Dr Yunpeng Zhu

Yunpeng Zhu
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


Relevant PublicationData driven modelling approach for design assessment of spacecraft equipment
Yu C, Zhu Y-P, Luo H and Luo Z
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier vol. 140 


Relevant PublicationFS-PTL: A unified few-shot partial transfer learning framework for partial cross-domain fault diagnosis under limited data scenarios
Cheng L, Qi H, Ma R, Kong X, Zhang Y and Zhu Y
Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier vol. 305 
Relevant PublicationLifelong Monitoring of Bearing-Rotor Systems Over Whole Life Cycle: An Emerging Paradigm
Zhao Y, Liu T, Zhu Y-P, Liu Z, Han Q and Ma H
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Informatics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-10.  
Relevant PublicationStructural Damage Detection of Cracked Beams Based on Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions and Support Vector Machine
Zhang W, Guo X, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Zhang B and Peng Z
In Proceedings of The Tepen International Workshop On Fault Diagnostic and Prognostic, Springer Nature 312-323.  
bullet iconA novel causal feature learning-based domain generalization framework for bearing fault diagnosis with a mixture of data from multiple working conditions and machines
Cheng L, Kong X, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Qi H and Zhang J
Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier vol. 62 
Relevant PublicationCamera-Based Dynamic Vibration Measurement Using CoTracker Model
Cheng L, de Groot J, Xie K and Zhu Y
2024 6th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-4.  
Relevant PublicationParameter Identification of Nonlinear Systems Using Generalized Associated Linear Equations (GALEs)
Zhang W, Guo X, Zhang B, Zhu Y, Cheng L and Peng Z
2024 6th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
Relevant PublicationCharacterisation of complex system Dynamics from data: A probing excitation method
Xu Y, Luo Z, Wang Z, Yang M and Zhu Y
2024 6th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconDigital twin-based anomaly detection for real-time tool condition monitoring in machining
Liu Z, Lang Z-Q, Gui Y, Zhu Y-P and Laalej H
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Elsevier vol. 75, 163-173.  
bullet iconA Case Study on Vibration Analysis using DeepONet
Liu H, Hedayatrasa S, Zhu Y and Cheng L
e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing. vol. 29 (7) 
bullet iconFault Diagnosis of the Rolling Bearing by a Multi-Task Deep Learning Method Based on a Classifier Generative Adversarial Network
Shen Z, Kong X, Cheng L, Wang R and Zhu Y
Sensors, Mdpi vol. 24 (4) 
bullet iconAn Adaptive Deconvolution Method with Improve Enhanced Envelope Spectrum and Its Application for Bearing Fault Feature Extraction
He F, Zheng C, Pang C, Zhao C, Yang M, Zhu Y, Luo Z, Luo H, Li L and Jiang H
Sensors, Mdpi vol. 24 (3) 
Zhang W, Zhang B, Guo X, Zhang Y and Zhu Y
Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration
Relevant PublicationData-driven approaches in modal analysis of building structures
Si Y, Zhu Y, Kutz JN and Cheng L
Proceedings of ISMA 2024 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2024 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics., 1382-1394.  
bullet iconFast evaluation of generalized associated linear equations (GALEs) for nonlinear systems characterization and compensation
Zhu Y-P, Liu Z, Zhang W and Zhang B
Journal of The Franklin Institute, Elsevier vol. 361 (2), 944-957.  
bullet iconInvestigative Study of the Effect of Damping and Stiffness Nonlinearities on an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester at Low-Frequency Excitations
Diala U, Zhu Y and Gunawardena R
Machines, Mdpi vol. 12 (1) 
bullet iconA Data-Driven Modelling Approach and Uncertainty Analysis for Rotor System Health Assessment
Zhao Y, Zhu Y-P and Han Q
In Proceedings of The Unified Conference of Damas, Income and Tepen Conferences (Unified 2023), Springer Nature 247-258.  


