Prof Hazel Screen

Hazel Screen

Professor of Bioengineering
Head of The School of Engineering and Materials Science

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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organ-chips, musculoskeletal, tendon, tissue mechanics, mechanobiology


Hazel Screen is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering working with organ-chip technology to explore the aetiology of health and disease, with a particular focus on mechanically functional tissues such as those in the musculoskeletal or cardiovascular systems. She focuses on healthy and pathological tissue structure-function relationships and their impact on cell metabolism, developing new models within which to explore fundamental tissue mechanics and biology questions as well as routes to new treatments and drug development. She co-directs the UK Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network as well as the Centre for Predictive in vitro Models and Queen Mary & Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre at QMUL. She plays an active role in helping to shape the field and associated policy and regulation, as well as driving her own research group, funded from a range of UKRI and charity sources.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC (2024). TENDON HEALTH AND DISEASE: EXPLORING THE INTERFASCICULAR NICHE. Orthopaedic Proceedings, British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery vol. 106-B (SUPP_2), 105-105.  


Relevant PublicationThompson CL, Hopkins T, Bevan C, Screen HRC, Wright KT and Knight MM (2023). Human vascularised synovium-on-a-chip: a mechanically stimulated, microfluidic model to investigate synovial inflammation and monocyte recruitment. Biomedical Materials, IOP Publishing vol. 18 (6) 
Relevant PublicationLake SP, Snedeker JG, Wang VM, Awad H, Screen HRC and Thomopoulos S (2023). Guidelines for ex vivo mechanical testing of tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, Wiley vol. 41 (10), 2105-2113.  
Relevant PublicationZamboulis DE, Marr N, Lenzi L, Birch HL, Screen HRC, Clegg PD and Thorpe CT (2023). The Interfascicular Matrix of Energy Storing Tendons Houses Heterogenous Cell Populations Disproportionately Affected by Aging. Aging and Disease, Buck Institute for Age Research 
Relevant PublicationShivapatham G, Richards S, Bamber J, Screen H and Morrissey D (2023). Ultrasound Measurement of Local Deformation in the Human Free Achilles Tendon Produced by Dynamic Muscle-Induced Loading: A Systematic Review. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationWaugh CM, Mousavizadeh R, Lee J, Screen HRC and Scott A (2023). Mild hypercholesterolemia impacts achilles sub-tendon mechanical properties in young rats. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, BioMed Central vol. 24 (1) 
Relevant PublicationGains CC, Giannapoulos A, Zamboulis DE, Lopez-Tremoleda J and Screen HRC (2023). Development and application of a novel in vivo overload model of the Achilles tendon in rat. Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier vol. 151 
Relevant PublicationTayfur A, Şendil A, Sezik AÇ, Jean-François K, Sancho I, Le Sant G, Dönmez G, Duman M, Tayfur B, Pawson J, Uzlaşır S, Miller SC, Screen H and Morrissey D (2023). Self-reported bio-psycho-social factors partially distinguish patellar tendinopathy from other knee problems and explain patellar tendinopathy severity in jumping athletes: A case-control study. Physical Therapy in Sport, Elsevier vol. 61, 57-65.  
Relevant PublicationWaugh CM, Mousavizadeh R, Lee J, Screen HRC and Scott A (2023). The impact of mild hypercholesterolemia on injury repair in the rat patellar tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationNolan J, Pearce OMT, Screen HRC, Knight MM and Verbruggen SW (2023). Organ-on-a-Chip and Microfluidic Platforms for Oncology in the UK. Cancers, MDPI vol. 15 (3) 


Relevant PublicationCandarlioglu PL, Dal Negro G, Hughes D, Balkwill F, Harris K, Screen H, Morgan H, David R, Beken S, Guenat O, Rowan W and Amour A (2022). Organ-on-a-chip: current gaps and future directions. Biochemical Society Transactions, Portland Press vol. 50 (2), 665-673.  
Relevant PublicationTayfur A, Sendil A, Sezik AC, Jean-François K, Sancho I, Le Sant G, Donmez G, Duman M, Tayfur B, Pawson J, Uzlasir S, Miller SC, Screen H and Morrissey D (2022). Self-reported bio-psycho-social factors partially distinguish patellar tendinopathy from other knee problems and explain severity in jumping athletes: A case–control study. Physiotherapy, Elsevier vol. 114, e105-e106.  
Relevant PublicationTayfur A, Zenner D, Miller SC, Screen H and Morrissey D (2022). Outcome predictors for recovery of patellar tendinopathy in jumping athletes: an international prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, BMJ Journals 


