Dr Ildar Farkhatdinov

Ildar Farkhatdinov

Senior Lecturer in Robotics
Director for Undergraduate Robotics Engineering Programme

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Robotics, Mechatronics, Haptics and virtual reality, Human motor control, Human-robot interaction, Control systems theory


Dr Ildar Farkhatdinov is a Lecturer in Robotics at QMUL since 11/2016 . He runs Human Augmentation and Interactive Robotics team, part of the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ QMUL. He is an internationally leading expert in assistive robotics and human-machine interaction. He is a principal investigator of several projects on wearable robotics, mobility assistance and haptic interfaces (budget £800k+). Several of his research works were recognised as the best paper or finalists for best paper awards at leading robotics conferences. Before joining QMUL, he was a postdoctoral research associate at the Human Robotics group of the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London (2013-16). He earned Ph.D. in Robotics in 2013 (Sorbonne University, UPMC, France), M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in 2008 (KoreaTech, South Korea) and B.Sc. in Automation and Control in 2006 (Moscow University, Russia). He has actively collaborated on a number of large-scale research projects: EPSRC NCNR to create novel robotic solutions for the nuclear industry; EU FP7 BALANCE to develop balance and robotic walking assistance for the elderly; EU FP7 SYMBITRON to develop exoskeleton control for people with spinal cord injury.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Advanced Robotics


bullet iconAnwar E, Abeywardena S, Miller SC and Farkhatdinov I (2024). How Robots Can Support Balancing in Healthy People. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconAbeywardena S, Osman Z and Farkhatdinov I (2024). Modelling human postural stability and muscle activation augmented by a supernumerary robotic tail. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, IOP Publishing vol. 19 (6) 
bullet iconSuulker C, Greenway A, Skach S, Farkhatdinov I, Miller SC and Althoefer K (2024). Let Me Give You a Hand: Enhancing Human Grasp Force With a Soft Robotic Assistive Glove. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 9 (9), 7811-7818.  
bullet iconCecamore M, Gaponov I, Miller SC and Farkhatdinov I (2024). Design and Validation of a Haptic Ankle Platform for Physical Human-Machine Interaction. 2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
bullet iconAnwar E, Abeywardena S, Miller SC and Farkhatdinov I (2024). Design and Validation of a Wearable Robotic Tail for Human Balance Support. 2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2024). Exploring User Preferences for Walking in Virtual Reality Interfaces Through an Online Questionnaire. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality  244-258.  


bullet iconAbeywardena S, Anwar E, Miller SC and Farkhatdinov I (2023). Mechanical characterisation of supernumerary robotic tails for human balance augmentation. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
bullet iconAbeywardena S and Farkhatdinov I (2023). Towards enhanced stability of human stance with a supernumerary robotic tail. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconOmarali B, Javaid S, Valle M and Farkhatdinov I (2023). Workspace Scaling in Virtual Reality based Robot Teleoperation. Augmented Humans Conference
bullet iconPea-Perez N, Mutalib SA, Eden J, Farkhatdinov I and Burdet E (2023). The Impact of Stiffness in Bimanual Versus Dyadic Interactions Requiring Force Exchange. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16 (4), 609-615.  
Relevant PublicationGiudici G, Omarali B, Bonzini AA, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I and Jamone L (2023). Feeling Good: Validation of Bilateral Tactile Telemanipulation for a Dexterous Robot. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems  443-454.  
bullet iconSmiles AL, Chavanakunakorn KD, Omarali B, Oh C and Farkhatdinov I (2023). Implementation of a Stereo Vision System for a Mixed Reality Robot Teleoperation Simulator. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems  494-502.  


