Dr Scott Melville

Scott Melville

Lecturer of Cosmology
Stephen Hawking Fellow

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Cosmology, Gravity, Quantum Field Theory


I'm a theoretical physicist, working on uncovering the fundamental laws that describe our Universe.

I study how to translate the measurements we make on large scales / low energies into new information about
small-scale / high-energy physics. I am particularly interested in using
(i) inflation in the early Universe,
(ii) dark energy in the late Universe, and
(iii) gravitational waves from black holes,
as laboratories for testing our current physical theories and looking for signs of new physics.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics

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Grants of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics

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