Dr Congkao Wen

Congkao Wen

Senior Lecturer

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



My recent research interest focuses on perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory, quantum gravity and string theory.

One of my main areas of activity has been developing and exploiting modern powerful techniques of scattering amplitudes, which includes two main research directions: 1. new formulations of scattering amplitudes in terms of twistor theory and Grassmannian geometry; 2. applying modern techniques of scattering amplitudes to other research areas.

Over the past few years, new twistor-like formulas have been discovered for scattering amplitudes in a wide range of interesting theories, including the world-volume theory of single probe brane in M-theory and string theory. These new mathematical formulas not only provide concrete formulas for the amplitudes in these theories, but also reveal new structures. This research direction is to discover such new formulations for more theories and explore the implications.

My other major line of work is to study the applications of scattering amplitude techniques in other research areas. In particular, I am interested in understanding the symmetry constraints on effective actions in the language of scattering amplitudes. Scattering amplitudes provide extremely efficient ways of imposing the constraints, in the form of, for instance, soft theorems, unitarity and superamplitude consistency.

Recently, I have also been interested in exploring deep connections between flat-space amplitudes and holographic correlation functions in AdS space. Holographic correlators resemble many properties of flat-space scattering amplitudes, especially when formulated in Mellin space. This allows us to apply "amplitude-inspired methods" to study these correlators at the level of supergravity limit and beyond.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Fundamental Physics


Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Duan Z, Pavarini DR, Wen C and Xie H (2024). Electromagnetic duality for line defect correlators in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (11) 
Relevant PublicationBrown A, Galvagno F and Wen C (2024). All-loop Heavy-Heavy-Light-Light correlators in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (10) 
Relevant PublicationChen G, Rodina L and Wen C (2024). Kinematic Hopf algebra and Bern-Carrasco-Johansson numerators at finite α′. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 110 (4) 
Relevant PublicationBrown A, Galvagno F and Wen C (2024). Exact results for giant graviton four-point correlators. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (7) 
Relevant PublicationAlday LF, Chester SM, Dorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2024). Relations between integrated correlators in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (5) 
Relevant PublicationBrown A, Heslop P, Wen C and Xie H (2024). Integrated Correlators in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory beyond Localization. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 132 (10) 
Relevant PublicationChen G, Rodina L and Wen C (2024). Kinematic Hopf algebra for amplitudes from higher-derivative operators. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (2) 


Relevant PublicationBrown A, Wen C and Xie H (2023). Generating functions and large-charge expansion of integrated correlators in ???? = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2023 (7) 
Relevant PublicationBrown A, Wen C and Xie H (2023). Laplace-difference equation for integrated correlators of operators with general charges in N = 4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2023 (6) 
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB, Wen C and Xie H (2023). Modular-invariant large-N completion of an integrated correlator in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2023 (4) 
Relevant PublicationChen G, Lin G and Wen C (2023). Kinematic Hopf algebra for amplitudes and form factors. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 107 (8) 


Relevant PublicationTravaglini G, Brandhuber A, Dorey P, McLoughlin T, Abreu S, Bern Z, Bjerrum-Bohr NEJ, Blümlein J, Britto R, Carrasco JJM, Chicherin D, Chiodaroli M, Damgaard PH, Del Duca V, Dixon LJ, Dorigoni D, Duhr C, Geyer Y, Green MB, Herrmann E, et al. (2022). The SAGEX review on scattering amplitudes., Editors: Travaglini G, Dorey P, Brandhuber A and McLoughlin T. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 55 (44), 443001-443001.  
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Brown GR, Chen G, Gowdy J, Travaglini G and Wen C (2022). Amplitudes, Hopf algebras and the colour-kinematics duality. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2022 (12), 101-101.  
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2022). Chapter 10: Selected topics on modular covariance of type IIB string amplitudes and their N=4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills duals. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 55 (44), 443011-443011.  
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green M and Wen C (2022). Exact results for duality-covariant integrated correlators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM with general classical gauge groups. SciPost Physics vol. 13 (4), 092-092.  
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2022). Exact results for duality-covariant integrated correlators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM with general classical gauge groups. 
Relevant PublicationWen C and Zhang S-Q (2022). Integrated correlators in N = 4 super Yang-Mills and periods. Journal of High Energy Physics, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) vol. 2022 (5), 126-126.  
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2022). Exact results for duality-covariant integrated correlators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM with general classical gauge groups. 
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Chen G, Johansson H, Travaglini G and Wen C (2022). Kinematic Hopf Algebra for Bern-Carrasco-Johansson Numerators in Heavy-Mass Effective Field Theory and Yang-Mills Theory. Physical Review Letters vol. 128 (12), 121601-121601.  
Relevant PublicationHuang YT, Kojima R, Wen C and Zhang SQ (2022). The orthogonal momentum amplituhedron and ABJM amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2022 (1) 


Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2021). Exact expressions for n-point maximal U(1)Y-violating integrated correlators in SU(N) N = 4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (11), 132-132.  
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Chen G, Travaglini G and Wen C (2021). Classical gravitational scattering from a gauge-invariant double copy. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (10) 
Relevant PublicationWen C and Zhang SQ (2021). Notes on gravity multiplet correlators in AdS 3× S 3. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (7) 
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Chen G, Travaglini G and Wen C (2021). A new gauge-invariant double copy for heavy-mass effective theory. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (7), 47-47.  
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2021). Exact properties of an integrated correlator in N = 4 SU(N) SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (5) 
Relevant PublicationDorigoni D, Green MB and Wen C (2021). Novel Representation of an Integrated Correlator in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 126 (16) 
Relevant PublicationChester SM, Green MB, Pufu SS, Wang Y and Wen C (2021). New modular invariants in N = 4 Super-Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (4) 
Relevant PublicationGreen MB and Wen C (2021). Maximal U(1)Y-violating n-point correlators in N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory. The Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2021 (2), 42-42.  


Relevant PublicationChester SM, Green MB, Pufu SS, Wang Y and Wen C (2020). Modular invariance in superstring theory from N = 4 super-Yang-Mills. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2020 (11) 
Relevant PublicationGiusto S, Russo R, Tyukov A and Wen C (2020). The CFT6 origin of all tree-level 4-point correlators in AdS3 x S3. European Physical Journal C vol. 80 (8) 
Relevant PublicationWen C and Zhang S-Q (2020). D3-brane loop amplitudes from M5-brane tree amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2020 (7) 


Relevant PublicationGreen MB and Wen C (2019). Superstring amplitudes, unitarily, and Hankel determinants of multiple zeta values. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 2019 (11) 
Relevant PublicationGiusto S, Russo R, Tyukov A and Wen C (2019). Holographic correlators in AdS3 without Witten diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 2019 (9) 
Relevant PublicationSchwarz JH and Wen C (2019). Unified formalism for 6D superamplitudes based on a symplectic Grassmannian. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 2019 (8) 
Relevant PublicationChen W-M, Huang Y-T, Noumi T and Wen C (2019). Unitarity bounds on charged/neutral state mass ratios. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 100 (2) 
Relevant PublicationGreen MB and Wen C (2019). Modular forms and SL(2, ℤ)-covariance of type IIB superstring theory. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2019 (6) 
Relevant PublicationWEN C, Heydeman M, Schwarz JH and Zhang S-Q (2019). All Tree Amplitudes of 6D (2,0) Supergravity: Interacting Tensor Multiplets and the K3 Moduli Space. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society 
Relevant PublicationWEN C, Giusto S and RUSSO R (2019). Holographic correlators in AdS3. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 


Relevant PublicationWEN C, Huang Y-T and Kuo C-K (2018). Dualities for Ising networks. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 121 (251604) 
Relevant PublicationWEN C, Cachazo F, Guevara A, Heydeman M, Mizera S and Schwarz JH (2018). The S Matrix of 6D Super Yang-Mills and Maximal Supergravity from Rational Maps. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
bullet iconCheung C, Kampf K, Novotny J, Shen C-H, Trnka J and Wen C (2018). Vector Effective Field Theories from Soft Limits. Physical Review Letters vol. 120 (26) 
bullet iconCheung C, Remmen GN, Shen C-H and Wen C (2018). Pions as gluons in higher dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2018 (4) 
bullet iconCheung C, Shen C-H and Wen C (2018). Unifying relations for scattering amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2018 (2) 
bullet iconBillò M, Fucito F, Lerda A, Morales JF, Stanev YS and Wen C (2018). Two-point correlators in N = 2 gauge theories. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 926, 427-466.  


