Dr Azadeh Rezaei

Azadeh Rezaei

Teaching Fellow

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering


bullet iconWhey protein-loaded 3D-printed poly (lactic) acid scaffolds for wound dressing applications
Kayadurmus HM, Rezaei A, Ilhan E, Cesur S, Sahin A, Gunduz O, Kalaskar DM and Ekren N
Biomedical Materials, Iop Publishing vol. 19 (4) 


bullet iconTissue engineering
Rezaei A, Florez-Martin M, Kalaskar D, Jell G and Shakib K
In Bailey & Love's Essential Operations in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Crc Press 
bullet iconOptimising oral cancer reconstruction: a retrospective cohort study on the modified radial forearm free flap technique to eliminate the need for a secondary donor site
Huang W, Chen V, Xie Z, Rezaei A and Liu Y
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Elsevier vol. 62 (3), 265-271.  


bullet iconHypoxia mimetics restore bone biomineralisation in hyperglycaemic environments
Rezaei A, Li Y, Turmaine M, Bertazzo S, Howard CA, Arnett TR, Shakib K and Jell G
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 


bullet iconBioengineering the ameloblastoma tumour to study its effect on bone nodule formation
Bakkalci D, Jay A, Rezaei A, Howard CA, Haugen HJ, Pape J, Kishida S, Kishida M, Jell G, Arnett TR, Fedele S and Cheema U
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 