Dr Pavel Kratina

Senior Lecturer in Ecology
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Climate warming, Biodiversity loss, Food webs, Network rewiring, Aquatic-terrestrial linkages, Diet tracing and stable isotopes
Our research evaluates the roles of multiple environmental perturbations (e.g. climate warming), foraging behavior, and other organismal traits on the complexity, structure, and dynamics of communities and ecosystems. We seek to develop a mechanistic understanding of processes that control species diversity and its consequences for ecosystem function and services. Our work spans a range of approaches to testing eco-evolutionary hypotheses, including manipulative experiments (in microcosms, chemostats, bromeliad phytotelmata, and mesocosms), theory, and integrative analysis of time series data from diverse natural systems such as ponds, lakes, estuaries, and tropical rain forests. Although we focus on aquatic food webs, the questions and approaches are broadly applicable across ecosystems.Publications


Rodrigues T, Kratina P, Setubal RB, Ferro JLS, Abe DH, Costa LO, Nova CC, Farjalla VF and Pires APF
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 30 (10), e17540-e17540.

Moi DA, Kaufmann PR, Riato L, Romero GQ, Kratina P, de Mello FT and Hughes RM
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 30 (10), e17534-e17534.

Deeks E, Magalhães K, Traganos D, Ward R, Normande I, Dawson TP and Kratina P
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, Elsevier, 100489-100489.

Ewers RM, Orme CDL, Pearse WD, Zulkifli N, Yvon-Durocher G, Yusah KM, Yoh N, Yeo DCJ, Wong A, Williamson J, Wilkinson CL, Wiederkehr F, Webber BL, Wearn OR, Wai L, Vollans M, Twining JP, Turner EC, Tobias JA, Thorley J, et al.
Nature, Springer Nature vol. 631 (8022), 808-813.

Martínez Rodríguez A, Kratina P and Jones JI
Environmental Pollution, Elsevier vol. 359

Saito VS, Kratina P, Barbosa G, Ferreira FC, Leal JB, Zemelka G, Sarmento H and Perkins DM
Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley vol. 93 (8), 1022-1035.

Neves MP, de Arruda Amorim JP, Delariva RL, Kratina P and Fialho CB
Ecology and Evolution, Wiley vol. 14 (5)

Deeks E, Kratina P, Normande I, Da Silva Cerqueira A and Dawson T
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, Sociedad Latinoamericana De Especialistas En Mamiferos Acuaticos (Solamac)

Neves MP, Delariva RL, Perkins DM, Fialho CB and Kratina P
Limnology and Oceanography, Wiley vol. 69 (1), 189-202.

Martínez Rodríguez A, Marchant DJ, Francelle P, Kratina P and Jones JI
Environmental Pollution, Elsevier vol. 337

Nash LN, Kratina P, Recalde FC, Jones JI, Izzo T and Romero GQ
Ecology Letters, Wiley

Nash LN, Zorzetti LW, Antiqueira PAP, Carbone C, Romero GQ and Kratina P
Global Ecology and Biogeography

Moi DA, Barrios M, Tesitore G, Burwood M, Romero GQ, Mormul RP, Kratina P, Juen L, Michelan TS, Montag LFA, Cruz GM, García-Girón J, Heino J, Hughes RM, Figueiredo BRS and Teixeira de Mello F
Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley

Vad CF, Hanny-Endrédi A, Kratina P, Abonyi A, Mironova E, Murray DS, Samchyshyna L, Tsakalakis I, Smeti E, Spatharis S, Tan H, Preiler C, Petrusek A, Bengtsson MM and Ptacnik R
Global Change Biology, Wiley

Marchant D, Martinez Rodriguez A, Francelle P, Jones J and Kratina P
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Elsevier vol. 255

Kemp VA, Grey J, Hemprich-Bennett D, Rossiter SJ, Lewis OT, Wilkinson CL, Clare EL and Kratina P
Journal of Applied Ecology, Wiley

Progênio M, Antiqueira PAP, Oliveira FR, Meira BR, Lansac-Tôha FM, Rodrigues LC, Romero GQ, Nash LN, Kratina P and Velho LFM
Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access vol. 13 (2)

Marsh JE, Jones JI, Lauridsen RB, Grace JB and Kratina P
Freshwater Biology, Wiley

Moi DA, Lansac-Tôha FM, Romero GQ, Sobral-Souza T, Cardinale BJ, Kratina P, Perkins DM, Teixeira de Mello F, Jeppesen E, Heino J, Lansac-Tôha FA, Velho LFM and Mormul RP
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research

Srivastava DS, MacDonald AAM, Pillar VD, Kratina P, Debastiani VJ, Guzman LM, Trzcinski M, Dézerald O, Barberis IM, de Omena PM, Romero GQ, Ospina-Bautista F, Marino NAC, Leroy C, Farjalla VF, Richardson BA, Gonçalves AZ, Corbara B, Petermann JS, Richardson MJ, et al.
Functional Ecology, Wiley

Romero GQ, Gonçalves-Souza T, Roslin T, Marquis RJ, Marino NAC, Novotny V, Cornelissen T, Orivel J, Sui S, Aires G, Antoniazzi R, Dáttilo W, Breviglieri CPB, Busse A, Gibb H, Izzo TJ, Kadlec T, Kemp V, Kersch-Becker M, Knapp M, et al.
Global Change Biology, Wiley

Pereira CC, Novais S, Barbosa M, Negreiros D, Gonçalves-Souza T, Roslin T, Marquis R, Marino N, Novotny V, Orivel J, Sui S, Aires G, Antoniazzi R, Dáttilo W, Breviglieri C, Busse A, Gibb H, Izzo T, Kadlec T, Kemp V, et al.
Ecology, e3639-e3639.

Kratina P, Rosenbaum B, Gallo B, Horas EL and O’Gorman EJ
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution vol. 9

Moi DA, Romero GQ, Jeppesen E, Kratina P, Alves DC, Antiqueira PAP, Teixeira de Mello F, Figueiredo BRS, Bonecker CC, Pires APF, Braghin LSM and Mormul RP
Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley

Burian A, Pinn D, Peralta-Maraver I, Sweet M, Mauvisseau Q, Eyice O, Bulling M, Röthig T and Kratina P
The Isme Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 16 (4), 1086-1094.

Marchant DJ, Iwan Jones J, Zemelka G, Eyice O and Kratina P
Aquatic Toxicology, Elsevier vol. 242

Marsh JE, Lauridsen RB, Gregory SD, Kratina P, Scott LJ, Cooling D and Jones JI
Ecol Appl, e02492-e02492.

Hemprich-Bennett DR, Kemp VA, Blackman J, Lewis OT, Struebig MJ, Bernard H, Kratina P, Rossiter SJ and Clare EL
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution vol. 9, 750269-750269.

Romero GQ, Moi DA, Nash LN, Antiqueira PAP, Mormul RP and Kratina P
Biology Letters, Royal Society, The vol. 17 (6), 20210137-20210137.

Nash LN, Antiqueira PAP, Romero GQ, de Omena PM and Kratina P
Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley

Wilkinson CL, Chua KWJ, Fiala R, Liew JH, Kemp V, Fikri AH, Ewers RM, Kratina P and Yeo DCJ
Bulletin of The Ecological Society of America vol. 102 (2)

Tan H, Hirst AG, Atkinson D and Kratina P
Functional Ecology

Neves MP, Kratina P, Delariva RL, Jones JI and Fialho CB
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Peralta-Maraver I, Stubbington R, Arnon S, Kratina P, Krause S, de Mello Cionek V, Leite NK, da Silva ALL, Thomaz SM, Posselt M, Milner VS, Momblanch A, Moretti MS, Nóbrega RLB, Perkins DM, Petrucio MM, Reche I, Saito V, Sarmento H, Strange E, et al.
Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier vol. 772

Saito VS, Perkins DM and Kratina P
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Elsevier

Guzman LM, Trzcinski MK, Barberis IM, Céréghino R, Srivastava DS, Gilbert B, Pillar VD, de Omena PM, MacDonald AAM, Corbara B, Leroy C, Ospina Bautista F, Romero GQ, Kratina P, Debastiani VJ, Gonįalves AZ, Marino NAC, Farjalla VF, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, et al.
Ecography vol. 44 (3), 440-452.

Wilkinson CL, Chua KWJ, Fiala R, Liew JH, KEMP V, Fikri AH, Ewers RM, Kratina P and Yeo DCJ
Ecology, Ecological Society of America

Romero GQ, Marino NAC, MacDonald AAM, Céréghino R, Trzcinski MK, Mercado DA, Leroy C, Corbara B, Farjalla VF, Barberis IM, Dézerald O, Hammill E, Atwood TB, Piccoli GCO, Bautista FO, Carrias J-F, Leal JS, Montero G, Antiqueira PAP, Freire R, et al.
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 11 (1), 3215-3215.

Bernhardt JR, Kratina P, Pereira A, Tamminen M, Thomas MK and Narwani A
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Royal Society, The

Lewington‐Pearce L, Parker B, Narwani A, Nielsen J and Kratina P
Oecologia, Springer Verlag

Marsh JE, Lauridsen RB, Gregory SD, Beaumont WRC, Scott LJ, Kratina P and Jones JI
Ecology of Freshwater Fish, Wiley

Evans LE, Hirst AG, Kratina P and Beaugrand G
Ecography, Wiley vol. 43 (4), 581-590.

Marino NAC, Céréghino R, Gilbert B, Petermann JS, Srivastava DS, Omena PM, Bautista FO, Guzman LM, Romero GQ, Trzcinski MK, Barberis IM, Corbara B, Debastiani VJ, Dézerald O, Kratina P, Leroy C, MacDonald AAM, Montero G, Pillar VD, Richardson BA, et al.
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Wiley

Rossberg AG, Gaedke U and Kratina P
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1), 4396-4396.

Kratina P, Watts TJ, Green DS, Kordas RL and O'Gorman EJ
Environmental Pollution, Elsevier Bv vol. 255, 113259-113259.

Ladino G, Ospina‐Bautista F, Estévez Varón J, Jerabkova L and Kratina P
Ecology and Evolution, Wiley

Lewington‐Pearce L, Narwani A, Thomas MK, Kremer CT, Vogler H and Kratina P
Oikos, Wiley vol. 128 (8), 1194-1205.

Price E, Sertić Perić M, Romero G and KRATINA P
Journal of Animal Ecology, Wiley

Pennekamp F, Iles AC, Garland J, Brennan G, Brose U, Gaedke U, Jacob U, KRATINA P, Matthews B, Munch S, Novak M, Palamara GM, Rall BC, Rosenbaum B, Tabi A, Ward C, Williams R, Ye H and Petchey OL
Ecological Monographs, Ecological Society of America

Romero GQ, Gonclaves-Souza T, KRATINA P, Marino NAC, Petry WK, Sobral-Souza T and Roslin T
Nature Climate Change, Nature Research

Hammill E, Hawkins CP, Greig HS, KRATINA P, Shurin JB and Atwood TB
Ecology, Ecological Society of America

Ma A, Bohan DA, Canard E, Derocles SAP, Gray C, Lu X, Macfadyen S, Romero GQ and Kratina P
Advances in Ecological Research

Céréghino R, Pillar VD, Srivastava DS, de Omena PM, MacDonald AAM, Barberis IM, Corbara B, Guzman LM, Leroy C, Ospina Bautista F, Romero GQ, Trzcinski MK, Kratina P, Debastiani VJ, Gonçalves AZ, Marino NAC, Farjalla VF, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Dézerald O, et al.
Functional Ecology Editors: Killen S.

Worischka S, Richter L, Hänig A, Hellmann C, Becker J, KRATINA P and Winkelmann C
Aquatic Invasions, Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (Reabic)

Nielsen JM, Clare EL, Hayden B, Brett MT and KRATINA P
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Wiley

KRATINA P, Petermann J, Marino NAC, MacDonald AAM and Srivastava DS
Ecology and Evolution, Wiley

Atwood TB, Hammill E, Kratina P, Greig HS, Shurin JB and Richardson JS
Biology Letters vol. 11 (12)

Petermann JS, Kratina P, Marino NAC, MacDonald AAM and Srivastava DS
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 10 (3)

Hammill E, Kratina P, Vos M, Petchey OL and Anholt BR
Oecologia, Springer Nature vol. 178 (2), 549-556.

