Dr Haibao Liu

Haibao Liu
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


bullet iconTüfekci M, Sun Y, Yuan J, Maharaj C, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L (2024). Analytical vibration modelling and solution of bars with frictional clamps. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 577 
bullet iconDing Z, Attar HR, Wang H, Liu H and Li N (2024). Integrating convolutional neural network and constitutive model for rapid prediction of stress-strain curves in fibre reinforced polymers: A generalisable approach. Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 241 
bullet iconBrooks RA, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Liu H, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2024). The Relationship Between the Extent of Indentation and Impact Damage in Carbon-Fibre Reinforced-Plastic Composites after a Low-Velocity Impact. Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 31 (6), 1869-1888.  
bullet iconMou H, Chen Y, Feng Z and Liu H (2024). Damage and energy absorption behavior of CFRP/aluminum hybrid open-section thin-walled columns subjected to quasi-static loading. Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 197 
bullet iconWang H, Ding Z, Chen X, Liu H and Li N (2024). Experimental characterisation and constitutive modelling of the intra-ply tensile and shear properties of unidirectional fibre reinforced thermoplastics (UD FRTPs) under solid-state stamp forming conditions. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 179 
bullet iconZhang D, Zhang C, Qi J, Zhou J, Zheng X and Liu H (2024). Experimental and numerical studies on filled-hole compression of FRP laminates considering different countersunk hole configurations. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier vol. 417 
bullet iconTüfekci M, Baytak T, Bulut O, Pir İ, Arat SA, Özkal B, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L (2024). Nonlinear behaviour of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites: an integrated experimental and computational analysis. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Taylor & Francis vol. 52 (9), 6858-6888.  


bullet iconZhang D, Zhang W, Zhou J, Zheng X, Wang J and Liu H (2023). Numerical investigation of the low-velocity impact damage resistance and tolerance of composite laminates with preloads. Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 142 
bullet iconZhang W, Zhang D, Zhou J, Qi J, Zhao W, Yang S, Dear JP and Liu H (2023). Damage mechanisms of composite laminates under impact loading including the effect of pre-load. Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 191 
bullet iconDing Y, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Brooks RA, Liu H, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2023). Damage and energy absorption behaviour of composite laminates under impact loading using different impactor geometries. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 321 
bullet iconKong X, Zhou H, Zheng C, Zhu Z, Wu W, Guan Z, Dear JP and Liu H (2023). Dynamic response and failure behaviour of thermoplastic fibre–metal​ laminates subjected to confined blast load. Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 187, 110760-110760.  
bullet iconHall ZEC, Liu J, Brooks RA, Liu H and Dear JP (2023). Impact Testing on the Pristine and Repaired Composite Materials for Aerostructures. Applied Mechanics, MDPI vol. 4 (2), 421-444.  
bullet iconZhou J, Liu H, Dear JP, Falzon BG and Kazancı Z (2023). Comparison of different quasi-static loading conditions of additively manufactured composite hexagonal and auxetic cellular structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier vol. 244 
bullet iconTüfekci M, Özkal B, Maharaj C, Liu H, Dear JP and Salles L (2023). Strain-rate-dependent mechanics and impact performance of epoxy-based nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 233 
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Hall ZEC, Brooks RA, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2023). Modelling the effects of patch-plug configuration on the impact performance of patch-repaired composite laminates. Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 233, 109917-109917.  


