Dr Nadine Lavan

Nadine Lavan

Lecturer in Biological Psychology
Co-lead for EDI

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Google Scholar


voice perception, identity perception, person perception, first impressions, face perception, emotion perception


When hearing a voice, listeners do not only perceive what is being said, but they can also glean information
about who is talking: Is the person familiar? Are they female or male? Do they sound trustworthy? Voice research to date has focussed on how listeners understand what is being said, leaving core questions unanswered about how we perceive information about other people from their voices. My research is addressing these questions by investigating how listeners perceive, learn, and represent voice identities and other person characteristics (e.g., gender, age, personality traits). To do this, I use methods from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience, as well as acoustic signal processing approaches.