Relevant PublicationTayfur A, Haque A, Salles JI, Malliaras P, Screen H and Morrissey D (2021). Are Landing Patterns in Jumping Athletes Associated with Patellar Tendinopathy? A Systematic Review with Evidence Gap Map and Meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 52 (1), 123-137.  
Relevant PublicationSquier K, Scott A, Hunt MA, Brunham LR, Wilson DR, Screen H and Waugh CM (2021). The effects of cholesterol accumulation on Achilles tendon biomechanics: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) vol. 16 (9) 
Relevant PublicationZahradnik TM, Cresswell M, Squier K, Waugh C, Brunham L, Screen H and Scott A (2021). Can Achilles tendon xanthoma be distinguished from Achilles tendinopathy using Dixon method MRI? A cross-sectional exploratory study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Springer Nature vol. 22 (1) 
Relevant PublicationPatel D, Zamboulis DE, Spiesz EM, Birch HL, Clegg PD, Thorpe CT and Screen HRC (2021). Structure-function specialisation of the interfascicular matrix in the human achilles tendon. Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier vol. 131, 381-390.  
Relevant PublicationWaugh C, Mousavizadeh R, Screen H and Scott A (2021). The Impact of Hypercholesterolemia on Tendon Injury Repair. The FASEB Journal, Wiley vol. 35 (S1) 
Relevant PublicationGodinho MSC, Thorpe CT, Greenwald SE and Screen H (2021). Elastase treatment of tendon specifically impacts the mechanical properties of the interfascicular matrix. Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationSiebert T, Screen HRC and Rode C (2021). 8 Computational modelling of muscle, tendon, and ligaments biomechanics. Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System  155-186.  


Relevant PublicationZamboulis D, Thorpe CT, Ashraf Kharaz Y, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen H (2020). Postnatal mechanical loading drives adaptation of tissues primarily through modulation of the non-collagenous matrix. eLife, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd 
Relevant PublicationGains C, Correia J, Baan G, Noort W, Screen H and Maas H (2020). Force Transmission Between the Gastrocnemius and Soleus Sub-Tendons of the Achilles Tendon in Rat. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Frontiers Media vol. 8, 700-700.  
Relevant PublicationTayfur A, Salles JI, Miller SC, Screen H and Morrissey D (2020). Patellar tendinopathy outcome predictors in jumping athletes: feasibility of measures for a cohort study. Physical Therapy in Sport, Elsevier vol. 44, 75-84.  
Relevant PublicationShearer T, Parnell WJ, Lynch B, Screen HRC and David Abrahams I (2020). A Recruitment Model of Tendon Viscoelasticity That Incorporates Fibril Creep and Explains Strain-Dependent Relaxation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ASME International vol. 142 (7) 


Relevant PublicationChineye U, Jones E, Riley G, Morrissey D and Screen H (2019). An in vitro investigation into the effects of 10Hz cyclic loading on tenocyte metabolism. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Screen HRC and Bucchi A (2019). Insights into the micromechanics of stress-relaxation and creep behaviours in the aortic valve. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 93, 230-245.  
Relevant PublicationLiu R, Screen HRC and Becer R (2019). Novel glycopolymer-based biomaterials for tissue engineering. 


Relevant PublicationLiu R, Becer CR and Screen HRC (2018). Guided Cell Attachment via Aligned Electrospinning of Glycopolymers. Macromolecular Bioscience vol. 18 (12) 
Relevant PublicationCapilnasiu A, Hadjicharalambous M, Fovargue D, Patel D, Holub O, Bilston L, Screen H, Sinkus R and Nordsletten D (2018). Magnetic resonance elastography in nonlinear viscoelastic materials under load. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer Nature vol. 18 (1), 111-135.  
Relevant PublicationRowson DT, Shelton JC, Screen HRC and Knight MM (2018). Mechanical loading induces primary cilia disassembly in tendon cells via TGFβ and HDAC6. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 8 (1) 
Relevant PublicationCook JL and Screen HR (2018). Tendon pathology: Have we missed the first step in the development of pathology? J Appl Physiol (1985) 
Relevant PublicationClegg P, Zamboulis D and Screen H (2018). Postnatal Development of the Functional Specialization of the Equine Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Thieme vol. 31 (S 02), a1-a25.  
Relevant PublicationPATEL D, Sharma S, SCREEN HRC and BRYANT S (2018). Effects of cell adhesion motif, fiber stiffness, and cyclic strain on tenocyte gene expression in a tendon mimetic fiber composite hydrogel. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationSpiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Thurner PJ and Screen HRC (2018). Structure and collagen crimp patterns of functionally distinct equine tendons, revealed by quantitative polarised light microscopy (qPLM). Acta Biomaterialia vol. 70, 281-292.  
Relevant PublicationZamboulis DE, Thorpe CT, Birch HL, Screen HR and Clegg PD (2018). Pre- and post-natal development of the tendon inter-fascicular matrix and fascicles in the equine superficial digital flexor tendon and common digital extensor tendon. 


