Prof Rachael Bedford

Rachael Bedford

Professor in Biological and Experimental Psychology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


Autism, Neurodevelopment, Mental health, Screen Time, Infancy


My research programme aims to understand transdiagnostic mechanisms underlying emerging developmental conditions and co-occurring mental health, through the integration of experimental methods with large-scale data. In particular, I am interested in identifying and testing modifiable environmental factors as potential intervention targets. My research vision is to build an evidence base which can inform more personalised treatment and guidelines, based on individual developmental profiles.

I lead the Queen Mary Child Development Lab:


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


Relevant PublicationToddler Screen Use Before Bed and Its Effect on Sleep and Attention
Pickard H, Chu P, Essex C, Goddard EJ, Baulcombe K, Carter B, Bedford R and Smith TJ
Jama Pediatrics, American Medical Association (Ama) vol. 178 (12), 1270-1279.  
Relevant PublicationLongitudinal associations between autistic children's anxiety and social communication differences: The moderating role of executive function behaviours.
Ng-Cordell E, Pickard H, Bedford R, Richard A, Zaidman-Zait A, Zwaigenbaum L, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Szatmari P, Elsabbagh M and Kerns CM
Autism, Sage Publications 
Relevant PublicationEarly-Onset Trajectories of Emotional Dysregulation in Autistic Children
Bennett T, Jambon M, Zaidman-Zait A, Duku EK, Georgiades S, Elsabbagh M, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Zwaigenbaum L, Kerns CM, Richard AE, Bedford R and Szatmari P
Journal of The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationParent‐mediated intervention in infants with an elevated likelihood for autism reduces dwell time during a gaze‐following task
Bedford R, Green J, Gliga T, Jones EH, Elsabbagh M, Pasco G, Wan MW, Slonims V, Charman T, Pickles A, Johnson MH and Team TB
Autism Research, Wiley vol. 17 (11), 2346-2354.  
Relevant PublicationConcurrent and longitudinal associations between touchscreen use and executive functions at preschool-age
Mortimer A, Fiske A, Biggs B, Bedford R, Hendry A and Holmboe K
Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, Frontiers vol. 2 
Relevant PublicationAn Examination of the Relations Between Effortful Control in Early Childhood and Risk for Later Externalizing Psychopathology: A Bi-factor Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Winebrake DA, Huth N, Gueron-Sela N, Propper C, Mills-Koonce R, Bedford R and Wagner NJ
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, Springer Nature, 1-16.  
Relevant PublicationNo association between alexithymia and emotion recognition or theory of mind in a sample of adolescents enhanced for autistic traits
Moraitopoulou G, Pickard H, Simonoff E, Pickles A, Bedford R and Leno VC
Autism, Sage Publications vol. 28 (8), 2066-2079.  


Relevant PublicationTesting the social motivation theory of autism: the role of co‐occurring anxiety
Bagg E, Pickard H, Tan M, Smith TJ, Simonoff E, Pickles A, Leno VC and Bedford R
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 65 (7), 899-909.  
Relevant PublicationSocial threat processing in adults and children: Faster orienting to, but shorter dwell time on, angry faces during visual search
Plate RC, Powell T, Bedford R, Smith TJ, Bamezai A, Wedderburn Q, Broussard A, Soesanto N, Swetlitz C, Waller R and Wagner NJ
Developmental Science, Wiley vol. 27 (3) 
Relevant PublicationCorrection: Understanding the prevalence and manifestation of anxiety and other socio‑emotional and behavioural difficulties in children with Developmental Language Disorder
Burnley A, St Clair M, Bedford R, Wren Y and Dack C
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
Relevant PublicationA longitudinal comparison of emotional, behavioral and attention problems in autistic and typically developing children
Wright N, Courchesne V, Pickles A, Bedford R, Duku E, Kerns CM, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Hill J, Richard A, Sharp H, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Zaidman-Zait A, Zwaigenbaum L, Szatmari P, Elsabbagh M and Team P
Psychological Medicine, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 53 (16), 7707-7719.  
Relevant PublicationUnderstanding the prevalence and manifestation of anxiety and other socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties in children with Developmental Language Disorder
Burnley A, St Clair M, Bedford R, Wren Y and Dack C
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
Relevant PublicationAre Movies Making Us Smarter?
Smith TJ, Essex C and Bedford R
Projections, Berghahn Books vol. 17 (1), 52-66.  
Relevant PublicationThe subcortical correlates of autistic traits in school-age children: a population-based neuroimaging study
Sharp TH, Elsabbagh M, Pickles A and Bedford R
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1) 
Relevant PublicationDo pre-schoolers with high touchscreen use show executive function differences?
Portugal AM, Hendry A, Smith TJ and Bedford R
Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier vol. 139 
Relevant PublicationLongitudinal Associations between Early Childhood Irritability and Adolescent Depression Symptoms in Autistic Children are Mediated by Peer Relationships but Not Educational Engagement
Leno VC, Wright N, Pickles A, Bedford R, Zaidman-Zait A, Kerns C, Zwaigenbaum L, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith IM, Richards A, Vaillancourt T, Szatmari P and Elsabbagh M
Development and Psychopathology, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 36 (1), 1-11.  


Relevant PublicationAssociations between emotion recognition and autistic and callous‐unemotional traits: differential effects of cueing to the eyes
Leno VC, Pickard H, Cybulska L, Smith T, Munafo M, Penton‐Voak I, Simonoff E, Pickles A and Bedford R
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 64 (5), 787-796.  
Relevant PublicationModulation of EEG theta by naturalistic social content is not altered in infants with family history of autism
Haartsen R, Charman T, Pasco G, Johnson MH and Jones EJH
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
Relevant PublicationNeuronal gating of tactile input and sleep in 10-month-old infants at typical and elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder
De Laet A, Piccardi ES, Begum-Ali J, Charman T, Johnson MH, Jones EJH, Bedford R and Gliga T
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
Relevant PublicationInter‐trial theta phase consistency during face processing in infants is associated with later emerging autism
van Noordt S, Desjardins JA, Team TB and Elsabbagh M
Autism Research, Wiley vol. 15 (5), 834-846.  
Relevant PublicationPredictors of language regression and its association with subsequent communication development in children with autism
Pickles A, Wright N, Bedford R, Steiman M, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Kerns CM, Mirenda P, Smith IM, Ungar WJ, Vaillancourt T, Waddell C, Zaidman‐Zait A, Zwaigenbaum L, Szatmari P, Elsabbagh M and Team PIAS
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 63 (11), 1243-1251.  
Relevant PublicationInhibitory control and problem solving in early childhood: Exploring the burdens and benefits of high self‐control
Hendry A, Agyapong MA, D'Souza H, Frick MA, Portugal AM, Konke LA, Cloke H, Bedford R, Smith TJ, Karmiloff‐Smith A, Jones EJH, Charman T and Brocki KC
Infant and Child Development, Wiley vol. 31 (3) 
Relevant PublicationExposure to family stressful life events in autistic children: Longitudinal associations with mental health and the moderating role of cognitive flexibility
Leno VC, Wright N, Pickles A, Bedford R, Zaidman-Zait A, Kerns C, Mirenda P, Zwaigenbaum L, Duku E, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith I, Vaillancourt T, Szatmari P and Elsabbagh M
Autism, Sage Publications vol. 26 (7), 1656-1667.  


