Dr Mario dos Reis

Mario dos Reis
Lic, MSc, PhD

Reader in Statistical Phylogenetics

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Phylogenetics, Molecular Evolution, Genomics, Population Genetics


Dr. dos Reis research focuses on the development of statistical methods to understand species evolution through time and how this has shaped patterns of species diversity. Research topics of interest include methods to use genomic data to reconstruct timetrees, methods to measure the strength of natural selection in proteins, and methods to model trait evolution.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Genomics


Relevant PublicationBayesian Selection of Relaxed-Clock Models: Distinguishing between Independent and Autocorrelated Rates
Panchaksaram M, Freitas L and dos Reis M
Systematic Biology, Oxford University Press (Oup) 
Relevant PublicationBayesian Selection of Relaxed-clock Models: Distinguishing Between Independent and Autocorrelated Rates.
Panchaksaram M, Freitas L and Dos Reis M
Systematic Biology 


Relevant PublicationDating Microbial Evolution with MCMCtree
dos Reis M
In Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature 3-22.  
Relevant PublicationReceptor deorphanization in an echinoderm reveals kisspeptin evolution and relationship with SALMFamide neuropeptides
Escudero Castelán N, Semmens DC, Guerra LAY, Zandawala M, dos Reis M, Slade SE, Scrivens JH, Zampronio CG, Jones AM, Mirabeau O and Elphick MR
Bmc Biology, Biomed Central vol. 20 (1) 


bullet iconA Species-Level Timeline of Mammal Evolution Integrating Phylogenomic Data
Álvarez-Carretero S, Tamuri AU, Battini M, Nascimento FF, Carlisle E, Asher RJ, Yang Z, Donoghue PCJ and dos Reis M
Nature, Springer Science and Business Media Llc 
Relevant PublicationA Mutation–Selection Model of Protein Evolution under Persistent Positive Selection
Tamuri AU and dos Reis M
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 39 (1) 
bullet iconNectar-feeding bats and birds show parallel molecular adaptations in sugar metabolism enzymes
Potter JHT, Drinkwater R, Davies KTJ, Nesi N, Lim MCW, Yohe LR, Chi H, Zhang X, Levantis I, Lim BK, Witt CC, Tsagkogeorga G, Dos Reis M, Liu Y, Furey W, Whitley MJ, Aksentijevic D, Dávalos LM and Rossiter SJ
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 31 (20), 4667-4674.e6.  
bullet iconDietary Diversification and Specialization in Neotropical Bats Facilitated by Early Molecular Evolution.
Potter JHT, Davies KTJ, Yohe LR, Sanchez MKR, Rengifo EM, Struebig M, Warren K, Tsagkogeorga G, Lim BK, Dos Reis M, Dávalos LM and Rossiter SJ
Mol Biol Evol vol. 38 (9), 3864-3883.  
bullet iconPedigree-based and phylogenetic methods support surprising patterns of mutation rate and spectrum in the gray mouse lemur
Campbell CR, Tiley GP, Poelstra JW, Hunnicutt KE, Larsen PA, Lee H-J, Thorne JL, dos Reis M and Yoder AD
Heredity, Springer Nature [Academic Journals On Nature.Com] 
bullet iconBayesian Phylogenomic Dating
Álvarez-Carretero S and dos Reis M
In The Molecular Evolutionary Clock 221-249.  
bullet iconDire wolves were the last of an ancient New World canid lineage
Perri AR, Mitchell KJ, Mouton A, Álvarez-Carretero S, Hulme-Beaman A, Haile J, Jamieson A, Meachen J, Lin AT, Schubert BW, Ameen C, Antipina EE, Bover P, Brace S, Carmagnini A, Carøe C, Samaniego Castruita JA, Chatters JC, Dobney K, dos Reis M, et al.
Nature, Springer Nature vol. 591 (7848), 87-91.  


bullet iconMolecular Clocks without Rocks: New Solutions for Old Problems
Tiley GP, Poelstra JW, dos Reis M, Yang Z and Yoder AD
Trends in Genetics, Elsevier 


bullet iconPhylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths
Kawahara AY, Plotkin D, Espeland M, Meusemann K, Toussaint EFA, Donath A, Gimnich F, Frandsen PB, Zwick A, dos Reis M, Barber JR, Peters RS, Liu S, Zhou X, Mayer C, Podsiadlowski L, Storer C, Yack JE, Misof B and Breinholt JW
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 201907847-201907847.  
bullet iconPhylogenomic Resolution of the Cetacean Tree of Life Using Target Sequence Capture.
McGowen MR, Tsagkogeorga G, Álvarez-Carretero S, Dos Reis M, Struebig M, Deaville R, Jepson PD, Jarman S, Polanowski A, Morin PA and Rossiter SJ
Systematic Biology, Oxford University Press (Oup) 
bullet iconBayesian Molecular Clock Dating Using Genome-Scale Datasets.
Dos Reis M and Yang Z
Methods Mol Biol vol. 1910, 309-330.  
bullet iconRapid morphological evolution in placental mammals post-dates the origin of the crown group
Halliday TJD, dos Reis M, Tamuri AU, Ferguson-Gow H, Yang Z and Goswami A
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Royal Society, The 
bullet iconBayesian estimation of species divergence times using correlated quantitative characters
Álvarez-Carretero S, Goswami A, Yang Z and dos Reis M
Systematic Biology, Oxford University Press (Oup) 


