Behaviour Correlations for On-the-Fly Global Activity Prediction and Anomaly Detection. 
bullet iconPachoud S, Gong S and Cavallaro A (2009). Space-Time Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Multiple Multi-Class Probabilistic Support Vector Machines. 
bullet iconOrozco J, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Head Pose Classification in Crowded Scenes. 
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Associating Groups of People. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Gait Representation Using Flow Fields. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Multi-Object Activity Modelling Using Gaussian Processes. 
bullet iconZelniker E, Hospedales T, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). A Unified Approach for Adaptive Multiple Feature Tracking for Surveillance Applications. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Multi-Camera Activity Correlation Analysis. 
bullet iconBregonzio M, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Recognising Action as Clouds of Space-Time Interest Points. 
bullet iconBregonzio M, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Recognising action as clouds of space-time interest points. 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2009). Facial expression recognition based on Local Binary Patterns: A comprehensive study. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 27 (6), 803-816.  
bullet iconZhang JG and Gong SG (2009). People detection in low-resolution video with non-stationary background. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 27 (4), 437-443.  
bullet iconWang Y, Mei T, Gong SG and Hua XS (2009). Combining global, regional and contextual features for automatic image annotation. PATTERN RECOGN vol. 42 (2), 259-266.  
bullet iconZelniker EE, Hospedales TM, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). A unified Bayesian framework for adaptive visual tracking. British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2009 - Proceedings 
bullet iconPachoud S, Gong S and Cavallaro A (2009). Space-time audio-visual speech recognition with multiple multi-class probabilistic Support Vector Machines. 
bullet icon (2009). Face Acquisition. Encyclopedia of Biometrics  291-291.  
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Modelling Activity Global Temporal Dependencies using Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model. 
bullet iconHospedales T, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). A Markov Clustering Topic Model for Mining Behaviour in Video. 
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Quantifying Contextual Information for Object Detection. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Modelling Multi-object Activity by Gaussian Processes. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 1 Jan 1970 - 8 Sep 2009
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Gait Representation Using Flow Fields. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
bullet iconZheng W, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Associating Groups of People. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
bullet iconOrozco J, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Head Pose Classification in Crowded Scenes. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Discovering Multi-Camera Behaviour Correlations for On-the-Fly Global Activity Prediction and Anomaly Detection. 
bullet iconBregonzio M, Gong S and Xiang T (2009). Action Recognition with Cascaded Feature Selection and Classification. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2009). Gait Recognition Using Gait Entropy Image. 
bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2009). Face Sample Quality. Encyclopedia of Biometric Recognition , Editors: Li S. 373-376.  


bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2008). Optimising dynamic graphical models for video content analysis. COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND vol. 112 (3), 310-323.  
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Scene Segmentation for Behaviour Correlation. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong S (2008). Multi-Layered Decomposition of Recurrent Scenes. 
bullet iconProsser B, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Multi-camera Matching under Illumination Change Over Time. 
bullet iconLoy C, Xiang T and Gong S (2008). From Local Temporal Correlation to Global Anomaly Detection. 
bullet iconZelniker E, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Global Abnormal Behaviour Detection Using a Network of CCTV Cameras. 
bullet iconMei T, Wang Y, Hua XS, Gong S and Li S (2008). Coherent image annotation by learning semantic distance. 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Global Behaviour Inference using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis. 
bullet iconProsser B, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Multi-camera Matching Using Bi-Directional Cumulative Brightness Transfer Functions. 
bullet iconPachoud S, Gong S and Cavallaro A (2008). Video Augmentation for Improving Audio Speech Recognition under Noise. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong S (2008). Exploiting Periodicity in Recurrent Scenes. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2008). Feature Selection for Gait Recognition without Subject Cooperation. 
bullet iconMang T and Gong SG (2008). Activity based surveillance video content modelling. PATTERN RECOGN vol. 41 (7), 2309-2326.  
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2008). Incremental and adaptive abnormal behaviour detection. COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND vol. 111 (1), 59-73.  
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2008). Fusing gait and face cues for human gender recognition. NEUROCOMPUTING vol. 71 (10-12), 1931-1938.  
bullet iconJia K and Gong SG (2008). Generalized face super-resolution. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 17 (6), 873-886.  
bullet iconMei T, Wang Y, Hua X and Gong S (2008). Coherent Image Annotation by Semantic Distance Learning. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2008). Video behavior profiling for anomaly detection. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell vol. 30 (5), 893-908.  
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2008). Feature Selection on Gait Energy Image for Human Identification. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2008). Spectral clustering with eigenvector selection. PATTERN RECOGN vol. 41 (3), 1012-1029.  
bullet iconPachoud S, Gong S and Cavallaro A (2008). Macro-cuboid based probabilistic matching for lip-reading digits. 
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong SG (2008). Feature selection on gait energy image for human identification. 
bullet iconPachoud S, Gong S and Cavallaro A (2008). Video Augmentation for Improving Audio Speech Recognition under Noise. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2008
bullet iconLi J, Gong SG and Xiang T (2008). Scene Segmentation for Behaviour Correlation., Editors: Forsyth D, Torr P and Zisserman A. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong SG (2008). Multi-layered Decomposition of Recurrent Scenes., Editors: Forsyth D, Torr P and Zisserman A. 
bullet iconProsser B and Gong S (2008). Multi-camera Matching Using Bi-Directional Cumulative Brightness Transfer Functions. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
bullet iconBashir K, Xiang T and Gong S (2008). Feature Selection for Gait Recognition without Subject Cooperation. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) Leeds, UK
bullet iconLi J, Gong S and Xiang T (2008). Global Behaviour Inference Using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)


bullet iconGong S, Shan C and Xiang T (2007). Visual Inference of Human Emotion and Behaviour. 
bullet iconWang Y and Gong S (2007). Translating Topics to Words for Image Annotation. 
bullet iconGong S (2007). Holistic video detection. 
bullet iconShan C, Gong S and McOwan P (2007). Capturing Correlations among Facial Parts for Facial Expression Analysis. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong S (2007). Segmenting Highly Textured Nonstationary Background. 
bullet iconWang Y and Gong S (2007). Conditional Random Field for Natural Scene Image Classification. 
bullet iconShan C, Gong S and McOwan P (2007). Beyond Facial Expressions: Learning Human Emotion from Body Gestures. 
bullet iconWang Y and Gong S (2007). Refining Image Annotation Using Contextual Relations Between Words. 
bullet iconLeung A and Gong S (2007). Optimizing Distribution-based Matching by Random Subsampling. 
bullet iconWang Y and Gong S (2007). Conditional random field for natural scene categorization. BMVC 2007 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2007 
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2007). Learning gender from human gaits and faces. 
bullet iconGong SG, Shan CF and Xiang T (2007). Visual Inference of Human Emotion and Behaviour. 
bullet iconGong SG (2007). Holistic video detection - art. no. 674103., Editors: Lewis C. 
bullet iconLeung AP and Gong SG (2007). Optimizing distribution-based matching by random subsampling. 
bullet icon (2007). Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures., Editors: Zhou S, Zhao W, Tang X and Gong S. 


bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2006). Hallucinating multiple occluded face images of different resolutions. Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 27 (15), 1768-1775.  
bullet iconJia K, Gong S and Leung A (2006). Coupling face registration and super-resolution. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2006). Optimal dynamic graphs for video content analysis. 
bullet iconRaja Y and Gong S (2006). Sparse multiscale local binary patterns. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong S (2006). Minimum cuts of a time-varying background. 
bullet iconShan C, Gong S and McOwan P (2006). Dynamic facial expression recognition using a Bayesian temporal manifold model. 
bullet iconLeung A and Gong S (2006). Mean-shift tracking with random sampling. 
bullet iconHung H and Gong S (2006). Classification of human interaction from a distance using salient body behaviour modelling. 
bullet iconGong S and XIANG T (2006). Model Selection for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Context. International Journal of Computer Vision vol. 69 (2), 181-201.  
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2006). Model selection for unsupervised learning of visual context. INT J COMPUT VISION vol. 69 (2), 181-201.  
bullet iconWang Y and Gong S (2006). Tensor discriminant analysis for view-based object recognition. 
bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2006). Multi-resolution patch tensor for facial expression hallucination. 
bullet iconShan C, Gong S and McOwan P (2006). A Comprehensive empirical study on linear subspace methods for facial expression analysis. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2006). Incremental visual behaviour modelling. 
bullet iconZhang J and Gong S (2006). Beyond static detectors: A Bayesian approach to fusing long-term motion with appearance for robust people detection in highly cluttered scenes. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2006). Beyond tracking: Modelling activity and understanding behaviour. INT J COMPUT VISION vol. 67 (1), 21-51.  
bullet iconShan C, Gong S and McOwan PW (2006). Dynamic facial expression recognition using a Bayesian temporal manifold model. BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, 297-306.  
bullet iconLeung AP and Gong S (2006). Mean-shift tracking with random sampling. BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, 729-738.  
bullet iconJia K, Gong S and Leung AP (2006). Coupling face registration and super-resolution. BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, 449-458.  
bullet iconRussell D and Gong S (2006). Minimum cuts of a time-varying background. BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, 809-818.  
bullet iconRaja Y and Gong S (2006). Sparse multiscale local binary patterns. BMVC 2006 - Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006, 799-808.  
bullet iconWang Y and Gong SG (2006). Tensor discriminant analysis for view-based object recognition., Editors: Tang YY, Wang SP, Lorette G, Yeung DS and Yan H. 
bullet iconHung H and Gong SG (2006). Detection of human interaction from a distance using salient body behaviour modelling - art. no. 640203., Editors: Lewis C and Owen GP. 
bullet iconRaja Y and Gong S (2006). Sparse Multiscale Local Binary Patterns. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2006
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2006). Optimal dynamic graphs for video content analysis. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)


bullet iconDel Bue A, Llado X and Agapito L (2005). Non-rigid face modelling using shape priors., Editors: Zhao W, Gong S and Tang X. 
bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2005). Face super-resolution using multiple occluded images of different resolutions. 
bullet iconLeung AP and Gong SG (2005). Online feature selection using mutual information for real-time multi-view object tracking., Editors: Zhao W, Gong S and Tang X. 
bullet iconGONG SS and Xiang T (2005). Online video behaviour abnormality detection using reliability measure. British Machine Vision Conference
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2005). Recognizing facial expressions at low resolution. 
bullet iconGONG SS and Jia K (2005). CCTV face hallucination under occlusion with motion blur. IEE International Symposium on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention
bullet iconGONG SS and Xiang T (2005). Unsupervised learning of visual context using mixture models. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2005). Video behaviour profiling and abnormality detection without manual labelling. 
bullet iconGONG SS and Zalewski L (2005). A statistical virtual head animator. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering
bullet iconGong S, MCOWAN PW and Shan C (2005). Conditional Mutual Information Based Boosting for Facial Expression Recognition. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'05), Oxford, UK
bullet iconGONG SS and Leung A (2005). An optimization framework for real-time appearance-based tracking under weak perspective. British Machine Vision Conference
bullet iconGONG SS and Leung AP (2005). Multi-view temporal tracking under weak perspective in real-time. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2005). Robust facial expression recognition using local binary patterns. 
bullet iconHung H and Gong S (2005). Detecting and quantifying unusual interactions by correlating salient motion. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2005). Visual learning given sparse data of unknown complexity. 
bullet iconJia K and Gong S (2005). Multi-modal face image super-resolutions in tensor space. 
bullet iconZalewski L and Gong S (2005). Statistical models of facial expressions for realistic 3D avatar animation., Editors: Schmid C, Soatto S and Tomasi C. 
bullet iconRussell D and Gong SG (2005). A highly efficient block-based dynamic background model. 
bullet iconGONG S, Zhao W and Tang X (2005). Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures. 
bullet iconJia K and Gong SG (2005). Multi-modal tensor face for simultaneous super-resolution and recognition. 
bullet iconShan CF, Gong SG and McOwan PW (2005). Appearance manifold of facial expression., Editors: Sebe N, Lew MS and Huang TS. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2005). Relevance learning for spectral clustering with applications on image segmentation and video behaviour profiling. 
bullet iconGONG SS and Graves A (2005). Surveillance video indexing with iconic patterns of activity. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2005). Unsupervised Learning of Visual Context Using Completed Likelihood AIC. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE)