Relevant PublicationExamining Links Between Infant Parasympathetic Regulation during the Still-Face Paradigm and Later Callous-Unemotional Traits
Lynch SF, Bedford R, Propper C and Wagner NJ
Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Springer Nature vol. 50 (4), 489-503.  
Relevant PublicationNon-verbal IQ and change in restricted and repetitive behavior throughout childhood in autism: a longitudinal study using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised
Courchesne V, Bedford R, Pickles A, Duku E, Kerns C, Mirenda P, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith IM, Ungar WJ, Vaillancourt T, Zaidman-Zait A, Zwaigenbaum L, Szatmari P and Elsabbagh M
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
Relevant PublicationInvestigating the Mechanisms Driving Referent Selection and Retention in Toddlers at Typical and Elevated Likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder
GLIGA T, SKOLNICK A, LIERSCH U, CHARMAN T, JOHNSON MH, BEDFORD R, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Blasi A, Davies K, Elsabbagh M, Fernandes J, Gammer I, Guiraud J, Hendry A, Liew M, Lloyd-Fox S, Maris H, O'Hara L, Pasco G, et al.
Journal of Child Language, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 49 (5), 1024-1036.  
Relevant PublicationInvestigating longitudinal associations between parent reported sleep in early childhood and teacher reported executive functioning in school-aged children with autism
Tesfaye R, Wright N, Zaidman-Zait A, Bedford R, Zwaigenbaum L, Kerns CM, Duku E, Mirenda P, Bennett T, Georgiades S, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Pickles A, Szatmari P and Elsabbagh M
Sleep, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 44 (9) 
Relevant PublicationAssociation between spectral electroencephalography power and autism risk and diagnosis in early development
Huberty S, Leno VC, van Noordt SJR, Bedford R, Pickles A, Desjardins JA, Webb SJ, Team TB and Elsabbagh M
Autism Research, Wiley vol. 14 (7), 1390-1403.  
Relevant PublicationLongitudinal touchscreen use across early development is associated with faster exogenous and reduced endogenous attention control
Portugal AM, Bedford R, Cheung CHM, Mason L and Smith TJ
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 
Relevant PublicationSaliency-Driven Visual Search Performance in Toddlers With Low– vs High–Touch Screen Use
Portugal AM, Bedford R, Cheung CHM, Gliga T and Smith TJ
Jama Pediatrics, American Medical Association (Ama) vol. 175 (1), 96-97.  


Relevant PublicationEmotion Recognition Performance in Children with Callous Unemotional Traits is Modulated by Co-occurring Autistic Traits
Bedford R, Leno VC, Wright N, Bluett-Duncan M, Smith TJ, Anzures G, Pickles A, Sharp H and Hill J
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, Taylor & Francis vol. 50 (6), 811-827.  
Relevant PublicationBrief Report: Associations Between Cognitive Control Processes and Traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Anxiety in Children at Elevated and Typical Familial Likelihood for ASD
Godoy PBG, Shephard E, Milosavljevic B, Johnson MH and Charman T
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 51 (8), 3001-3013.  
Relevant PublicationCallous-unemotional traits in youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): replication of prevalence estimates and associations with gaze patterns when viewing fearful faces
Leno VC, Bedford R, Chandler S, White P, Yorke I, Charman T, Pickles A and Simonoff E
Development and Psychopathology, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 33 (4), 1220-1228.  
Relevant PublicationAtypical Development of Attentional Control Associates with Later Adaptive Functioning, Autism and ADHD Traits
Hendry A, Jones EJH, Bedford R, Andersson Konke L, Begum Ali J, Bӧlte S, Brocki KC, Demurie E, Johnson M, Pijl MKJ, Roeyers H and Charman T
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 50 (11), 4085-4105.  
Relevant PublicationNeural and behavioural indices of face processing in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A longitudinal study from infancy to mid-childhood
Shephard E, Milosavljevic B, Mason L, Elsabbagh M, Tye C, Gliga T, Jones EJ, Charman T, Johnson MH, Team TB, Baron-Cohen S, Bedford R, Bolton P, Chandler S, Fernandes J, Garwood H, Hudry K, Pasco G, Pickles A, Tucker L, et al.
Cortex, Elsevier vol. 127, 162-179.  


Relevant PublicationComparison of Parent Questionnaires, Examiner-Led Assessment and Parents’ Concerns at 14 Months of Age as Indicators of Later Diagnosis of Autism
Pasco G, Davies K, Ribeiro H, Tucker L, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Johnson MH and Charman T
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 51 (3), 804-813.  
Relevant PublicationGaze Following and Attention to Objects in Infants at Familial Risk for ASD
Parsons JP, Bedford R, Jones EJH, Charman T, Johnson MH and Gliga T
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers vol. 10 
Relevant PublicationInfant regulatory function acts as a protective factor for later traits of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder but not callous unemotional traits
Bedford R, Gliga T, Hendry A, Jones EJH, Pasco G, Charman T, Johnson MH and Pickles A
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 
Relevant PublicationLatent trajectories of adaptive behaviour in infants at high and low familial risk for autism spectrum disorder
Bussu G, Jones EJH, Charman T, Johnson MH and Buitelaar JK
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 
Relevant PublicationFunctional EEG connectivity in infants associates with later restricted and repetitive behaviours in autism; a replication study
Haartsen R, Jones EJH, Orekhova EV, Charman T and Johnson MH
Translational Psychiatry, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
Relevant PublicationTemperament as an Early Risk Marker for Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Longitudinal Study of High-Risk and Low-Risk Infants
Pijl MKJ, Bussu G, Charman T, Johnson MH, Jones EJH, Pasco G, Oosterling IJ, Rommelse NNJ and Buitelaar JK
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 49 (5), 1825-1836.  


