Dr Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne

Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne

Lecturer In Psychology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Digital parenting interventions, Adolescent mental health, Digital activity, Child development


Katarzyna is a developmental psychologist researching risks and opportunities of growing up in a digital world. Her current research cuts across the disciplines of child and adolescent development, mental health, clinical interventions, and human-computer interactions and has two main strands.
First, she examines whether digital interventions can provide a solution to the growing problem of the lack of psychological support for parents, who may have a difficult time bringing up their children. Within this strand, she works with parents, clinicians, app developers and other researchers on developing and testing digital applications supporting parents both in the community as well as in the clinical services.
Second, her research investigates whether, why and for whom digital engagement is a risk or protective factor for mental health. This strand of research aims to provide a comprehensive characterisation of the associations between adolescent digital activity and mental health and identify some of their underpinning mechanisms.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


bullet iconPokorna N, Palmer M, Pearson O, Beckley-Hoelscher N, Shearer J, Kostyrka-Allchorne K, Robertson O, Koch M, Slovak P, Day C, Byford S, Waite P, Creswell C, Sonuga-Barke EJS and Goldsmith K (2024). Moderators of the Effects of a Digital Parenting Intervention on Child Conduct and Emotional Problems Implemented During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results From a Secondary Analysis of Data From the Supporting Parents and Kids Through Lockdown Experiences (SPARKLE) Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, JMIR Publications vol. 7 
Relevant PublicationKostyrka-Allchorne K, Stoilova M, Bourgaize J, Murray A, Azeri E, Hollis C, Townsend E, Livingstone S, Sonuga-Barke E and Team OBOTDYR (2024). Dynamic Interplay of Online Risk and Resilience in Adolescence (DIORA): a protocol for a 12-month prospective observational study testing the associations among digital activity, affective and cognitive reactions and depression symptoms in a community sample of UK adolescents. BMJ Open, BMJ Publishing Group vol. 14 (9), e085061-e085061.  
Relevant PublicationSonuga-Barke EJS, Stoilova M, Kostyrka-Allchorne K, Bourgaize J, Murray A, Tan MPJ, Hollis C, Townsend E, Livingstone S and Programme OBOTDYR (2024). Pathways between digital activity and depressed mood in adolescence: outlining a developmental model integrating risk, reactivity, resilience and reciprocity. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier vol. 58, 101411-101411.  
Relevant PublicationTang P, Kostyrka-Allchorne K, Butura A-M, Phillips-Owen J and Sonuga-Barke E (2024). Reciprocal developmental pathways between future-related thinking and symptoms of adolescent depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Clinical Psychology Review, Elsevier vol. 112 
Relevant PublicationHedstrom E, Kostyrka-Allchorne K, French B, Glazebrook C, Hall CL, Kovshoff H, Lean N and Sonuga-Barke E (2024). Process evaluation of a Structured E-parenting Support (STEPS) in the OPTIMA randomised controlled trial: a protocol. BMJ Open, BMJ vol. 14 (5) 


bullet iconTang P, Pavlopoulou G, Kostyrka-Allchorne K, Phillips-Owen J and Sonuga-Barke E (2023). Links between mental health problems and future thinking from the perspective of adolescents with experience of depression and anxiety: a qualitative study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, Springer Nature vol. 17 (1) 
bullet iconTang P, Sonuga‐Barke E, Kostyrka‐Allchorne K and Phillips‐Owen J (2023). Young people's future thinking and mental health: The development and validation of the Adolescent Future Thinking Rating Scale. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, Wiley vol. 33 (1), e1994-e1994.  
Relevant PublicationKostyrka-Allchorne K, Chu P, Ballard C, Lean N, French B, Hedstrom E, Byford S, Cortese S, Daley D, Downs J, Glazebrook C, Goldsmith K, Hall CL, Kovshoff H, Kreppner J, Sayal K, Shearer J, Simonoff E, Thompson M and Sonuga-Barke EJS (2023). Remote Recruitment Strategy and Structured E-Parenting Support (STEPS) App: Feasibility and Usability Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, JMIR Publications vol. 6, e47035-e47035.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour
solid heart iconAdolescent Mental Health and Development in the Digital World
Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne
£10,114 MRC Medical Research Council (18-09-2023 - 30-08-2025)