bullet iconLiu H, Zhou J, Zhang D, Li S and Giannopoulos I (2022). Effects of contact friction and ply blocking on the crush behaviour of thin-walled composite structures: A numerical study. Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier vol. 182, 110214-110214.  
bullet iconLiu H, Brooks RA, Hall ZEC, Liu J, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2022). Experimental and numerical investigations on the impact behaviour of pristine and patch-repaired composite laminates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 380 (2232), 20210340-20210340.  
bullet iconWeizhou WU, Shipeng LI, Xuda QIN, Wentao LIU, Xin CUI, Hao LI, Mengrui SHI and Haibao LIU (2022). Effects of fiber orientation on tool wear evolution and wear mechanism when cutting carbon fiber reinforced plastics. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Elsevier vol. 36 (5), 549-565.  
bullet iconLiu H, Zhou J, Kong X and Li S (2022). Fracture behaviour of fibre-reinforced composite materials subjected to shear loading: An experimental and numerical study. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 6 (1), 108-116.  
bullet iconHall ZEC, Liu J, Brooks RA, Liu H, Crocker JWM, Joesbury AM, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2022). The effectiveness of patch repairs to restore the impact properties of carbon-fibre reinforced-plastic composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 270, 108570-108570.  
bullet iconLiu J, Tang X, Li S, Qin X, Li H, Wu W, Srijana Y, Liu W and Liu H (2022). Optimization of multi-tooth milling tool for interlaminar damage suppression in the milling of carbon fiber–reinforced polymers. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer vol. 121 (1-2), 1235-1251.  
bullet iconBrooks RA, Wang H, Ding Z, Xu J, Song Q, Liu H, Dear JP and Li N (2022). A review on stamp forming of continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastics. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 5 (3), 411-430.  
bullet iconZhang D, Zheng X, Zhou J, Song X, Jia P, Liu H and Liu X (2022). Effect of Braiding Architectures on the Mechanical and Failure Behavior of 3D Braided Composites: Experimental Investigation. Polymers, MDPI vol. 14 (9) 
bullet iconLi Y, Chen X, Zhou J, Liu X, Zhang D, Du F, He W, Jia P and Liu H (2022). A review of high‐velocity impact on fiber‐reinforced textile composites: Potential for aero engine applications. International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics, Wiley Open Access vol. 2 (1), 50-64.  
bullet iconZheng J, Maharaj C, Liu J, Chai H, Liu H and Dear JP (2022). A Comparative Study on the Failure Criteria for Predicting the Damage Initiation in Fiber-Reinforced Composites. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Springer vol. 58 (1), 125-140.  


bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Zhou J, Kong X, Li S, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2021). Modelling the quasi-static flexural behaviour of composite sandwich structures with uniform- and graded-density foam cores. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 259, 108121-108121.  
bullet iconWang H, Liu H, Ding Z and Li N (2021). Experimental and constitutive modelling studies of semicrystalline thermoplastics under solid-state stamp forming conditions. Polymer, MDPI vol. 228, 123939-123939.  
bullet iconHu P, Yang S, Zheng F, Yuan Y, Wang T, Li S, Liu H and Dear JP (2021). Accurate and dynamic 3D shape measurement with digital image correlation-assisted phase shifting. Measurement Science and Technology, IOP Publishing vol. 32 (7) 
bullet iconKaboglu C, Liu J, Liu H, Russo P, Simeoli G, Lopresto V, Dear JP and Maharaj C (2021). The Effect of a Coupling Agent on the Impact Behavior of Flax Fiber Composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ASME International vol. 143 (3) 
bullet iconZhang P, Kong X, Wang Z, Zheng C, Liu H, Shi G, Dear JP and Wu W (2021). High velocity projectile impact of a composite rubber/aluminium fluid-filled container. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 4 (1), 1-8.  


bullet iconZheng C, Wang Y, Kong X, Zhou H, Liu H and Wu W (2020). Predicting the Deflection of Square Plates Subjected to Fully Confined Blast Loading. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, MDPI vol. 8 (12) 
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zheng J, Luo L, Kong X, Zhou J, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2020). Modelling the effect of projectile hardness on the impact response of a woven carbon-fibre reinforced thermoplastic-matrix composite. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 3 (4), 403-415.  
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Hall ZE, Kong X, Zhou J, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2020). A three-dimensional elastic-plastic damage model for predicting the impact behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymer-matrix composites. Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 201 
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zheng J, Kong X, Zhou J, Harper L, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2020). The behaviour of thermoplastic and thermoset carbon fibre composites subjected to low-velocity and high-velocity impact. Journal of Materials Science, Springer Nature vol. 55 (33), 15741-15768.  
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zhou J, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ, Falzon BG and Dear JP (2020). Effects of Impactor Geometry on the Low-Velocity Impact Behaviour of Fibre-Reinforced Composites: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 27 (5), 533-553.  
bullet iconZhang R, Han D, Yu G, Wang H, Liu H, Yu H and Li J (2020). Bionic research on spikes based on the tractive characteristics of ostrich foot toenail. SIMULATION, SAGE Publications vol. 96 (9), 713-723.  
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Chai H, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2020). Experimental investigations on the effects of projectile hardness on the impact response of fibre-reinforced composite laminates. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Elsevier vol. 3 (2), 77-87.  
bullet iconLiu Y, Li S, Li H, Qin X, Xing Y and Liu H (2020). The design and performance evaluation of assisted chip removal system in helical milling of CFRP/Ti stacks. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer Nature vol. 108 (5-6), 1297-1308.  
bullet iconZhang X, Liu H, Maharaj C, Zheng M, Mohagheghian I, Zhang G, Yan Y and Dear JP (2020). Impact response of laminated glass with varying interlayer materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 139 
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Zhou J, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2020). The behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites subjected to a soft impact-loading: An experimental and numerical study. 
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Ding Y, Zhou J, Kong X, Harper LT, Blackman BRK, Falzon BG and Dear JP (2020). Modelling damage in fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composite laminates subjected to three-point bend loading. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 236 
bullet iconXiang N, Zhang X, Zheng M, Ge Y, Wang T, Liu H, Maharaj C, Dear JP and Yan Y (2020). Microstructure and tensile properties of injection molded thermoplastic polyurethane with different melt temperatures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley vol. 137 (29) 