Relevant PublicationGodinho MSC, Thorpe CT, Greenwald SE and Screen HRC (2017). Elastin is Localised to the Interfascicular Matrix of Energy Storing Tendons and Becomes Increasingly Disorganised With Ageing. Scientific Reports vol. 7 (1) 
Relevant PublicationShearer T, Thorpe CT, Spiesz E and SCREEN HRC (2017). The relative compliance of energy-storing tendons may be due to the helical fibril arrangement of their fascicles. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Royal Society, The 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2017). Fascicles and the interfascicular matrix show decreased fatigue life with ageing in energy storing tendons. Acta Biomaterialia vol. 56, 58-64.  
Relevant PublicationBECER CR, Screen HRC, Patel D and Liu R (2017). A2B-Miktoarm Glycopolymer Fibers and Their Interactions with Tenocytes. Bioconjugate Chemistry, American Chemical Society 
Relevant PublicationBlease AM, Wisby L, Haynes AR, Nicol TL, Falcone S, Lad H, Esapa CT, Horwood N, Thorpe CT, Thakker RV, Screen HR, Vincent TL, Brown SD and Potter PK (2017). Novel models of late onset, progressive osteoarthritis caused by point mutations in the two alpha chains of collagen type I. 
Relevant PublicationPatel D, Sharma S, Bryant SJ and Screen HRC (2017). Recapitulating the Micromechanical Behavior of Tension and Shear in a Biomimetic Hydrogel for Controlling Tenocyte Response. Advanced Healthcare Materials vol. 6 (4) 
Relevant PublicationElyasigomari V, Lee DA, Screen HRC and SHAHEED MH (2017). Development of a two-stage gene selection method that incorporates a novel hybrid approach using the cuckoo optimization algorithm and harmony search for cancer classification. Journal of Biomedical Informatics vol. 67 (2017), 11-20.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Bucchi A, SCREEN HRC and Evans SL (2017). A transverse isotropic viscoelastic constitutive model for aortic valve tissue. Royal Society Open Science, Royal Society, The: Open Access 
Relevant PublicationRowson DT, Knight MM and Screen HRC (2017). Cyclic loading leads to primary cilia disassembly in human tenocytes. 
Relevant PublicationCorben DC, Notou M, Screen HRC and Birch HL (2017). Do the sub-bundles within the Achilles tendon originating from distinct muscle bellies differ in structural and mechanical properties? 


Relevant PublicationGupta HS and Screen HRC (2016). Structural Building Blocks of Soft Tissues: Tendons and Heart Valves. Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics  1-35.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2016). Fascicles and the interfascicular matrix show adaptation for fatigue resistance in energy storing tendons. Acta Biomaterialia vol. 42, 308-315.  
Relevant PublicationHandsfield GG, Slane LC and Screen HRC (2016). Nomenclature of the tendon hierarchy: An overview of inconsistent terminology and a proposed size-based naming scheme with terminology for multi-muscle tendons. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 49 (13), 3122-3124.  
Relevant PublicationMozdzen L, Thorpe S, SCREEN HRC and Harley B (2016). The effect of gradations in mineral content, matrix alignment, and applied strain on human mesenchymal stem cell morphology within collagen biomaterials. Advanced healthcare materials, Wiley: 12 months 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Karunaseelan KJ, Ng Chieng Hin J, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2016). Distribution of proteins within different compartments of tendon varies according to tendon type. Journal of Anatomy vol. 229 (3), 450-458.  
Relevant PublicationRowson D, Knight MM and Screen HRC (2016). Zonal variation in primary cilia elongation correlates with localized biomechanical degradation in stress deprived tendon. J Orthop Res vol. 34 (12), 2146-2153.  
Relevant PublicationChaudhry S, Fernando R, Screen H, Waugh C, Tucker A and Morrissey D (2016). The use of medical infrared thermography in the detection of tendinopathy: a systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews, Taylor & Francis vol. 21 (2), 75-82.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Peffers MJ, Simpson D, Halliwell E, Screen HRC and Clegg PD (2016). Anatomical heterogeneity of tendon: Fascicular and interfascicular tendon compartments have distinct proteomic composition. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1) 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT and Screen HRC (2016). Tendon Structure and Composition. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer Nature vol. 920, 3-10.  
Relevant PublicationPatel D, Spiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Birch HL, Riley GP, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2016). Energy storing and positional human tendons: mechanics and changes with ageing. 
Relevant PublicationGodinho MSC, Screen HRC, Greenwald SE and Thorpe CT (2016). Elastin is more abundant in energy storing tendons and is localised to the tendon interfascicular matrix. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY vol. 97 (6), A3-A4.  