bullet iconGong S (2004). Finding a needle in haystacks: Towards behaviour recognition based video surveillance. 
bullet iconHung H and Gong S (2004). Quantifying temporal saliency. 
bullet iconGraves A and Gong S (2004). Wavelet-based holistic sequence descriptor for generating video summaries. 
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2004). Activity-based scene representation and segmentation of CCTV surveillance videos. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG, Sherrah J and Liddell H (2004). Support vector machine based multi-view face detection and recognition. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 22 (5), 413-427.  
bullet iconGONG SS and Zalewski L (2004). A probabilistic hierarchical framework for expression classification. Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Symposium on Language, Speech and Gesture for Expressive Characters
bullet iconGong SG (2004). Towards behaviour recognition based video surveillance., Editors: Donaldson TP and Lewis C. 
bullet iconZalewski L and Gong SG (2004). Synthesis and recognition of facial expressions in virtual 3D views. 


bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG and Liddell H (2003). Recognising trajectories of facial identities using kernel discriminant analysis. 
bullet iconNg J and Gong S (2003). Learning pixel-wise signal energy for understanding semantics. Image and Vision Computing vol. 21 (13-14), 1171-1182.  
bullet iconLi Y, Gong S and Liddell H (2003). Recognising trajectories of facial identities using Kernel Discriminant Analysis. Image and Vision Computing vol. 21 (13-14), 1077-1086.  
bullet iconXiang T and Gong S (2003). On the structure of dynamic Bayesian networks for complex scene modelling. 
bullet iconXiang T, Gong S and Parkinson D (2003). Outdoor activity recognition using multi-linked temporal processes. 
bullet iconGraves A and Gong S (2003). Spotting scene change for indexing surveillance video. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG and Liddell H (2003). Constructing facial identity surfaces for recognition. INT J COMPUT VISION vol. 53 (1), 71-92.  
bullet iconGong S and Xiang T (2003). Scene event recognition without tracking. Acta Automatica Sinica vol. 29 (3), 321-331.  
bullet iconXiang T and Gong SG (2003). Discovering Bayesian causality among visual events in a complex outdoor scene., Editors: Kawada S. 
bullet iconGong SG and Xiang T (2003). Recognition of group activities using dynamic Probabilistic networks. 
bullet iconGONG SS and Ng J (2003). Learning pixel-wise signal energy for understanding semantics. 
bullet icon (2003). IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures., Editors: Gong S, Zhang H, Li S, Senior A, Vetter T and Zhao W. 


bullet iconGong SG and Buxton H (2002). Understanding visual behaviour. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 20 (12), 825-826.  
bullet iconGong SG, Ng J and Sherrah J (2002). On the semantics of visual behaviour, structured events and trajectories of human action. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 20 (12), 873-888.  
bullet iconXiang T, Gong S and Parkinson D (2002). Autonomous visual events detection and classification without explicit object-centred segmentation and tracking. 
bullet iconNg J and Gong S (2002). Learning intrinsic video content using Levenshtein distance in graph partitioning. 
bullet iconOng EJ and Gong SG (2002). The dynamics of linear combinations: tracking 3D skeletons of human subjects. 
bullet iconNg J and Gong SG (2002). Composite support vector machines for detection of faces across views and pose estimation. 
bullet iconPsarrou A, Gong SG and Walter M (2002). Recognition of human gestures and behaviour based on motion trajectories. 
bullet iconGONG SS, Romdhani S and Psarrou A (2002). Corresponding dynamic appearances. Image and Vision Computing vol. 20 (4), 307-318.  
bullet iconNg J and Gong SG (2002). Learning intrinsic video content using Levenshtein distance in graph partitioning., Editors: Heyden A, Sparr G, Nielsen M and Johansen P. 
bullet iconNg J and Gong SG (2002). On the binding mechanism of synchronised visual events., Editors: Bilof R. 
bullet iconPsarrou A, Gong S and Walter M (2002). Recognition of human gestures and behaviour. Image and Vision Computing vol. 20 (5-6), 349-358.  
bullet iconNg J and Gong S (2002). Composite support vector machines for the detection of faces across views and pose estimation. Image and Vision Computing vol. 20 (5-6), 359-368.  
bullet iconOng E and Gong S (2002). The dynamics of linear combinations. Image and Vision Computing vol. 20 (5-6), 397-414.  
bullet iconChang T-H and Gong S (2002). Bayesian Modality Fusion for tracking multiple people with a multi-camera system. Video-based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing , Editors: Remagnino , Jones , Paragios and Regazzoni . 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong S (2002). Automated detection of localised visual events over varying temporal scales. Video-based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing , Editors: Remagnino , Jones , Paragios and Regazzoni . 


