Dr Timothy Clifton

Timothy Clifton

Reader in Relativity and Cosmology
Postgraduate Tutor for Astrophysics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Cosmology, General Relativity, Gravity


I'm a theoretical cosmologist who builds mathematical models of the Universe, in order to understand what cosmological observations can tell us about relativistic gravity and the large-scale structure of space-time.

I graduated with a PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2006, and have worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University as a Lindemann Fellow, at the University of Oxford as a Junior Research Fellow of Jesus College, and at CERN as a CERN Fellow. I joined Queen Mary in 2012 as a Advanced Fellow of the STFC research council, and am now a Reader in the Astronomy Unit of the School of Physics and Astronomy. I am also a member of the editorial board of Classical and Quantum Gravity, and the post-graduate tutor for astrophysics at Queen Mary.