Relevant PublicationEarly developmental pathways to childhood symptoms of attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder
Shephard E, Bedford R, Milosavljevic B, Gliga T, Jones EJH, Pickles A, Johnson MH, Charman T, Baron‐Cohen S, Bolton P, Chandler S, Elsabbagh M, Fernandes J, Garwood H, Hudry K, Pasco G, Tucker L and Volein A
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 60 (9), 963-974.  
Relevant PublicationMaternal Attributions of Infant Behavior and Parenting in Toddlerhood Predict Teacher-Rated Internalizing Problems in Childhood
Wagner NJ, Gueron-Sela N, Bedford R and Propper C
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, Taylor & Francis vol. 47 (sup1), s569-s577.  
Relevant PublicationVisual search and autism symptoms: What young children search for and co‐occurring ADHD matter
Doherty BR, Charman T, Johnson MH, Scerif G, Gliga T and Team TB
Developmental Science, Wiley vol. 21 (5) 
Relevant PublicationAdaptive Behaviour and Cognitive Skills: Stability and Change from 7 Months to 7 Years in Siblings at High Familial Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Salomone E, Shephard E, Milosavljevic B, Johnson MH, Charman T and The BASIS Team
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 48 (9), 2901-2911.  
Relevant PublicationPrediction of Autism at 3 Years from Behavioural and Developmental Measures in High-Risk Infants: A Longitudinal Cross-Domain Classifier Analysis
Bussu G, Jones EJH, Charman T, Johnson MH, Buitelaar JK and the BASIS Team
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 48 (7), 2418-2433.  
Relevant PublicationDevelopmental change in look durations predicts later effortful control in toddlers at familial risk for ASD
Hendry A, Jones EJH, Bedford R, Gliga T, Charman T, Johnson MH and the BASIS Team
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1) 


Relevant PublicationCortical responses before 6 months of life associate with later autism
Lloyd‐Fox S, Blasi A, Pasco G, Gliga T, Jones EJH, Murphy DGM, Elwell CE, Charman T, Johnson MH, Baron‐Cohen S, Bedford R, Bolton P, Cheung HMC, Davies K, Elsabbagh M, Fernandes J, Gammer I, Guiraud J, Liew M, Maris H, et al.
European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley vol. 47 (6), 736-749.  
Relevant PublicationChildren’s Executive Function Attenuate the Link Between Maternal Intrusiveness and Internalizing Behaviors at School Entry
Gueron-Sela N, Bedford R, Wagner NJ and Propper CB
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, Taylor & Francis vol. 47 (sup1), s435-s444.  
Relevant PublicationMethod of homicide and severe mental illness: A systematic review
Minero VA, Barker E and Bedford R
Aggression and Violent Behavior, Elsevier vol. 37, 52-62.  
Relevant PublicationNeurocognitive and observational markers: prediction of autism spectrum disorder from infancy to mid-childhood
Bedford R, Gliga T, Shephard E, Elsabbagh M, Pickles A, Charman T and Johnson MH
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 8 (1) 
Relevant PublicationSimulating interaction: Using gaze-contingent eye-tracking to measure the reward value of social signals in toddlers with and without autism
Vernetti A, Senju A, Charman T, Johnson MH, Gliga T and Team TB
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier vol. 29, 21-29.  
Relevant PublicationCallous-unemotional traits moderate executive function in children with ASD and ADHD: A pilot event-related potential study
Tye C, Bedford R, Asherson P, Ashwood KL, Azadi B, Bolton P and McLoughlin G
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier vol. 26, 84-90.  
Relevant PublicationDaily touchscreen use in infants and toddlers is associated with reduced sleep and delayed sleep onset
Cheung CHM, Bedford R, Saez De Urabain IR, Karmiloff-Smith A and Smith TJ
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
Relevant PublicationRandomised trial of a parent‐mediated intervention for infants at high risk for autism: longitudinal outcomes to age 3 years
Green J, Pickles A, Pasco G, Bedford R, Wan MW, Elsabbagh M, Slonims V, Gliga T, Jones E, Cheung C, Charman T, Johnson M, Baron‐Cohen S, Bolton P, Davies K, Liew M, Fernandes J, Gammer I, Salomone E, Ribeiro H, et al.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 58 (12), 1330-1340.  
Relevant PublicationThe role of infants’ mother-directed gaze, maternal sensitivity, and emotion recognition in childhood callous unemotional behaviours
Bedford R, Wagner NJ, Rehder PD, Propper C, Willoughby MT and Mills-Koonce RW
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Springer Nature vol. 26 (8), 947-956.  


