Dr Anna Maltsev

Anna Maltsev

Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Applied Probability

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


random matrix theory, quantum graphs, mathematical biology, calcium signalling


My research interests span probability, mathematical physics, quantitative biology, and analysis. More specifically, I work on topics in random matrix theory, stochastic models and analytic solutions for calcium cell signalling in heart cells, spectral theory, random fermionic systems, and quantum graphs. My Ph.D. work was on spectral theory of a Schroedinger operator on the half-line.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems


Relevant PublicationMaltsev AV, Subirachs VV, Monfredi O, Juhaszova M, Warrier PA, Rakshit S, Tagirova S, Maltsev AV, Stern MD, Lakatta EG and Maltsev VA (2024). Structure-Function Relationship of the Ryanodine Receptor Cluster Network in Sinoatrial Node Cells. Cells, MDPI vol. 13 (22) 
bullet iconMaltsev A and Osman M (2024). Bulk Universality for Complex Non-Hermitian Matrices with Independent and Identically Distributed Entries. Probability Theory and Related Fields, Springer 
bullet iconMaltsev A (2024). On topological bound states and secular equations for quantum-graph eigenvalues. Journal of Spectral Theory, EMS Press 
Relevant PublicationMaltsev AV and Malysheva S (2024). Limiting Spectral Density of Elliptic Volatility Sample Covariance Ensemble with Student’s \(t\) Tailed Volatility. Acta Physica Polonica B, Jagiellonian University vol. 55 (10) 


bullet iconKafetzopoulos A and Maltsev A (2023). Local Marchenko–Pastur law at the hard edge of the sample covariance ensemble. Journal of Mathematical Physics, American Institute of Physics vol. 64 (12), 123501-123501.  
bullet iconGuillermo V, Maltsev V, Michael S and Maltsev A (2023). Elementary Intracellular Ca Signals approximated as a Transition of Release Channel System from a Metastable State. Journal of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics 
bullet iconNorris CF and Maltsev AV (2023). Meaningful local signalling in sinoatrial node identified by random matrix theory and PCA. Journal of Physics Complexity, IOP Publishing vol. 4 (1) 


bullet iconLodhia A and Maltsev A (2022). Covariance kernel of linear spectral statistics for half-heavy tailed wigner matrices. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 2250054-2250054.  
bullet iconMaltsev A, Stern M and Maltsev V (2022). Disorder in Ca2+ Release Unit Locations Confers Robustness but Cuts Flexibility of Heart Pacemaking., Editors: Eisner D. Journal of General Physiology, Rockefeller University Press 
bullet iconMaltsev A, Monfredi O and Maltsev V (2022). Universal inverse-square relationship between heart rate variability and heart rate originating in cardiac pacemaker cells., Editors: Clancy C. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, Elsevier 


bullet iconHarrell EM and Maltsev AV (2019). Localization and landscape functions on quantum graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society (AMS) vol. 373 (3), 1701-1729.  
bullet iconMaltsev AV, Stern MD and Maltsev VA (2019). Mechanisms of Calcium Leak from Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Revealed by Statistical Mechanics. Biophysical Journal, Elsevier BV 
bullet iconMaltsev A, Stern MD and Maltsev VA (2019). Abnormal Calcium Leak from Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: New Insights Offered by Statistical Physics. Biophysical Journal, Elsevier BV vol. 116 (3), 43a-43a.  


bullet iconHarrell EM and Maltsev AV (2018). On Agmon metrics and exponential localization for quantum graphs. Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag 


bullet iconMaltsev AV, Maltsev VA and Stern MD (2017). Clusters of calcium release channels harness the Ising phase transition to confine their elementary intracellular signals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 114 (29), 7525-7530.  
bullet iconCunden FD, Maltsev A and Mezzadri F (2017). Density and spacings for the energy levels of quadratic Fermi operators. Journal of Mathematical Physics vol. 58 (6), 061902-061902.  


bullet iconBenaych-Georges F and Maltsev A (2016). Fluctuations of linear statistics of half-heavy-tailed random matrices. Stochastic Processes and their Applications vol. 126 (11), 3331-3352.  


bullet iconCunden FD, Maltsev A and Mezzadri F (2015). Fluctuations in the two-dimensional one-component plasma and associated fourth-order phase transition. Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 91 (6) 


bullet iconCacciapuoti C, Maltsev A and Schlein B (2014). Bounds for the Stieltjes transform and the density of states of Wigner matrices. Probability Theory and Related Fields, Springer Nature vol. 163 (1-2), 1-59.  
bullet iconMaltsev VA, Yaniv Y, Maltsev AV, Stern MD and Lakatta EG (2014). Modern Perspectives on Numerical Modeling of Cardiac Pacemaker Cell. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Japanese Pharmacological Society vol. 125 (1) 


bullet iconMaltsev AV, Yaniv Y, Stern MD, Lakatta EG and Maltsev VA (2013). RyR-NCX-SERCA Local Cross-Talk Ensures Pacemaker Cell Function at Rest and During the Fight-or-Flight Reflex. Circulation Research, Wolters Kluwer vol. 113 (10), e94-e100.  
bullet iconCacciapuoti C, Maltsev A and Schlein B (2013). Local Marchenko-Pastur law at the hard edge of sample covariance matrices. Journal of Mathematical Physics, AIP Publishing vol. 54 (4) 


bullet iconMaltsev A and Schlein B (2011). Average density of states for Hermitian Wigner matrices. Advances in Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 228 (5), 2797-2836.  
bullet iconMaltsev AV, Maltsev VA, Mikheev M, Maltseva LA, Sirenko SG, Lakatta EG and Stern MD (2011). Synchronization of Stochastic Ca2+ Release Units Creates a Rhythmic Ca2+ Clock in Cardiac Pacemaker Cells. Biophysical Journal, Elsevier vol. 100 (2), 271-283.  
bullet iconMaltsev A and Schlein B (2011). A Wegner estimate for Wigner matrices. Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society (AMS) vol. 552, 145-160.  


bullet iconMaltsev A (2010). Universality Limits of a Reproducing Kernel for a Half-Line Schrödinger Operator and Clock Behavior of Eigenvalues. Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Nature vol. 298 (2), 461-484.  


bullet iconMaltsev AV, Maltsev VA, Sirenko SG, Maltseva LA, Parsons SP, Lakatta EG and Stem MD (2007). A simple stochastic mechanism of a roughly periodic Ca2+ clock within cardiac cells. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems
solid heart iconURF renewal: Random Geometric Graphs and Related Problems: Theory and Applications
Anna Maltsev
£370,397 Royal Society (05-02-2023 - 04-02-2026)
solid heart iconURF Renewals 2022: Enhanced Research Expenses - Anna Maltsev
Anna Maltsev
£246,000 Royal Society (05-02-2023 - 04-02-2026)

solid heart iconResearch Fellows Enhanced Research Expenses 2021
Anna Maltsev
£85,000 Royal Society (01-04-2022 - 31-03-2023)
solid heart iconGaussian fields: geometry and applications
Anna Maltsev
£600 London Mathematical Society (LMS) (01-06-2019 - 30-06-2019)
solid heart iconWigner matrices with few moments and fractional Brownian motions
Anna Maltsev
£101,344 Royal Society (31-03-2019 - 30-03-2023)
solid heart iconUniversity Research Fellowship
Anna Maltsev
£475,484 Royal Society (01-10-2017 - 04-02-2023)