Relevant PublicationElyasigomari V, Mirjafari MS, Screen HRC and Shaheed MH (2015). Cancer classification using a novel gene selection approach by means of shuffling based on data clustering with optimization. Applied Soft Computing Journal vol. 35, 43-51.  
Relevant PublicationWaugh CM, Morrissey D, Jones E, Riley GP, Langberg H and Screen HRC (2015). In vivo biological response to extracorporeal shockwave therapy in human tendinopathy. eCells & Materials, European Cells and Materials vol. 29, 268-280.  
Relevant PublicationSpiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Chaudhry S, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2015). Tendon extracellular matrix damage, degradation and inflammation in response to in vitro overload exercise. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, Wiley vol. 33 (6), 889-897.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Berk DE, Kadler KE, Ramirez F and Young MF (2015). Tendon Functional Extracellular Matrix. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, Wiley vol. 33 (6), 793-799.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Godinho MSC, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2015). The interfascicular matrix enables fascicle sliding and recovery in tendon, and behaves more elastically in energy storing tendons. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Elsevier vol. 52, 85-94.  
Relevant PublicationChaudhry S, Morrissey D, Woledge RC, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2015). Eccentric and Concentric Exercise of the Triceps Surae: An in Vivo Study of Dynamic Muscle and Tendon Biomechanical Parameters. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Human Kinetics vol. 31 (2), 69-78.  
Relevant PublicationChaudhry S, Morrissey D, Woledge RC, Bader DL and Screen HR (2015). Eccentric and concentric exercise of the triceps surae: an in vivo study of dynamic muscle and tendon biomechanical parameters. J Appl Biomech vol. 31 (2), 69-78.  
Relevant PublicationChaudhry S, Morrissey D, Woledge RC, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2015). Eccentric and Concentric Exercise of the Triceps Surae: An in Vivo Study of Dynamic Muscle and Tendon Biomechanical Parameters. J Appl Biomech vol. 31 (2), 69-78.  
Relevant PublicationMani-Babu S, Morrissey D, Waugh C, Screen H and Barton C (2015). The effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in lower limb tendinopathy: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med vol. 43 (3), 752-761.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Spiesz EM, Chaudhry S, Screen HRC and Clegg PD (2015). Science in brief: Recent advances into understanding tendon function and injury risk. Equine Veterinary Journal, Wiley vol. 47 (2), 137-140.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2015). Tendon Physiology and Mechanical Behavior: Structure-Function Relationships. Tendon Regeneration: Understanding Tissue Physiology and Development to Engineer Functional Substitutes  3-39.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2015). Chapter 1 Tendon Physiology and Mechanical Behavior Structure–Function Relationships. Tendon Regeneration  3-39.  


Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Chaudhry S, Lei II, Varone A, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Tendon overload results in alterations in cell shape and increased markers of inflammation and matrix degradation. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, Wiley vol. 25 (4), e381-e391.  
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2014). Early stage fatigue damage occurs in bovine tendon fascicles in the absence of changes in mechanics at either the gross or micro-structural level. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 38, 163-172.  
Relevant PublicationPeffers MJ, Thorpe CT, Collins JA, Eong R, Wei TKJ, Screen HRC and Clegg PD (2014). Proteomic analysis reveals age-related changes in tendon matrix composition, with age- and injury-specific matrix fragmentation. J Biol Chem vol. 289 (37), 25867-25878.  
Relevant PublicationPatel D, Bryant S, Riley G, Jones E and Screen H (2014). 78 Human Tenocyte Metabolism Under Pathological And Physiological Loading Conditions. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a51-a51.  
Relevant PublicationSpiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Chaudhry S, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HR (2014). 98 Early Inflammatory Response Of Tenocytes To Overload. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a63-a64.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe C, Peffers M, Simpson D, Halliwell E, Screen H and Clegg P (2014). 104 Characterisation Of The Proteome Of The Tendon Interfascicular Matrix. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a68-a68.  
Relevant PublicationRowson D, Knight M and Screen H (2014). 89 Primary Cilia In Tenocytes From The Inter-fascicular Matrix And The Fascicular Matrix. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a58-a59.  
Relevant PublicationMorrissey D, Morton S, Anuj CA and Screen H (2014). Achillessehnentendinopathie. Sportphysio, Thieme vol. 02 (03), 105-111.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Effect of fatigue loading on structure and functional behaviour of fascicles from energy-storing tendons. Acta Biomater vol. 10 (7), 3217-3224.  
Relevant PublicationWaugh C, Jones E, Riley G, Langberg H, Morrissey D and Screen H (2014). The effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy on matrix metalloprotease activity in tendinopathy (1046.8). The FASEB Journal, Wiley vol. 28 (S1) 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Fascicles from energy-storing tendons show an age-specific response to cyclic fatigue loading. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 11 (92) 
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH, Legerlotz K, Demirci T, Klemt C, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2014). Functionally distinct tendon fascicles exhibit different creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Proc Inst Mech Eng H vol. 228 (1), 49-59.  
Relevant PublicationSmith R, McIlwraith W, Schweitzer R, Kadler K, Cook J, Caterson B, Dakin S, Heinegard D, Screen H, Stover S, Crevier-Denoix N, Clegg P, Collins M, Little C, Frisbie D, Kjaer M, van Weeren R, Werpy N, Denoix J-M, Carr A, et al. (2014). Advances in the understanding of tendinopathies: A report on the Second Havemeyer Workshop on equine tendon disease. EQUINE VETERINARY JOURNAL vol. 46 (1), 4-9.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Udeze CP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HR (2014). Fatigue loading causes a reduction in the ability of tendon fascicles to recoil. 
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2014). Matrix damage as a result of cyclic creep loading occurs in the absence of changes in tendon mechanics at either the gross or micro-structural level. 


Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Klemt C, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2013). Helical sub-structures in energy-storing tendons provide a possible mechanism for efficient energy storage and return. Acta Biomater vol. 9 (8), 7948-7956.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2013). The role of the non-collagenous matrix in tendon function. Int J Exp Pathol vol. 94 (4), 248-259.  
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH and Screen HRC (2013). Fatigue loading of tendon. Int J Exp Pathol vol. 94 (4), 260-270.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2013). Effect of Fatigue Loading on Tendon Fascicle Extension Mechanisms. Volume 1B: Extremity; Fluid Mechanics; Gait; Growth, Remodeling, and Repair; Heart Valves; Injury Biomechanics; Mechanotransduction and Sub-Cellular Biophysics; MultiScale Biotransport; Muscle, Tendon and Ligament; Musculoskeletal Devices; Multiscale Mechanics; Thermal Medicine; Ocular Biomechanics; Pediatric Hemodynamics; Pericellular Phenomena; Tissue Mechanics; Biotransport Design and Devices; Spine; Stent Device Hemodynamics; Vascular Solid Mechanics; Student Paper and Design Competitions
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH, Legerlotz K, Demirci T, Klemt C, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2013). Energy Storing and Positional Tendon Fascicles Exhibit Different Fatigue Behaviour. Volume 1B: Extremity; Fluid Mechanics; Gait; Growth, Remodeling, and Repair; Heart Valves; Injury Biomechanics; Mechanotransduction and Sub-Cellular Biophysics; MultiScale Biotransport; Muscle, Tendon and Ligament; Musculoskeletal Devices; Multiscale Mechanics; Thermal Medicine; Ocular Biomechanics; Pediatric Hemodynamics; Pericellular Phenomena; Tissue Mechanics; Biotransport Design and Devices; Spine; Stent Device Hemodynamics; Vascular Solid Mechanics; Student Paper and Design Competitions
Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2013). GAG depletion increases the stress-relaxation response of tendon fascicles, but does not influence recovery. Acta Biomater vol. 9 (6), 6860-6866.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Legerlotz K, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2013). Response to letter to the editor: End effects in mechanical testing of biomaterials. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 46 (5) 
Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Jones GC, Screen HRC and Riley GP (2013). Cyclic loading of tendon fascicles using a novel fatigue loading system increases interleukin-6 expression by tenocytes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports vol. 23 (1), 31-37.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Udeze CP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HR (2013). Capacity for sliding between tendon fascicles decreases with ageing in injury prone equine tendons: a possible mechanism for age-related tendinopathy? Eur Cell Mater vol. 25, 48-60.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Toorani S and Shelton JC (2013). Microstructural stress relaxation mechanics in functionally different tendons. Med Eng Phys vol. 35 (1), 96-102.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Toorani S and Shelton JC (2013). Microstructural stress relaxation mechanics in functionally different tendons. Medical Engineering and Physics vol. 35 (1), 96-102.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Legerlotz K, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2013). Response to letter to the editor: End effects in mechanical testing of biomaterials. Journal of Biomechanics 
Relevant PublicationMani-Babu S, Waugh CM, Screen HR, Maffulli N and Morrissey D (2013). The effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on type I collagen synthesis in the Achilles tendon: an intervention study on healthy participants. 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2013). Helical fascicles in energy storing tendons: a mechanism for efficient recoil? 
Relevant PublicationShepherd JH, Legerlotz K, Demirci T, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2013). The fatigue behaviour of functionally distinct bovine tendons. 
Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Jones ER, Screen HR and Riley GP (2013). The role of Interleukin-6 in the response of human hamstrings tendon to unloading, loading and overloading. 
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Klemt C, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2013). Helical sub-structures in energy-storing tendons provide a possible mechanism for efficient energy storage and return. Acta Biomaterialia vol. 9 (8), 7948-7956.  


Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Udeze CP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2012). Specialization of tendon mechanical properties results from interfascicular differences. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 9 (76), 3108-3117.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Legerlotz K, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2012). On the specimen length dependency of tensile mechanical properties in soft tissues: gripping effects and the characteristic decay length. J Biomech vol. 45 (14), 2481-2482.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC and Tanner KE (2012). Structure and Biomechanics of Biological Composites. Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites  1-12.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Gupta HS and Screen HRC (2012). Strain transfer through the aortic valve. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering vol. 134 (6) 
Relevant PublicationMorrissey D, Graham J, Screen H, Sinha A, Small C, Twycross-Lewis R and Woledge R (2012). Coronal plane hip muscle activation in football code athletes with chronic adductor groin strain injury during standing hip flexion. Manual Therapy vol. 17 (2), 145-149.  
Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Jones ER, Screen HRC and Riley GP (2012). Increased expression of IL-6 family members in tendon pathology. RHEUMATOLOGY vol. 51 (7), 1161-1165.  


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Seto J, Krauss S, Boesecke P and Gupta HS (2011). Extrafibrillar diffusion and intrafibrillar swelling at the nanoscale are associated with stress relaxation in the soft collagenous matrix tissue of tendons. Soft Matter vol. 7 (23), 11243-11251.  
Relevant PublicationSimms C, Screen H and Evans S (2011). Nonlinearities in soft tissue strain. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 4 (8) 
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2011). Anisotropic time-dependant behaviour of the aortic valve. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 4 (8), 1603-1610.  
Relevant PublicationLewinsohn AD, Anssari-Benham A, Lee DA, Taylor PM, Chester AH, Yacoub MH and Screen HRC (2011). Anisotropic strain transfer through the aortic valve and its relevance to the cellular mechanical environment. Proc Inst Mech Eng H vol. 225 (8), 821-830.  
Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Jones GC, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2011). Cyclic loading of tendon fascicles using a novel fatigue loading system increases interleukin-6 expression. 
Relevant PublicationMorrissey D, Roskilly A, Twycross-Lewis R, Isinkaye T, Screen H, Woledge R and Bader D (2011). The effect of eccentric and concentric calf muscle training on Achilles tendon stiffness. Clinical Rehabilitation vol. 25 (3), 238-247.  
Relevant PublicationAnssari-Benam A, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2011). A combined experimental and modelling approach to aortic valve viscoelasticity in tensile deformation. J MATER SCI-MATER M vol. 22 (2), 253-262.  
Relevant PublicationChaudhry S, Screen HRC, Woledge RC, Bader D and Morrissey D (2011). The effect of loading speed on the force frequency spectrum during eccentric & concentric calf exercise. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 45 (2) 
Relevant PublicationSweeney E, Chaudhury S, Screen H, Woledge R, Bader D, Maffulli N and Morrissey D (2011). The effect of eccentric and concentric loading speed on the normal achilles tendon: an in vivo biomechanical study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ vol. 45 (2) 
Relevant PublicationLewinsohn AD, Anssari-Benham A, Lee DA, Taylor PM, Chester AH, Yacoub MH and Screen HRC (2011). Anisotropic strain transfer through the aortic valve and its relevance to the cellular mechanical environment. P I MECH ENG H vol. 225 (H8), 821-830.  
Relevant PublicationThorpe CT, Udeze CP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2011). Tendon material properties cannot be predicted by the material properties of the tendon fascicles. 
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Demirci T, Lynn A, Blackney A, Patel D and Bryant SJ (2011). Fiber composite scaffolds uniquely regulate fibroblast response to cyclic tensile strain. 