bullet iconVibration Signal-Based Tool Condition Monitoring Using Regularized Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis
Liu Z, Lang Z-Q, Gui Y, Zhu Y-P, Laalej H and Curtis D
Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 73, 1-13.  
bullet iconFault Features Uncertainty Quantification With Parameters Uncertainties of Data-Driven Models and Its Application in Rotor Systems Condition Assessment
Zhao Y, Zhu Y-P, Lin J, Han Q and Liu Y
Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 73, 1-11.  
bullet iconLifelong Learning Meets Dynamic Processes: An Emerging Streaming Process Prediction Framework With Delayed Process Output Measurement
Liu T, Chen S, Yang P, Zhu Y, Mercangöz M and Harris CJ
Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 32 (2), 384-398.  
bullet iconFault detection of rotor systems based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm
Wang Z, Luo Z, Zhu Y, Zhou G and Yang M
2023 5th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconDMD-T: Thermographic Inspection of Composites using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Cheng L, Zhu Y and Kersemans M
2023 5th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-4.  
bullet iconA NARX Model-Based Condition Monitoring Method for Rotor Systems
Gao Y, Yu C, Zhu Y-P and Luo Z
Sensors, Mdpi vol. 23 (15) 
bullet iconThe evaluation of Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions based on tailored data-driven modelling for rotor condition monitoring
Zhao Y, Zhu Y-P, Han Q and Liu Y
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 197 
bullet iconEfficient adaptive deep gradient RBF network for multi-output nonlinear and nonstationary industrial processes
Liu T, Chen S, Yang P, Zhu Y and Harris CJ
Journal of Process Control, Elsevier vol. 126, 1-11.  
bullet iconDesign assessments of complex systems based on design oriented modelling and uncertainty analysis
Yu C, Zhu Y-P, Luo H, Luo Z and Li L
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 188 
bullet iconAnalysis and design of non-linear seismic isolation systems for building structures—An overview
Zhu Y-P, Lang ZQ, Fujita K and Takewaki I
Frontiers in Built Environment, Frontiers vol. 8 
bullet iconUnsupervised Detection of Tool Breakage: A Novel Approach Based on Time and Sensor Domain Data Analysis
Gui Y, Lang Z-Q, Liu Z, Zhu Y, Laalej H and Curtis D
Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 72, 1-13.  


bullet iconTime-Sensor Domain Data Decomposition and Analysis for Fault Diagnosis of Cutting Tools
Gui Y, Lang Z-Q, Liu Z, Zhu Y and Laalej H
2022 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). vol. 00, 187-192.  
bullet iconSensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Detecting Cutting Tool Anomalies in Machining
Liu Z, Lang Z-Q, Zhu Y-P, Gui Y, Laalej H and Stammers J
Ieee Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 53 (5), 2641-2653.  
bullet iconA dynamic poroelastic model for auxetic polyurethane foams involving viscoelasticity and pneumatic damping effects in the linear regime
Zhang Q, Yu X, Scarpa F, Barton D, Zhu Y, Lang Z-Q and Zhang D
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 179 
bullet iconHysteretic behaviour of uniaxially thermoformed auxetic foams under 3-point bending low-frequency vibration
Zhang Q, Yu X, Scarpa F, Barton D, Xia Y, Shaw A, Zhu Y and Lang Z-Q
Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature vol. 111 (2), 1019-1045.  
bullet iconThe design of nonlinear damped building isolation systems by using mobility analysis
Zhu Y-P, Lang ZQ, Fujita K and Takewaki I
Frontiers in Built Environment, Frontiers vol. 8 
bullet iconAnalysis of nonlinear vibrations and health assessment of a bearing-rotor with rub-impact based on a data-driven approach
Zhao Y, Zhu Y-P, Lin J, Han Q and Liu Y
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 534 
bullet iconStructural Damage Detection of Spacecraft Equipment Based on Data Driven Modelling and Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Function
Yu C, Zhu Y-P, Luo H and Luo Z
2022 4th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconData-driven Model Based Online Fault Detection Using OMP-ERR
Zhou G, Luo Z, Zhu Y, Gao Y and Wang Z
2022 4th International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconIntegrated Identification of the Nonlinear Autoregressive Models With Exogenous Inputs (NARX) for Engineering Systems Design
Kadochnikova A, Zhu Y, Lang Z-Q and Kadirkamanathan V
Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 31 (1), 394-401.  
bullet iconImpact properties of uniaxially thermoformed auxetic foams
Zhang Q, Scarpa F, Barton D, Zhu Y, Lang Z-Q, Zhang D and Peng H-X
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 163 
bullet iconBeneficial effects of antisymmetric nonlinear damping with application to energy harvesting and vibration isolation under general inputs
Zhu Y-P and Lang ZQ
Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature vol. 108 (4), 2917-2933.  
bullet iconAnalysis of the energy dissipation characteristics of a nonlinear vehicle suspension system
Diala UH, Zhu Y and Lang Z-Q
2022 UKACC 13th International Conference on Control (CONTROL). vol. 00, 177-182.  
bullet iconOnline Rotor Systems Condition Monitoring Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions Under Harmonic Excitations
Zhu Y-P, Zhao Y-L, Lang ZQ, Liu Z-P and Liu Y
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Informatics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 18 (10), 6798-6808.  
bullet iconNonlinear output frequency response functions: A new evaluation approach and applications to railway and manufacturing systems’ condition monitoring
Zhu Y-P, Lang ZQ, Mao H-L and Laalej H
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 163 
bullet iconModelling and Analysis of Complex System Dynamics Based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 58 (19) 


bullet iconTopological characteristics and mechanical properties of uniaxially thermoformed auxetic foam
Zhang Q, Lu W, Scarpa F, Barton D, Rankin K, Zhu Y, Lang Z-Q and Peng H-X
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 211 
bullet iconThe Data-Driven Surrogate Model-Based Dynamic Design of Aeroengine Fan Systems
Zhu Y-P, Yuan J, Lang ZQ, Schwingshackl CW, Salles L and Kadirkamanathan V
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power, Asme International vol. 143 (10) 
bullet iconAn output-only ARX model-based sensor fusion framework on structural dynamic measurements using distributed optical fiber sensors and fiber Bragg grating sensors
Cheng L, Cigada A, Lang Z, Zappa E and Zhu Y
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 152 
bullet iconNonlinear model standardization for the analysis and design of nonlinear systems with multiple equilibria
Zhu Y-P, Lang ZQ and Guo Y-Z
Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature vol. 104 (3), 2553-2571.  
bullet iconModeling of rotating machinery: A novel frequency sweep system identification approach
Li Y, Luo Z, He F, Zhu Y and Ge X
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 494 
bullet iconThe analysis and design of nonlinear vibration isolators under both displacement and force excitations
Qiu Y, Zhu Y, Luo Z, Gao Y and Li Y
Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer Nature vol. 91 (5), 2159-2178.  


bullet iconOptimal Design of Nonlinear Systems by Using the Low Dimension Associated Output Frequency Response Function (AOFRF)
Zhu Y-P and Lang ZQ
2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS). vol. 00, 313-318.  
bullet iconDynamics Analysis of Active Variable Stiffness Vibration Isolator for Whole-Spacecraft Systems Based on Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions
Xu K, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Zang J and Chen L
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Springer Nature vol. 33 (6), 731-743.  
bullet iconA Data Driven Condition Monitoring of Chain Type Structures by Using Nonlinear Frequency Analyses
Gao Y, Luo Z, Zhu Y, Qiu Y and Li Y
2020 2nd International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconImpact analysis of the multi-harmonic input splicing way based on the data-driven model
Qiu Y, Luo Z, Ge X, Zhu Y and Gao Y
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer Nature vol. 8 (4), 1181-1188.  
bullet iconA novel method to determine the coupling scaling laws of vibration characteristics for rotor-bearing systems
Zhang W, Luo Z, Li Y and Zhu Y
Journal of Vibration and Control, Sage Publications vol. 27 (21-22), 2630-2641.  
bullet iconThe Data Driven Surrogate Model Based Dynamic Design of Aero-Engine Fan Systems
Zhu Y-P, Yuan J, Lang ZQ, Schwingshackl CW, Salles L and Kadirkamanathan V
Volume 10B: Structures and Dynamics
bullet iconLarge stiffness thermoformed open cell foams with auxeticity
Zhang Q, Lu W, Scarpa F, Barton D, Lakes RS, Zhu Y, Lang Z and Peng H-X
Applied Materials Today, Elsevier vol. 20 
bullet iconAn improved transfer-matrix method on steady-state response analysis of the complex rotor-bearing system
Luo Z, Bian Z, Zhu Y and Liu H
Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature vol. 102 (1), 101-113.  
bullet iconPrediction of Twitter Traffic Based on Machine Learning and Data Analytics
Li F, Zhang Z, Zhu Y and Zhang J
IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). vol. 00, 443-448.  
bullet iconA fast technique using output only to localize and quantify multiple damages for multi-degree-of-freedom systems
Cheng L, Fang W and Zhu Y
Structural Health Monitoring, Sage Publications vol. 20 (1), 321-338.  
bullet iconSemi-actively Implemented Non-linear Damping for Building Isolation Under Seismic Loadings
Zhu Y-P, Lang Z-Q, Kawanishi Y and Kohiyama M
Frontiers in Built Environment, Frontiers vol. 6 
bullet iconA new convergence analysis for the Volterra series representation of nonlinear systems
Zhu Y-P and Lang ZQ
Automatica, Elsevier vol. 111 
bullet iconContext-Aware Proactive 5G Load Balancing and Optimization for Urban Areas
Ma B, Yang B, Zhu Y and Zhang J
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 8, 8405-8417.  


bullet iconDynamic design of a nonlinear energy sink with NiTiNOL-steel wire ropes based on nonlinear output frequency response functions
Zhang Y, Xu K, Zang J, Ni Z, Zhu Y and Chen L
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Springer Nature vol. 40 (12), 1791-1804.  
bullet iconDesign of Distortion Similar Model for Thin-Walled Conical Shell and Method for Determining Geometric Interval
Luo Z, Zhang YQ, Zhu YP and Li CS
Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University vol. 40 (11), 1600-1605.  
bullet iconA novel data-driven model based parameter estimation of nonlinear systems
Ge X, Luo Z, Ma Y, Liu H and Zhu Y
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 453, 188-200.  
bullet iconData Driven Evaluation of Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions with Applications to Structural System Fault Diagnosis
Zhu Y-P, Lang ZQ and Laalej H
2019 1st International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconPrediction of vibration characteristics of blisks using similitude models
Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhai J, Zhu Y and Wang D
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis vol. 47 (2), 121-135.  
bullet iconAnalysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain
Zhu Y
bullet iconSynchronization and Stability of Two Pairs of Reversed Rotating Exciters Mounted on Two Different Rigid Frames
Zhang X, Wang Z, Zhu Y, Xu J and Wen B-C
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 7, 115348-115367.  


