Dr Thomas Haworth

Thomas Haworth

Reader in Astrophysics
Admissions Lead for MSc Astrophysics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Planet formation, Star formation, Radiative Transfer, Hydrodynamics, Astrophysics, Protoplanetary disks


I work on a wide range of problems involving radiative transfer and hydrodynamics. In particular my main focus is on the impact of radiation environment on planet-forming disks and the resulting planet populations. That work is funded by the Royal Society and UKRI/ERC.

I am also involved in a UV space telescope concept called Eos led from the US.

I also work with colleagues in SBBS/DERI on new astrobiology work on photosynthesis on exoplanets.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Fundamental Physics


Relevant PublicationMaucó K, Manara CF, Bayo A, Hernández J, Campbell-White J, Calvet N, Ballabio G, Aru ML, Alcalá JM, Ansdell M, Briceno C, Facchini S, Haworth TJ, McClure M and Williams JP (2024). A new look at disk winds and external photoevaporation in the σ-Orionis cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences 
Relevant PublicationAru M-L, Maucó K, Manara CF, Haworth TJ, Ballering N, Boyden R, Campbell-White J, Facchini S, Rosotti GP, Winter A, Miotello A, McLeod AF, Robberto M, Petr-Gotzens MG, Ballabio G, Vicente S, Ansdell M and Cleeves LI (2024). A tell-tale tracer for externally irradiated protoplanetary disks: Comparing the [C I] 8727 Å line and ALMA observations in proplyds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 692 
Relevant PublicationBurkhart B, Bialy S, Seifried D, Walch S, Hamden E, Haworth TJ, Hoadley K, Kong S, Johnson M, Jeffreson S, Krumholz MR, Lee M-Y, Sternberg A and Turner NJ (2024). The Molecular Cloud Life Cycle. II. Formation and Destruction of Molecular Clouds Diagnosed via H2 Fluorescent Emission. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 975 (2) 
Relevant PublicationChitnavis S, Gray C, Rousouli I, Gillen E, Mullineaux CW, Haworth TJ and Duffy CDP (2024). Optimizing photosynthetic light-harvesting under stars: simple and general antenna models. Photosynthesis Research, Springer Nature vol. 162 (1), 75-92.  
Relevant PublicationGoicoechea JR, Le Bourlot J, Black JH, Alarcón F, Bergin EA, Berné O, Bron E, Canin A, Chapillon E, Chown R, Dartois E, Gerin M, Habart E, Haworth TJ, Joblin C, Kannavou O, Le Petit F, Onaka T, Peeters E, Pety J, et al. (2024). PDRs4All. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 689 
bullet iconHamden ET, Schiminovich D, Turner NJ, Burkhart B, Haworth TJ, Arulanantham N, Chung H, Kong S, Hoadley K, Willacy K, Dharmawardena T, Kim JS, Bialy S, Lee M-Y, Smith M and Luthman E (2024). Eos: a FUV spectroscopic mission to observe molecular hydrogen in molecular clouds. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray
Relevant Publicationde Wit J, Doyon R, Rackham BV, Lim O, Ducrot E, Kreidberg L, Benneke B, Ribas I, Berardo D, Niraula P, Iyer A, Shapiro A, Kostogryz N, Witzke V, Gillon M, Agol E, Meadows V, Burgasser AJ, Owen JE, Fortney JJ, et al. (2024). A roadmap for the atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets with JWST. Nature Astronomy, Springer Nature vol. 8 (7), 810-818.  
Relevant PublicationAru M-L, Maucó K, Manara CF, Haworth TJ, Facchini S, McLeod AF, Miotello A, Petr-Gotzens MG, Robberto M, Rosotti GP, Vicente S, Winter A and Ansdell M (2024). Kaleidoscope of irradiated disks: MUSE observations of proplyds in the Orion Nebula Cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 687 
Relevant PublicationBerné O, Habart E, Peeters E, Schroetter I, Canin A, Sidhu A, Chown R, Bron E, Haworth TJ, Klaassen P, Trahin B, Van De Putte D, Alarcón F, Zannese M, Abergel A, Bergin EA, Bernard-Salas J, Boersma C, Cami J, Cuadrado S, et al. (2024). A far-ultraviolet–driven photoevaporation flow observed in a protoplanetary disk. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) vol. 383 (6686), 988-992.  
Relevant PublicationMiley JM, Carpenter J, Booth R, Jennings J, Haworth TJ, Vioque M, Andrews S, Wilner D, Benisty M, Huang J, Perez L, Guzman V, Ricci L and Isella A (2024). High-resolution ALMA observations of compact discs in the wide-binary system Sz 65 and Sz 66★. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 682 
Relevant PublicationGárate M, Pinilla P, Haworth TJ and Facchini S (2024). The external photoevaporation of structured protoplanetary disks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 681 