bullet iconWEN C, Schwarz J and Heydeman M (2017). M5-brane and D-brane scattering amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
bullet iconGuerrieri AL, Huang Y-T, Li Z and Wen C (2017). On the exactness of soft theorems. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2017 (12) 
bullet iconBianchi M, Jantzen RT, Ruffini R, Morales JF and Wen C (2017). Instanton corrections to the effective action of ???? = 4 SYM. The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
bullet iconMeidinger D, Nandan D, Penante B and Wen C (2017). A note on NMHV form factors from the Graßmannian and the twistor string. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2017 (9) 
bullet iconGliozzi F, Guerrieri AL, Petkou AC and Wen C (2017). The analytic structure of conformal blocks and the generalized Wilson-Fisher fixed points. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2017 (4) 
bullet iconGliozzi F, Guerrieri AL, Petkou AC and Wen C (2017). Generalized Wilson-Fisher Critical Points from the Conformal Operator Product Expansion. Physical Review Letters vol. 118 (6) 


bullet iconNandan D, Plefka J, Schlotterer O and Wen C (2016). Einstein-Yang-Mills from pure Yang-Mills amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2016 (10) 
bullet iconBianchi M, Guerrieri AL, Huang Y-T, Lee C-J and Wen C (2016). Exploring soft constraints on effective actions. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (10) 
bullet iconBourjaily JL, Franco S, Galloni D and Wen C (2016). Stratifying on-shell cluster varieties: the geometry of non-planar on-shell diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (10) 
bullet iconHuang Y-T, Schlotterer O and Wen C (2016). Universality in string interactions. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (9) 
bullet iconGuerrieri AL, Petkou AC and Wen C (2016). The free σCFTs. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (9) 
bullet iconLuo H and Wen C (2016). Recursion relations from soft theorems. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (3) 


bullet iconHuang Y-T and Wen C (2015). Soft theorems from anomalous symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (12), 1-31.  
bullet iconBianchi M, Morales JF and Wen C (2015). Instanton corrections to the effective action of N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (11) 
bullet iconBianchi M, He S, Huang Y-T and Wen C (2015). More on soft theorems: Trees, loops, and strings. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 92 (6) 
bullet iconChen W-M, Huang Y-T and Wen C (2015). Exact coefficients for higher dimensional operators with sixteen supersymmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (9) 
bullet iconVolovich A, Wen C and Zlotnikov M (2015). Double soft theorems in gauge and string theories. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (7) 
bullet iconChen W-M, Huang Y-T and Wen C (2015). New Fermionic Soft Theorems for Supergravity Amplitudes. Physical Review Letters vol. 115 (2) 
bullet iconFranco S, Galloni D, Penante B and Wen C (2015). Non-planar on-shell diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (6) 
bullet iconChen W-M, Huang Y-T and Wen C (2015). From U(1) to E8: soft theorems in supergravity amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2015 (3) 


Relevant PublicationHe S, Huang YT and Wen C (2014). Loop corrections to soft theorems in gauge theories and gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2014 (12) 
Relevant PublicationGarner D, Ramgoolam S and Wen C (2014). Thresholds of Large N Factorization in CFT4 : Exploring bulk spacetime in AdS5. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer 
Relevant PublicationHuang Y-T, Wen C and Xie D (2014). The positive orthogonal Grassmannian and loop amplitudes of ABJM. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, IOP Publishing vol. 47 (47) 
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Penante B, Travaglini G and Wen C (2014). The last of the simple remainders. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (8) 
Relevant PublicationPenante B, Spence B, Travaglini G and Wen C (2014). On super form factors of half-BPS operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (4) 
Relevant PublicationHuang YT and Wen C (2014). ABJM amplitudes and the positive orthogonal Grassmannian. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2014 (2) 
Relevant PublicationBianchi M, Brandhuber A, Travaglini G and Wen C (2014). Simplifying instanton corrections to N=4 SYM correlators. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (4) 


Relevant Publicationde Mello Koch R, Ramgoolam S and Wen C (2013). On the refined counting of graphs on surfaces. Nuclear Physics B, Elsevier vol. 870 (3), 530-581.  


Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Travaglini G and Wen C (2012). All one-loop amplitudes in N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS vol. 2012 (10) 
Relevant PublicationNandan D and Wen C (2012). Generating all tree amplitudes in by Inverse Soft Limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (8) 
Relevant PublicationBrandhuber A, Travaglini G and Wen C (2012). A note on amplitudes in N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS vol. 2012 (7) 
Relevant PublicationNandan D, Volovich A and Wen C (2012). On Feynman rules for Mellin amplitudes in AdS/CFT. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2012 (5) 


bullet iconHe S, Nandan D and Wen C (2011). Note on bonus relations for supergravity tree amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (2) 
bullet iconBourjaily JL, Trnka J, Volovich A and Wen C (2011). The Grassmannian and the twistor string: connecting all trees in SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2011 (1) 


bullet iconNandan D, Volovich A and Wen C (2010). A grassmannian étude in NMHV minors. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2010 (7) 
bullet iconNguyen D, Spradlin M, Volovich A and Wen C (2010). The tree formula for MHV graviton amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2010 (7) 
bullet iconNguyen D, Spradlin M, Volovich A and Wen C (2010). The tree formula for MHV graviton amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2010 (7) 


bullet iconVolovich A and Wen C (2009). Correlation functions in non-relativistic holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2009 (05) 
bullet iconDrummond JM, Spradlin M, Volovich A and Wen C (2009). Tree-level amplitudes in N=8 supergravity. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 79 (10) 
bullet iconSpradlin M, Volovich A and Wen C (2009). Three applications of a bonus relation for gravity amplitudes. Physics Letters B, Elsevier vol. 674 (1), 69-72.  


bullet iconSpradlin M, Volovich A and Wen C (2008). Three-loop leading singularities and Bern-Dixon-Smirnov ansatz for five particles. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 78 (8) 




bullet iconLuo M and Wen C (2005). Compact formulas for tree amplitudes of six partons. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 71 (9) 
bullet iconWEN C-K and YANG H-X (2005). QCD4 GLUEBALL MASSES FROM AdS6 BLACK HOLE DESCRIPTION. Modern Physics Letters A, World Scientific Publishing vol. 20 (13), 997-1003.  
bullet iconLuo M and Wen C (2005). Recursion relations for tree amplitudes in super gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2005 (03) 
bullet iconLuo M and Wen C (2005). Systematics of one-loop scattering amplitudes in N=4 super-Yang–Mills theories. Physics Letters B, Elsevier vol. 609 (1-2), 86-94.  
bullet iconLuo MX and Wen CK (2005). Compact formulas for tree amplitudes of six partons. PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 71 (9) 


bullet iconLuo M and Wen C (2004). One-loop maximal helicity violating amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2004 (11) 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Fundamental Physics
solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality (CG 2022)
Andreas Brandhuber, David Berman, Matthew Buican, Rodolfo Russo, David Vegh, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Gabriele Travaglini, Christopher White, Bill Spence, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£1,477,966 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-10-2023 - 30-09-2026)
solid heart iconScattering of Particles and Strings: Holography, Geometry, and Hidden structures - URF Renewal
Congkao Wen
£407,603 Royal Society (01-01-2023 - 31-12-2025)
solid heart iconURF Renewals 2022: Enhanced Research Expenses
Congkao Wen
£240,000 Royal Society (01-01-2023 - 31-12-2025)
solid heart iconCongkao Wen, RS URF 1st-Year Grant starter grant
Congkao Wen
£92,148 Royal Society (31-03-2018 - 31-12-2025)

solid heart iconCorrelation functions in conformal field theories and AdS/CFT duality - Research Fellows Enhanced Research Expenses 2021
Congkao Wen
£52,218 Royal Society (01-09-2022 - 31-08-2024)
solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality
Andreas Brandhuber, Bill Spence, Rodolfo Russo, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Matthew Buican, Michael Green, Steven Thomas, Steven Thomas, Gabriele Travaglini, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, David Berman, Christopher White, David Vegh, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£890,210 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-10-2020 - 31-03-2024)
solid heart iconUniversity Research Fellowship - Dr Congkao Wen
Congkao Wen
£494,123 Royal Society (01-04-2018 - 31-12-2022)