bullet iconSherrah J, Gong S and Ong EJ (2001). Face distributions in similarity space under varying head pose. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 19 (12), 807-819.  
bullet iconLi Y, Gong S and Liddell H (2001). Recognising trajectories of facial identities using Kernel Discriminate Analysis. 
bullet iconWalter M, Psarrou A and Gong S (2001). Data driven model acquisition using Minimum Description Length. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong SG (2001). Fusion of perceptual cues for robust tracking of head pose and position. PATTERN RECOGN vol. 34 (8), 1565-1572.  
bullet iconWalter M, Psarrou A and Gong S (2001). Auto-clustering for unsupervised learning of atomic gesture components using Minimum Description Length. 
bullet iconLi Y, Gong S and Liddell H (2001). Video-based online face recognition using identity surfaces. 
bullet iconLi Y, Gong S and Liddell H (2001). Constructing structures of facial identities on the view sphere using Kernel Discriminant Analysis. 
bullet iconChang TH and Gong SG (2001). Tracking multiple people with a multi-camera system. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong SG (2001). Continuous global evidence-based Bayesian modality fusion for simultaneous tracking of multiple objects. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG and Liddell H (2001). Constructing facial identity surfaces in a nonlinear discriminating space., Editors: Jacobs A and Baldwin T. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG and Liddell H (2001). Modelling faces dynamically across views and over time. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG and Liddell H (2001). Video-based online face recognition using identity surfaces. 


bullet iconSherrah J, Gong S, Howell J and Buxton H (2000). Interpretation of group behaviour in visually mediated interaction. 
bullet iconRomdhani S, Gong S and Psarrou A (2000). A generic face appearance model of shape and texture under very large pose variations from profile to profile views. 
bullet iconOng E-J and Gong S (2000). Quantifying ambiguities in inferring vector-based 3D models. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong S (2000). Resolving visual uncertainty and occlusion through probabilistic reasoning. 
bullet iconChang T-H, Gong S and Ong E-J (2000). Tracking multiple people under occlusion using multiple cameras. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong S (2000). Tracking discontinuous motion using Bayesian inference. 
bullet iconRomdhani S, Psarrou A and Gong S (2000). On utilising template and feature-based correspondence in multi-view appearance models. 
bullet iconGong S, McKenna SJ and Psarrou A (2000). Dynamic Vision, From Images to Face Recognition. 
bullet iconLi Y, Gong S and Liddell H (2000). Support vector regression and classification based multi-view face detection and recognition. 
bullet iconRomdhani S, Psarrou A and Gong SG (2000). On utilising template and feature-based correspondence in muli-view appearance models., Editors: Vernon D. 
bullet iconLi YM, Gong SG, Sherrah J and Liddell H (2000). Multi-view face detection using support vector machines and eigenspace modelling., Editors: Howlett RJ and Jain LC. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong SG (2000). VIGOUR: A system for tracking and recognition of multiple people and their activities., Editors: Sanfeliu A, Villanueva JJ, Vanrell M, Alquezar R, Eklundh JO and Aloimonos Y. 
bullet iconWalter M, Psarrou A and Gong S (2000). An incremental approach towards automatic model acquisition for human gesture recognition. Proceedings Workshop on Human Motion
bullet iconRomdhani S, Gong S and Psarrou A (2000). A generic face appearance model of shape and texture under very large pose variations from profile to profile views. 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 1 
bullet iconSherrah J, Gong SG, Howell AJ and Buxton H (2000). Interpretation of group behaviour in visually mediated interaction., Editors: Sanfeliu A, Villanueva JJ, Vanrell M, Alquezar R, Eklundh JO and Aloimonos Y. 
bullet iconMunemori J, Yoshino T and Yunokuchi K (2000). Development of an idea collecting system and the application to GUNGEN. KES'2000. Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8516)
bullet iconGong S, McKenna S and Psarrou A (2000). Dynamic Vision: From Images to Face Recognition. 