Relevant PublicationMaucó K, Manara CF, Ansdell M, Bettoni G, Claes R, Alcala J, Miotello A, Facchini S, Haworth TJ, Lodato G and Williams JP (2023). Testing external photoevaporation in the σ-Orionis cluster with spectroscopy and disk mass measurements★ (Corrigendum). Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 680 
Relevant PublicationRamírez-Tannus MC, Bik A, Cuijpers L, Waters R, Göppl C, Henning T, Kamp I, Preibisch T, Getman KV, Chaparro G, Cuartas-Restrepo P, de Koter A, Feigelson ED, Grant SL, Haworth TJ, Hernández S, Kuhn MA, Perotti G, Povich MS, Reiter M, et al. (2023). XUE: Molecular Inventory in the Inner Region of an Extremely Irradiated Protoplanetary Disk. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 958 (2) 
Relevant PublicationColeman GAL, Mroueh JK and Haworth TJ (2023). Photoevaporation obfuscates the distinction between wind and viscous angular momentum transport in protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 527 (3), 7588-7602.  
Relevant PublicationMaucó K, Manara CF, Ansdell M, Bettoni G, Claes R, Alcala J, Miotello A, Facchini S, Haworth TJ, Lodato G and Williams JP (2023). Testing external photoevaporation in the σ-Orionis cluster with spectroscopy and disk mass measurements. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 679 
Relevant PublicationReiter M, Haworth TJ, Manara CF, Ramsay S, Klaassen PD, Itrich D and McLeod AF (2023). Illuminating evaporating protostellar outflows: ERIS/SPIFFIER reveals the dissociation and ionization of HH 900. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 527 (2), 3220-3230.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Coleman GAL, Qiao L, Sellek AD and Askari K (2023). fried v2: a new grid of mass-loss rates for externally irradiated protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 526 (3), 4315-4334.  
Relevant PublicationDuffy CDP, Canchon G, Haworth TJ, Gillen E, Chitnavis S and Mullineaux CW (2023). Photosynthesis under a red Sun: predicting the absorption characteristics of an extraterrestrial light-harvesting antenna. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 526 (2), 2265-2277.  
Relevant PublicationBallering NP, Cleeves LI, Haworth TJ, Bally J, Eisner JA, Ginsburg A, Boyden RD, Fang M and Kim JS (2023). Isolating Dust and Free-Free Emission in ONC Proplyds with ALMA Band 3 Observations. Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 954 (2) 
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Reiter M, O'Dell CR, Zeidler P, Berne O, Manara CF, Ballabio G, Kim JS, Bally J, Goicoechea JR, Aru ML, Gupta A and Miotello A (2023). The VLT MUSE NFM view of outflows and externally photoevaporating discs near the orion bar. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 525 (3), 4129-4142.  
Relevant PublicationQiao L, Coleman GAL and Haworth TJ (2023). Planet formation via pebble accretion in externally photoevaporating discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 522 (2), 1939-1950.  


Relevant PublicationHamden ET, Schiminovich D, Nikzad S, Turner NJ, Burkhart B, Haworth TJ, Hoadley K, Serena Kim J, Bialy S, Bryden G, Chung H, Imara N, Kennicutt R, Pineda J, Kong S, Hasegawa Y, Pascucci I, Godard B, Krumholz M, Lee MY, et al. (2022). Hyperion: The origin of the stars. A far UV space telescope for high-resolution spectroscopy over wide fields. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers vol. 8 (4) 
Relevant PublicationBallabio G, Haworth TJ and Henney WJ (2022). [O i ] 6300 Å emission as a probe of external photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 518 (4), 5563-5575.  
Relevant PublicationWinter AJ and Haworth TJ (2022). The external photoevaporation of planet-forming discs. The European Physical Journal Plus, Springer Nature vol. 137 (10) 
Relevant PublicationReiter M, Morse JA, Smith N, Haworth TJ, Kuhn MA and Klaassen PD (2022). Deep diving off the 'Cosmic Cliffs': previously hidden outflows in NGC 3324 revealed by JWST. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 517 (4), 5382-5405.  
Relevant PublicationGreen S, MacKey J, Kavanagh P, Haworth TJ, Moutzouri M and Gvaramadze VV (2022). Thermal emission from bow shocks: II. 3D magnetohydrodynamic models of ζ Ophiuchi. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 665 
Relevant PublicationWinter AJ, Haworth TJ, Coleman GAL and Nayakshin S (2022). The growth and migration of massive planets under the influence of external photoevaporation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society vol. 515 (3), 4287-4301.  
Relevant PublicationColeman GAL and Haworth TJ (2022). Dispersal of protoplanetary discs: how stellar properties and the local environment determine the pathway of evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society vol. 514 (2), 2315-2332.  
Relevant PublicationCyganowski CJ, Ilee JD, Brogan CL, Hunter TR, Zhang S, Harries TJ and Haworth TJ (2022). Discovery of a 500 au Protobinary in the Massive Prestellar Core G11.92–0.61 MM2. Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 931 (2), l31-l31.  
Relevant PublicationMackey J, Green S, Moutzouri M, Haworth TJ, Kavanagh RD, Celeste M, Brose R and Zargaryan D (2022). PION: Simulating bow shocks and circumstellar nebulae around massive stars. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 18 (S361), 510-512.  
Relevant PublicationQiao L, Haworth TJ, Sellek AD and Ali AA (2022). The evolution of protoplanetary discs in star formation and feedback simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society 
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Kim JS, Qiao L, Winter AJ, Williams JP, Clarke CJ, Owen JE, Facchini S, Ansdell M, Kama M and Ballabio G (2022). An APEX search for carbon emission from NGC 1977 proplyds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society 
Relevant PublicationHasegawa Y, Haworth TJ, Hoadley K, Kim JS, Goto H, Juzikenaite A, Turner NJ, Pascucci I and Hamden ET (2022). Determining Dispersal Mechanisms of Protoplanetary Disks Using Accretion and Wind Mass Loss Rates. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 926 (2) 


Relevant PublicationHenshaw JD, Krumholz MR, Butterfield NO, Mackey J, Ginsburg A, Haworth TJ, Nogueras-Lara F, Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Bally J, Kruijssen JMD, Mills EAC, Beuther H, Walker DL, Battersby C, Bulatek A, Henning T, Ott J and Soler JD (2021). A wind-blown bubble in the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 509 (4), 4758-4774.  
Relevant PublicationHoldship J, Viti S, Haworth TJ and Ilee JD (2021). Chemulator: Fast, accurate thermochemistry for dynamical models through emulation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 653 
Relevant Publicationvan den Ancker ME, Fusillo NPG, Haworth TJ, Manara CF, Miles-Páez PA, Oudmaijer RD, Panić O, de la Roche DJMPD, Petr-Gotzens MG and Vioque M (2021). First detection of a disk free of volatile elements around a young A-type star: A possible sign of collisions between rocky planets⋆. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 651 
Relevant PublicationMackey J, Green S, Moutzouri M, Haworth TJ, Kavanagh RD, Zargaryan D and Celeste M (2021). pion: simulating bow shocks and circumstellar nebulae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 504 (1), 983-1008.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ (2021). Warm millimetre dust in protoplanetary discs near massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) 
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Kim JS, Winter AJ, Hines DC, Clarke CJ, Sellek AD, Ballabio G and Stapelfeldt KR (2021). Proplyds in the flame nebula NGC 2024. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 501 (3), 3502-3514.  
Relevant PublicationHumphries J, Hall C, Haworth TJ and Nayakshin S (2021). Searching for wide-orbit gravitational instability protoplanets with ALMA in the dust continuum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 502 (1), 953-968.  