Relevant PublicationLegerlotz K, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2010). Specimen dimensions influence the measurement of material properties in tendon fascicles. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 43 (12), 2274-2280.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Byers S, Lynn AD, Nguyen V, Patel D and Bryant SJ (2010). Characterization of a novel fiber composite material for mechanotransduction research of fibrous connective tissues. Advanced Functional Materials vol. 20 (5), 738-747.  
Relevant PublicationGupta HS, Seto J, Krauss S, Boesecke P and Screen HRC (2010). In situ multi-level analysis of viscoelastic deformation mechanisms in tendon collagen. Journal of Structural Biology vol. 169 (2), 183-191.  
Relevant PublicationKarimpoor M, Screen H and Morrissey D (2010). Dynamic Tracking of Tendon Elongation In Ultrasound Imaging., Editors: Wong KH and Miga MI. 


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC and Evans SL (2009). Measuring strain distributions in the tendon using confocal microscopy and finite elements. J STRAIN ANAL ENG vol. 44 (5), 327-335.  
Relevant PublicationSCREEN H (2009). Hierarchical approaches to understanding tendon mechanics. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers vol. 4 (4), 481-499.  


Relevant PublicationToorani S, Shelton JC and Screen HRC (2008). Characterizing structure-function relationships in tendon. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008 vol. 2 
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC (2008). Investigating load relaxation mechanics in tendon. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 1 (1), 51-58.  


Relevant PublicationCheng VWT and Screen HRC (2007). The micro-structural strain response of tendon. J MATER SCI vol. 42 (21), 8957-8965.  
Relevant PublicationToorani S, Shelton JC and Screen HRC (2007). The relationship between tendon composition, structure, and mechanical characteristics. 
Relevant PublicationSCREEN HRC and Cheng VWT (2007). Strain mechanisms in tendon fascicles. J.Mat.Sci. vol. 21, 8957-8965.  


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Chhaya VH, Greenwald SE, Bader DL, Lee DA and Shelton JC (2006). The influence of swelling and matrix degradation on the microstructural integrity of tendon. Acta Biomater vol. 2 (5), 505-513.  


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Bader DL, Shelton JC and Lee DA (2005). Cyclic mechanical conditioning of isolated tendon fascicles results in an upregulation of collagen production. Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference vol. 2005, 193-194.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). Cyclic tensile strain upregulates collagen synthesis in isolated tendon fascicles. Biochem Biophys Res Commun vol. 336 (2), 424-429.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Shelton JC, Chhaya VH, Kayser MV, Bader DL and Lee DA (2005). The influence of noncollagenous matrix components on the micromechanical environment of tendon fascicles. Ann Biomed Eng vol. 33 (8), 1090-1099.  
Relevant PublicationBaria KE, Bader DL, Screen HRC and Lee DA (2005). The effect of substrate and medium composition on the response of human dermal fibroblasts to cyclic tensile strain in vitro. 
Relevant Publication (2005). British Society for Matrix Biology Autumn Meeting Joint with the UK Tissue & Cell Engineering Society, University of Bristol, UK. International Journal of Experimental Pathology, Wiley vol. 86 (3), a1-a56.  


Relevant PublicationBader DL, Shelton JC, Lee DA and SCREEN HRC (2004). Local Strain Measurement within Tendon. Strain vol. 40 (4), 157-163.  
Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Lee DA, Bader DL and Shelton JC (2004). An investigation into the effects of the hierarchical structure of tendon fascicles on micromechanical properties. Proc Inst Mech Eng H vol. 218 (2), 109-119.  