bullet iconRomdhani S, Gong S and Psarrou A (1999). Multi-view nonlinear active shape model using kernel PCA. 
bullet iconGong S, Walter M and Psarrou A (1999). Recognition of temporal structures: Learning prior and propagating observation augmented densities via hidden Markov states. 
bullet iconOng E-J and Gong S (1999). A dynamic virtual human model using hybrid 2D and 3D representations. 
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong S (1999). Exploiting context in gesture recognition. 
bullet iconRomdhani S, Gong S and Psarrou A (1999). Multi-view nonlinear active shape model using Kernel PCA. 
bullet iconNg J and Gong S (1999). Multi-view based support vector machines for real-time face detection and pose estimation. 
bullet iconMcKenna SJ, Raja Y and Gong S (1999). Tracking colour objects using adaptive mixture models. Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier vol. 17 (3-4), 225-231.  
bullet iconSherrah J and Gong S (1999). Fusion of 2D face alignment and 3D head pose estimation for robust and real-time performance. Proceedings International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems. In Conjunction with ICCV'99 (Cat. No.PR00378)
bullet iconNg J and Gong S (1999). Multi-view face detection and pose estimation using a composite support vector machine across the view sphere. Proceedings International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems. In Conjunction with ICCV'99 (Cat. No.PR00378)
bullet iconOng E-J and Gong S (1999). Tracking hybrid 2D-3D human models from multiple views. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People. MPeople'99
bullet iconWalter M, Gong S and Psarrou A (1999). Stochastic temporal models of human activities. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People. MPeople'99
bullet iconRomdhani S, Psarrou A and Gong S (1999). Learning a single active face shape model across views. Proceedings International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems. In Conjunction with ICCV'99 (Cat. No.PR00378)
bullet iconMcKenna S, Raja Y and Gong S (1999). Tracking colour objects using adaptive mixture models. Image and Vision Computing vol. 17 (3-4), 225-231.  


bullet iconMCKENNA SJ, GONG S and RAJA Y (1998). MODELLING FACIAL COLOUR AND IDENTITY WITH GAUSSIAN MIXTURES. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 31 (12), 1883-1892.  
bullet iconGong S, Ong E-J and McKenna S (1998). Learning to associate faces across views in vector space of similarities to prototypes. 
bullet iconMcKenna S and Gong S (1998). Gesture recognition for visually mediated interaction using probabilistic event trajectories. 
bullet iconTorre FDL, Gong S and McKenna S (1998). View-based Adaptive Affine Alignment. 
bullet iconRaja Y, McKenna S and Gong S (1998). Tracking and segmenting people in varying lighting conditions using colour. 
bullet iconde la Torre F, Gong S and McKenna S (1998). View-based adaptive affine tracking. 
bullet iconRaja Y, McKenna SJ and Gong S (1998). Colour model selection and adaptation in dynamic scenes. 
bullet iconDe La Torre F, Gong S and McKenna S (1998). View alignment with dynamically updated affine tracking. Proceedings Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
bullet iconRaja Y, McKenna SJ and Gong S (1998). Tracking and segmenting people in varying lighting conditions using colour. Proceedings Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
bullet iconRaja Y, McKenna S and Gong S (1998). Using Colour for Robust Tracking and Segmentation. Noblesse Workshop on Non-Linear Model Based Image Analysis  199-204.  
bullet iconMcKenna S, Gong S and Raja Y (1998). Modelling facial colour and identity with Gaussian mixtures. Pattern Recognition vol. 31 (12), 1883-1892.  
bullet iconMcKenna S and Gong S (1998). Real-time face pose estimation. Real Time Imaging vol. 4, 333-347.  
bullet iconMcKenna S and Gong S (1998). Recognising moving faces. Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications , Editors: Wechsler , Philips , Bruce , Fogelman-Soulie and Huang . 