bullet iconIdentification of the dynamic parametrical model with an iterative orthogonal forward regression algorithm
Liu H, Zhu Y, Luo Z and Wang F
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier vol. 64, 643-653.  
bullet iconNonlinear Design and Optimisation of a Vibration Energy Harvester
Diala U, Gunawardena R, Zhu Y and Lang Z-Q
2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL). vol. 00, 180-185.  
bullet iconThe analysis of nonlinear systems in the frequency domain using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions
Bayma RS, Zhu Y and Lang Z-Q
Automatica, Elsevier vol. 94, 452-457.  
bullet iconComparison of rubbing induced vibration responses using varying-thickness-twisted shell and solid-element blade models
Sun Q, Ma H, Zhu Y, Han Q and Wen B
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier vol. 108, 1-20.  
bullet iconFault Detection of Nonlinear Rotor Bearing Systems by Using the Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions (NOFRFs)
Zhu Y, Lang ZQ, Luo Z and Gunawardena SRAS
2018 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconFault Detection of Nonlinear Rotor-Bearing Systems by Using the Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions (NOFRFs)
Zhu Y, Lang ZQ, Luo Z and Gunawardena SRAS
2018 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). vol. 00, 1-6.  
bullet iconThe effects of linear and nonlinear characteristic parameters on the output frequency responses of nonlinear systems: The associated output frequency response function
Zhu Y and Lang ZQ
Automatica, Elsevier vol. 93, 422-427.  
bullet iconNonlinear damping based semi-active building isolation system
Ho C, Zhu Y, Lang Z-Q, Billings SA, Kohiyama M and Wakayama S
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 424, 302-317.  
bullet iconThe NRSF-SVM based method for nonlinear rotor bearing fault diagnosis
Ma Y, Luo Z, Liu H and Zhu Y
2018 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC)., 3978-3983.  
bullet iconDynamic Parametrical Modeling Method of Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Outputs Based on REFOR Algorithm
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 54 (23) 
bullet iconOptimal design of the inlet temperature based periodic operation of non-isothermal CSTR using nonlinear output frequency response functions
Shi H, Lang ZQ, Zhu Y, Yuan D and Wang W
IFAC-PapersOnLine. vol. 51 (18), 620-625.  


bullet iconThe structural simplification of a thin-walled cylindrical shell with sealing teeth and its dynamic similitude design based on transfer matrix method
Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhu YP, Wang YH and Han QK
Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies vol. 5 (6), 487-497.  
bullet iconMeshing characteristics of spur gear pair under different crack types
Li Z, Ma H, Feng M, Zhu Y and Wen B
Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier vol. 80, 123-140.  
bullet iconPRESS-based EFOR algorithm for the dynamic parametrical modeling of nonlinear MDOF systems
Liu H, Zhu Y, Luo Z and Han Q
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 13 (3), 390-400.  
bullet iconThe NARX Model-Based System Identification on Nonlinear, Rotor-Bearing Systems
Ma Y, Liu H, Zhu Y, Wang F and Luo Z
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 7 (9) 
bullet iconDesign of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain: An Output Frequency Response Function-Based Approach
Zhu Y and Lang ZQ
Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 26 (4), 1358-1371.  
bullet iconModeling method on dynamic parametrical model of nonlinear multi-degree of freedom systems
Liu H, Zhu Y, Luo Z and Han Q
Journal of Dynamics and Control vol. 15 (1), 15-24.  
bullet iconSimilitude design for the vibration problems of plates and shells: A review
Zhu Y, Wang Y, Luo Z, Han Q and Wang D
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 12 (2), 253-264.  


bullet iconA comprehensive reliability allocation method for series systems based on failure mode and effects analysis transformed functions
Yang Z, Liu P, Zhu Y and Zhang Y
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Sage Publications vol. 230 (12), 2239-2248.  
bullet iconAccurate prediction approach of dynamic characteristics for a rotating thin walled annular plate considering the centrifugal stress requirement
Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhai J and Zhu Y
Journal of Vibroengineering, Jve International vol. 18 (5), 3104-3116.  
bullet iconDynamic Similitude Design Method of the Distorted Model on Variable Thickness Cantilever Plates
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Liu H and Wang D
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 6 (8) 
bullet iconAnalysis of Output Response of Nonlinear Systems Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions
Zhu Y and Lang ZQ
2016 UKACC 11th International Conference on Control (CONTROL)., 1-6.  
bullet iconReview and Prospect for Dynamic Similitude Theory and its Applications in the Structure Vibration
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 52 (23) 
bullet iconA Comparative Study on the Evaluation of Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions (NOFRFs) of Nonlinear Systems
Zhang H, Lang ZQ and Zhu YP
2016 22nd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC)., 323-328.  
bullet iconDynamic scaling laws of distorted thin-wall cylinder shell scaled model and experimental verification
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D
Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies vol. 4 (2), 131-142.  
bullet iconConsidering the Requirements of Static Strength for the Rotating Straight Blade Similar Experimental Model Design Method
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 52 (9) 
bullet iconA comprehensive reliability allocation method for numerical-controlled lathes based on copula function
Yang Z, Zhu YP, Zhang YM and Ren HR
Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii vol. 37 (1), 131-140.  


