Masanori Hanada

Masanori Hanada

Senior Lecturer

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


Quantum Field Theory, Strongly Coupled Quantum System, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Simulation, Artificial Intelligence


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Ohata H, Shimada H and Watanabe H (2024). Partial deconfinement in QCD at N = 3 and N = ∞. 
Relevant PublicationBergner G, Gautam V, Hanada M and Holden J (2024). Wilson loops and random matrices. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (7) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Jevicki A, Liu X, Rinaldi E and Tezuka M (2024). A model of randomly-coupled Pauli spins. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (5) 
Relevant PublicationBergner G, Hanada M, Rinaldi E and Schäfer A (2024). Toward QCD on quantum computer: orbifold lattice approach. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (5) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Ohata H, Shimada H and Watanabe H (2024). A New Perspective on Thermal Transition in QCD. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2024 (4) 
bullet iconBergner G, Gautam V and Hanada M (2024). Color confinement and random matrices. A random walk down group manifold toward Casimir scaling. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2024 (3), 13-13.  
bullet iconHanada M and Watanabe H (2024). On Thermal Transition in QCD. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2024 (4) 


bullet iconHanada M, Liu J, Rinaldi E and Tezuka M (2023). Estimating truncation effects of quantum bosonic systems using sampling algorithms. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, IOP Publishing vol. 4 (4) 
bullet iconBauer CW, Davoudi Z, Balantekin AB, Bhattacharya T, Carena M, de Jong WA, Draper P, El-Khadra A, Gemelke N, Hanada M, Kharzeev D, Lamm H, Li Y-Y, Liu J, Lukin M, Meurice Y, Monroe C, Nachman B, Pagano G, Preskill J, et al. (2023). Quantum Simulation for High-Energy Physics. PRX Quantum, American Physical Society vol. 4 (2), 027001-027001.  
bullet iconGautam V, Hanada M, Holden J and Rinaldi E (2023). Linear confinement in the partially-deconfined phase. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2023 (3), 195-195.  
bullet iconPateloudis S, Bergner G, Hanada M, Rinaldi E, Schäfer A, Vranas P, Watanabe H and Bodendorfer N (2023). Precision test of gauge/gravity duality in D0-brane matrix model at low temperature. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2023 (3), 71-71.  
bullet iconTezuka M, Oktay O, Rinaldi E, Hanada M and Nori F (2023). Binary-coupling sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: An improved model of quantum chaos and holography. Physical review B, American Physical Society vol. 107 (8), l081103-l081103.  
bullet iconGautam V, Hanada M, Jevicki A and Peng C (2023). Matrix entanglement. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2023 (1), 3-3.  


bullet iconHanada M (2022). Large-N limit as a second quantization. Proceedings of Corfu Summer Institute 2021 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity"— PoS(CORFU2021)
bullet iconHanada M and Watanabe H (2022). Partial deconfinement: a brief overview. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Springer Nature vol. 232 (3), 333-337.  
bullet iconPateloudis S, Bergner G, Bodendorfer N, Hanada M, Rinaldi E and Schäfer A (2022). Nonperturbative test of the Maldacena-Milekhin conjecture for the BMN matrix model. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2022 (8), 178-178.  
bullet iconBergner G, Bodendorfer N, Hanada M, Pateloudis S, Rinaldi E, Schäfer A, Vranas P and Watanabe H (2022). Confinement/deconfinement transition in the D0-brane matrix model — A signature of M-theory? Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2022 (5), 96-96.  
bullet iconHanada M, Holden J, Knaggs M and O’Bannon A (2022). Global symmetries and partial confinement. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2022 (3), 118-118.  
bullet iconRinaldi E, Han X, Hassan M, Feng Y, Nori F, McGuigan M and Hanada M (2022). Matrix-Model Simulations Using Quantum Computing, Deep Learning, and Lattice Monte Carlo. PRX Quantum, American Physical Society vol. 3 (1), 010324-010324.  


bullet iconBuser AJ, Gharibyan H, Hanada M, Honda M and Liu J (2021). Quantum simulation of gauge theory via orbifold lattice. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2021 (9), 34-34.  
bullet iconHanada M, Shimada H and Wintergerst N (2021). Color confinement and Bose-Einstein condensation. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (8) 
bullet iconGharibyan H, Hanada M, Honda M and Liu J (2021). Toward simulating superstring/M-theory on a quantum computer. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (7) 
bullet iconHanada M (2021). Bulk geometry in gauge/gravity duality and color degrees of freedom. Physical Review D, American Physical Society vol. 103 (10), 106007-106007.  
Relevant PublicationAlet F, Hanada M, Jevicki A and Peng C (2021). Entanglement and confinement in coupled quantum systems. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (2) 
Relevant PublicationWatanabe H, Bergner G, Bodendorfer N, Funai SS, Hanada M, Rinaldi E, Schäfer A and Vranas P (2021). Partial deconfinement at strong coupling on the lattice. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (2) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M and Robinson B (2020). Partial-symmetry-breaking phase transitions. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 102 (9) 
Relevant PublicationGharibyan H, Hanada M, Swingle B and Tezuka M (2020). Characterization of quantum chaos by two-point correlation functions. Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 102 (2) 
Relevant PublicationBergner G, Bodendorfer N, Hanada M, Rinaldi E, Schäfer A and Vranas P (2020). Thermal phase transition in Yang-Mills matrix model. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2020 (1) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Jevicki A, Peng C and Wintergerst N (2019). Anatomy of deconfinement. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (12) 
Relevant PublicationGharibyan H, Hanada M, Swingle B and Tezuka M (2019). Quantum Lyapunov spectrum. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (4) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Ishiki G and Watanabe H (2019). Partial Deconfinement. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (3) 
Relevant PublicationBuividovich PV, Hanada M and Schäfer A (2019). Quantum chaos, thermalization, and entanglement generation in real-time simulations of the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind matrix model. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 99 (4) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Romatschke P (2019). Real time quantum gravity dynamics from classical statistical Yang-Mills simulations. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (1) 


Relevant PublicationGharibyan H, Hanada M, Shenker SH and Tezuka M (2018). Onset of random matrix behavior in scrambling systems. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2018 (7) 
Relevant PublicationBerkowitz E, Hanada M, Rinaldi E and Vranas P (2018). Gauged and ungauged: a nonperturbative test. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2018 (6) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Kadoh D, Matsuura S and Sugino F (2018). O ( a ) improvement of 2D N = ( 2 , 2 ) lattice SYM theory. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 929, 266-297.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Shimada H and Tezuka M (2018). Universality in chaos: Lyapunov spectrum and random matrix theory. Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 97 (2) 
Relevant PublicationRinaldi E, Berkowitz E, Hanada M, Maltz J and Vranas P (2018). Toward holographic reconstruction of bulk geometry from lattice simulations. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2018 (2) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M and Romatschke P (2017). Lattice simulations of 10d Yang-Mills toroidally compactified to 1d, 2d, and 4d. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 96 (9) 
Relevant PublicationDanshita I, Hanada M and Tezuka M (2017). Creating and probing the Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev model with ultracold gases: Towards experimental studies of quantum gravity. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2017 (8) 
Relevant PublicationCotler JS, Gur-Ari G, Hanada M, Polchinski J, Saad P, Shenker SH, Stanford D, Streicher A and Tezuka M (2017). Black holes and random matrices. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2017 (5) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Maltz J (2017). A proposal of the gauge theory description of the small Schwarzschild black hole in AdS5 × S5. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2017 (2) 


