Prof Vito Latora

Vito Latora

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Deputy Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Structure and dynamics of complex networks, Higher-order networks, Temporal and multilayer networks, Spreading and contagion in social systems, Brain Networks, Creativity and innovation ecosystems


Vito Latora's research is in the general area of complex systems, with a particular focus on the analysis and modelling of complex networks. His current interests include multiplex networks and higher-order networks, and their applications to socio-economic systems and to the human brain.

Vito’s research has been supported by funding bodies including the EPSRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the European Commission. He has been the scientific director of the EC-project LASAGNE (2012-15) involving 7 different European partners on the development of a novel mathematical framework for analysing and modelling dynamic multilayer networks.

Vito is Fellow of the Network Science Society. He also holds positions as Professor of Physics at the University of Catania and as External Faculty at the Complexity Hub Vienna. He is currently Editor of the Journal of Complex Networks.