bullet iconFossil-free dating
dos Reis M
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconConstraining uncertainty in the timescale of angiosperm evolution and the veracity of a Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution
Barba-Montoya J, dos Reis M, Schneider H, Donoghue P and Yang Z
New Phytologist, Wiley 
bullet iconUsing Phylogenomic Data to Explore the Effects of Relaxed Clocks and Calibration Strategies on Divergence Time Estimation: Primates as a Test Case
dos Reis M, Gunnell GF, Barba-Montoya J, Wilkins A, Yang Z and Yoder AD
Systematic Biology 


bullet iconA biologist’s guide to Bayesian phylogenetic analysis
Nascimento FF, dos Reis M and Yang Z
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Publishing Group vol. 1, 1446-1454.  
bullet iconComparison of different strategies for using fossil calibrations to generate the time prior in Bayesian molecular clock dating
Barba-Montoya J, Dos Reis M and Yang Z
Mol Phylogenet Evol vol. 114, 386-400.  
bullet iconAn evaluation of different partitioning strategies for Bayesian estimation of species divergence times
Angelis K, Álvarez-Carretero S, dos Reis M and Yang Z
Systematic Biology 
bullet iconRelTime rates collapse to a strict clock when estimating the timeline of animal diversification.
Lozano-Fernandez J, dos Reis M, Donoghue PCJ and Pisani D
Genome Biol Evol 


bullet iconFinding direction in the search for selection
Thiltgen G, dos Reis M and Goldstein RA
Journal of Molecular Evolution, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
bullet iconGeogenetic patterns in mouse lemurs (genus Microcebus) reveal the ghosts of Madagascar's forests past.
Yoder AD, Campbell CR, Blanco MB, Dos Reis M, Ganzhorn JU, Goodman SM, Hunnicutt KE, Larsen PA, Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison RM, Ralison JM, Swofford DL and Weisrock DW
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 113 (29), 8049-8056.  
bullet iconNotes on the birth-death prior with fossil calibrations for Bayesian estimation of species divergence times
dos Reis M
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, Royal Society, The 
bullet iconThe Interrelationships of Placental Mammals and the Limits of Phylogenetic Inference
Tarver JE, Dos Reis M, Mirarab S, Moran RJ, Parker S, O'Reilly JE, King BL, O'Connell MJ, Asher RJ, Warnow T, Peterson KJ, Donoghue PCJ and Pisani D
Genome Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 8 (2), 330-344.  


bullet iconBayesian molecular clock dating of species divergences in the genomics era
dos Reis M, Donoghue PCJ and Yang Z
Nature Reviews Genetics, Springer Nature vol. 17 (2), 71-80.  
bullet iconUncertainty in the Timing of Origin of Animals and the Limits of Precision in Molecular Timescales
dos Reis M, Thawornwattana Y, Angelis K, Telford MJ, Donoghue PCJ and Yang Z
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 25 (22), 2939-2950.  
bullet iconDating Tips for Divergence-Time Estimation
O’Reilly JE, dos Reis M and Donoghue PCJ
Trends in Genetics, Elsevier vol. 31 (11), 637-650.  
bullet iconThe impact of ancestral population size and incomplete lineage sorting on Bayesian estimation of species divergence times
Angelis K and Dos Reis M
Current Zoology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 61 (5), 874-885.  
bullet iconHow to calculate the non-synonymous to synonymous rate ratio of protein-coding genes under the Fisher–Wright mutation–selection framework
dos Reis M
Biology Letters, The Royal Society vol. 11 (4) 


