Dr Nikos Bempedelis

Nikos Bempedelis

Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Computational Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase Flows, Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Data-driven Modelling, Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics


My research focuses on key fluid mechanics challenges across the energy, transportation, environmental, and biomedical engineering sectors. I am particularly interested in studying cavitation and bubble dynamics as well as wind energy aerodynamics through a combination of numerical simulations, theory, and data-driven techniques.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


Relevant PublicationThe reflection of a planar impulsive shock wave at a liquid–gas interface
Smith TA and Bempedelis N
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 999 
bullet iconBayesian Optimisation of a Two‐Turbine Configuration Around a 2D Hill Using Large Eddy Simulations
Jané‐Ippel C, Bempedelis N, Palacios R and Laizet S
Wind Energy, Wiley vol. 27 (11), 1412-1426.  
bullet iconData-driven optimisation of wind farm layout and wake steering with large-eddy simulations
Bempedelis N, Gori F, Wynn A, Laizet S and Magri L
Wind Energy Science, Copernicus Publications vol. 9 (4), 869-882.  


bullet iconHigh-fidelity simulations of wake-to-wake interaction in an atmospheric boundary layer over a complex terrain
Jané-Ippel C, Bempedelis N, Palacios R and Laizet S
Journal of Physics Conference Series. vol. 2505 (1) 
bullet iconTurbulent entrainment in finite-length wind farms
Bempedelis N, Laizet S and Deskos G
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 955 
bullet iconBayesian Optimization of the Layout of Wind Farms with a High-Fidelity Surrogate Model
Bempedelis N and Magri L
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 10476, 344-352.  
bullet iconNumerical modelling of acoustic wave propagation through a bubble column
Smith TA, Bempedelis N and La Rosa AG
Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition Series., 151-157.  


bullet iconA Cartesian Immersed Boundary Method Based on 1D Flow Reconstructions for High-Fidelity Simulations of Incompressible Turbulent Flows Around Moving Objects
Giannenas AE, Bempedelis N, Schuch FN and Laizet S
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion vol. 109 (4), 931-959.  
bullet iconAn analytical blockage correction model for high-solidity turbines
Steiros K, Bempedelis N and Cicolin MM
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 948 
bullet iconA sharp-interface model for grid-resolved cavitating flows
Bempedelis N and Ventikos Y
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Elsevier vol. 149 
bullet iconAnalytical all-induction state model for wind turbine wakes
Bempedelis N and Steiros K
Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 7 (3) 


bullet iconRecirculation regions in wakes with base bleed
Steiros K, Bempedelis N and Ding L
Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 6 (3) 
bullet iconNumerical and experimental investigation into the dynamics of a bubble-free-surface system
Bempedelis N, Zhou J, Andersson M and Ventikos Y
Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 6 (1) 
bullet iconA simple ghost fluid method for compressible multicomponent flows with capillary effects
Bempedelis N and Ventikos Y
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier vol. 424 


bullet iconThe effect of porosity on the drag of cylinders
Steiros K, Kokmanian K, Bempedelis N and Hultmark M
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 901 
bullet iconEnergy focusing in shock-collapsed bubble arrays
Bempedelis N and Ventikos Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 900 
bullet iconA simplified approach for simulations of multidimensional compressible multicomponent flows: The grid-aligned ghost fluid method
Bempedelis N and Ventikos Y
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier vol. 405 


bullet iconA 3D Finite-Volume Integral Boundary Layer method for icing applications
Bempedelis N, Bayeux C, Blanchard G, Radenac E and Villedieu P
9th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference