Dr David Vegh

David Vegh

Senior Lecturer in Theoretical Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



Our current understanding of Nature is centered around two theories: general relativity which describes classical gravity, and quantum field theory which describes the strong and electroweak interactions and various low-energy phenomena. Naive attempts to unify these two theories lead to insurmountable difficulties. Moreover, a unified theory would ideally explain recent cosmological observations such as the acceleration of the universe, dark matter, and cosmic inflation. Addressing these challenges requires new ideas.

In recent years it has become clear that gravity and quantum physics are not incompatible. On the contrary, they are intimately connected: the emergence of spacetime is thought to be related to the quantum entanglement of degrees of freedom in a “holographic dual” quantum system. However, the nature of this emergence is not fully understood and controlled toy models for emergent gravity would be extremely valuable. The main objective of my current research is to construct such models.

I am also interested in strongly correlated condensed matter systems which have no quasiparticle excitations.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Fundamental Physics


bullet iconQuantum mechanical bootstrap on the interval: Obtaining the exact spectrum
Sword L and Vegh D
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 109 (12), 126002-126002.  


Relevant PublicationComplex geodesics in de Sitter space
Chapman S, Galante DA, Harris E, Sheorey SU and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer vol. 2023 (3) 


Relevant PublicationWhat lies beyond the horizon of a holographic p-wave superconductor
Sword L and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2022 (12), 45-45.  
Relevant PublicationKasner geometries inside holographic superconductors
Vegh D and Sword L
Journal of High Energy Physics, Scuola Internazionale Superiore Di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) vol. 04, 135-135.  


Relevant PublicationCelestial fields on the string and the Schwarzian action
Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (7), 50-50.  
Relevant PublicationPole skipping and Rarita-Schwinger fields
Čeplak N and Vegh D
Physical Review D, American Physical Society vol. 103 (10) 
Relevant PublicationPair-production of cusps on a string in AdS3
Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2021 (3), 218-218.  


bullet iconFermionic pole-skipping in holography
Čeplak N, Ramdial K and Vegh D
The Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2020 (7) 
bullet iconHorizon constraints on holographic Green’s functions
Blake M, Davison RA and Vegh D
The Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2020 (1) 


bullet iconChaotic Strings in AdS/CFT
De Boer J, Llabrés E, Pedraza JF and Vegh D
Physical Review Letters vol. 120 (20) 
bullet iconSegmented strings coupled to a B-field
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
bullet iconThe broken string in Anti-de Sitter space
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer 


bullet iconHolographic Lattices Give the Graviton an Effective Mass
Blake M, Tong D and Vegh D
Physical Review Letters vol. 112 (7) 


bullet iconCharge transport by holographic Fermi surfaces
Faulkner T, Iqbal N, Liu H, McGreevy J and Vegh D
Physical Review D vol. 88 (4) 


bullet iconStellar spectroscopy: Fermions and holographic Lifshitz criticality
Hartnoll SA, Hofman DM and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (8) 
bullet iconEmergent quantum criticality, Fermi surfaces, and AdS2
Faulkner T, Liu H, McGreevy J and Vegh D
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 83 (12) 
bullet iconHolographic non-Fermi-liquid fixed points
Faulkner T, Iqbal N, Liu H, McGreevy J and Vegh D
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 369 (1941), 1640-1669.  
bullet iconNon-Fermi liquids from holography
Liu H, McGreevy J and Vegh D
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 83 (6) 


bullet iconStrange Metal Transport Realized by Gauge/Gravity Duality
Faulkner T, Iqbal N, Liu H, McGreevy J and Vegh D
Science, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 329 (5995), 1043-1047.  


bullet iconBrane tilings and M2 branes
Hanany A, Vegh D and Zaffaroni A
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2009 (03) 


bullet iconSemi-flatland
Vegh D and McGreevy J
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2008 (10) 


bullet iconCounting chiral operators in quiver gauge theories
Butti A, Forcella D, Hanany A, Vegh D and Zaffaroni A
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2007 (11) 
bullet iconQuivers, tilings, branes and rhombi
Hanany A and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2007 (10) 
bullet iconDimers and orientifolds
Franco S, Hanany A, Krefl D, Park J, Uranga AM and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2007 (09) 


bullet iconModuli spaces of gauge theories from Dimer models: proof of the correspondence
Franco S and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2006 (11) 
bullet iconBrane tilings and exceptional collections
Hanany A, Herzog CP and Vegh D
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2006 (07) 
bullet iconGauge theories from toric geometry and brane tilings
Franco S, Hanany A, Martelli D, Sparks J, Vegh D and Wecht B
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2006 (01) 
bullet iconBrane dimers and quiver gauge theories
Franco S, Hanany A, Vegh D, Wecht B and Kennaway KD
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2006 (01) 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Fundamental Physics
solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality (CG 2022)
Andreas Brandhuber, David Berman, Matthew Buican, Rodolfo Russo, David Vegh, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Gabriele Travaglini, Christopher White, Bill Spence, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£1,477,966 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2023 - 30-09-2026
solid heart iconErnest Rutherford Fellowship: From quantum chaos to collective transport in plasmas: Saso Grozdanov
David Vegh
£517,752 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2020 - 30-09-2025

solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality
Andreas Brandhuber, Bill Spence, Rodolfo Russo, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Matthew Buican, Michael Green, Steven Thomas, Steven Thomas, Gabriele Travaglini, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, David Berman, Christopher White, David Vegh, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£890,210 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2020 - 31-03-2024
solid heart iconErnest Rutherford Fellowship
David Vegh
£424,924 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2017 - 30-09-2023