Relevant PublicationPanić O, Haworth TJ, Petr-Gotzens MG, Miley J, van den Ancker M, Vioque M, Siess L, Parker R, Clarke CJ, Kamp I, Kennedy G, Oudmaijer RD, Pascucci I, Richards AMS, Ratzka T and Qi C (2020). Planet formation in intermediate-separation binary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) 
Relevant PublicationAnsdell M, Haworth TJ, Williams JP, Facchini S, Winter A, Manara CF, Hacar A, Chiang E, van Terwisga S, van der Marel N and van Dishoeck EF (2020). An ALMA Survey of λ Orionis Disks: From Supernovae to Planet Formation. The Astronomical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 160 (6), 248-248.  
Relevant PublicationReiter M, Haworth TJ, Guzmán AE, Klaassen PD, McLeod AF and Garay G (2020). Illuminating a tadpole’s metamorphosis III: quantifying past and present environmental impact. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) 
Relevant PublicationColeman GAL and Haworth TJ (2020). Peter Pan discs: finding Neverland’s parameters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 496 (1), L111-L115.  
Relevant PublicationWinter AJ, Ansdell M, Haworth TJ and Kruijssen JMD (2020). Testing viscous disc theory using the balance between stellar accretion and external photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 497 (1), l40-l45.  
Relevant PublicationReiter M, Guzmán AE, Haworth TJ, Klaassen PD, McLeod AF, Garay G and Mottram JC (2020). Illuminating a tadpole's metamorphosis II: Observing the ongoing transformation with ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 496 (1), 394-414.  
Relevant PublicationMackey J, Green S, Moutzouri M, Haworth TJ, Kavanagh RD, Celeste M, Brose R, Zargaryan D and O’Rourke C (2020). PION: Simulations of Wind-Blown Nebulae. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 16 (S362), 262-267.  
Relevant PublicationTeague R, Jankovic MR, Haworth TJ, Qi C and Ilee JD (2020). A three-dimensional view of Gomez's hamburger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 495 (1), 451-459.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Cadman J, Meru F, Hall C, Albertini E, Forgan D, Rice K and Owen JE (2020). Massive discs around low-mass stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 494 (3), 4130-4148.  
Relevant PublicationCadman J, Rice K, Hall C, Haworth TJ and Biller B (2020). Fragmentation favoured in discs around higher mass stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 492 (4), 5041-5051.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ and Owen JE (2020). The observational anatomy of externally photoevaporating planet-forming discs - I. Atomic carbon. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 492 (4), 5030-5040.  


Relevant PublicationConcha-Ramirez F, Wilhelm MJC, Zwart SP and Haworth TJ (2019). External photoevaporation of circumstellar discs constrains the time-scale for planet formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 490 (4), 5678-5690.  
Relevant PublicationGreen S, Mackey J, Haworth TJ, Gvaramadze VV and Duffy P (2019). Thermal emission from bow shocks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 625, A4-A4.  
Relevant PublicationHarries TJ, Haworth TJ, Acreman D, Ali A and Douglas T (2019). The TORUS radiation transfer code. Astronomy and Computing, Elsevier BV vol. 27, 63-95.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ and Clarke CJ (2019). The first multidimensional view of mass loss from externally FUV irradiated protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 485 (3), 3895-3908.  
Relevant PublicationHenshaw JD, Ginsburg A, Haworth TJ, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Mills EAC, Sokolov V, Walker DL, Barnes AT, Contreras Y, Bally J, Battersby C, Beuther H, Butterfield N, Dale JE, Henning T, Jackson JM, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Ragan S, et al. (2019). ‘The Brick’ is not a brick: a comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 485 (2), 2457-2485.  
Relevant PublicationMiley JM, Panić O, Haworth TJ, Pascucci I, Wyatt M, Clarke C, Richards AMS and Ratzka T (2019). Asymmetric mid-plane gas in ALMA images of HD 100546. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 485 (1), 739-752.  
Relevant PublicationVandenbroucke B, Sartorio NS, Wood K, Lund K, Falceta-Gonçalves D, Haworth TJ, Bonnell I, Keto E and Tootill D (2019). Testing the stability of supersonic ionized Bondi accretion flows with radiation hydrodynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 485 (3), 3771-3782.  