bullet iconThe Dynamic Similitude Design Method of Thin Walled Structures and Experimental Validation
Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhu Y and Wang D
Shock and Vibration, Hindawi vol. 2016 (1), 1-11.  
bullet iconDetermining Dynamic Scaling Laws of Geometrically Distorted Scaled Models of a Cantilever Plate
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, American Society of Civil Engineers (Asce) vol. 142 (4) 
bullet iconDesign method and revising strategy of inherent characteristics for dynamical similarity test model of blade
Luo Z, Guo J, Zhu YP and Wang DY
Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power vol. 30 (7), 1611-1617.  
bullet iconThe similitude design method of thin-walled annular plates and determination of structural size intervals
Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 230 (13), 2158-2168.  
bullet iconHigh-Order Vibrations’ Dynamic Scaling Laws of Distorted Scaled Models of Thin-Walled Short Cylindrical Shells
Luo Z, Zhu YP, Zhao XY and Wang DY
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis vol. 43 (4), 514-534.  
bullet iconThe dynamic similitude design of a thin-walled cylindrical shell by considering the strength requirement
Zhu Y, Luo Z, Zhao X and Wang D
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Sage Publications vol. 230 (2), 234-243.  
bullet iconComprehensive reliability allocation method for CNC lathes based on cubic transformed functions of failure mode and effects analysis
Yang Z, Zhu Y, Ren H and Zhang Y
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 28 (2), 315-324.  
bullet iconDetermination Method of the Structure Size Intervals of Dynamic Distorted Model of Elastic Cantilever Thin Plate
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Chen X and Zhao X
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Sage Publications vol. 2014, 791047-791047.  
bullet iconStructure Size Interval of Sinmilar Test Model of the Laminated Composite Thin-wall Short Cylinder Shell
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 51 (17) 


bullet iconApproximate method in analyzing forced vibration response of rotating short thin-wall cylindrical shells in different boundary conditions
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Sun N, Han Q and Wen B
Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies vol. 2 (6), 567-579.  
bullet iconThe Dynamic Similitude Design of a Thin-Wall Cylindrical Shell with Sealing Teeth and Its Geometrically Distorted Model
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Han Q and Wang D
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Sage Publications vol. 7 (2) 
bullet iconDetermination method of dynamic distorted scaling laws and applicable structure size intervals of a rotating thin-wall short cylindrical shell
Luo Z, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 229 (5), 806-817.  
bullet iconDetermination method of the structure size interval of dynamically similar models for predicting vibration characteristics of the coated thin plates
Zhu Y, Luo Z, Zhao X and Han Q
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 229 (1), 59-68.  
bullet iconStudy of the Structure Size Interval of Similar Test Model of the Laminated Composite Plate
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 50 (9) 
bullet iconDetermination method of the structure size interval of dynamic similar models for predicting vibration characteristics of the isotropic sandwich plates
Luo Z, Zhao X, Zhu Y and Li J
Journal of Vibroengineering vol. 16 (2), 608-622.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconVibration-Based Non-Destructive Testing for metal Additive Manufacturing
Yunpeng Zhu and Chinnapat Panwisawas
£19,695 Dutch Research Council
01-01-2024 - 31-12-2027