Dr Ian McFadden

Ian McFadden

Lecturer in Computational Ecology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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global ecology, artificial intelligence, computer vision, species interactions, community ecology, biogeography


Ian is currently interested in using computer vision and machine learning to study and conserve species interactions from local communities to the scale of the whole earth, among other things.

You can learn more about his current and previous research, teaching and outreach at mcfaddenecology.com


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability


bullet iconFutureproofing Europe’s forests
McFadden IR
Nature Ecology & Evolution, Springer Nature vol. 8 (6), 1064-1065.  
bullet iconWarming underpins community turnover in temperate freshwater and terrestrial communities
Khaliq I, Rixen C, Zellweger F, Graham CH, Gossner MM, McFadden IR, Antão L, Brodersen J, Ghosh S, Pomati F, Seehausen O, Roth T, Sattler T, Supp SR, Riaz M, Zimmermann NE, Matthews B and Narwani A
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 


bullet iconThe geography of climate and the global patterns of species diversity
Coelho MTP, Barreto E, Rangel TF, Diniz-Filho JAF, Wüest RO, Bach W, Skeels A, McFadden IR, Roberts DW, Pellissier L, Zimmermann NE and Graham CH
Nature, Springer Nature vol. 622 (7983), 537-544.  
bullet iconUtilizing multi-objective decision support tools for protected area selection
Voskamp A, Fritz SA, Köcke V, Biber MF, Brockmeyer TN, Bertzky B, Forrest M, Goldstein A, Henderson S, Hickler T, Hof C, Kastner T, Lang S, Manning P, Mascia MB, McFadden IR, Niamir A, Noon M, O’Donnell B, Opel M, et al.
One Earth, Elsevier vol. 6 (9), 1143-1156.  
bullet iconPaleoenvironments shaped the exchange of terrestrial vertebrates across Wallace’s Line
Skeels A, Boschman LM, McFadden IR, Joyce EM, Hagen O, Jiménez Robles O, Bach W, Boussange V, Keggin T, Jetz W and Pellissier L
Science, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 381 (6653), 86-92.  
bullet iconHummingbird community structure and nectar resources modulate the response of interspecific competition to forest conversion
Guevara EA, Bello C, Poveda C, McFadden IR, Schleuning M, Pellissier L and Graham CH
Oecologia, Springer Nature vol. 201 (3), 761-770.  


bullet iconLinking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
McFadden IR, Sendek A, Brosse M, Bach PM, Baity‐Jesi M, Bolliger J, Bollmann K, Brockerhoff EG, Donati G, Gebert F, Ghosh S, Ho H, Khaliq I, Lever JJ, Logar I, Moor H, Odermatt D, Pellissier L, de Queiroz LJ, Rixen C, et al.
Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 26 (2), 203-218.  
bullet iconClimate, immigration and speciation shape terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the European Alps
de Queiroz LJ, Doenz CJ, Altermatt F, Alther R, Borko Š, Brodersen J, Gossner MM, Graham C, Matthews B, McFadden IR, Pellissier L, Schmitt T, Selz OM, Villalba S, Rüber L, Zimmermann NE and Seehausen O
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 289 (1980) 
bullet iconGlobal plant‐frugivore trait matching is shaped by climate and biogeographic history
McFadden IR, Fritz SA, Zimmermann NE, Pellissier L, Kissling WD, Tobias JA, Schleuning M and Graham CH
Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 25 (3), 686-696.  


bullet iconTRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access
Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P, Tautenhahn S, Werner GDA, Aakala T, Abedi M, Acosta ATR, Adamidis GC, Adamson K, Aiba M, Albert CH, Alcántara JM, C CA, Aleixo I, Ali H, Amiaud B, et al.
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 26 (1), 119-188.  
bullet iconTemperature shapes opposing latitudinal gradients of plant taxonomic and phylogenetic β diversity
McFadden IR, Sandel B, Tsirogiannis C, Morueta‐Holme N, Svenning J, Enquist BJ and Kraft NJB
Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 22 (7), 1126-1135.  
bullet iconNeither species geographic range size, climatic envelope, nor intraspecific leaf trait variability capture habitat specialization in a hyperdiverse Amazonian forest
Fortunel C, McFadden IR, Valencia R and Kraft NJB
Biotropica, Wiley vol. 51 (3), 304-310.  
bullet iconDisentangling the functional trait correlates of spatial aggregation in tropical forest trees
McFadden IR, Bartlett MK, Wiegand T, Turner BL, Sack L, Valencia R and Kraft NJB
Ecology, Wiley vol. 100 (3) 


bullet iconBeginning a Fourth Year of Tropical Conservation Science with OJS, a New Publishing Platform
Estrada A, McFadden I and Butler R
Tropical Conservation Science, Sage Publications vol. 4 (1), i-iii.  