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  • Real-Time Pose Estimation and Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-segment Continuum Manipulator in Dynamic Environments
    ALTHOEFER KA, Ataka A, Qi P, Shiva A, Shafti A, Wurdemann H and Liu H
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
  • Embroidered Electromyography: A Systematic Design Guide
    ALTHOEFER KA, Shafti A, Ribas Manero RB, Borg AM and Howard MJ
    Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 
  • 294P Over diagnosis of prostate cancer in Eurasian men by PSA and PHI: example of heterosis
    Xie Y, Iskakova EE, Yang Q, Sakenova N, Chen Y, Tse ZTH and Wu YSH
    Annals of Oncology, Elsevier vol. 27 
  • Stiffness-based modelling of a hydraulically-actuated soft robotics manipulator
    Lindenroth L, Back J, Schoisengeier A, Noh Y, Würdemann H, Althoefer K and Liu H
    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. vol. 2016-November, 2458-2463.  
  • New kinematic multi-section model for catheter contact force estimation and steering
    Back J, Lindenroth L, Karim R, Althoefer K, Rhode K and Liu H
    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. vol. 2016-November, 2122-2127.  
  • Iterative Closest Labeled Point for tactile object shape recognition
    Luo S, Mou W, Althoefer K and Liu H
    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. vol. 2016-November, 3137-3142.  
  • Fingertip proximity sensor with realtime visual-based calibration
    Konstantinova J, Stilli A, Faragasso A and Althoefer K
    IROS 2016. vol. 2016-November, 170-175.  
  • A new miniaturised multi-axis force/torque sensors based on optoelectronic technology and simply-supported beam
    Noh Y, Bimbo J, Stilli A, Wurdemann H, Liu H, Housden J, Rhode K and Althoefer K
    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. vol. 2016-November, 202-207.  
  • Multi-axis force/torque sensor based on simply supported beam and optoelectronics
    ALTHOEFER KA, Noh Y, Bimbo J, Sareh S, Wurdemann H, Fras J, Sures Chathuranga D, Liu H, Housden J and Rhode K
    Journal of Sensors Mdpi 
  • Robotic Ultrasound: View Planning, Tracking, and Automatic Acquisition of Trans-esophageal Echocardiography
  • FourByThree: Imagine humans and robots working hand in hand
    Maurtua I, Pedrocchi N, Orlandini A, Fernandez JDG, Vogel C, Geenen A, Althoefer K and Shafti A
    IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA. vol. 2016-November 
  • Three-Degree-of-Freedom MR-Compatible Multisegment Cardiac Catheter Steering Mechanism.
    Ataollahi A, Karim R, Fallah AS, Rhode K, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD, Schaeffter T and Althoefer K
    Ieee Trans Biomed Eng vol. 63 (11), 2425-2435.  
  • Low Cost Robotic Endoscope Design Considerations
    Stopforth R, Davrajh S and Althoefer K
    2016 Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and Mechatronics International Conference (PRASA-RobMech)., 1-6.  
  • Mobility variation of a family of metamorphic parallel mechanisms with reconfigurable hybrid limbs
    Ye W, Fang Y, Zhang K and Guo S
    Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing vol. 41, 145-162.  
  • Robotic System for MRI-Guided Focal Laser Ablation in the Prostate
    Chen Y, Squires A, Seifabadi R, Xu S, Agarwal HK, Bernardo M, Pinto PA, Choyke P, Wood B and Tse ZTH
    Ieee/Asme Transactions on Mechatronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 22 (1), 107-114.  
  • Keynote Speeches
    Zimmermann T, Voas J, Harman M, Kappel G, Preneel B and Tse TH
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C)., xxiii-xxviii.  
  • Geometric constraints and motion branch variations for reconfiguration of single-loop linkages with mobility one
    Zhang K and Dai JS
    Mechanism and Machine Theory vol. 106, 16-29.  
  • How people react to Zika virus outbreaks on Twitter? A computational content analysis
    Fu K-W, Liang H, Saroha N, Tse ZTH, Ip P and Fung IC-H
    American Journal of Infection Control, Elsevier vol. 44 (12), 1700-1702.  
  • Kinematics Analysis and Control of a Three-Fingered Metamorphic Robot Hand
    Calzati M, Zhang K, Castelli VP and Dai JS
    Volume 5B: 40th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference., v05bt07a053-v05bt07a053.  