Kratina P and Winder M
Oikos, Wiley vol. 124 (10), 1337-1345.

Petermann JS, Farjalla VF, Jocque M, Kratina P, MacDonald AAM, Marino NAC, de Omena PM, Piccoli GCO, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Romero GQ, Videla M and Srivastava DS
Ecology, Wiley vol. 96 (2), 428-439.

DeLong JP, Gilbert B, Shurin JB, Savage VM, Barton BT, Clements CF, Dell AI, Greig HS, Harley CDG, Kratina P, McCann KS, Tunney TD, Vasseur DA and O'Connor MI
The American Naturalist, University of Chicago Press vol. 185 (3), 354-366.

LeCraw RM, Kratina P and Srivastava DS
Oecologia vol. 176 (4), 903-915.

Vasseur DA, Fox JW, Gonzalez A, Adrian R, Beisner BE, Helmus MR, Johnson C, Kratina P, Kremer C, de Mazancourt C, Miller E, Nelson WA, Paterson M, Rusak JA, Shurin JB and Steiner CF
Proc Biol Sci vol. 281 (1788)

Vasseur DA
Proceedings. Biological Sciences / The Royal Society vol. 281 (1788)

Gilbert B, Tunney TD, Mccann KS, Delong JP, Vasseur DA, Savage V, Shurin JB, Dell AI, Barton BT, Harley CD, Kharouba HM, Kratina P, Blanchard JL, Clements C, Winder M, Greig HS and O'Connor MI
Ecology Letters

Kratina P, Mac Nally R, Kimmerer WJ, Thomson JR and Winder M
Journal of Applied Ecology vol. 51 (4), 1066-1074.

Atwood TB, Hammill E, Greig HS, Kratina P, Shurin JB, Srivastava DS and Richardson JS
Nature Geoscience vol. 6 (3), 191-194.

Srivastava DS and Kratina P
Oikos vol. 122 (2), 298-300.

Shurin JB, Clasen JL, Greig HS, Kratina P and Thompson PL
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci vol. 367 (1605), 3008-3017.

Kratina P, Greig HS, Thompson PL, Carvalho-Pereira TSA and Shurin JB
Ecology vol. 93 (6), 1421-1430.

Ingram T, Svanbäck R, Kraft NJB, Kratina P, Southcott L and Schluter D
Evolution vol. 66 (6), 1819-1832.

Greig HS, Kratina P, Thompson PL, Palen WJ, Richardson JS and Shurin JB
Global Change Biology vol. 18 (2), 504-514.

Kratina P, LeCraw RM, Ingram T and Anholt BR
Ecosphere vol. 3(6)

Kratina P, Hammill E and Anholt BR
J Anim Ecol vol. 79 (5), 993-999.

Hammill E, Kratina P, Beckerman AP and Anholt BR
Oikos vol. 119 (3), 494-499.

Kratina P, Vos M, Bateman A and Anholt BR
Oecologia vol. 159 (2), 425-433.

Hammill E, Kratina P and Anholt BR
Hydrobiologia vol. 621 (1), 183-189.

Kratina P, Vos M and Anholt BR
Ecology vol. 88 (8), 1917-1923.

Athen Ma, Vito Latora and Pavel Kratina
£389,809 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-06-2024 - 31-05-2027

J Iwan Jones, Özge Eyice, Kate Spencer, Pavel Kratina, China Hanson and John Murphy
£1,800,303 EU European Commission - Other
01-01-2020 - 31-03-2023

J Iwan Jones, Pavel Kratina, John Murphy and Kate Spencer
£46,945 DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
07-01-2019 - 10-01-2020

Pavel Kratina
£74,000 Royal Society
10-12-2018 - 08-12-2021