Dr Heli Hietala

Heli Hietala
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics


bullet iconJets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks: Recent Discoveries and Challenges
Krämer E, Koller F, Suni J, LaMoury AT, Pöppelwerth A, Glebe G, Mohammed-Amin T, Raptis S, Vuorinen L, Weiss S, Xirogiannopoulou N, Archer M, Blanco-Cano X, Gunell H, Hietala H, Karlsson T, Plaschke F, Preisser L, Roberts O, Simon Wedlund C, et al.
Space Science Reviews, Springer Nature vol. 221 (1) 
bullet iconObservation of a Fully-formed Forward–Reverse Shock Pair due to the Interaction between Two Coronal Mass Ejections at 0.5 au
Trotta D, Dimmock AP, Blanco-Cano X, Forsyth RJ, Hietala H, Fargette N, Larosa A, Lugaz N, Palmerio E, Good SW, Soljento JE, Kilpua EKJ, Yordanova E, Pezzi O, Nicolaou G, Horbury TS, Vainio R, Dresing N, Owen CJ and Wimmer-Schweingruber RF
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 971 (2), l35-l35.  
bullet iconCandidates for downstream jets at interplanetary shocks
Hietala HJ, Trotta D, Fedeli A, Wilson L, Vuorinen L and Coburn JT
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press 
bullet iconProperties of an Interplanetary Shock Observed at 0.07 and 0.7 au by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
Trotta D, Larosa A, Nicolaou G, Horbury TS, Matteini L, Hietala H, Blanco-Cano X, Franci L, Chen CHK, Zhao L, Zank GP, Cohen CMS, Bale SD, Laker R, Fargette N, Valentini F, Khotyaintsev Y, Kieokaew R, Raouafi N, Davies E, et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 962 (2), 147-147.  


bullet iconSelf-consistent modeling of the energetic storm particle event of 10 November 2012
Afanasiev A, Vainio R, Trotta D, Nyberg S, Talebpour Seshvan N, Hietala HJ and Dresing N
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences 
bullet iconSolar wind parameters influencing magnetosheath jet formation: low and high IMF cone angle regimes
Vuorinen L, Hietala HJ, LaMoury AT and Plaschke F
Jgr: Space Physics, American Geophysical Union 
bullet iconShocklets and Short Large Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) in the high Mach foreshock of Venus
Collinson GA, Hietala H, Plaschke F, Karlsson T, Wilson LB, Archer M, Battarbee M, Blanco-Cano X, Bertucci C, Long D, Opher M, Sergis N, Gasque C, Liu T, Raptis S, Burne S, Frahm R, Zhang T and Futaana Y
Geophysical Research Letters, Wiley Open Access 
bullet iconAnnual Variations in the Near-Earth Solar Wind
Owens MJ, Lockwood M, Barnard LA, Yardley SL, Hietala H, LaMoury AT and Vuorinen L
Solar Physics, Springer Nature vol. 298 (9) 
bullet iconMagnetosheath jets over solar cycle 24: an empirical model
Vuorinen L, LaMoury AT, Hietala H and Koller F
Jgr: Space Physics, American Geophysical Union 
bullet iconThree-dimensional modelling of the shock-turbulence interaction
Trotta D, Pezzi O, Burgess D, Preisser L, Blanco-Cano X, Kajdic P, Hietala H, Horbury TS, Vainio R, Dresing N, Retino A, Marcucci MF, Sorriso-Valvo L, Servidio S and Valentini F
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press 
bullet iconMulti-spacecraft observations of shocklets at an interplanetary shock
Trotta D, Hietala H, Horbury T, Dresing N, Vainio R, Wilson L, Plotnikov I and Kilpua E
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press vol. 520 (1), 437-445.  


bullet iconInvestigating the Role of Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets in Triggering Dayside Ground Magnetic Ultra-Low Frequency Waves
Wang B, Nishimura Y, Hietala H and Angelopoulos V
Geophysical Research Letters, Wiley Open Access vol. 49 (22) 
bullet iconSingle-spacecraft techniques for shock parameters estimation: A systematic approach
Trotta D, Vuorinen L, Hietala H, Horbury T, Dresing N, Gieseler J, Kouloumvakos A, Price D, Valentini F, Kilpua E and Vainio R
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Frontiers Media vol. 9, 1005672-1005672.  
bullet iconSpace Raindrops Splashing on Earth’s Magnetic Umbrella
Vuorinen L, LaMoury A, Masongsong E and Hietala H
bullet iconMonte Carlo Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Bow Waves Driven by Fast Jets in the Earth’s Magnetosheath
Vuorinen L, Vainio R, Hietala H and Liu TZ
The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 934 (2), 165-165.  
bullet iconOn the Transmission of Turbulent Structures across the Earth's Bow Shock
Trotta D, Pecora F, Settino A, Perrone D, Hietala H, Horbury T, Matthaeus W, Burgess D, Servidio S and Valentini F
Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 933 (2) 
bullet iconMagnetosheath Jet Occurrence Rate in Relation to CMEs and SIRs
Koller F, Temmer M, Preisser L, Plaschke F, Geyer P, Jian LK, Roberts OW, Hietala H and LaMoury AT
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 127 (4) 


bullet iconMagnetic Field in Magnetosheath Jets: A Statistical Study of BZ Near the Magnetopause
Vuorinen L, Hietala H, Plaschke F and LaMoury AT
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 126 (9) 
bullet iconSolar Wind Control of Magnetosheath Jet Formation and Propagation to the Magnetopause
LaMoury AT, Hietala H, Plaschke F, Vuorinen L and Eastwood JP
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 126 (9) 
bullet iconDirect Multipoint Observations Capturing the Reformation of a Supercritical Fast Magnetosonic Shock
Turner DL, Wilson LB, Goodrich KA, Madanian H, Schwartz SJ, Liu TZ, Johlander A, Caprioli D, Cohen IJ, Gershman D, Hietala H, Westlake JH, Lavraud B, Le Contel O and Burch JL
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 911 (2), l31-l31.  