Relevant PublicationVisual search performance in infants associates with later ASD diagnosis
Cheung CHM, Bedford R, Johnson MH, Charman T, Gliga T and team TB
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier vol. 29, 4-10.  
Relevant PublicationToddlers’ Fine Motor Milestone Achievement Is Associated with Early Touchscreen Scrolling
Bedford R, de Urabain IRS, Cheung CHM, Karmiloff-Smith A and Smith TJ
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers vol. 7 
Relevant PublicationErratum to: Sex differences in the association between infant markers and later autistic traits
Bedford R, Jones EJH, Johnson MH, Pickles A, Charman T and Gliga T
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
Relevant PublicationSex differences in the association between infant markers and later autistic traits
Bedford R, Jones EJH, Johnson MH, Pickles A, Charman T and Gliga T
Molecular Autism, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 


Relevant PublicationEarly gross motor skills predict the subsequent development of language in children with autism spectrum disorder
Bedford R, Pickles A and Lord C
Autism Research, Wiley vol. 9 (9), 993-1001.  
Relevant PublicationWhat clinicians need to know about statistical issues and methods
Pickles A and Bedford R
In Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Wiley 188-200.  
Relevant PublicationFlexible integration of visual cues in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Bedford R, Pellicano E, Mareschal D and Nardini M
Autism Research, Wiley vol. 9 (2), 272-281.  
Relevant PublicationEnhanced Visual Search in Infancy Predicts Emerging Autism Symptoms
Gliga T, Bedford R, Charman T, Johnson MH, Team TB, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Cheung C, Davies K, Liew M, Fernandes J, Gammer I, Maris H, Salomone E, Pasco G, Pickles A, Ribeiro H and Tucker L
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 25 (13), 1727-1730.  
Relevant PublicationPredicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder
Leonard HC, Bedford R, Pickles A, Hill EL and Team TB
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Elsevier vol. 13, 15-24.  
Relevant PublicationShorter spontaneous fixation durations in infants with later emerging autism
Wass SV, Jones EJH, Gliga T, Smith TJ, Charman T and Johnson MH
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 5 (1) 
Relevant PublicationBehavioural markers for autism in infancy: Scores on the Autism Observational Scale for Infants in a prospective study of at-risk siblings
Gammer I, Bedford R, Elsabbagh M, Garwood H, Pasco G, Tucker L, Volein A, Johnson MH, Charman T and Team TB
Infant Behavior and Development, Elsevier vol. 38, 107-115.  
Relevant PublicationParent-mediated intervention versus no intervention for infants at high risk of autism: a parallel, single-blind, randomised trial
Green J, Charman T, Pickles A, Wan MW, Elsabbagh M, Slonims V, Taylor C, McNally J, Booth R, Gliga T, Jones EJH, Harrop C, Bedford R, Johnson MH and team TB
The Lancet Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 2 (2), 133-140.  