bullet iconMcKenna S and Gong S (1997). Non-intrusive person authentication for access control by visual tracking and face recognition. 
bullet iconMcKenna SJ, Gong S, Würtz RP, Tanner J and Banin D (1997). Tracking facial feature points with Gabor wavelets and shape models. 
bullet iconMcKenna SJ and Gong S (1997). Face recognition from sequences using models of identity. 
bullet iconMcKenna SJ, Raja Y and Gong S (1997). Object tracking using adaptive colour mixture models. 
bullet iconRaja Y, McKenna SJ and Gong S (1997). Segmentation and tracking using colour mixture models. 
bullet iconGong S, Ong E-J and Loft PJ (1997). Appearance-based face recognition under large head rotations in depth. 
bullet iconMcKenna S, Gong S, Wurtz R, Tanner J and Banin D (1997). Tracking facial motion using Gabor wavelets and flexible shape models. 


bullet iconLÖRINCZ AT and REID R (1996). PREFACE. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, Elsevier vol. 23 (4), xi-xii.  
bullet iconGong S, McKenna S and Collins JJ (1996). An investigation into face pose distributions. 
bullet iconMcKenna S and Gong S (1996). Tracking faces. 
bullet iconMcKenna S, Gong S and Raja Y (1996). Face recognition in dynamic scenes. 


bullet iconPsarrou A, Gong S and Buxton H (1995). Modelling spatio-temporal trajectories and face signatures using partially recurrent neural networks. 
bullet iconGong S, Psarrou A, Katsoulis I and Palavouzis P (1995). Tracking and Recognition of Face Sequences. Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production  96-111.  
bullet iconBuxton H and Gong S (1995). Visual surveillance in a dynamic and uncertain world. Artificial Intelligence vol. 78 (1-2), 431-459.  


bullet iconGong S, Psarrou A, Katsoulis I and Palavouzis P (1994). Tracking and recognition of face image sequences. 


bullet iconGong S and Buxton H (1993). Bayesian nets for motion segmentation and object tracking. 
bullet iconGong S and Buxton H (1993). From Contextual Knowledge to Computational Constraints. Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1993


bullet iconGong S (1992). Visual behavior: modeling 'hidden' purposes in motion. Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing
bullet iconGong S and Buxton H (1992). On the visual expectation of moving objects: A probabilistic approach with augmented hidden Markov models. 
bullet iconGong S (1992). Visual observation as reactive learning. 


bullet iconGong S and Brady JM (1990). Parallel computation of optic flow. 


bullet iconGong S (1989). Parallel Computation of Visual Motion. 
bullet iconGong S (1989). On curve motion constraint equation and its applications. 


bullet iconGong S (1988). Improving local flow. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI
solid heart iconAdobe Research Gift
Shaogang Gong
£55,456 Adobe Inc (01-10-2020 - 28-09-2028)

solid heart iconDeep Learning for large scale video semantic search
Shaogang Gong
£153,287 Alan Turing Institute, The (01-10-2018 - 30-03-2021)
solid heart iconInnovateUK-China (Jiangsu)
Shaogang Gong
£149,969 Innovate UK (01-02-2018 - 31-01-2020)
solid heart iconPostgraduate Studentship Support
Shaogang Gong
£120,000 SeeQuestor Ltd. (01-08-2016 - 31-12-2019)
solid heart iconDeep Insight Collaboration
Shaogang Gong
£95,000 SeeQuestor Ltd. (01-06-2016 - 30-11-2019)
solid heart iconNewton Advanced Fellowship: Person Re-Identification
Shaogang Gong
£111,000 Royal Society (01-03-2016 - 28-02-2019)