Dr Lennart Dabelow

Lennart Dabelow

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
Lead for Communication and Public Engagement of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum many-body dynamics, equilibration and thermalization, stochastic thermodynamics, active matter, machine learning for math and physics


It is a fascinating empirical fact that macroscopic systems often exhibit surprisingly stable and regular behaviour despite the vastly complicated dynamics and interactions of their microscopic constituents. That is to say, it is usually sufficient to know a few macroscopic parameters of a large system to faithfully reproduce a certain behaviour or experiment, even though every repetition will unfold very differently on the microscopic scale.

Lennart’s research aims at understanding this emergence of macroscopic regularity from microscopic complexity: Starting from well-known and experimentally established laws for the microscopic degrees of freedom, he derives effective descriptions for the macroscopically observable phenomenology of systems with a large number of constituents. The systems he is interested in include the quantum realm of atoms and molecules, the stochastic dynamics of micro- to nanometre-sized Brownian particles and active matter, as well as machine-learning models.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems


Relevant PublicationSymbolic equation solving via reinforcement learning
Dabelow L and Ueda M
Neurocomputing, Elsevier vol. 613 


Relevant PublicationRandom matrix approach to time-dependent forcing in many-body quantum systems
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 110 (14) 
Relevant PublicationStalled response near thermal equilibrium in periodically driven systems
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 


Relevant PublicationThree learning stages and accuracy–efficiency tradeoff of restricted Boltzmann machines
Dabelow L and Ueda M
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
bullet iconThermalization of locally perturbed many-body quantum systems
Dabelow L, Vorndamme P and Reimann P
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 105 (2) 


bullet iconHow irreversible are steady-state trajectories of a trapped active particle?
Dabelow L, Bo S and Eichhorn R
Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment, Iop Publishing vol. 2021 (3) 
bullet iconRefining Deutsch's approach to thermalization
Reimann P and Dabelow L
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 103 (2) 
bullet iconIrreversibility in Active Matter: General Framework for Active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Particles
Dabelow L and Eichhorn R
Frontiers in Physics, Frontiers vol. 8 
bullet iconTypical relaxation of perturbed quantum many-body systems
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment, Iop Publishing vol. 2021 (1) 


bullet iconModification of quantum many-body relaxation by perturbations exhibiting a banded matrix structure
Dabelow L, Vorndamme P and Reimann P
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (3) 
bullet iconPersistent many-body quantum echoes
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (2) 
bullet iconPredicting Imperfect Echo Dynamics in Many-Body Quantum Systems
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Zeitschrift FüR Naturforschung A, De Gruyter vol. 75 (5), 403-411.  
Relevant PublicationRelaxation Theory for Perturbed Many-Body Quantum Systems versus Numerics and Experiment
Dabelow L and Reimann P
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 124 (12) 


bullet iconMomentum dependence of quantum critical Dirac systems
Dabelow L, Gies H and Knorr B
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 99 (12) 
Relevant PublicationEfficiency Fluctuations in Microscopic Machines
Manikandan SK, Dabelow L, Eichhorn R and Krishnamurthy S
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 122 (14) 
bullet iconIrreversibility in Active Matter Systems: Fluctuation Theorem and Mutual Information
Dabelow L, Bo S and Eichhorn R
Physical Review X, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 9 (2) 
Relevant PublicationTypicality of Prethermalization
Reimann P and Dabelow L
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 122 (8) 


Relevant PublicationExperimental realization of a minimal microscopic heat engine
Argun A, Soni J, Dabelow L, Bo S, Pesce G, Eichhorn R and Volpe G
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 96 (5) 
bullet iconBrownian Gyrator: An Experimental Realization
Soni J, Argun A, Dabelow L, Bo S, Eichhorn R, Pesce G and Volpe G
Optics in the Life Sciences Congress