  • Force Balance of a Spatial Metamorphic 6R Closed-Chain Linkage With Specific Kinematic Conditions
    van der Wijk V, Zhang K and Dai JS
    Volume 5B: 40th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference., v05bt07a058-v05bt07a058.  
  • Image-Based Optical Miniaturized Three-Axis Force Sensor for Cardiac Catheterization
    Noh Y, Liu H, Sareh S, Chathuranga DS, Wurdemann H, Rhode K and Althoefer K
    Ieee Sensors Journal vol. 16 (22), 7924-7932.  
  • Wearable Embroidered Muscle Activity Sensing Device for the Human Upper Leg
    Manerol RBR, Shafti A, Michael B, Grewal J, Fernández JLR, Althoefer K and Howard MJ
    2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). vol. 2016, 6062-6065.  
  • Robot for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Focal Prostate Laser Ablation
    Squires A, Xu S, Seifabadi R, Chen Y, Agarwal H, Bernardo M, Negussie A, Pinto P, Choyke P, Wood B and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Devices. vol. 10 (3) 
  • Analysis of Comfort and Ergonomics for Clinical Work Environments **This work was supported by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement 287728 in the framework of EU project FourByThree.
    Shafti A, Lazpita BU, Elhage O, Wurdemann HA and Althoefer K
    2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). vol. 2016, 1894-1897.  
  • Vaccine safety and social media in China
    Fung IC-H, Cheung C-N, Fu K-W, Ip P and Tse ZTH
    American Journal of Infection Control, Elsevier vol. 44 (10), 1194-1195.  
  • Towards safer obstacle avoidance for continuum-style manipulator in dynamic environments
    Ataka A, Qi P, Shiva A, Shafti A, Wurdemann H, Dasgupta P and Althoefer K
    BioRob 2016. vol. 2016-July, 600-605.  
  • Design of a flexible force-sensing platform for medical ultrasound probes
    Schoisengeier A, Lindenroth L, Back J, Qiu C, Noh Y, Althoefer K, Dai JS, Rhode K and Liu H
    BioRob 2016. vol. 2016-July, 278-283.  
  • Autonomous robotic palpation of soft tissue using the modulation of applied force
    Konstantinova J, Cotugno G, Dasgupta P, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T
    BioRob2016. vol. 2016-July, 323-328.  
  • A compact continuum manipulator system with enhanced steering abilities for robot-Assisted surgery
    Qi P, Zhang C, Li J, Li Z, Dai JS and Althoefer K
    BioRob 2016. vol. 2016-July, 49-54.  
  • Results from the centers for disease control and prevention’s predict the 2013–2014 Influenza Season Challenge
    Biggerstaff M, Alper D, Dredze M, Fox S, Fung IC-H, Hickmann KS, Lewis B, Rosenfeld R, Shaman J, Tsou M-H, Velardi P, Vespignani A, Finelli L and for the Influenza Forecasting Contest Working Group
    Bmc Infectious Diseases, Springer Nature vol. 16 (1) 
  • Ebola virus disease and social media: A systematic review
    Fung IC-H, Duke CH, Finch KC, Snook KR, Tseng P-L, Hernandez AC, Gambhir M, Fu K-W and Tse ZTH
    American Journal of Infection Control, Elsevier vol. 44 (12), 1660-1671.  
  • Tendon-Based Stiffening for a Pneumatically Actuated Soft Manipulator
    Shiva A, Stilli A, Noh Y, Faragasso A, Falco ID, Gerboni G, Cianchetti M, Menciassi A, Althoefer K and Wurdemann HA
    Ieee Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 1 (2), 632-637.  
  • Evaluation of Pseudo-Haptic Interactions with Soft Objects in Virtual Environments
    Li M, Sareh S, Xu G, Ridzuan MB, Luo S, Xie J, Wurdemann H and Althoefer K
    Plos One, Public Library of Science vol. 11 (6), e0157681-e0157681. Editors: Zhang D. 