Relevant PublicationIlee JD, Cyganowski CJ, Brogan CL, Hunter TR, Forgan DH, Haworth TJ, Clarke CJ and Harries TJ (2018). G11.92–0.61 MM 1: A Fragmented Keplerian Disk Surrounding a Proto-O Star. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 869 (2), L24-L24.  
Relevant PublicationJankovic MR, Haworth TJ, Ilee JD, Forgan DH, Cyganowski CJ, Walsh C, Brogan CL, Hunter TR and Mohanty S (2018). Observing substructure in circumstellar discs around massive young stellar objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 482 (4), 4673-4686.  
Relevant PublicationTorii K, Hattori Y, Matsuo M, Fujita S, Nishimura A, Kohno M, Kuriki M, Tsuda Y, Minamidani T, Umemoto T, Kuno N, Yoshiike S, Ohama A, Tachihara K, Fukui Y, Shima K, Habe A and Haworth TJ (2018). CO observations of the molecular gas in the Galactic H ii region Sh2-48: Evidence for cloud–cloud collision as a trigger of high-mass star formation. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Oxford University Press (OUP) 
Relevant PublicationWinter AJ, Clarke CJ, Rosotti G, Ih J, Facchini S and Haworth TJ (2018). Erratum to: Protoplanetary disc truncation mechanisms in stellar clusters: comparing external photoevaporation and tidal encounters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 480 (4), 5384-5384.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Clarke CJ, Rahman W, Winter AJ and Facchini S (2018). The FRIED grid of mass-loss rates for externally irradiated protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 481 (1), 452-466.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Glover SCO, Koepferl CM, Bisbas TG and Dale JE (2018). Synthetic observations of star formation and the interstellar medium. New Astronomy Reviews, Elsevier BV vol. 82, 1-58.  
Relevant PublicationWilliams RJR, Bisbas TG, Haworth TJ and Mackey J (2018). The classical D-type expansion of spherical H ii regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 479 (2), 2016-2023.  
Relevant PublicationRodriguez JE, Loomis R, Cabrit S, Haworth TJ, Facchini S, Dougados C, Booth RA, Jensen ELN, Clarke CJ, Stassun KG, Dent WRF and Pety J (2018). Multiple Stellar Flybys Sculpting the Circumstellar Architecture in RW Aurigae. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 859 (2), 150-150.  
Relevant PublicationWinter AJ, Clarke CJ, Rosotti G, Ih J, Facchini S and Haworth TJ (2018). Protoplanetary disc truncation mechanisms in stellar clusters: comparing external photoevaporation and tidal encounters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 478 (2), 2700-2722.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Facchini S, Clarke CJ and Mohanty S (2018). Where can a Trappist-1 planetary system be produced? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 475 (4), 5460-5473.  


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Booth RA, Homan W, Decin L, Clarke CJ and Mohanty S (2017). Radiation-pressure-driven sub-Keplerian rotation of the disc around the AGB star L2 Pup. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 473 (1), 317-327.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Facchini S, Clarke CJ and Cleeves LI (2017). First evidence of external disc photoevaporation in a low mass star forming region: the case of IM Lup. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 468 (1), L108-L112.  
Relevant PublicationTorii K, Hattori Y, Hasegawa K, Ohama A, Haworth TJ, Shima K, Habe A, Tachihara K, Mizuno N, Onishi T, Mizuno A and Fukui Y (2017). Triggered O Star Formation in M20 via Cloud–Cloud Collision: Comparisons between High-resolution CO Observations and Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 835 (2), 142-142.  


Relevant PublicationGvaramadze VV, Mackey J, Kniazev AY, Langer N, Chené A-N, Castro N, Haworth TJ and Grebel EK (2016). IRAS 18153−1651: an H ii region with a possible wind bubble blown by a young main-sequence B star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 466 (2), 1857-1867.  
Relevant PublicationFacchini S, Manara CF, Schneider PC, Clarke CJ, Bouvier J, Rosotti G, Booth R and Haworth TJ (2016). Violent environment of the inner disk of RW Aurigae A probed by the 2010 and 2015 dimming events. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 596, A38-A38.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Ilee JD, Forgan DH, Facchini S, Price DJ, Boneberg DM, Booth RA, Clarke CJ, Gonzalez J-F, Hutchison MA, Kamp I, Laibe G, Lyra W, Meru F, Mohanty S, Panić O, Rice K, Suzuki T, Teague R, Walsh C, et al. (2016). Grand Challenges in Protoplanetary Disc Modelling. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Cambridge University Press (CUP) vol. 33 
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Boubert D, Facchini S, Bisbas TG and Clarke CJ (2016). Photochemical–dynamical models of externally FUV irradiated protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 463 (4), 3616-3629.  
Relevant PublicationBoneberg DM, Panić O, Haworth TJ, Clarke CJ and Min M (2016). Determining the mid-plane conditions of circumstellar discs using gas and dust modelling: a study of HD 163296. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 461 (1), 385-401.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Clarke CJ and Owen JE (2016). Rapid radiative clearing of protoplanetary discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 457 (2), 1905-1915.  
Relevant PublicationMackey J, Haworth TJ, Gvaramadze VV, Mohamed S, Langer N and Harries TJ (2016). Detecting stellar-wind bubbles through infrared arcs in H ii regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics, EDP Sciences vol. 586, A114-A114.  


