Human-Robot Interactions and Haptics

In the Human-Robot Interaction and Haptics theme, specifically in the realm of telerobotics, our research at the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ) delves into human-machine interfaces to facilitate efficient and secure remote control of diverse robotic systems. This encompasses mobile robots, surgical manipulators, and robot-manipulators deployed in extreme environments. Our endeavours include the development and assessment of advanced graphical user interfaces, virtual reality environments, and haptic interfaces tailored for telerobotic systems.

In the domain of robotics for Virtual Reality (VR), we pioneer novel interfaces designed for virtual reality applications. This entails the creation of wearable haptic systems, tracking devices, and mechatronic systems, enhancing navigation within virtual scenes.

A central focus within our centre is the innovation of haptic interfaces capable of rendering various touch sensations. Employing diverse technologies such as electromagnetic vibrotactile actuation, ultrasound, and soft robotics, we aim to advance the field of haptic rendering.