Dr Paulo Oliva

Paulo Oliva

Reader in Mathematical Logic
Director of Outreach / Programme Director for Computer Science and Mathematics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
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mathematical logic, proof theory, formal verification, algorithms


My main area of research is in mathematical logic and proof theory. In particular, I am interested in the computational content of mathematical proofs. What do theorems tell us, apart from the truth they convey? How can proofs be viewed as programs, so as to be executed, and how can programs be viewed as proofs, so that their correctness can be automatically checked? These questions become highly non-trivial when proofs involve classical logic, induction and analytical principles such as countable choice and WKL.

Recently, I have also been working on the application of formal verification to the domain of continuous systems. More precisely, developing 'Hoare logic' systems in order to prove properties of systems in the continuous time domain.

My early research career was on the topic of algorithms. That was the time when I was taking part in the ACM ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Challenge). My first paper was on pattern matching algorithms, jointly written with K. Guimaraes and E. W. Myers.