Relevant PublicationBerkowitz E, Hanada M and Maltz J (2016). Chaos in matrix models and black hole evaporation. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 94 (12) 
Relevant PublicationBerkowitz E, Rinaldi E, Hanada M, Ishiki G, Shimasaki S and Vranas P (2016). Precision lattice test of the gauge/gravity duality at large N. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 94 (9) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hyakutake Y, Ishiki G and Nishimura J (2016). Numerical tests of the gauge/gravity duality conjecture for D0-branes at finite temperature and finite N. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 94 (8) 
Relevant PublicationBerkowitz E, Hanada M and Maltz J (2016). A microscopic description of black hole evaporation via holography. International Journal of Modern Physics D, World Scientific Publishing vol. 25 (12) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M (2016). What lattice theorists can do for superstring/M-theory. International Journal of Modern Physics A, World Scientific Publishing vol. 31 (22) 
Relevant PublicationGur-Ari G, Hanada M and Shenker SH (2016). Chaos in classical D0-brane mechanics. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (2) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Matsuo Y and Morita T (2015). Instanton dynamics in finite temperature QCD via holography. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 899, 631-650.  
Relevant PublicationAoki S, Hanada M and Iizuka N (2015). Quantum black hole formation in the BFSS matrix model. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (7) 
Relevant PublicationAoki S, Hanada M and Nakamura A (2015). Taming the pion condensation in QCD at finite baryon density: a numerical test in a random matrix model. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (5) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Shimada H (2015). On the continuity of the commutative limit of the 4d N=4 non-commutative super Yang–Mills theory. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 892, 449-474.  


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Maltz J and Susskind L (2014). Deconfinement transition as black hole formation by the condensation of QCD strings. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 90 (10) 
Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hanada M, Honda M, Matsuo Y and Shiba S (2014). A new look at instantons and large-N limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2014 (5) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hyakutake Y, Ishiki G and Nishimura J (2014). Holographic description of a quantum black hole on a computer. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) vol. 344 (6186), 882-885.  


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Lee J-W and Yamada N (2013). Large-Nc gauge theory and chiral random matrix theory. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 88 (2) 
Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Fujita M and Hanada M (2013). From the Planar Limit to M Theory. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (12) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Matsuo Y and Yamamoto N (2012). Sign problem and phase quenching in finite-density QCD: Models, holography, and lattice. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 86 (7) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hoyos C, Karch A and Yaffe LG (2012). Holographic realization of large-Nc orbifold equivalence with non-zero chemical potential. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (8) 
Relevant PublicationFujita M, Hanada M and Hoyos C (2012). New large-N limit and the planar equivalence outside the planar limit. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 86 (2) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Honda M, Honma Y, Nishimura J, Shiba S and Yoshida Y (2012). Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (5) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Matsuura S and Sugino F (2012). Non-perturbative construction of 2D and 4D supersymmetric Yang–Mills theories with 8 supercharges. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 857 (3), 335-361.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Yamamoto N (2012). Universality of Phases in QCD and QCD-like Theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (2) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hoyos C and Shimada H (2012). On a new type of orbifold equivalence and M-theoretic AdS4/CFT3 duality. Physics Letters B, Elsevier vol. 707 (3-4), 394-397.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hoyos C and Karch A (2012). Generating new dualities through the orbifold equivalence: a demonstration in ABJM and four-dimensional quivers. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (1) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Nishimura J, Sekino Y and Yoneya T (2011). Direct test of the gauge-gravity correspondence for Matrix theory correlation functions. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (12) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Matsuura S and Sugino F (2011). Two-Dimensional Lattice for Four-Dimensional = 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 126 (4), 597-611.  
Relevant PublicationCherman A, Hanada M and Robles-Llana D (2011). Orbifold Equivalence and the Sign Problem at Finite Baryon Density. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 106 (9) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Matsuura S, Nishimura J and Robles-Llana D (2011). Nonperturbative studies of supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics with 4 and 8 supercharges at finite temperature. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (2) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Kanamori I (2011). Absence of sign problem in two-dimensional super Yang-Mills on lattice. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (1) 


Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hanada M, Ünsal M and Yacoby R (2010). Large-N reduction in QCD-like theories with massive adjoint fermions. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 82 (12) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M (2010). A proposal of a fine tuning free formulation of 4d $$ \mathcal{N} = 4 $$ super Yang-Mills. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2010 (11) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Nishimura J, Sekino Y and Yoneya T (2010). Monte Carlo Studies of Matrix Theory Correlation Functions. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 104 (15) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Mannelli L and Matsuo Y (2009). Four-dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills theory from a matrix model. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 80 (12) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Mannelli L and Matsuo Y (2009). Large-N reduced models of supersymmetric quiver, Chern-Simons gauge theories and ABJM. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2009 (11) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Kanamori I (2009). Lattice study of two-dimensional N=(2,2) super Yang-Mills theory at large N. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 80 (6) 
Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hanada M, Kawai H and Matsuo Y (2009). Worldsheet analysis of gauge/gravity dualities. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 816 (1-2), 278-292.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hyakutake Y, Nishimura J and Takeuchi S (2009). Higher Derivative Corrections to Black Hole Thermodynamics from Supersymmetric Matrix Quantum Mechanics. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 102 (19) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M, Miwa A, Nishimura J and Takeuchi S (2009). Schwarzschild Radius from Monte Carlo Calculation of the Wilson Loop in Supersymmetric Matrix Quantum Mechanics. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 102 (18) 
Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hanada M, Hirata T and Shimada H (2009). On the shape of a D-brane bound state and its topology change. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2009 (03) 
Relevant PublicationBerenstein DE, Hanada M and Hartnoll SA (2009). Multi-matrix models and emergent geometry. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2009 (02) 


Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hanada M and Hirata T (2008). On matrix model formulations of noncommutative Yang-Mills theories. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 78 (10) 
bullet iconNishimura J (2008). Putting M theory on a computer. Proceedings of The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE 2007)
bullet iconIshikawa T (2008). Phase structure of twisted Eguchi-Kawai model. Proceedings of The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE 2007)
Relevant PublicationAnagnostopoulos KN, Hanada M, Nishimura J and Takeuchi S (2008). Monte Carlo Studies of Supersymmetric Matrix Quantum Mechanics with Sixteen Supercharges at Finite Temperature. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 100 (2) 
Relevant PublicationAzeyanagi T, Hirata T, Hanada M and Ishikawa T (2008). Phase structure of twisted Eguchi-Kawai model. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2008 (01) 


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Nishimura J and Takeuchi S (2007). Nonlattice Simulation for Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in One Dimension. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 99 (16) 
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Nishioka T (2007). Cascade of Gregory-Laflamme transitions and U(1) breakdown in super Yang-Mills. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2007 (09) 
bullet iconFuruta K, Hanada M, Kawai H and Kimura Y (2007). Field equations of massless fields in the new interpretation of the matrix model. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 767 (1-2), 82-99.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M and Kubo F (2007). String Tension and String Susceptibility in Two-Dimensional Generalized Weingarten Model. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 117 (2), 379-393.  


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Kanai T, Kawai H and Kubo F (2006). Phase Structure of the Large-N Reduced Gauge Theory and the Generalized Weingarten Model. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 115 (6), 1167-1177.  
Relevant PublicationHanada M (2006). Regularization of the Covariant Derivative on Curved Space by Finite Matrices. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 115 (6), 1189-1209.  
bullet iconHanada M, Kawai H and Kimura Y (2006). Curved Superspaces and Local Supersymmetry in Supermatrix Model. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 115 (5), 1003-1025.  


bullet iconHanada M, Kawai H and Kimura Y (2005). Describing Curved Spaces by Matrices. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 114 (6), 1295-1316.  
Relevant PublicationBal S, Hanada M, Kawai H and Kubo F (2005). Fuzzy torus in matrix model. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 727 (1-2), 196-217.  


Relevant PublicationHanada M, Hayakawa M, Ishibashi N, Kawai H, Kuroki T, Matsuo Y and Tada T (2004). Loops versus Matrices. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 112 (1), 131-181.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation
solid heart iconSTFC New Applicant Scheme: Fundamental Implications of Fields, Strings and Gravity
Masanori Hanada
£9,960 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2026)
solid heart iconInternational Exchanges 2021-GRANT TRANSFER
Masanori Hanada
£6,846 Royal Society (01-07-2023 - 06-03-2025)

solid heart iconComputational approach to quantum gravity via holography
Masanori Hanada
£28,573 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-07-2023 - 18-10-2023)