Dr Guifen Chen

Guifen Chen

Senior Lecturer in Neurobiology
EDI co-Lead at SBBS

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Spatial navigation, Virtual reality, Sensory integration


The ability to navigate is an essential skill required by both humans and animals. Animals can use sensory cues across modalities, such as visual, auditory, olfactory, integrated with self-motion cues, to find their way home from a food searching journey. Neural activity in the hippocampus and adjacent cortical areas, has been shown to correlate with the physical location of an organism. However, it is not clear how an internal unified representation of space, which supports navigation, is generated by integrating sensory inputs across modalities.

Virtual reality offers a powerful tool for investigating spatial cognition, allowing environmental manipulations that are impossible in the real world. Two-dimensional immersive virtual reality allows a close approximation of spatial representation in the real world. Hence, my laboratory is studying the across-modal navigation in virtual environments, combining virtual reality techniques with in vivo electrophysiological recording (tetrode and Neuropixels probe recordings) and 2-photon imaging.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


bullet iconYang X, Cacucci F, Burgess N, Wills TJ and Chen G (2024). Visual boundary cues suffice to anchor place and grid cells in virtual reality. Current Biology, Elsevier vol. 34 (10), 2256-2264.e3.  


Relevant PublicationWhittington JCR, Muller TH, Mark S, Chen G, Barry C, Burgess N and Behrens TEJ (2020). The Tolman-Eichenbaum Machine: Unifying Space and Relational Memory through Generalization in the Hippocampal Formation. Cell, Elsevier (Cell Press) vol. 183 (5), 1249-1263.e23.  


Relevant PublicationChen G, Lu Y, King JA, Cacucci F and Burgess N (2019). Differential influences of environment and self-motion on place and grid cell firing. Nature Communications, Nature Research (part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1) 


Relevant PublicationChen G (2018). Identifying posture cells in the brain. Science vol. 362 (6414), 520-521.  
Relevant PublicationChen G, King JA, Lu Y, Cacucci F and Burgess N (2018). Spatial cell firing during virtual navigation of open arenas by head-restrained mice. eLife, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd vol. 7 


Relevant PublicationLi S, Xu J, Chen G, Lin L, Zhou D and Cai D (2017). The characterization of hippocampal theta-driving neurons — a time-delayed mutual information approach. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 


Relevant PublicationChen G, Manson D, Cacucci F and Wills TJ (2016). Absence of Visual Input Results in the Disruption of Grid Cell Firing in the Mouse. Current Biology, Elsevier (Cell Press) vol. 26 (17), 2335-2342.  
Relevant PublicationZhang L, Ma X, Chen G, Barkai E and Lin L (2016). Theta Rhythmic Clock-Like Activity of Single Units in the Mouse Hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience vol. 36 (16), 4415-4420.  


Relevant PublicationZhang H, Chen G, Kuang H and Tsien JZ (2013). Mapping and Deciphering Neural Codes of NMDA Receptor-Dependent Fear Memory Engrams in the Hippocampus. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 8 (11) 
Relevant PublicationTsien JZ, Li M, Osan R, Chen G, Lin L, Wang PL, Frey S, Frey J, Zhu D, Liu T, Zhao F and Kuang H (2013). On brain activity mapping: insights and lessons from Brain Decoding Project to map memory patterns in the hippocampus. Science China Life Sciences, Springer Nature vol. 56 (9), 767-779.  
Relevant PublicationTsien JZ, Li M, Osan R, Chen G, Lin L, Wang PL, Frey S, Frey J, Zhu D, Liu T, Zhao F and Kuang H (2013). On initial Brain Activity Mapping of episodic and semantic memory code in the hippocampus. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Elsevier vol. 105, 200-210.  


Relevant PublicationChen G, King JA, Burgess N and O'Keefe J (2012). How vision and movement combine in the hippocampal place code. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 110 (1), 378-383.  
Relevant PublicationZhang L, Chen G, Niu R, Wei W, Ma X, Xu J, Wang J, Wang Z and Lin L (2012). Hippocampal theta‐driving cells revealed by Granger causality. Hippocampus, Wiley vol. 22 (8), 1781-1793.  


Relevant PublicationOşan R, Chen G, Feng R and Tsien JZ (2011). Differential Consolidation and Pattern Reverberations within Episodic Cell Assemblies in the Mouse Hippocampus. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 6 (2) 


Relevant PublicationChen G, Wang LP and Tsien JZ (2009). Neural Population-Level Memory Traces in the Mouse Hippocampus. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 4 (12) 


Relevant PublicationLin L, Chen G, Kuang H, Wang D and Tsien JZ (2007). Neural encoding of the concept of nest in the mouse brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 104 (14), 6066-6071.  


Relevant PublicationLin L, Chen G, Xie K, Zaia KA, Zhang S and Tsien JZ (2006). Large-scale neural ensemble recording in the brains of freely behaving mice. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Elsevier vol. 155 (1), 28-38.  


Relevant PublicationJiang C, Chen G, Zeng X, Ouyang K and Hu Y (2003). Generation of a bioactive neuropeptide in a cell-free system. Analytical Biochemistry, Elsevier vol. 316 (1), 34-40.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour
solid heart iconInternational Exchanges 2023: Brain-wide circuits for spatial computation in Zebrafish
Guifen Chen
£12,000 Royal Society (31-03-2024 - 30-03-2026)
solid heart iconNeuronal Basis of Cross-modal sensory integration for navigation
Guifen Chen
£19,906 Royal Society (21-03-2022 - 30-04-2025)
solid heart iconBuilding spatial maps from visual and self-motion inputs
Guifen Chen
£492,794 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-02-2022 - 26-07-2027)