  • Total mesorectal excision using a soft and flexible robotic arm: a feasibility study in cadaver models
    Arezzo A, Mintz Y, Allaix ME, Arolfo S, Bonino M, Gerboni G, Brancadoro M, Cianchetti M, Menciassi A, Wurdemann H, Noh Y, Althoefer K, Fras J, Glowka J, Nawrat Z, Cassidy G, Walker R and Morino M
    Surgical Endoscopy: Surgical and Interventional Techniques, Springer Verlag (Germany) 
  • Real-time planner for multi-segment continuum manipulator in dynamic environments
    Ataka A, Qi P, Liu H and Althoefer K
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. vol. 2016-June, 4080-4085.  
  • Designing embroidered electrodes for wearable surface electromyography
    Shafti A, Manero RBR, Borg AM, Althoefer K and Howard MJ
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. vol. 2016-June, 172-177.  
  • A geometry deformation model for compound continuum manipulators with external loading
    Sadati SMH, Shiva A, Ataka A, Naghibi SE, Walker ID, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. vol. 2016-June, 4957-4962.  
  • Stable Grip Control on Soft Objects With Time-Varying Stiffness
    Nanayakkara T, Jiang A, Del Rocío Armas Fernández M, Liu H, Althoefer K and Bimbo J
    Ieee Transactions on Robotics vol. 32 (3), 626-637.  
  • Repelling-screw based force analysis of origami mechanisms
    Qiu C, Zhang K and Dai JS
    Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics vol. 8 (3) 
  • A Novel Continuum Manipulator Design Using Serially Connected Double-Layer Planar Springs
    Qi P, Qiu C, Liu H, Dai JS, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
    Ieee/Asme Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 21 (3), 1281-1292.  
  • A Novel 4-DOF Origami Grasper With an SMA-Actuation System for Minimally Invasive Surgery
    Salerno M, Zhang K, Menciassi A and Dai JS
    Ieee Transactions on Robotics vol. 32 (3), 484-498.  
  • Temperature-Insensitive Fiber-Optic Contact Force Sensor for Steerable Catheters
    Xu L, Miller MI, Ge J, Nilsson KR, Tse ZTH and Fok MP
    Ieee Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 16 (12), 4771-4775.  
  • Smartphone-Enabled Flow-Monitoring Device for Peripheral Artery Disease
    Wu KJ, Gregory TS, Reader C, Leitmann B, Huffines A, Donovan S, Mosteller L, Murrow JR and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Devices. vol. 10 (2) 
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compatible Pneumatic Stepper Motor With Geneva Drive
    Wineland A, Chen Y and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Devices. vol. 10 (2) 
  • Intracardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Catheter With Origami Deployable Mechanisms
    Taylor A, Miller M, Fok M, Nilsson K and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Devices. vol. 10 (2) 
  • Revealing ecological risks of priority endocrine disrupting chemicals in four marine protected areas in Hong Kong through an integrative approach
    Xu EG, Ho PW-L, Tse Z, Ho S-L and Leung KMY
    Environmental Pollution, Elsevier vol. 215, 103-112.  
  • Social Media's Initial Reaction to Information and Misinformation on Ebola, August 2014: Facts and Rumors
    Fung IC-H, Fu K-W, Chan C-H, Chan BSB, Cheung C-N, Abraham T and Tse ZTH
    Public Health Reports, Sage Publications vol. 131 (3), 461-473.  
  • Authentication of Medicines Using Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy.
    Chen C, Zhang F, Barras J, Althoefer K, Bhunia S and Mandal S
    Ieee/Acm Trans Comput Biol Bioinform vol. 13 (3), 417-430.  
  • Public health implications of social media use during natural disasters, environmental disasters, and other environmental concerns
    Finch KC, Snook KR, Duke CH, Fu K-W, Tse ZTH, Adhikari A and Fung IC-H
    Natural Hazards, Springer Nature vol. 83 (1), 729-760.  
  • Kinematic Control of Continuum Manipulators Using a Fuzzy-Model-Based Approach
    Qi P, Liu C, Ataka A, Lam HK and Althoefer K
    Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics vol. 63 (8), 5022-5035.  
  • The Role of the Thumb: Study of Finger Motion in Grasping and Reachability Space in Human and Robotic Hands
    Cotugno G, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T
    Ieee Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems vol. 47 (7), 1061-1070.  
  • Six-Dimensional Compliance Analysis and Validation of Orthoplanar Springs
    Qiu C, Qi P, Liu H, Althoefer K and Dai JS
    Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of The Asme vol. 138 (4) 
  • Futuristic First Responders
    Tse ZTH, Hovet S, Cheung C-N and Fung IC-H
    Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 10 (4), 538-539.  