bullet iconCharacterization of the Uncertainty of Divergence Time Estimation under Relaxed Molecular Clock Models Using Multiple Loci
Zhu T, Dos Reis M and Yang Z
Systematic Biology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 64 (2), 267-280.  
bullet iconA Beginners Guide to Estimating the Non-synonymous to Synonymous Rate Ratio of all Protein-Coding Genes in a Genome
Jeffares DC, Tomiczek B, Sojo V and dos Reis M
Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 1201, 65-90.  
bullet iconA Penalized-Likelihood Method to Estimate the Distribution of Selection Coefficients from Phylogenetic Data
Tamuri AU, Goldman N and dos Reis M
Genetics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 197 (1), 257-271.  
bullet iconBayesian Estimation of Nonsynonymous/Synonymous Rate Ratios for Pairwise Sequence Comparisons
Angelis K, dos Reis M and Yang Z
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 31 (7), 1902-1913.  
bullet iconThe Impact of the Rate Prior on Bayesian Estimation of Divergence Times with Multiple Loci
Dos Reis M, Zhu T and Yang Z
Systematic Biology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 63 (4), 555-565.  
bullet iconMolecular Evolutionary Characterization of a V1R Subfamily Unique to Strepsirrhine Primates
Yoder AD, Chan LM, dos Reis M, Larsen PA, Campbell CR, Rasoloarison R, Barrett M, Roos C, Kappeler P, Bielawski J and Yang Z
Genome Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 6 (1), 213-227.  
bullet iconNeither phylogenomic nor palaeontological data support a Palaeogene origin of placental mammals
dos Reis M, Donoghue PCJ and Yang Z
Biology Letters, The Royal Society vol. 10 (1) 


bullet iconPopulation genetics and substitution models of adaptive evolution
dos Reis M
bullet iconWhy Do More Divergent Sequences Produce Smaller Nonsynonymous/Synonymous Rate Ratios in Pairwise Sequence Comparisons?
dos Reis M and Yang Z
Genetics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 195 (1), 195-204.  


bullet iconThe unbearable uncertainty of Bayesian divergence time estimation
DOS REIS M and Ziheng Y
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Wiley vol. 51 (1), 30-43.  
bullet iconPhylogenomic datasets provide both precision and accuracy in estimating the timescale of placental mammal phylogeny
dos Reis M, Inoue J, Hasegawa M, Asher RJ, Donoghue PCJ and Yang Z
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 279 (1742), 3491-3500.  
bullet iconEstimating the Distribution of Selection Coefficients from Phylogenetic Data Using Sitewise Mutation-Selection Models
Tamuri AU, dos Reis M and Goldstein RA
Genetics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 190 (3), 1101-1115.  


bullet iconAn exceptionally high nucleotide and haplotype diversity and a signature of positive selection for the eIF4E resistance gene in barley are revealed by allele mining and phylogenetic analyses of natural populations
Molecular Ecology, Wiley vol. 20 (17), 3653-3668.  
bullet iconApproximate Likelihood Calculation on a Phylogeny for Bayesian Estimation of Divergence Times
dos Reis M and Yang Z
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 28 (7), 2161-2172.  


bullet iconCharting the Host Adaptation of Influenza Viruses
dos Reis M, Tamuri AU, Hay AJ and Goldstein RA
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 28 (6), 1755-1767.  
bullet iconStatistical Properties of the Branch-Site Test of Positive Selection
Yang Z and dos Reis M
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 28 (3), 1217-1228.  
bullet iconAnalysis of the Albumin/α-Fetoprotein/Afamin/Group specific component gene family in the context of zebrafish liver differentiation
Noël ES, dos Reis M, Arain Z and Ober EA
Gene Expression Patterns, Elsevier vol. 10 (6), 237-243.  


bullet iconIdentifying Changes in Selective Constraints: Host Shifts in Influenza
Tamuri AU, dos Reis M, Hay AJ and Goldstein RA
Plos Computational Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 5 (11) 
bullet iconUsing Non-Homogeneous Models of Nucleotide Substitution to Identify Host Shift Events: Application to the Origin of the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Influenza Pandemic Virus
dos Reis M, Hay AJ and Goldstein RA
Journal of Molecular Evolution, Springer Nature vol. 69 (4) 


bullet iconEstimating Translational Selection in Eukaryotic Genomes
dos Reis M and Wernisch L
Molecular Biology and Evolution, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 26 (2), 451-461.  


bullet iconArchaeology and evolution of transfer RNA genes in the Escherichia coli genome
Withers M, Wernisch L and dos Reis M
Rna, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory vol. 12 (6), 933-942.  


bullet iconSolving the riddle of codon usage preferences: a test for translational selection
dos Reis M, Savva R and Wernisch L
Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 32 (17), 5036-5044.  


bullet iconUnexpected correlations between gene expression and codon usage bias from microarray data for the whole Escherichia coli K‐12 genome
dos Reis M, Wernisch L and Savva R
Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 31 (23), 6976-6985.  
bullet iconChurchill, a Zinc Finger Transcriptional Activator, Regulates the Transition between Gastrulation and Neurulation
Sheng G, dos Reis M and Stern CD
Cell, Elsevier vol. 115 (5), 603-613.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Genomics
solid heart iconEfficient computational technologies to resolve the Timetree of Life: from ancient DNA to species-rich phylogenies
Mario dos Reis
£460,301 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
29-11-2024 - 28-11-2027

solid heart iconEfficient Bayesian phylogenomic dating with new models of trait evolution and rich diversities of living and fossil species
Mario dos Reis
£203,910 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
01-10-2020 - 31-05-2024