Dr Andrei Sapelkin

Andrei Sapelkin

Senior Lecturer

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



My research interests are in the atomic structure, interatomic interactions, optical and electronic properties of non-periodic materials with particular focus on ultra-small nanoparticles and quantum dots (QDs). A part of my work includes investigating materials under a variety of in situ perturbations including high pressure, high and low temperatures and laser excitation. My research activities include both experimental and computational components.

On the experimental side I extensively use x-ray absorption spectroscopy and scattering, hence my long-standing involvement with large scale facilities such as synchrotron radiation and neutron sources. I have also been utilising and developing a selection of Raman scattering, photoluminescence and spectral imaging methods for materials characterisation.

On the computational side I utilise a selection of specialised codes (e.g. FEFF, FDMES, Excurve) for electronic structure, x-ray scattering and absorption calculations using ab initio and DFT codes for modelling x-ray and electron spectroscopies and materials properties.

Another long-standing interest of mine is in the bio-applications of nanoscale system and to sustain this activity I maintain extensive collaborations with chemist, biologists and materials scientists.