Prof Yannick Wurm

Yannick Wurm

Professor of Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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genome evolution, bioinformatics, ants, pollinators, pollinator health, social insects


We develop and apply novel technologies to address major questions on:
- how we can better measure health and well-being of pollinators including bees, butterflies and beetles. Our ultimate aim is to better support our biodiversity & ecosystems. As part of this we apply AI/ML image and video analysis, and RNA-seq transcriptomics.
- the genetics, evolution and behaviour of ant societies. We've discovered supergenes that determine queen number and applied population-genomic approaches to understand the tradeoffs of these remarkable genetic architectures.

As part of this, we also develop generic tools. See also: