Topological dynamics, Automata sequences, Substitutional dynamics, Ergodic theory, Cellular automata, Aperiodic order
After completing her PhD in Mathematics at McGill University, Reem was a tenured Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at Trent University, Canada, until 2014. During part of this time, she was a Van Vleck fellow at Wesleyan University (in the United States). She then moved to France, worked for the CNRS at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and was a visiting researcher at IRIF, Université Paris-Cité. In 2019 she accepted a position as a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the Open University, before joining QMUL as a Senior Lecturer in 2022.
Her research is at the active interface between topological and symbolic dynamical systems, number theory (particularly numeration systems and formal power series), and theoretical computer science (particularly automata theory). Finite state automata generate important sequences, which are of interest both in dynamics and in number theory. In dynamics, these sequences lead to low-complexity dynamical systems such as substitution shifts, odometers and adic systems, around which a vibrant theory has developed. In number theory, these sequences include prime-power projections of well-known combinatorial sequences, such as the Catalan numbers and Apéry numbers.
The underlying automata give a numeration-based description of important dynamical phenomena, such as how far the associated dynamical systems are from being equicontinuous. She uses this information to compute topological invariants of these systems, such as the symmetry group and the Ellis semigroup.
In number theory, she uses automata to describe the congruence and algebraic structure of these sequences in a p-adic setting. This is done via Christol’s and Furstenberg’s beautiful theorems, which characterise these sequences as roots of algebraic equations, and diagonals of rational functions. This part of her research makes essential use of computer experiments to identify subtle patterns that would be not otherwise be discernible; this leads to conjectures and eventually theorems.
She also studies cellular automata as dynamical systems, in particular, their (shift)-invariant measures and their topological factors.
Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems
Corrigendum to “The Ellis semigroup of bijective substitutions”Kellendonk J and
Yassawi R Groups Geometry and Dynamics,
European Mathematical Society - Ems - Publishing House 27-11-2024
Meyer sets, pisot numbers, and self-similarity in symbolic dynamical systemsYassawi R and Berthé V
Torsion-free S-adic shifts and their spectrumYassawi R Studia Mathematica,
Instytut Matematyczny Editors: Lemanczyk M.
Tame or Wild Toeplitz ShiftsYassawi R, Fuhrmann G and Kellendonk J
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press 18-08-20232022
How to prove that a sequence is not automaticAllouche J-P, Shallit J and
Yassawi R Expositiones Mathematicae,
Elsevier vol. 40 (1), 1-22.
The Ellis semigroup of bijective substitutionsKellendonk J and
Yassawi R Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics,
Ems Press vol. 16 (1), 29-73.
Automorphisms of automatic shiftsMÜLLNER C and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press vol. 41 (5), 1530-1559.
Automaticity and Invariant Measures of Linear Cellular AutomataRowland E and
Yassawi R Canadian Journal of Mathematics,
Cambridge University Press vol. 72 (6), 1691-1726.
Reversing and extended symmetries of shift spacesBaake M, A. G. Roberts J and
Yassawi R Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A,
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Aims) vol. 38 (2), 835-866.
Topological rigidity of linear cellular automaton shiftsFokkink R and
Yassawi R Indagationes Mathematicae,
Elsevier vol. 29 (4), 1105-1113.
Recognizability for sequences of morphismsBERTHÉ V, STEINER W, THUSWALDNER JM and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press vol. 39 (11), 2896-2931.
p -adic asymptotic properties of constant-recursive sequencesRowland E and
Yassawi R Indagationes Mathematicae,
Elsevier vol. 28 (1), 205-220.
Profinite automataRowland E and
Yassawi R Advances in Applied Mathematics,
Elsevier vol. 85, 60-83.
Bratteli diagrams where random orders are imperfectJanssen J, Quas A and
Yassawi R Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society,
American Mathematical Society (Ams) vol. 145 (2), 721-735.
Orders that yield homeomorphisms on Bratteli diagramsBezuglyi S and
Yassawi R Dynamical Systems,
Taylor & Francis vol. 32 (2), 249-282.
Computing automorphism groups of shifts using atypical equivalence classesYassawi R, Quas A and Coven E
Discrete Analysis,
Alliance of Diamond Open Access Journals 01-03-20162015
A characterization of p-automatic sequences as columns of linear cellular automataRowland E and
Yassawi R Advances in Applied Mathematics,
Elsevier vol. 63, 68-89.
Automatic congruences for diagonals of rational functionsRowland E and
Yassawi R Journal De Theorie Des Nombres De Bordeaux,
Universite De Bordeaux vol. 27 (1), 245-288.
Perfect Orderings on Finite Rank Bratteli DiagramsBezuglyi S, Kwiatkowski J and
Yassawi R Canadian Journal of Mathematics,
Canadian Mathematical Society vol. 66 (1), 57-101.
Embedding Bratteli–Vershik systems in cellular automataPIVATO M and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 30 (5), 1561-1572.
Embedding odometers in cellular automataCoven EM and
Yassawi R Fundamenta Mathematicae,
Instytut Matematyczny vol. 206, 131-138.
Prevalence of odometers in cellular automataCoven EM, Pivato M and
Yassawi R Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society,
American Mathematical Society (Ams) vol. 135 (3), 815-821.
Asymptotic randomization of subgroup shifts by linear cellular automataMAASS A, MARTÍNEZ S, PIVATO M and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 26 (4), 1203-1224.
Asymptotic randomization of sofic shifts by linear cellular automataPIVATO M and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 26 (4), 1177-1201.
Limit measures for affine cellular automata IIPIVATO M and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 24 (6), 1961-1980.
Multiple mixing and local rank group actionsYASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 23 (4), 1275-1304.
Limit measures for affine cellular automataPIVATO M and
YASSAWI R Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,
Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 22 (4), 1269-1287.
Multiple Mixing and Rank One Group Actionsdel Junco A and
Yassawi R Canadian Journal of Mathematics,
Canadian Mathematical Society vol. 52 (2), 332-347.