bullet iconStatistical Study of Magnetosheath Jet‐Driven Bow Waves
Liu TZ, Hietala H, Angelopoulos V, Omelchenko Y, Vainio R and Plaschke F
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 125 (7) 
bullet iconElectron Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet‐Driven Bow Waves
Liu TZ, Hietala H, Angelopoulos V, Vainio R and Omelchenko Y
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 125 (7) 
bullet iconRadiation monitor RADMON aboard Aalto-1 CubeSat: First results
Gieseler J, Oleynik P, Hietala H, Vainio R, Hedman H-P, Peltonen J, Punkkinen A, Punkkinen R, Säntti T, Hæggström E, Praks J, Niemelä P, Riwanto B, Jovanovic N and Mughal MR
Advances in Space Research, Elsevier vol. 66 (1), 52-65.  
bullet iconOn the alignment of velocity and magnetic fields within magnetosheath jets
Plaschke F, Jernej M, Hietala H and Vuorinen L
Annales Geophysicae, Copernicus Publications vol. 38 (2), 287-296.  


bullet iconRadiation Monitor RADMON aboard Aalto-1 CubeSat: First results
Gieseler J, Oleynik P, Hietala H, Vainio R, Hedman H-P, Peltonen J, Punkkinen A, Punkkinen R, Säntti T, Hæggström E, Praks J, Niemelä P, Riwanto B, Jovanovic N and Mughal MR
bullet iconJets in the magnetosheath: IMF control of where they occur
Vuorinen L, Hietala H and Plaschke F
Annales Geophysicae, Copernicus Publications vol. 37 (4), 689-697.  
bullet iconFORESAIL‐1 CubeSat Mission to Measure Radiation Belt Losses and Demonstrate Deorbiting
Palmroth M, Praks J, Vainio R, Janhunen P, Kilpua EKJ, Afanasiev A, Ala‐Lahti M, Alho A, Asikainen T, Asvestari E, Battarbee M, Binios A, Bosser A, Brito T, Dubart M, Envall J, Ganse U, Ganushkina NY, George H, Gieseler J, et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 124 (7), 5783-5799.  
bullet iconDirect observations of a surface eigenmode of the dayside magnetopause
ARCHER M, Hietala H, Hartinger MD, Plaschke F and Angelopoulos V
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) 


bullet iconMagnetosheath jet properties and evolution as determined by a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation
Palmroth M, Hietala H, Plaschke F, Archer M, Karlsson T, Blanco-Cano X, Sibeck D, Kajdic P, Ganse U, Pfau-Kempf Y, Battarbee M and Turc L
Annales Geophysicae vol. 36 (5), 1171-1182.  
bullet iconJets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks
Plaschke F, Hietala H, Archer M, Blanco-Cano X, Kajdič P, Karlsson T, Lee SH, Omidi N, Palmroth M, Roytershteyn V, Schmid D, Sergeev V and Sibeck D
Space Science Reviews vol. 214 (5) 
bullet iconInvestigating the anatomy of magnetosheath jets – MMS observations
Karlsson T, Plaschke F, Hietala H, ARCHER M, Blanco-Cano X, Kajdič P, Lindqvist P-A, Marklund G and Gershman D
Annales Geophysicae, Copernicus Publications 
bullet iconIn Situ Observations of a Magnetosheath High-Speed Jet Triggering Magnetopause Reconnection
Hietala H, Phan TD, Angelopoulos V, Oieroset M, Archer MO, Karlsson T and Plaschke F
Geophysical Research Letters vol. 45 (4), 1732-1740.  


bullet iconMagnetosheath high-speed jets: internal structure and interaction with ambient plasma
Plaschke F, Karlsson T, Hietala H, Archer M, Vörös Z, Nakamura R, Magnes W, Baumjohann W, Torbert RB, Russell CT and Giles BL
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 


bullet iconULF foreshock under radial IMF: THEMIS observations and global kinetic simulation Vlasiator results compared
Palmroth M, Archer M, Vainio R, Hietala H, Pfau-Kempf Y, Hoilijoki S, Hannuksela O, Ganse U, Sandroos A, Alfthan SV and Eastwood JP
Journal of Geophysical Research a: Space Physics vol. 120 (10), 8782-8798.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics
solid heart iconHietala ERE 2023
Heli Hietala
£218,142 Royal Society
01-07-2023 - 30-11-2025
solid heart iconEnhanced Research Expenses 2021-GRANT TRANSFER
Heli Hietala
£153,338 Royal Society
01-07-2022 - 01-12-2025
solid heart iconUniversity Research Fellowship-GRANT TRANSFER
Heli Hietala
£391,638 Royal Society
01-07-2022 - 01-12-2025

solid heart iconEnhancement award 2018
Heli Hietala
£38,366 Royal Society
01-07-2022 - 31-03-2024