Dr Frederike Beyer

Frederike Beyer

Senior Lecturer
Interim Head of The Department of Psychology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Social Cognition, Stress, Aggression, Sense of Agency, Reward Processing


My work uses methods of EEG, fMRI, psychophysiology and novel behavioural paradigms to address questions in the field of social and cognitive neuroscience.

Social cognition and social behaviour under stress: how does stress affect interpersonal trust, perspective taking, affiliation and aggression? Does physical activity help regulate social stress, acutely and in the long term?

Motor control and reward processing: how does performing an action affect the neural processing of monetary and social rewards? Does a sense of control influence reward learning?


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


Relevant PublicationFragile mentalizing: lack of behavioral and neural markers of social cognition in an established social perspective taking task when combined with stress induction
Beyer F, Cheema S, Augustin C, Göttlich M and Krämer UM
Eneuro, Society For Neuroscience 
bullet iconPerforming a Motor Action Enhances Social Reward Processing and Modulates the Neural Processing of Predictive Cues
Di Bernardi Luft C, Atchoum I and Beyer F
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Mit Press vol. 36 (9), 1771-1783.  


Relevant PublicationThe value of an action: Impact of motor behaviour on outcome processing and stimulus preference
Bikute K, Di Bernardi Luft C and Beyer F
European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley 


Relevant PublicationStructural covariance of amygdala subregions is associated with trait aggression and endogenous testosterone in healthy individuals
Göttlich M, Buades-Rotger M, Wiechert J, Beyer F and Krämer UM
Neuropsychologia, Elsevier vol. 165 
Relevant PublicationThe obedient mind and the volitional brain: A neural basis for preserved sense of agency and sense of responsibility under coercion
Caspar EA, Beyer F, Cleeremans A and Haggard P
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 16 (10 October) 
Relevant PublicationRegulating interpersonal stress: the link between heart-rate variability, physical exercise and social perspective taking under stress
Kähkönen JE, Krämer UM, Buades-Rotger M and Beyer F
Stress: The International Journal On The Biology of Stress, Taylor & Francis 


Relevant PublicationNeural basis of shame and guilt experience in women with borderline personality disorder
Göttlich M, Westermair AL, Beyer F, Bußmann ML, Schweiger U and Krämer UM
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience: Official Organ of The German Society For Biological Psychiatry, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) 
Relevant PublicationHow social contexts affect cognition: mentalizing interferes with sense of agency during voluntary action
Sidarus N, Travers E, Haggard P and Beyer F
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Elsevier 


Relevant PublicationAttribution of intentional agency towards robots reduces one’s own sense of agency.
Ciardo F, Beyer F, De Tommaso D and Wykowska A
Cognition, Elsevier 


bullet iconReduced Sense of Agency in Human-Robot interaction
Ciardo F, De Tommaso T, BEYER F and Wykowska A
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag 
bullet iconLosing Control in Social Situations: How the Presence of Others Affects Neural Processes Related to Sense of Agency
Beyer F, Sidarus N, Fleming S and Haggard P
Eneuro, Society For Neuroscience vol. 5 (1), eneuro.0336-eneu17.2018.  


bullet iconHit or Run: Exploring Aggressive and Avoidant Reactions to Interpersonal Provocation Using a Novel Fight-or-Escape Paradigm (FOE)
Beyer F, Buades-Rotger M, Claes M and Krämer UM
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 11 
bullet iconAnger-sensitive networks: characterizing neural systems recruited during aggressive social interactions using data-driven analysis
Beyer F, Krämer UM and Beckmann CF
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 12 (11), 1711-1719.  


bullet iconEndogenous testosterone is associated with lower amygdala reactivity to angry faces and reduced aggressive behavior in healthy young women
Buades-Rotger M, Engelke C, Beyer F, Keevil BG, Brabant G and Krämer UM
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1) 
bullet iconBeyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces sense of agency and outcome monitoring
Beyer F, Sidarus N, Bonicalzi S and Haggard P
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 12 (1), 138-145.  


bullet iconOrbitofrontal Cortex Reactivity to Angry Facial Expression in a Social Interaction Correlates with Aggressive Behavior
Beyer F, Münte TF, Göttlich M and Krämer UM
Cerebral Cortex, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 25 (9), 3057-3063.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour
solid heart iconThe effect of instrumental control on Pavlovian conditioning
Frederike Beyer
£19,500 Royal Society
27-03-2019 - 26-03-2020
solid heart iconTemperamental influences on social cognition under stress
Frederike Beyer
£31,969 Fundacao Bial (Bial Foundation)
01-02-2019 - 31-05-2021