Prof Zion Tse

Zion Tse

Professor in AI and Digital Health
Academy of Medical Sciences Professor, Royal Society Wolfson Fellow
Head of The Centre for Bioengineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
Google Scholar


Digital Health, Smart Wearables, AI Medical Imaging, Computer-aided Diagnosis, Medical Robotics


Zion Tse is a Professor in Robotics at Queen Mary University of London. Prior to that, he was a Chair Professor at the University of York, Associate Professor and Associate Centre Director at the University of Georgia in the USA. Before that, he was a research fellow at Harvard University in Boston. His PhD degree in Medical Robotics was received from Imperial College London.

Most of his academic and professional experience has been in Intelligent Robotics, AI & Digital Technologies, Imaging & Medical Assistive Devices, and AI Healthcare . He has developed and tested a broad range of medical technologies in his career, most of which have been applied in clinical patient trials. His research bridges Engineering and Medicine, connecting multidisciplinary teams of medical doctors, researchers and engineers.