Dr Maria Bada

Maria Bada

Lecturer in Cyberpsychology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Online behaviour, Cyberpsychology, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity


I am a member of the committee of the Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society Group at QMUL.

My research focuses on the human element of cybersecurity and human-computer interaction. I am conducting research on the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness campaigns trying to identify factors which potentially lead to failure of these in changing the information security behaviour of consumers and employees. The development of effective prevention activities to enhance the resilience of SMEs in cybercrime is another topic I am also exploring.

Within the area of human-computer interaction and behaviour change, my research focused on the needs of schools and the challenges that children face online, with the aim to develop effective cybersecurity awareness initiatives for school learners in South Africa and the UK. I have also explored youth delinquency in collaboration with the National Crime Agency and the Home Office, in assessing the interventions designed to prevent cybercrime as part of the Prevent objectives of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy.

I also research the different types of harms for various vulnerable groups and their interdependencies, aimed to identify areas requiring further investment and policy making at national/local level. Within this area I explore the social and psychological impact of cyber-attacks and the aspects such as widespread anxiety and the social disruption caused to people’s daily lives. I am also exploring the cybercrime ecosystem, studying the profiles, pathways and risk perceptions of cybercriminals and how they form their groups.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


bullet iconCybersecurity behavior change: A conceptualization of ethical principles for behavioral interventions
Mersinas K, Bada M and Furnell S
Computers & Security, Elsevier vol. 148 


Relevant PublicationAssessing Cyber Security Support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Khan N, Furnell S, Bada M, Nurse JRC and Rand M
In Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance, Springer Nature 148-162.  
bullet iconBehavior Change Approaches for Cyber Security and the Need for Ethics
Mersinas K and Bada M
Springer Proceedings in Complexity., 107-129.  


Relevant PublicationA clinician's guide to cybersecurity and data protection
Bada M
In A Practitioner’S Guide to Cybersecurity and Data Protection, Taylor & Francis 25-37.  
Relevant PublicationExamining risk and risk perception on LSD and MDMA in online marketplaces
Bada M and Chua YT
Journal of Crime and Justice, Taylor & Francis vol. 47 (4), 456-471.  
Relevant PublicationCybersecurity: a critical priority for digital mental health
Inkster B, Knibbs C and Bada M
Frontiers in Digital Health, Frontiers Media vol. 5 
bullet iconWhat We Do in the Shadows: How does Experiencing Cybercrime Affect Response Actions & Protective Practices?
Ng M, Bada M and Coopamootoo KPL
2023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). vol. 00, 659-672.  
Furnell S, Bada M and Kaberuka J
Journal of Information Systems Security, Jissec vol. 19 (1), 3-18.  
bullet iconSupporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Using Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Bada M, Furnell S, Nurse JRC and Dymydiuk J
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 14045, 274-289.  
Relevant PublicationExploring Cybercriminal Activities, Behaviors, and Profiles
Bada M and Nurse JRC
In Applied Cognitive Science and Technology, Springer Nature 109-120.  
Relevant PublicationA clinician’s guide to cybersecurity and data protection: How to ensure client confidentiality?
Bada M
In A Practitioner’S Guide to Cybersecurity and Data Protection: How to Ensure Client Confidentiality 25-37.  


bullet iconA Cybersecurity Guide for Using Fitness Devices
Bada M and von Solms B
The Fifth International Conference on Safety and Security with IoT., 35-45.  


bullet iconUnderstanding Risk and Risk Perceptions of Cybercrime in Underground Forums
Bada M and Chua YT
2021 APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime). vol. 2021-December 
Relevant PublicationDeveloping a cyber security culture: Current practices and future needs
Uchendu B, Nurse JRC, Bada M and Furnell S
Computers & Security, Elsevier vol. 109 
bullet iconProfiling the Cybercriminal: A Systematic Review of Research
Bada M and Nurse JRC
2021 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA). vol. 00, 1-8.  
bullet iconPsychology of Cybercrime
Bada M
In Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, Springer Nature 1-5.  
Relevant PublicationExploring Masculinities and Perceptions of Gender in Online Cybercrime Subcultures
Bada M, Chua YT, Collier B and Pete I
In Cybercrime in Context, Springer Nature 237-257.  


bullet iconAn exploration of the cybercrime ecosystem around Shodan
Bada M and Pete I
2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). vol. 00, 1-8.  
bullet iconA Social Network Analysis and Comparison of Six Dark Web Forums
Pete I, Hughes J, Chua YT and Bada M
2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). vol. 00, 484-493.  
bullet iconChapter 4 The social and psychological impact of cyberattacks
Bada M and Nurse JRC
In Emerging Cyber Threats and Cognitive Vulnerabilities, Elsevier 73-92.  


bullet iconCybersecurity Capacity: Does It Matter?
Dutton WH, Creese S, Shillair R and Bada M
Journal of Information Policy, The Pennsylvania State University Press vol. 9, 280-306.  
bullet iconBuilding the Cybersecurity Capacity of Nations
Creese S, Shillair R, Bada M and Dutton WH
In Society and The Internet, Oxford University Press (Oup) 165-179.  
bullet iconDeveloping cybersecurity education and awareness programmes for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Bada M and Nurse JRC
Information and Computer Security, Emerald vol. 27 (3), 393-410.  
bullet iconCybersecurity Culture in Computer Security Incident Response Teams
Ioannou M, Stavrou E and Bada M
2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). vol. 00, 1-4.  
bullet iconThe social and psychological impact of cyberattacks
Bada M and Nurse JRC
In Emerging Cyber Threats and Cognitive Vulnerabilities 73-92.  
bullet iconOnline suicide games: A form of digital: Self-harm or a myth?
Bada M and Clayton R
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine vol. 17, 25-30.  


bullet iconThe Group Element of Cybercrime: Types, Dynamics, and Criminal Operations
Nurse JRC and Bada M
In The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology, Oxford University Press (Oup) 690-715.  


bullet iconA Study into the Cybersecurity Awareness Initiatives for School Learners in South Africa and the UK
Kritzinger E, Bada M and Nurse JRC
In Information Security Education For a Global Digital Society, Springer Nature 110-120.  
bullet iconAn Assessment of the Security and Transparency Procedural Components of the Estonian Internet Voting System
Nurse JRC, Agrafiotis I, Erola A, Bada M, Roberts T, Williams M, Goldsmith M and Creese S
In Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, Springer Nature 366-383.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour
solid heart iconEnhancing national cyber resilience via SME cyber security and digital responsibility
Maria Bada
£328,119 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-09-2023 - 28-02-2026

solid heart iconREPHRAIN: Supporting organisations in making effective privacy related decisions
Maria Bada
£50,801 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-05-2022 - 30-06-2023
solid heart iconAssessing Organisational DSbD Awareness and Readiness
Maria Bada
£15,554 ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
01-04-2022 - 31-07-2024