Dr Elena Torlai Triglia

Elena Torlai Triglia

Lecturer in Genetics, Genomics & Fundamental Cell Biology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar X


Gene regulation, Single-cell genomics, Cancer biology, Epigenetics


I am a computational and molecular biologist, interested in understanding how genetic and epigenetic alterations shape cell behaviour during disease development, particularly in cancer.

I have a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Humboldt University of Berlin, which I earned from working in the group Ana Pombo at the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (part of the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine). After that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the labs of Aviv Regev and Brad Bernstein at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard/ Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA, US). I joined QMUL in Feb 2024.

See more information about my research interests at: https://ettlab.science/


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Genomics


bullet iconBod L, Kye Y-C, Shi J, Torlai Triglia E, Schnell A, Fessler J, Ostrowski SM, Von-Franque MY, Kuchroo JR, Barilla RM, Zaghouani S, Christian E, Delorey TM, Mohib K, Xiao S, Slingerland N, Giuliano CJ, Ashenberg O, Li Z, Rothstein DM, et al. (2023). B-cell-specific checkpoint molecules that regulate anti-tumour immunity. Nature, Springer Nature vol. 619 (7969), 348-356.  


bullet iconHodis E, Torlai Triglia E, Kwon JYH, Biancalani T, Zakka LR, Parkar S, Hütter J-C, Buffoni L, Delorey TM, Phillips D, Dionne D, Nguyen LT, Schapiro D, Maliga Z, Jacobson CA, Hendel A, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Mihm MC, Garraway LA and Regev A (2022). Stepwise-edited, human melanoma models reveal mutations’ effect on tumor and microenvironment. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) vol. 376 (6592), eabi8175-eabi8175.  


bullet iconWinick-Ng W, Kukalev A, Harabula I, Zea-Redondo L, Szabó D, Meijer M, Serebreni L, Zhang Y, Bianco S, Chiariello AM, Irastorza-Azcarate I, Thieme CJ, Sparks TM, Carvalho S, Fiorillo L, Musella F, Irani E, Torlai Triglia E, Kolodziejczyk AA, Abentung A, et al. (2021). Cell-type specialization is encoded by specific chromatin topologies. Nature, Springer Nature vol. 599 (7886), 684-691.  
bullet iconMuus C, Luecken MD, Eraslan G, Sikkema L, Waghray A, Heimberg G, Kobayashi Y, Vaishnav ED, Subramanian A, Smillie C, Jagadeesh KA, Duong ET, Fiskin E, Torlai Triglia E, Ansari M, Cai P, Lin B, Buchanan J, Chen S, Shu J, et al. (2021). Single-cell meta-analysis of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes across tissues and demographics. Nature Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 27 (3), 546-559.  
bullet iconBielecki P, Riesenfeld SJ, Hütter J-C, Torlai Triglia E, Kowalczyk MS, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Lian M, Amezcua Vesely MC, Kroehling L, Xu H, Slyper M, Muus C, Ludwig LS, Christian E, Tao L, Kedaigle AJ, Steach HR, York AG, Skadow MH, Yaghoubi P, et al. (2021). Skin-resident innate lymphoid cells converge on a pathogenic effector state. Nature, Springer Nature vol. 592 (7852), 128-132.  


bullet iconSkourti-Stathaki K, Torlai Triglia E, Warburton M, Voigt P, Bird A and Pombo A (2019). R-Loops Enhance Polycomb Repression at a Subset of Developmental Regulator Genes. Molecular Cell, Elsevier vol. 73 (5), 930-945.e4.  


bullet iconFerrai C, Torlai Triglia E, Risner‐Janiczek JR, Rito T, Rackham OJL, Santiago I, Kukalev A, Nicodemi M, Akalin A, Li M, Ungless MA and Pombo A (2017). RNA polymerase II primes Polycomb‐repressed developmental genes throughout terminal neuronal differentiation. Molecular Systems Biology, Springer Nature vol. 13 (10), 946-946.  
bullet iconKar G, Kim JK, Kolodziejczyk AA, Natarajan KN, Torlai Triglia E, Mifsud B, Elderkin S, Marioni JC, Pombo A and Teichmann SA (2017). Flipping between Polycomb repressed and active transcriptional states introduces noise in gene expression. Nat Commun, Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature vol. 8 (1), 36-36.  
bullet iconCaglio G, Torlai Triglia E and Pombo A (2017). Keep Them Close: PRC2 Poises Enhancer-Promoter Interactions at Anterior Neuronal Genes. Cell Stem Cell, Elsevier vol. 20 (5), 573-575.  
bullet iconBarbieri M, Xie SQ, Torlai Triglia E, Chiariello AM, Bianco S, de Santiago I, Branco MR, Rueda D, Nicodemi M and Pombo A (2017). Active and poised promoter states drive folding of the extended HoxB locus in mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Springer Nature vol. 24 (6), 515-524.  
bullet iconTorlai Triglia E, Rito T and Pombo A (2017). A Finer Print Than TADs: PRC1-Mediated Domains. Molecular Cell, Elsevier vol. 65 (3), 373-375.  


bullet iconDias JD, Rito T, Torlai Triglia E, Kukalev A, Ferrai C, Chotalia M, Brookes E, Kimura H and Pombo A (2015). Methylation of RNA polymerase II non-consensus Lysine residues marks early transcription in mammalian cells. eLife, eLife vol. 4, e11215-e11215.  