bullet iconKong X, Zhou H, Zheng C, Liu H, Wu W, Guan Z and Dear JP (2019). An experimental study on the mitigation effects of fine water mist on confined-blast loading and dynamic response of steel plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 134 
bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG and Dear JP (2019). An experimental and numerical study on the crush behaviour of hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier vol. 164 
bullet iconLiu J, Liu H, Kaboglu C, Kong X, Ding Y, Chai H, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2019). The Impact Performance of Woven-Fabric Thermoplastic and Thermoset Composites Subjected to High-Velocity Soft- and Hard-Impact Loading. Applied Composite Materials, Springer Nature vol. 26 (5-6), 1389-1410.  
bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG, Li S, Tan W, Liu J, Chai H, Blackman BRK and Dear JP (2019). Compressive failure of woven fabric reinforced thermoplastic composites with an open-hole: An experimental and numerical study. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 213, 108-117.  
bullet iconLiu H, Liu J, Kaboglu C, Chai H, Kong X, Blackman BRK, Kinloch AJ and Dear JP (2019). Experimental and numerical studies on the behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites subjected to soft impact loading. 


bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG, Catalanotti G and Tan W (2018). An experimental method to determine the intralaminar fracture toughness of high-strength carbon-fibre reinforced composite aerostructures. The Aeronautical Journal, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 122 (1255), 1352-1370.  
bullet iconRolfe E, Quinn R, Sancho A, Kaboglu C, Johnson A, Liu H, Hooper PA, Dear JP and Arora H (2018). Blast resilience of composite sandwich panels with hybrid glass-fibre and carbon-fibre skins. Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, Springer Nature vol. 1 (3), 197-210.  
bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG and Tan W (2018). Experimental and numerical studies on the impact response of damage-tolerant hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates. Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 136, 101-118.  
bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG and Tan W (2018). Predicting the Compression-After-Impact (CAI) strength of damage-tolerant hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 105, 189-202.  


bullet iconFalzon BG, Liu H and Tan W (2017). Comment on “A tensorial based progressive damage model for fibre reinforced polymers”. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 176, 877-882.  


bullet iconTan W, Falzon BG, Price M and Liu H (2016). The role of material characterisation in the crush modelling of thermoplastic composite structures. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 153, 914-927.  
bullet iconLiu H, Falzon BG and Tan W (2016). An experimental method to determine the longitudinal intralaminar fracture toughness of high tensile strength fibre-reinforced unidirectional composites. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconUnderstanding crack arrest mechanisms in natural resilient materials for efficient bionic design
Haibao Liu
£11,980 Royal Society (01-01-2025 - 31-12-2026)
solid heart iconPANORAMIC: Physicochemical and mechanical studies of agricultural waste-based materials in South Africa and Zambia for sustainable packaging
Haibao Liu
£143,184 Royal Society (13-12-2024 - 12-12-2027)
solid heart iconThe Architecture of Photosynthesis
Haibao Liu
£13,846 Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) (01-05-2024 - 30-09-2026)