Relevant PublicationEEG hyper-connectivity in high-risk infants is associated with later autism
Orekhova EV, Elsabbagh M, Jones EJ, Dawson G, Charman T, Johnson MH and The BASIS Team
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1) 
Relevant PublicationReduced Face Preference in Infancy: A Developmental Precursor to Callous-Unemotional Traits?
Bedford R, Pickles A, Sharp H, Wright N and Hill J
Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier vol. 78 (2), 144-150.  
Relevant PublicationFrom early markers to neuro-developmental mechanisms of autism
Gliga T, Jones EJH, Bedford R, Charman T and Johnson MH
Developmental Review, Elsevier vol. 34 (3), 189-207.  
Relevant PublicationInfant Neural Sensitivity to Dynamic Eye Gaze Relates to Quality of Parent–Infant Interaction at 7-Months in Infants at Risk for Autism
Elsabbagh M, Bruno R, Wan MW, Charman T, Johnson MH, Green J and The BASIS Team
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 45 (2), 283-291.  
Relevant PublicationAdditive effects of social and non‐social attention during infancy relate to later autism spectrum disorder
Bedford R, Pickles A, Gliga T, Elsabbagh M, Charman T, Johnson MH and Team TB
Developmental Science, Wiley vol. 17 (4), 612-620.  


Relevant PublicationDevelopmental pathways to autism: A review of prospective studies of infants at risk
Jones EJH, Gliga T, Bedford R, Charman T and Johnson MH
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Elsevier vol. 39 (100), 1-33.  
Relevant PublicationMotor development in children at risk of autism: A follow-up study of infant siblings
Leonard HC, Bedford R, Charman T, Elsabbagh M, Johnson MH, Hill EL, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Chandler S, Garwood H, Holmboe K and Hudry K
Autism, Sage Publications vol. 18 (3), 281-291.  
Relevant PublicationEarly and persistent motor difficulties in infants at-risk of developing autism spectrum disorder: A prospective study
Leonard HC, Elsabbagh M, Hill EL and team TB
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, Taylor & Francis vol. 11 (1), 18-35.  
Relevant PublicationEarly Language Profiles in Infants at High-Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Hudry K, Chandler S, Bedford R, Pasco G, Gliga T, Elsabbagh M, Johnson MH and Charman T
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 44 (1), 154-167.  
Relevant PublicationWhat you see is what you get: contextual modulation of face scanning in typical and atypical development
Elsabbagh M, Bedford R, Senju A, Charman T, Pickles A, Johnson MH and Team TB
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 9 (4), 538-543.  


Relevant PublicationQuality of interaction between at‐risk infants and caregiver at 12–15 months is associated with 3‐year autism outcome
Wan MW, Green J, Elsabbagh M, Johnson M, Charman T, Plummer F and Team TB
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Wiley vol. 54 (7), 763-771.  
Relevant PublicationFailure to learn from feedback underlies word learning difficulties in toddlers at risk for autism
Journal of Child Language, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 40 (1), 29-46.  
Relevant PublicationTemperament in the First 2 Years of Life in Infants at High-Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Clifford SM, Hudry K, Elsabbagh M, Charman T, Johnson MH and The BASIS Team
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 43 (3), 673-686.  
Relevant PublicationGaze Following, Gaze Reading, and Word Learning in Children at Risk for Autism
Gliga T, Elsabbagh M, Hudry K, Charman T, Johnson MH and Team TB
Child Development, Wiley vol. 83 (3), 926-938.  
Relevant PublicationPrecursors to Social and Communication Difficulties in Infants At-Risk for Autism: Gaze Following and Attentional Engagement
Bedford R, Elsabbagh M, Gliga T, Pickles A, Senju A, Charman T, Johnson MH and the BASIS team
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 42 (10), 2208-2218.  
Relevant PublicationInfant Neural Sensitivity to Dynamic Eye Gaze Is Associated with Later Emerging Autism
Elsabbagh M, Mercure E, Hudry K, Chandler S, Pasco G, Charman T, Pickles A, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Johnson MH and Team TB
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 22 (4), 338-342.  


Relevant PublicationFusion of visual cues is not mandatory in children
Nardini M, Bedford R and Mareschal D
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 107 (39), 17041-17046.  


Relevant PublicationDevelopment of Cue Integration in Human Navigation
Nardini M, Jones P, Bedford R and Braddick O
Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 18 (9), 689-693.  