bullet iconPeña-Pérez N, Eden J, Ivanova E, Farkhatdinov I and Burdet E (2022). How virtual and mechanical coupling impact bimanual tracking. Journal of Neurophysiology, American Physiological Society 
bullet iconCéspedes N, Hsu A, Jones JM and Farkhatdinov I (2022). A Feasibility Study of a Data-Driven Human-Robot Conversational Interface for Reminiscence Therapy. 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
bullet iconPerez NP, Eden J, Ivanova E, Burdet E and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Is a robot needed to modify human effort in bimanual tracking? 2022 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Haptic Ankle Platform for Interactive Walking in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 28 (12), 3974-3985.  
bullet iconSkvortsova V, Nedelchev S, Brown J, Farkhatdinov I and Gaponov I (2022). Design, characterisation and validation of a haptic interface based on twisted string actuation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Frontiers vol. 9 
bullet iconPerez NP, Eden J, Burdet E, Farkhatdinov I and Takagi A (2022). Lateralization of Impedance Control in Dynamic Versus Static Bimanual Tasks. 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Garnier A, Arichi T, Bleuler H and Burdet E (2022). Evaluation of a Portable fMRI Compatible Robotic Wrist Interface. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 00, 2535-2539.  
bullet iconAbeywardena S, Anwar E, Miller S and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Human balance augmentation via a supernumerary robotic tail. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 00, 2878-2881.  
bullet iconPerez N, Eden J, Ivanova E, Burdet E and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Is a robot needed to modify human effort in bimanual tracking? IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationOmarali B, Palermo F, Althoefer K, Valle M and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Tactile Classification of Object Materials for Virtual Reality based Robot Teleoperation. 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
bullet iconBrown JP and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Using Audio Recordings to Characterise a Soft Haptic Joystick. Haptic and Audio Interaction Design  102-111.  
bullet iconSoave F, Bryan-Kinns N and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Designing Audio Feedback to Enhance Motion Perception in Virtual Reality. Haptic and Audio Interaction Design  92-101.  
bullet iconSaitis C, Farkhatdinov I and Papetti S (2022). Preface. 
bullet iconStone M, Orlov P and Farkhatdinov I (2022). Design and Preliminary In-Classroom Evaluation of a Low-Cost Educational Mobile Robot. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems  128-136.  


Relevant PublicationOmarali B, Althoefer K, Mastrogiovanni F, Valle M and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Workspace Scaling and Rate Mode Control for Virtual Reality based Robot Teleoperation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
Relevant PublicationVitanov I, Farkhatdinov I, Denoun B, Palermo F, Otaran A, Brown J, Omarali B, Abrar T, Hansard M, Oh C, Poslad S, Liu C, Godaba H, Zhang K, Jamone L and Althoefer K (2021). A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning. Robotics vol. 10 (4), 112-112.  
Relevant PublicationPalermo F, Rincon-Ardila L, Oh C, Althoefer K, Poslad S, Venture G and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Multi-modal robotic visual-tactile localisation and detection of surface cracks. 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
Relevant PublicationSlonina Z, Bonzini AA, Brown J, Wang S, Farkhatdinov I, Althoefer K, Jamone L and Versace E (2021). Using RoboChick to Identify the Behavioral Features Promoting Social Interactions. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL)
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Walking-in-Place Foot Interface for Locomotion Control and Telepresence of Humanoid Robots. 2020 IEEE-RAS 20th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2021). A Cable-Driven Walking Interface with Haptic Feedback for Seated VR. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)
bullet iconBrown J and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Shape-Changing Touch Pad based on Particle Jamming and Vibration. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)
bullet iconBrown J and Farkhatdinov I (2021). A Soft, Vibrotactile, Shape-Changing Joystick for Telerobotics. 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)
bullet iconSmith E, Anwar E and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Design and Validation of Mobile Robot with Hybrid Wheel-Leg Design. UKRAS21 Conference: Robotics at home Proceedings
bullet iconSoave F, Kumar AP, Bryan-Kinns N and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Exploring Terminology for Perception of Motion in Virtual Reality. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021
bullet iconRatcliffe J, Soave F, Hoover M, Ortega FR, Bryan-Kinns N, Tokarchuk L and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Remote XR Studies: Exploring Three Key Challenges of Remote XR Experimentation. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
bullet iconRatclife J, Soave F, Bryan-Kinns N, Tokarchuk L and Farkhatdinov I (2021). Extended reality (xr) remote research: A survey of drawbacks and opportunities. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings 
bullet iconSoave F, Farkhatdinov I and Bryan-Kinns N (2021). Multisensory Teleportation in Virtual Reality Applications. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2021). A Short Description of an Ankle-Actuated Seated VR Locomotion Interface. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
Relevant PublicationDin AR, Althoefer K, Farkhatdinov I, Brown J, Morgan C and Shahdad S (2021). Innovation in the time of SARS-CoV-2: A collaborative journey between NHS clinicians, engineers, academics and industry. The Surgeon, Elsevier vol. 19 (5), e281-e288.  


