Dr Jochen Brandt

Jochen Brandt

Royal Society University Research Fellow

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Helicenes, CISS, Chirality, Radicals, Spin


In 2011, researchers conclusively showed that chiral molecules can lead to spin-selective electron transport. This chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect has since been implicated in many different areas such as more efficient hydrogen generation for carbon-neutral fuels, smaller and more powerful computer systems or even for biological processes like electron transport through proteins (see here for more information).

Yet despite the intense interest in this research area, the mechanisms underlying CISS are not fully understood, thus limiting our ability to exploit the effect’s tremendous potential. The Brandt group will attempt to fill this knowledge gap by untangling the different possible contributions to CISS: the chiral environment and unpaired spin.

About Jochen: After obtaining his BSc and MSc in Chemistry from the Freie Universität Berlin, he moved to the UK to carry out his PhD research in organic chemistry under the supervision of Prof Matthew Gaunt at the University of Cambridge. Following postdoctoral work with Prof Tobias Ritter at Harvard University, Jochen moved back to the UK to pursue postdoctoral research in chiral materials with Prof Matthew Fuchter at Imperial College London. There, he began his independent career as a Royal Society University Research Fellow in 2020 before joining Queen Mary University of London in 2022.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research

solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research


bullet iconRushworth JL, Thawani AR, Fajardo-Ruiz E, Meiring JCM, Heise C, White AJP, Akhmanova A, Brandt JR, Thorn-Seshold O and Fuchter MJ (2022). [5]-Helistatins: Tubulin-Binding Helicenes with Antimitotic Activity. JACS Au, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconKuzmina O, Hartrick E, Marchant A, Edwards E, Brandt JR and Hoyle S (2022). Chemical Management: Storage and Inventory in Research Laboratories. ACS Chemical Health & Safety, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 29 (1), 62-71.  


bullet iconGreenfield JL, Wade J, Brandt JR, Shi X, Penfold TJ and Fuchter MJ (2021). Pathways to increase the dissymmetry in the interaction of chiral light and chiral molecules. Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 12 (25), 8589-8602.  


bullet iconWade J, Hilfiker JN, Brandt JR, Liirò-Peluso L, Wan L, Shi X, Salerno F, Ryan STJ, Schöche S, Arteaga O, Jávorfi T, Siligardi G, Wang C, Amabilino DB, Beton PH, Campbell AJ and Fuchter MJ (2020). Natural optical activity as the origin of the large chiroptical properties in π-conjugated polymer thin films. Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 11 (1) 
bullet iconWade J, Brandt JR, Reger D, Zinna F, Amsharov KY, Jux N, Andrews DL and Fuchter MJ (2020). 500-Fold Amplification of Small Molecule Circularly Polarised Luminescence through Circularly Polarised FRET. Angewandte Chemie, Wiley vol. 60 (1), 222-227.  


bullet iconYang Y, Rice B, Shi X, Brandt JR, da Costa RC, Hedley GJ, Smilgies D-M, Frost JM, Samuel IDW, Otero-de-la-Roza A, Johnson ER, Jelfs KE, Nelson J, Campbell AJ and Fuchter MJ (2017). Emergent Properties of an Organic Semiconductor Driven by its Molecular Chirality. ACS Nano, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 11 (8), 8329-8338.  
bullet iconBrandt JR, Salerno F and Fuchter MJ (2017). The added value of small-molecule chirality in technological applications. Nature Reviews Chemistry, Springer Nature vol. 1 (6) 
bullet iconBrandt JR, Pospíšil L, Bednárová L, da Costa RC, White AJP, Mori T, Teplý F and Fuchter MJ (2017). Intense redox-driven chiroptical switching with a 580 mV hysteresis actuated through reversible dimerization of an azoniahelicene. Chemical Communications, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) vol. 53 (65), 9059-9062.  


bullet iconBrandt JR, Wang X, Yang Y, Campbell AJ and Fuchter MJ (2016). Circularly Polarized Phosphorescent Electroluminescence with a High Dissymmetry Factor from PHOLEDs Based on a Platinahelicene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 138 (31), 9743-9746.  


bullet iconBrandt JR, Lee E, Boursalian GB and Ritter T (2014). Mechanism of electrophilic fluorination with Pd( iv ): fluoride capture and subsequent oxidative fluoride transfer. Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) vol. 5 (1), 169-179.  


bullet iconCiana C, Phipps RJ, Brandt JR, Meyer F and Gaunt MJ (2010). A Highly Para‐Selective Copper(II)‐Catalyzed Direct Arylation of Aniline and Phenol Derivatives. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley vol. 50 (2), 458-462.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research
solid heart iconJochen Brandt URF Enhanced Research Expenses 2023
Jochen Brandt
£134,895 Royal Society (01-04-2023 - 05-01-2026)
solid heart iconURF including expenses - Jochen Brandt-GRANT TRANSFER
Jochen Brandt
£468,299 Royal Society (26-09-2022 - 05-01-2026)