  • An extensible continuum robot with integrated origami parallel modules
    Zhang K, Qiu C and Dai JS
    Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics vol. 8 (3) 
  • Robot Competitions: What Did We Learn? [Competitions]
    Dias J, Althoefer K and Lima PU
    Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 23 (1), 16-18.  
  • Uniform-Gain Frequency Tracking of Wireless EV Charging for Improving Alignment Flexibility
    Gao Y, Ginart A, Farley KB and Tse ZTH
    2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)., 1737-1740.  
  • SpinoTemplate: A Platform for MRI-Guided Spinal Cord Injections
    Squires A, Oshinski J, Lamanna J and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Robotics Research, World Scientific Publishing vol. 01 (01) 
  • Misalignment Effect on Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles
    Gao Y, Ginart A, Farley KB and Tse ZTH
    2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)., 3526-3528.  
  • MAPS – A Magic Angle Positioning System for Enhanced Imaging in High-Field Small-Bore MRI
    Squires A, Chan KC, Ho LC, Sigal IA, Jan N-J and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Medical Robotics Research, World Scientific Publishing vol. 01 (01) 
  • The Magnetohydrodynamic Effect and Its Associated Material Designs for Biomedical Applications: A State‐of‐the‐Art Review
    Gregory TS, Cheng R, Tang G, Mao L and Tse ZTH
    Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 26 (22), 3942-3952.  
  • Three-Axis Fiber-Optic Body Force Sensor for Flexible Manipulators
    Noh Y, Sareh S, Wurdemann H, Liu H, Back J, Housden J, Rhode K and Althoefer K
    Ieee Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 16 (6), 1641-1651.  
  • Salient Feature of Haptic-Based Guidance of People in Low Visibility Environments Using Hard Reins
    Ranasinghe A, Sornkarn N, Dasgupta P, Althoefer K, Penders J and Nanayakkara T
    Ieee Transactions on Cybernetics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 46 (2), 568-579.  
  • Simple approach to calculate unity‐gain frequency of series–series compensated inductive power transfer
    Gao Y, Ginart A, Duan C, Farley KB and Tse ZTH
    Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 52 (2), 145-146.  
  • Reactive motion planning for mobile continuum arm in dynamic industrial environment
    Ataka A, Shiva A, Shafti A, Wurdemann H and Althoefer K
    Advances in Cooperative Robotics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2016., 178-185.  
  • Over diagnosis of prostate cancer in Eurasian men by PSA and PHI: example of heterosis
    Xie Y, Iskakova EE, Yang Q, Sakenova N, Chen Y, Tse ZTH, Huang Y and Wu S
    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. vol. 27 
  • Magnetic Alignment Detection Using Existing Charging Facility in Wireless EV Chargers
    Gao Y, Oliveira AA, Farley KB and Tse ZTH
    Journal of Sensors, Hindawi vol. 2016 (1), 1-9.  
  • Intra-MRI extraction of diagnostic electrocardiograms using dynamic feedback from carotidal magnetohydrodynamic voltages
    Gregory TS, Wu KJ, Schmidt EJ, Oshinski J and Tse ZT
    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 18 (Suppl 1) 
  • In-Hand Object Pose Estimation Using Covariance-Based Tactile To Geometry Matching
    Bimbo J, Luo S, Althoefer K and Liu H
    Ieee Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 1 (1), 570-577.  
  • ECG Electrode Placements for Magnetohydrodynamic Voltage Suppression and improving Cardiac Gating in high-field MRI
    Gregory TS, Oshinski J, Schmidt EJ and Tse ZT
    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 18 (Suppl 1) 
  • Automated removal of gradient-induced voltages from 12-lead ECG traces during high-gradient duty-cycle MRI sequences
    Dabaghyan M, Zhang SH, Ward J, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG, Watkins RD, Tse ZT and Schmidt EJ
    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 18 (Suppl 1) 
  • Attitude dynamics of a near-symmetric variable mass cylinder
    Nanjangud A and Eke FO
    Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. vol. 156, 2105-2121.  
  • 3T cardiac imaging with on-line 12-lead ECG monitoring
    Dabaghyan M, Zhang SH, Ward J, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG, Watkins RD, Tse ZT and Schmidt EJ
    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 18 (Suppl 1) 