Relevant PublicationPalermo F, Konstantinova J, Poslad S, Althoefer K and Farkhatdinov I (2020). Automatic Fracture Characterization Using Tactile and Proximity Optical Sensing. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Frontiers Media 
bullet iconSoave F, Bryan-Kinns N and Farkhatdinov I (2020). A Preliminary Study on Full-Body Haptic Stimulation on Modulating Self-Motion Perception in Virtual Reality. Salento AVR 2020
Relevant PublicationPalermo F, Konstantinova J, Althoefer K, Poslad S and Farkhatdinov I (2020). Implementing Tactile and Proximity Sensing for Crack Detection. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
bullet iconSun F, Zang W, Huang H, Farkhatdinov I and Li Y (2020). Accelerometer-Based Key Generation and Distribution Method for Wearable IoT Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconHuang HY, Farkhatdinov I, Arami A, Bouri M and Burdet E (2020). Cable-driven robotic interface for lower limb neuromechanics identification. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-1.  
bullet iconBrown J and Farkhatdinov I (2020). Soft Haptic Interface based on Vibration and Particle Jamming. IEEE Haptics 2020 Washington DC, USA
bullet iconHuang H-Y, Arami A, Farkhatdinov I, Formica D and Burdet E (2020). The influence of posture, applied force and perturbation direction on hip joint viscoelasticity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationOmarali B, Denoun B, Althoefer K, Jamone L, Valle M and Farkhatdinov I (2020). Virtual Reality based Telerobotics Framework with Depth Cameras. 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)
bullet iconJunput B, Farkhatdinov I and Jamone L (2020). Touch It, Rub It, Feel It! Haptic Rendering of Physical Textures with a Low Cost Wearable System. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems  274-286.  


bullet iconPerez NP, Tokarchuk L, Burdet E and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Exploring user motor behaviour in bimanual interactive video games. IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game
Relevant PublicationDanabek D, Otaran A, Althoefer K and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Mobile robot trajectory analysis with the help of vision system. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference (TAROS)
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A and Hayward V (2019). Idiothetic Verticality Estimation through Head Stabilization Strategy. Robotics: Science and Systems XV
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Alain B and Vincent H (2019). Idiothetic Verticality Estimation\\through Head Stabilization Strategy. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A and Hayward V (2019). Gravito-inertial ambiguity resolved through head stabilization. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 475 (2223) 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ebert J, Van Oort G, Vlutters M, Van Asseldonk E and Burdet E (2019). Assisting Human Balance in Standing With a Robotic Exoskeleton. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 4 (2), 414-421.  
bullet iconOtaran A and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Modeling and Control of Ankle Actuation Platform for Human-Robot Interaction. 
Relevant PublicationOmarali B, Palermo F, Valle M, Poslad S, Althoefer K and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Position and Velocity Control for Telemanipulation with Interoperability Protocol. 


bullet iconFARKHATDINOV I, Michalaska H, Berthoz A and Hayward V (2018). Review of Anthropomorphic Head Stabilisation and Verticality Estimation in Robots. Biomechanics of Anthropomorphic Systems, Springer 
bullet iconDuvernoy B, FARKHATDINOV I, Topp S and Hayward V (2018). Electromagnetic actuator for tactile communication. Eurohaptics 2018 Pisa, Italy 13 Jun 2018 - 16 Jun 2018
bullet iconPruks V, FARKHATDINOV I and Ryu J-H (2018). Preliminary study on real-time interactive virtual fixture generation method for shared teleoperation in unstructured environments. Eurohaptics 2018 Pisa, Italy 13 Jun 2018 - 16 Jun 2018


bullet iconOgrinc M, FARKHATDINOV I, Walker R and Burdet E (2017). Sensory integration of apparent motion speed and vibration magnitude. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconFARKHATDINOV I, Roehri N and Burdet E (2017). Anticipatory detection of turning in humans for intuitive control of robotic mobility assistance. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, IOP Publishing 
bullet iconStone A and Farkhatdinov I (2017). Robotics education for children at secondary school level and above. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems
bullet iconOgrinc M, FARKHATDINOV I, Walker R and Burdet E (2017). Horseback riding therapy for a deafblind individual enabled by a haptic interface. Assistive Technology, Association for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology 
bullet iconHuang HY, Farkhatdinov I, Arami A and Burdet E (2017). Modelling neuromuscular function of SCI patients in balancing. Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II


bullet iconOgrinc M, Farkhatdinov I, Walker R and Burdet E (2016). Deaf-blind can practise horse riding with the help of haptics. 
bullet iconWilhelm E, Mace M, Takagi A, Farkhatdinov I, Guy S and Burdet E (2016). Investigating Tactile Sensation in the Hand Using a Robot-Based Tactile Assessment Tool. 
bullet iconOgrinc M, Farkhatdinov I, Walker R and Burdet E (2016). Deaf-Blind Can Practise Horse Riding with the Help of Haptics. Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications  452-461.  