Relevant PublicationBisbas TG, Haworth TJ, Barlow MJ, Viti S, Harries TJ, Bell T and Yates JA (2015). torus-3dpdr: a self-consistent code treating three-dimensional photoionization and photodissociation regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 454 (3), 2828-2843.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Shima K, Tasker EJ, Fukui Y, Torii K, Dale JE, Takahira K and Habe A (2015). Isolating signatures of major cloud–cloud collisions – II. The lifetimes of broad bridge features. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 454 (2), 1634-1643.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Harries TJ, Acreman DM and Bisbas TG (2015). On the relative importance of different microphysics on the D-type expansion of galactic H ii regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 453 (3), 2278-2290.  
Relevant PublicationBisbas TG, Haworth TJ, Williams RJR, Mackey J, Tremblin P, Raga AC, Arthur SJ, Baczynski C, Dale JE, Frostholm T, Geen S, Haugbølle T, Hubber D, Iliev IT, Kuiper R, Rosdahl J, Sullivan D, Walch S and Wünsch R (2015). starbench: the D-type expansion of an H ii region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 453 (2), 1324-1343.  
Relevant PublicationDale JE, Haworth TJ and Bressert E (2015). The dangers of being trigger-happy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 450 (2), 1199-1211.  
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Tasker EJ, Fukui Y, Torii K, Dale JE, Shima K, Takahira K, Habe A and Hasegawa K (2015). Isolating signatures of major cloud–cloud collisions using position–velocity diagrams. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 450 (1), 10-20.  
Relevant PublicationDai F, Facchini S, Clarke CJ and Haworth TJ (2015). A tidal encounter caught in the act: modelling a star–disc fly-by in the young RW Aurigae system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 449 (2), 1996-2009.  


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Facchini S and Clarke CJ (2014). The theory of globulettes: candidate precursors of brown dwarfs and free-floating planets in H ii regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 446 (1), 1098-1106.  
Relevant PublicationHarries TJ, Haworth TJ and Acreman DM (2014). Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Massive Star Formation Using Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer. 
Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Harries TJ and Acreman DM (2014). Testing Models of Triggered Star Formation: Theory and Observation. 


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Harries TJ, Acreman DM and Rundle DA (2013). Assessing molecular line diagnostics of triggered star formation using synthetic observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 431 (4), 3470-3484.  


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Harries TJ and Acreman DM (2012). Testing diagnostics of triggered star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 426 (1), 203-217.  


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ and Harries TJ (2011). Radiation hydrodynamics of triggered star formation: the effect of the diffuse radiation field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 420 (1), 562-578.  


Relevant PublicationHaworth TJ, Harries TJ and Acreman DM (2009). Testing diagnostics of triggered star formation. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union vol. 5 (S261), 203-217.  


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Thomas Haworth
£1,815,619 Royal Society (01-01-2025 - 31-12-2032)
solid heart iconDHF Extension: Enabling the future of observational studies of externally photoevaporating planet-forming discs
Thomas Haworth
£681,319 Royal Society (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)
solid heart iconFRIED: External photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs - ERC CoG 2022 Haworth
Thomas Haworth
£1,676,608 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-05-2024 - 30-04-2029)
solid heart iconPhotosynthesis on Alien Worlds: What might it look like, and can it be detected?
Christopher Duffy, Edward Gillen, Conrad Mullineaux and Thomas Haworth
£161,373 Leverhulme Trust (01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026)
solid heart iconAstronomy Research at Queen Mary 2023 - 2026
Chris Clarkson, Richard Nelson, Timothy Clifton, William Sutherland, Edward Gillen, Karim Malik, Thomas Haworth, Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Theresa Baker, David Mulryne, Philip Bull, Juan A. Valiente Kroon, Charalampos Markakis, Mohammad Mahdi Godazgar, Katy Clough, Pau Figueras and Arick Shao
£1,625,769 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-04-2023 - 30-09-2026)

solid heart iconRoyal Society Fellowship Enhanced Research Expenses 2023 for Haworth DHF
Thomas Haworth
£123,109 Royal Society (01-11-2023 - 30-09-2024)
solid heart iconResearch Fellows Enhanced Research Expenses 2021
Thomas Haworth
£57,713 Royal Society (01-01-2023 - 31-12-2024)
solid heart iconRAS summer studentship
Thomas Haworth
£1,200 RAS Royal Astronomical Society (15-06-2020 - 14-08-2020)
solid heart iconDorothy Hodgkin Fellowship - Haworth - The evolution of planet forming discs in different environmen
Thomas Haworth
£680,690 Royal Society (01-10-2019 - 30-09-2024)