Prof Xi Jiang

Xi Jiang
PhD, CEng, FIMechE, AFIChemE

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Renewable energy, Alternative and renewable fuel, Big data analytics, Machine learning, Modelling and simulation, Molecular dynamics simulation


The research of Prof Jiang’s group has been centred on Thermofluid Modelling/Simulation for Sustainable Energy Utilisation. The Applications include: Cleaner combustion utilisation of alternative and sustainable fuels; Combustion under extreme conditions; Geological carbon storage; Internal combustion engines and gas turbine combustors; Thermal management of batteries and computers/servers; Waste utilisation and management. The Modelling/Simulation techniques include: Big data analytics for energy utilisation applications; “Digital Twin” for marine engine decarbonisation / digitalisation; High-performance computing (HPC) for thermofluid applications; Large-eddy simulation / direct numerical simulation for fluid flow, heat transfer and combustion; Machine learning (with applications to fuel property and combustion emission predictions); Molecular dynamics simulation; (Multi-scale) modelling of flow in porous media; (Simplified) engineering modelling approach: 1D modelling of heat transfer applications. His research has been funded by EPSRC, EU, Royal Society and the industry.