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Garnier A and Burdet E (2015). Development and Evaluation of a Portable MR Compatible Haptic Interface for Human Motor Control. 2015 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC)


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ouarti N and Hayward V (2013). Vibrotactile Inputs to the Feet can Modulate Vection. 2013 World Haptics Conference (WHC)
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Michalska H, Berthoz A and Hayward V (2013). Modeling Verticality Estimation During Locomotion. Romansy 19 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control  359-366.  


bullet iconVan Quang H, Farkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2012). Passivity of Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation of Mobile Robots with Ambiguous Causalities: Time Domain Passivity Approach. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Hayward V and Berthoz A (2011). On the Benefits of Head Stabilization with a View to Control Balance and Locomotion in Humanoids. 2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2010). Improving Mobile Robot Bilateral Teleoperation by Introducing Variable Force Feedback Gain. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
bullet iconKing HH, Hannaford B, Kwok K-W, Yang G-Z, Griffiths P, Okamura A, Farkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H, Sankaranarayanan G, Arikatla V, Tadano K, Kawashima K, Peer A, Schauß T, Buss M, Miller L, Glozman D, Rosen J and Low T (2010). Plugfest 2009: Global Interoperability in Telerobotics and Telemedicine. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and An J (2010). A Preliminary Experimental Study on Haptic Teleoperation of Mobile Robot with Variable Force Feedback Gain. 2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2010). Stability Analysis of Mobile Robot Teleoperation with Variable Force Feedback Gain. 


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2009). Rendering of Environmental Force Feedback in Mobile Robot Teleoperation based on Fuzzy Logic. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation - (CIRA)
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2009). A user study of command strategies for mobile robot teleoperation. Intelligent Service Robotics, Springer Nature vol. 2 (2), 95-104.  
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Balashov V, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2009). A Comparative Study of Indirect and Direct Workspace Representation in Human-Robot Interaction. 


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu JH and Poduraev J (2008). Control strategies and feedback information in mobile robot teleoperation. 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2008). A feasibility study of time-domain passivity approach for bilateral teleoperation of mobile manipulator. 2008 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2008). Teleoperation of Multi-Robot and Multi-Property Systems. 2008 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2008). Switching of Control Signals in Teleoperation Systems: Formalization and Application. 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2008). A Study on the Role of Force Feedback for Teleoperation of Industrial Overhead Crane. 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2008). A Feasibility Study of Time-Domain Passivity Approach for Bilateral Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulator. 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2008). Teleoperation of Multi-Robot and Multi-Property Systems. 
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I, Ryu J-H and Poduraev J (2008). Control Strategies and Feedback Information in Mobile Robot Teleoperation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier vol. 41 (2), 14681-14686.  


bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Jee-Hwan R (2007). Hybrid Position-Position and Position-Speed Command Strategy for the Bilateral Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot. 2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
bullet iconFarkhatdinov I and Ryu J-H (2007). Hybrid position-position and position-speed command strategy for the bilateral teleoperation of a mobile robot. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Advanced Robotics
solid heart icon3D Mask Adapter for Successful Mask Fit Testing.
Sarah Waia, Shakeel Shahdad, Ildar Farkhatdinov, Joshua Brown, Bukeikhan Omarali and Kaspar Althoefer
£47,837 Barts and the London Charity (01-11-2022 - 30-04-2024)
bullet iconEU sub-project XR4ALL Walking in Virtual Reality_Project 1
Ildar Farkhatdinov
£7,992 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-02-2021 - 31-01-2022)
bullet iconAutomatic Posture and Balance Support for Supernumerary Robotic Limbs
Ildar Farkhatdinov
£373,314 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2024)
bullet iconTravel grant UK-Canada for PhD student Joshua Brown
Ildar Farkhatdinov
£9,217 NERC Natural Environment Research Council (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2022)
bullet iconNovel actuation principles for efficient and safe human motion assistance: twisted string actuators
Ildar Farkhatdinov
£12,000 Royal Society (09-12-2020 - 08-12-2022)
solid heart iconEPSRC Core Equipment 2020
Wen Wang, Ketao Zhang, Matteo Palma and Ildar Farkhatdinov
£497,496 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-11-2020 - 30-04-2022)
bullet iconTeaching Key Robotics Concepts with the Help of Low-Cost Manipulator and Augmented Reality
Ildar Farkhatdinov
£6,497 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Operations Center (24-08-2019 - 31-12-2022)
bullet iconLearning collaboration affordances for intuitive human-robot interaction
Kaspar Althoefer, Ildar Farkhatdinov, Lorenzo Jamone, Pat Healey and Julian Hough
£157,196 Alan Turing Institute, The (01-07-2019 - 30-06-2021)
bullet iconAssessing and improving mobility of wheelchair users
Ildar Farkhatdinov, Kaspar Althoefer and Dylan Morrissey
£39,925 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-09-2018 - 31-03-2019)