Relevant PublicationScreen HRC, Lee DA, Bader DL and Shelton JC (2003). Development of a technique to determine strains in tendons using the cell nuclei. Biorheology vol. 40 (1-3), 361-368.  
Relevant PublicationSCREEN HRC, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Lee DA (2003). The effects on non-collagenous matrix components on tendon fascicle micromechanics. 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society


Relevant PublicationSCREEN HRC, Lee DA, Bader DL and Shelton JC (2002). The strain behaviour of tendon under tensile load, using cell nuclei as strain markers. 48th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society
Relevant PublicationBADER DL, Shelton JC, Lee DA and Screen HRC (2002). Development of a technique to determine strains in tendons using the cell nuclei. Biorheology vol. 40, 361-368.  
Relevant PublicationBader DL, Shelton JC, Lee DA and SCREEN HRC (2002). Non-collagenous matrix components influence the micromechanical environment of tenocytes within tendon fascicles subjected to tensile strain. Eur. Cells Mat. vol. 4:S1, 41-42.  
Relevant PublicationBader DL, Shelton JC, LEE DA and Screen HRC (2002). Non-collagenous matrix components influence the micro-mechanical environment of tenocytes within tendon fasciles subjected to tensile strain. Eur. Cells Materials vol. 4 suppl 1, 41-42.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering
solid heart iconOrgan-chip Facility: A world-class in vitro models facility for the UK community, reducing the barriers to adoption to drive animal replacement
Hazel Screen, Stefaan Verbruggen, Martin Knight, Julia Shelton, Timothy Hopkins and John Connelly
£573,537 NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (07-10-2024 - 14-03-2025)
solid heart iconMicro-manufacturing of tissue patterned organ-chips for accelerated deployment of new medicines
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Julien Gautrot, Timothy Hopkins, John Connelly, Liisa Blowes and Xavier Griffin
£1,787,725 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)
solid heart iconNext Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032)
solid heart iconEpithelial Exchange Surfaces – From organizing principles to novel culture models of the gatekeepers of the body
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen, Wen Wang, Clare Thompson and Cleo Bishop
£260,676 EPSRC - EU Scheme (01-12-2023 - 30-11-2027)
solid heart iconIncorporating physical cues in organ-chip models
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£20,000 Emulate Inc. (01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026)
solid heart iconOrgan-on-a-chip Centre of Excellence
Martin Knight and Hazel Screen
£420,794 Emulate Inc. (20-08-2019 - 01-10-2029)

solid heart iconProduction of a Human Growth Plate Organ-Chip Model of Skeletal Development
Martin Knight, Clare Thompson and Hazel Screen
£197,923 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (01-02-2023 - 31-07-2024)
solid heart iconConsultancy Hazel Screen, Frontier Space Technology Ltd Space Chips.
Hazel Screen
£9,000 Generic Commercial (01-01-2023 - 31-12-2023)
solid heart iconEmulate Organs-on-Chips Centre Technician
Martin Knight, Hazel Screen and Clare Thompson
£49,584 Emulate Inc. (01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023)
solid heart iconMICA: Organ-on-a-chip models for safety testing of regenerative medicine products
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£473,325 MRC Medical Research Council (24-08-2020 - 24-05-2024)
solid heart iconDevelopment of a synovium-chondrocyte organ-on-a-chip model with integrated biomechanical
Hazel Screen and Clare Thompson
£9,068 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2019 - 31-12-2019)
solid heart iconIdentifying the causes of age-related tendon injury
Hazel Screen
£213,898 DMT Dunhill Medical Trust, The (01-10-2018 - 30-12-2022)
solid heart iconOrgan-on-a-chip technologies
Hazel Screen and Martin Knight
£479,339 MRC Medical Research Council (01-08-2018 - 30-09-2022)
solid heart iconInvestigating Tendon mechanics and models of tendon pathology
Hazel Screen
£63,200 TRB CHEMEDICA Ltd (01-10-2017 - 30-09-2021)
solid heart iconTHaCH - The effects of hypercholesterolemia on tendon health (Tendon Health and CHolesterol)
Hazel Screen
£73,382 EU European Commission - Other (01-09-2016 - 05-11-2021)
solid heart iconEffective Injury Management & Prevention
Hazel Screen
£167,426 Horserace Betting Levy Board, T (01-07-2016 - 31-03-2019)