Dr Andrew Buchan

Andrew Buchan

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Science

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Computational Physics, Reactor Physics, Finite Elements


I specialise in developing computational methods for multi-physics modelling of radiation, fluid flow, and heat transfer, with applications in nuclear engineering, environmental flows, pollution dispersion, ultraviolet-C light for disease removal in air, and chemical removal in drinking water. I have over 20 years of research experience in developing numerical methods, spanning finite elements, control volume, adaptive resolution, Krylov solvers, multi-grid, reduced-order models, sub-grid models, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, and AI-based modelling. I have developed several frameworks, including FETCH and FETCH2, which are multi-physics codes for nuclear modelling based at Imperial College London, and Wyvern, a coupled radiation-fluid flow simulator for assessing ultraviolet light inactivation of diseases in air and water. I have secured over £8 million in research funding, including an EPSRC early career research fellowship.